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Heavy Clashes Break Out In Southern Idlib Few Minutes Into New Ceasefire

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A few minutes into the new ceasefire in Greater Idlib, which became active at 00:01 of March 6, heavy clashes broke out between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Turkish-backed militants in the region.

The clashes were taking place near the towns of Fleifel, Sufuhon and Fatterah in the southern Idlib countryside. As usual, each side accused another of violating the new ceasefire, without presenting any evidence.

Heavy Clashes Break Out In Southern Idlib Few Minutes Into New Ceasefire

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Despite this escalation, no airstrikes on Greater Idlib have been reported, so far. The Turkish military is also refraining from engaging in the clashes.

The ceasefire is a part of a new Russian-Turkish agreement on Greater Idlib. The agreement was finalized by Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish Counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a face-to-face meeting in Moscow on March 5.

While the ongoing clashes don’t represent a serious violation of the ceasefire, the situation may escalate further in the upcoming few hours.

Many al-Qaeda-affiliated groups, including Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), are dominating the opposition-held part of Greater Idlib. In spite of Turkey’s guarantees, these groups could attempt to sabotage the new ceasefire, as they did with many previous ones.

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Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well the Russians are still conducting airstrikes in the east of Idlib but the SAAF aren’t flying at all, not even one plane, but the SAA are attacking the terrorists in north of Hama with no letup. The ceasefire only applies to the so called ‘moderate opposition’ and not the designated terrorists, so that’s not breaking the ceasefire at all, just doing what the Astana agreement said the SAA could, eliminate all the designated terrorists. But it’s a little strange the Russians aren’t helping the SAA in Hama with some air support, SAA artillery is doing all the work, I wonder why.


” it’s a little strange the Russians aren’t helping the SAA in Hama with some air support”,

But you just have said that they are doing bombings in ” east of Idlib”?! Perhaps they don’t have enough airplanes for both since there are no Syrian Air Force and they have to replace them also?

Let us not jump again on conspiracy theories immediately again…


I would have to assume the artillery is to dig out the entrenched. Once they start moving around they will betray their position and then the air force will come into play. Air strikes are very expensive compared to artillery strikes at least 1/100 cost ratio. Flying a military airplane is expensive and bombs used are expensive as well compared to artillery shells. Economics of war 101.

The only ones not following this are NATO because they have more financial resources and can afford to be wasteful.


Thanks, for good explanation

Jens Holm

Nato member knows that. When ISIS was reduced after Raqqa the USA and France replaced the many airplanes with howitzer batteries.

We use best to the price very much. We might have more money, beacuse we are able to reduce cost and benefit.

Nato are speciliased very much. Several countries dont have full scale military forces but are specilised in others, which by that is bigger and hopefully also better.


If the gods of war can do the job, why use aircraft?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Why indeed, cheaper safer and more devastating when used in battery’s, and Assad’s got quite a lot of them. :]


Shocker!!! HTS didn’t accept the terms.


I am TOTALLY blind-sided!!!


We never saw this coming !! :DDD


The Jihadi’s must have made a mistake, PZIVJ. Perhaps it was a rookie headchopper without a watch.

There is no other explanation.

Furkan Sahin



I am stunned.The BBC describes these headchoppers as rebels for US Democratic Values.

Whao on earth is going on? :)


Thats what i’m asking myself. Also taking into account the EU actually backing up the Greeks. Are they toying with us?


Like I have said already:

“Ceasefire Begins At 00:01 March 6” And breach of cease fire and new conflict begins by HTS attack At 00:02 March 6


Chinese calendar

Joe Doe

SAA should move forward and press North towards M4


go on the ground ..mtfk all generals here


Hello kebap baboon … still here…still a retard I see !

Al Balog



We are the psych-ops, a world wide psychic net pushing Syria’s win. Stand Aside.


Perhaps this group of HTS rats did not receive the notice of a ceasefire? WOOPS Anyone here knows a good exterminator?

Al Balog

Iran and Hezbollah. They’ll join the fray soon with the SAA and Russia.

Shia man

As long as turkey doesn’t join it should be fine


Shocked ! http://giphygifs.s3.amazonaws.com/media/kKdgdeuO2M08M/giphy.gif

Don’t stop Syrian heroes ! Till every last corner of Syrian land is liberated ! Take no prisoners !



