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MARCH 2025

Heavy Clashes Between Syrian Army And Radical Militants Erupt In Northwestern Hama

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Heavy Clashes Between Syrian Army And Radical Militants Erupt In Northwestern Hama

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On August 3, heavy clashes erupted between units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and fighters of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) near the town of Sirmaniyah in the northwestern Hama countryside, according to the HTS-linked news network Iba’a.

Some Syrian opposition activists said that the clashes were triggered by an attack of the al-Qaeda-affiliated group, Horas al-Din, on a position of the SAA near Sirmaniyah. However, others claimed that HTS repelled an attack of the SAA and its allies.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the SAA artillery and rocket launchers shelled several villages and towns in the northern and northwestern Hama countryside during the clashes. The key city of Jisr al-Shughur in the northwestern Idlib countryside was also shelled by the SAA, according to the pro-opposition monitoring group.

The clashes reveal a high level of turbulence among militants in northern Syria, who believe that their remaining positions in the governorate of Idlib, Lattakia and Hama will be the next target of the SAA and its allies.

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>>The clashes reveal a high level of turbulence among militants in northern Syria, who believe that their remaining positions in the governorate of Idlib, Lattakia and Hama will be the next target of the SAA and its allies.<<

As it should be, my dear headchoppers, as it should be.

Promitheas Apollonious

their will be a problem in the attack in idlip, with the turks and the russians. Unless the russians convince the turks to withdrawn back to turkey.

Any one think this is possible?

You can call me Al

It doesn’t matter, the Syrians dont give a shit and that is what matters. If the Turks attack – boom on the Turks.

Promitheas Apollonious

if you think in the lines I am thinking then you realize that will be a conflict of interest, with the russians who try to use turkey but at the same time also syria. turks already try to unite and keep the jihadist forces as one front, but among them all the officers and decision makers in their majority, are turks.

How you think erdofart, will take it, if with syrians along with russian air force bombing his troops. Jihadists or turks is one and the same. Even if russians dont get involved with air force still is the ones that arming Assad. On the other hand nothing stop iranians to get involved and hezbollah.

Unless you have not realized why uk/usrael are gearing up to attack directly if they find the guts, iran. The plan is to unite what turkey took and what the americans supporting the kurds and unite it as one new country. That will kill what ever planning russia did in ME.

A big dilemma for the russians who think if they bring turkey into sco and brics problem is over. I think, all the game played by west presenting they have problems with the turks and the sudden love of the turks for the russians and vise versa …………….


both the West and Russia have interests with turkey and turkey is playing along with both sides… pretty smart if u ask me…

Promitheas Apollonious

the day I ask a retard about anything has yet to rise the sun for it, jewboy.


You have voiced the unspoken : “The plan is to unite what Turkey took and what the Americans supporting the Kurds (took), and unite it as one new country”. Or if that fails, to use the ISIS jihadists against Turkey an blow it apart. By whatever means or cost, they want “one new country” from which to launch an attack on Iran.


The matter is in the hands of Putin not Syrians, whatever Putin says his puppet Assad will do. So the matter is between Turkey and Russia… so most likely they will strike a deal.

Promitheas Apollonious

because you are a puppet, retard dont make every one else, a puppet as your little shit4brainself.


Whoa! I thought u were an intelligent sensible adult! I never comment on edgy little kid comments so yeah my bad

Promitheas Apollonious

good, now kindly f*ck off.


Feisty little kid are you? Nah I’ll do what i want.