Erdogan miss u mtfk hah


Oh…you tried to write something again in English …oh …you are so cute ! But don’t give up …keep trying …you ll get it eventually ! hahhaha



hahah ah ahh ah dumb jihadi


I don’t know if you can call your self a jihadi at that young an age ! But you sure look dumb!

Al Balog

I miss Tim Williams. Does anyone know where he is as of late? Expect him to be here with all this big news going on.

Tim Williams

LOL … I’m here …

22 Violations in just 47 minutes


As long as the TURKS stay out of it … everything should be good … The TURKS had enough and don’t want anymore ..

Al Balog

Nice, I was getting worried about you bro ?. Yeah, I’ve come to that same conclusion as well. The ceasefire was between Turkey and the SAA/Russia. It didn’t involve the terrorists, who openly refused the deal.


I don’t suppose you got anything about the new coup that’s brewing in the land of kebap rugs and genocide have you ?

Tim Williams

Lots of rumors … could be ERDO manufactured ..I still think the clock is ticking on him ..


This is not Tim …it’s something different, something to get minds off from war, I find it fascinating anyway … https://twitter.com/i/status/1235275985865457665


will be your land in the not so far future




jihadi man


I know you are, but what am I ?


just a sion/jihadi


Is that what you are ! Oh … I see now ! That’s good to know …ok just a sion/jihadi , bye bye now … byeee ! hhahahaha retarded turkisis rug seller!


u are an fkn rug jihadi


Don’t you have kindergarten or whatever kebap – school equivalent they got in your smelly shit-hole of a country tomorrow ?


Al Balog

That’s pretty cool ??


Trolls woke up

Tim Williams

Not a single TURK drone in the air .. nowhere to be seen since the ceasefire kicked in


This is good news Tim, the rats will be blind. :)

Tim Williams

TURKS MUST stopping supporting them in anyway below the M 4 … nothing, no food, water, ammo …ZERO

Assad must stay

and what if they dont?

Tudor Miron

Than SAA and Russia will still exterminate all rats south of M$ = according to new Moscow agreements. Erdogan would not be able to do anything about it.

Assad must stay

will see


Kill ? by who ? Turkey ? Not way my friend. turkey will not stop its support to terrorists

Tim Williams

They have to below the M 4 … if they don’t it’s over for Erdogan

Xoli Xoli

Definitely their wont as long as Erdogan is in charge.


jaja Ildib for sale

Tim Williams

Estimated 10 – 15,000 rats below the M 4 highway, dug in … convincing them to move north is not going to be easy for the TURKS .. but it must be done … they go north or they stay and die with nobody to help them with anything from now on …



So basically the deal was forcing them turkisis jihadis to move north, leaving ground for the Syrians to capture without a fight ! I didn’t realise that ! So Putin stroke a good deal for Assad after all !

Al Balog

Yep, even judging by Assad’s reaction and his continued appreciation for Russia and Iran while the Erdogan vs. Putin meeting was happening, it seemed like the deal was going to be good in the long-term. Assad said in this article towards the end “If you remove these three obstacles, there will be no problems for the restoration of Syria. We have great resources, human and material, and also we have devoted friends, like Russia and Iran, who will help us”:


As I’ve said in the past: If Assad is happy, then I’m happy.


But what about fat men squatting on oil.?

Al Balog

Oh yeah, Assad’s thinking about going east after this Idlib situation is settled. Right where Trump and Pompeo are drinking oil slurpees with their Big Macs.

I’m trying to find the exact article I read it from, but having a hard time finding it ?.

Tim Williams

In due time my friend …

Al Balog

I found the article. It’s in Russian, but can be translated easily:


Concrete Mike


There you go.my dude! English version!


One liberation at a time is better I think. It will be helpful when the Kurds come tp realise that life within Syria and the Kurdish security from Turkish aggression is the best Kurdish choice to make.

The US has NO loyalty, even to their ‘fine weather friends.

Tim Williams

that’s it a nutshell … SAA control the M4 highway … then joint patrols with Russia – Turkey on the road and up to 6 km from it


Where is the evidence for that? Alot of consumptions and wish thinkings out here

Al Balog

I’ve read a lot of Russian and Syrian Arabic media, as well as Türkışh Pröpağanda panicking. They tend to report the evidence before it comes out in the English media. This deal is indeed the case.



Russo-turko patrol will take place on the m4 highway everything below that stays same.

Jens Holm

We had it here 21 tuesday evening on TV.

We often has news many hours before You. We have exact the same TV, Radio and Internet and often the same sources or better.

Jens Holm

I also will add, that for You living there or as refuges and emmigrants from there, its much more center of Your world.

If I should follw the rest of the world as I do with this, then 24 times an hour would not be enough.


A lot of consumptions …??? ???


Al Balog

And I also forgot to mention: The deal re-draws the ceasefire borders based on the current map, which already has the M5 under control (M4 next). No going back to the 2018 lines ??. This solidifies the land earned back by the SAA’s brave sacrifices.


Well… that explains why those turkisis terrorists don’t want to leave like that … They know Erdogan failed them ! hahahaha


With luck and encouragement, the Turkish Jihadi proxies will turn their anger on the Turkish military :)

Tim Williams

I want to share this story of one TURK soldier that was killed in Syria .. How unprepared they were and under trained they were for the fiasco they were sent on … he wrote in his journal every day and it was found ….




Al Balog

As much as I don’t like Erdogan, it is kind of sad how he’s willing to sacrifice his soldiers for his Ottoman fetishes. But at the same time, I ask myself this: If the soldiers know what they are doing in Idlib is morally wrong, then why don’t they turn on Erdogan? Or join the SAA? I know that throughout the Donbass war, there have been a good number of Ukrainian soldiers who didn’t want to serve in the Ukrop Nazi battalions. Instead, they joined the Donetsk and Lugansk armies, who are a lot like the SAA.

Tim Williams

ERDO and his goons likely have a very tight grip on the soldiers families as well .. something like the Gestapo had over the Wehrmacht soldiers in WW2


“something like the Gestapo had over the Wehrmacht soldiers in WW2″……………..What utter garbage, you have been watching too many Jewywood movies…………..take it from someone who really knows and lived thro’ it !

good american

Why do US soldiers do what they do?

Lone Ranger

Brainwashing… They think they are fighting for their country… The wicked flee when non pursue…

Xoli Xoli

Military motto is if you cant beat us join us.In this case stubborn ones will die for nothing.Actuall this is the time for Turkey soldiers to join their Syrian brothers and targets Erdogan. Turkey and Iranians,Lebanese,Yemeni and Saudi Arabians are cousins.There are also inter marriages among them.Pompeo and Satanyahu are ignating fire between brotherly neighbors and are sitting at safely guarded places and monitoring how brother root out each other and are laughing with their kids happy runing around.There very good Jews and white and blacks plus arabs people who really cares take their advise and surrender before your brothers. Turkey has lots of military equipment but that doesn’t mean you strong or weak the point is you dont have the experience to fight a qorrilla war where you dont no which direction the killer bullets comes from.Turkey military should be proud of for having cousins who can stand firm and United like Hisbollah,Iran,Taliban,Yemeni Huthis and the Tigers of Syria who fight only for their land with much advance skills and maturity by avoid inflicting serious casualties among fellow brothers out of love.Turkey,Saudi Arabia ,Qatar and UAE stop impressing and pleasing USA ,France and Britain by killing your brothers. Being a Member of NATO( national all terrorists organization) is worthless.Learn from us who are far away from your countries we stay with Arabs, Muslims, Indians etcetera. We enjoy their funny traditions but we respect each other their have children with our sisters.Its only us even though we appreciate their sisters beauty are cautious.If we marry them the girls might take all the curtains and table cloth and wear them in hot son.Because their are used to that desert heat.Finally their the beauteous women that God the Father ever created and are human just like us.


Turkish soldiers do not really want to fight a real war. NATO are experts in wargames though, where sleep is guaranteed and food is plentiful.


Despite the “ceasefire” Rebels already repelled a regime attempt to advance at Fulayfil, southern Idlib countryside, killing 10 regime fighters and wounding others in the process https://twitter.com/AdamhasakahAdam/status/1235714276423282689

Al Balog

Is this verified?

Tim Williams

LOL -nope … SAA has only exchanged shell fire tonight


NEVER believe anything coming from a Turk !