Promitheas Apollonious

you confuse me I am sure, with your family trade.


deal is impossible for erdogan…his entire power lies in the islamists, look at the laws that he changed in turkey eg. headwear for women in schools,universities,alcohol forbidden in public etc…. 99% of islamists came to syria turkey………in several newspapers(now closed and the reporters put in jail) they printed the conversations between turkish secret service and al nusra and ISIS commanders were they always call each other brother..brother hhere brother there….and as far as SAA is concearned…yeah putin has SOME leverage on them..but buddy there aint no one that can keep SAA,Hezbollah and iranian forces from liberating entire syria without getting into a full scale war with all 3.Its a matter of life and death for syria, but also for hezbollah and in the long run iran, thats why iran is there in the first place…if syria falls, hezbollah falls, and the two main barriers for any enemies wanting to attack iran are gone. Here is the most likely scenario…..SAA will attack with russian airforce…..turkey will help the various jihadi groups with logistics and weapons and healthcare but most imporatant with a way out when the defeat is immenent… So yes they will fight a little here and there, maybe even alittle fighting also diretcly between turkish forces and SAA but nothing on full scale…..but the part sponsored directly by turkey will retreat to turky with the turkish armed forces as soon as defeat.is on the horizon and the manpower they lost gets too much. I´m only worried about the last news of 5 trucks fron turkey filled with clorine to al-shagour area….hope that erdogan doesnt try to double cross putin by conducting a false flag chemical war fare operation, ofcourse with knowlege of us/nato so that they could/would intervene…….but the trucks are there with the chlorine.


Putin has more than “some” leverage if u ask me, in all deals and diplomatic work all i see is russia and the other countries negotiating, and in battlefields they are aided by russian “consultants” and are the ones to release statistics and news and stuff, anyways i predict no turkish actions to defend idlib if a campaining comes cuz a deal with the russians will alread by struck. Remember that i said, turkey will abandon idlib millitias to fend for themselves


The spetsnaz will be delighted with you, as you are promoting them to ‘consultants’. It’s nice, me, spetsnaz, me, consultant.


Your comment made me a little uncomfortable ???

You can call me Al

Not for the SAA and Assad will listen to his commanders, even over the Russians.

S Melanson

You can call me Al is correct. Also, Assad, Iran and Hezbollah are calling the shots on staying in Syria and Russia backed down quickly on their position, so Assad is not a puppet of Putin


It seems that the chinese are also going to join the party in Idlib, the russians have long away joined the party, and sincerely, I don’t see what more the Turks can do except try to protect those of their proxies that wouldn’t fight against SAA. I think the Turks will be forced, by the facts on the ground, to promote the reconciliation of those of their proxies.

Promitheas Apollonious

i dont think so.


Okay, Promitheas, soon we will see what direction will take the development of the situation.

Promitheas Apollonious

with out wanting to play know it all I have realize one thing of many posters here. Most of you are focused out of focus. In your line of thinking must never be selective and take the big picture out of your conclusions. The game in Syria is just a pixel in the bigger picture. And russia is playing in many conflicting tables, all at once.

I suggest you take a look at what happen in the last SCO meeting. Then also see what is happening right now in the balkan area and Mediterranean as well Ukraine and not only Syria. Put this together and you see turkey is more close to the western positions as far her immediate area as well syria is concerned and then they pretend they are on russias side, which they are not.

On the other hand russia appears who ever say hello to them they selling guns and trying to make friends. You know the expression that the smart bird always is catch by the nose? in this case the peak. You can never be friends with your enemies enemy. You can use them as a convenient tool but if you over do it then it comes back as a boomerang on you and you always pay the price.

And russia is making a big mistake. She is making her enemies that hate her guts and will love nothing else than see her vanish too strong for her own good. Maybe is something I over look but I very much doubt that. So I suggest not to judge looking at a pixel of the image but see it peripherally.

I agree on one thing with you. Time will tell us all and is one time in my life, I want to be wrong.


Russia and China had already said several times to the West that Syria could start a full scale war. The chinese even said what would be the first thing that they would do, in that case: to retake Taiwan. I think West has already lost the Syrian war. About that Frankenstein called Ukraine, well, as it’s an Frankenstein things are a little more complicated, because it’s a mixed of pro russian and anti russian population, and was already like that even before WWII, after, with the incorporation of new territories, become worst (a Frankenstein with some more pieces from different bodies). Or the pro and anti russians parts of the population find a common ground to live, or the pro westerns are done, because, separated, they will be a western poor and miserable colony, nothing more. Finally, you are right, the conflit it’s at the planet scale, not here and there, on this on that little war.

Icarus Tanović

Rabotite bratya!

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