Al Balog

Yeah, there’s so many of them online. If I can tell is someone is a Turk, I start to question if he’s one of those neo-Ottomans. 8 times out of 10, that’s the case with me. Believe it or not, I’ve even had better conversations even with Israelis. In that case, about 6 out of 10 are Zionists. Quite a sizeable percentage were mad about Netanyahu and Gantz (the warmongers) winning the majority.


turkisis shitekebap jihadi spotted !


Al Balog

Oh, ok, I see now ?. Seeing the soccer profile pic, I was assuming he was a Spaniard or something. Checked his profile. He is indeed one of the brainwashed Turks, the Erdogan type.



Boris Kazlov

I suppose that by Assad rats you mean the glorious Syrian Arab Army, you are a low wannabe terrorist mother fucker

Tim Williams

Turks MUST vacate any observation point in SAA controlled territory …Turks are allowed just 12, and 12 only in the new consolidated area … anymore than 12, each extra one will be subject to destruction … any TURK observation point in any joint control area will be subject to snap inspections by Russian MP’S at anytime to verify they only contain light arms on the property … violation of this will cause the post to be destroyed and can not be replaced by any other …

Lone Ranger

Putin aint playing around. God Bless him.

Tim Williams

I got a good laugh out of this earlier …



That is some fine square meters of land won without a fight for Putin – Assad there !


Al Balog

Easy pickings for the SAA, hell yeah ??


Tim Williams

YES .. a great real estate transaction


and to be the devil’s advocate here, the turks run out of them funny shity drones they have and out of ammo ! So looking at it this way you could say great move Erdy ! You run out of ammo and weapons and you f*cked off ! ROFL !


Trump will be jealous :)

Tim Williams

I concur … Turks pack up and leave …


Al Balog

It’s a great day for Assad ?.


Tim Williams


Tim Williams

ASSAD .. we take care of IDLIB first .. then go east


This was from the the RUSSIA 24 interview


Al Balog

Awesome, I was trying to find that in English to show people, thanks ?. I could only find it in Russian before. Very important statement by Assad.

Tim Williams

It’s why SAA delegation met with the KURDS today …. lay the groundwork


Hopefully that muricunt base down south will be gone too !

Tim Williams

as an american … it’s time to go … either kill the remaining ISIS stragglers in the area or get out


They are never gona hurt isis are they. They have helicopter them out of harms way before… and didn’t they create isis together with israel and the turks in the first place!

Tim Williams

many factors created that Frankenstein monster … I blame the SAUDIS


The Saudis are responsible for many crimes against humanity and so are the Qatarians ! I laughed today when i saw the news the court decided against their prince or king whatever the camel shit he is ! hahaha

Tim Williams

from 3 years ago … where did they come up with the weapons and who was bankrolling them …


Concrete Mike

Well america is responsible too. In 2013 i read a paper from the council on foreign relation, i had a subscription to something that allowed.me that see publications from CFR from time to time.

There is this.one paper that lamented that the syria was was unpopular at home and that boots on the ground were needeed to accomplish the regime change operation.

The concept was called something like cheap wars.

Anyways surprise surprise ISIS pops up a few months later.

This was all planned, justified and has been out in the open for a long time.


The CIA used the same concept of proxies with US piloted air support in the Guatemalan government overthrow in 1953, Mike.

Al Balog

Yes, the American government indeed create ISIS with Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. Judging by my observation, I’d say about 80% of ISIS members takes the orders from their elites. The other 20% are just genuine Islamoterrorist crazies who sincerely believe their ideology, not afraid to hurt anyone. That is the 20% you see when there is infighting between the US Army and ISIS.


Russian air assets would not be as active North of the Euphrates though,I would think. Unless of course the proscribed jihadi’s can be identified there.

The US would need to pe pressured by simultaneous events against US occupation in Iraq as well.


BANG!! There goes your ceasefire, which was really President Putins warning to slimy filth Erdogander that: – Hey, Erdo! Would you please back the FCK OFF and stop supporting your roach terrorists, so the Syrian Alliance can deal with them? Thank You.

Al Balog

It was the terrorists that violated the ceasefire, who weren’t part of the deal and rejected it anyway. The deal was between Turkey and Russia/SAA. Turkey has yet to violate it while I’m typing. Iran and Hezbollah will only get involved when shit hits the fan.


The terrorists are paid by the Turks. They’re employees of and contractors for the Turkish government.


The Turks pay, arm and command their terrorists. Any ceasefire violations by their terrorists without Turkish corrective action to prevent them from continuing is evidence of Turkish complicity in the violations. The Turks have enough military power in occupied Idlib to fight the Syrian government coalition. They can easily enforce the ceasefire. If they choose not to. Then they’re complicit in the violations.

Al Balog

I agree that could be a possible scenario. But at the same time, it could be likely at this point that Turkey lost control of its proxies. This has happened to some ISIS members in the past, where they begin attacking US troops (half were real attacks, half were false flags for Western MSM). Anything’s possible now, but one thing for sure is that the SAA will come out the winner in the deal.


My view is that the possibility of the Turks losing control of their terrorists that they’ve been paying and supplying for years is low. And if there are ceasefire violations that the Turks are responsible.


I expect that’s why the Russians are giving them some rope to hang themselves with


For the second time. A much shorter rope this time.

MeMad Max

No more so called “ceasefires”.

Quit procrastinating Mr Putin and Mr Assad, and get it over with.

If you both had went all balls in 5 years ago, then syria would be 100% whole, and none of this bullshit would be going on right now….

Al Balog

Obama was president 5 years ago (who was very prone to $oro$ influence), while Hillary Clinton was behind-the-scenes pulling the strings. Russia and Syria going “all-out” at that time would have been WW3. Putin, Assad, and even Iran/Hezbollah well knew this. Today, they have easier and far more transparent enemies in a weakened Erdogan, a goofy Trump, and a constantly-lying Pompeo. Same thing with Zelensky in Ukraine.

MeMad Max

obama was a weak ass, not to be feared, he always told everyone what to do/not do with so called “redlines”…

Al Balog

Even if Obama was weak himself, he certainly had scarier “masters” than Trump, especially Soros and Hillary. Trump and Pompeo “pull the mask off” the US deep state too hard compared to Obama and Hillary. And Trump’s team don’t seem to get along with either Obama, Soros or Clinton. Indeed the same types of creatures, but some are more lethal than others.


That man is a series of sound-bites – everything he ever said was scripted, like TV


Keep Islam out of Europe!


More to the point eu-epp out of the middle east,debts has no future no more yes! I’m confident Greece knows this too well,great job!

Al Balog

Legal Muslims yes, illegal Muslims no. Even in Hungary (very conservative in terms of immigration and culture), we got a small group of Africans from Sudan called Magyarabs, most of them being Muslim while some Christian. They’ve been integrated quite well, unlike groups in Western Europe. That’s the way I work: If you get along with me and respect my culture, then I get along with you and let you do your thing.



They’re too incompatible with our values

Al Balog

Who’s values?


Christian European values

Al Balog

C’mon, I’m Hungarian and Christian. Putin, Assad, Orban, and Rouhani are my favorite politicians. I just treat people the way they treat me, regular Muslims or Africans don’t bother me. However, I am staunchly anti-illegal immigration, as well as anti-Wahhabism and anti-ZioIslamoTerrorist. Nothing good comes out of that. Those that come illegally, like those jumping over Orban’s fence in mass, cause crime and integrate poorly into Hungary. Those who come in the right way usually become great countrymen and integrate well into Europe. Lot of Bible verses about treating your neighbors:



What if 1 million Muslims wanted to legally immigrate to Hungary?

Al Balog

If we were to legally immigrate them, of course that would be way too much economically for our small country to handle. But if Hungary was a bigger country and had the room to, I wouldn’t mind it. Russia has Muslim-majority areas like Chechnya and Dagestan, which are both well-associated with Russia. So it wouldn’t hurt the Hungarian national identity if Hungary did the same as a big country. As I say it, and I’m sure Assad would agree: National diversity is strength.


Diversity is not a strength, ask the children of beslan Russia if diversity was a strength to them.

Al Balog

Now you’re just starting to cherry-pick incidents. Anybody can do anything that’s bad. I get the impression that you’re part of the far-right. I lean right on most issues, while left and center on some. I myself am a community-based guy (not to be confused with Communism), a lot like the ideology of the Donbass republics and Syria.




Only Muslims commit terrorism in such a large widespread way, there’s been countless attacks in Europe, native European populations never do such things, such as in Poland never having one single terror attack because we do not have any Muslims.


Al Balog

Um, the Nazis back in the 1940s? The alt-right today? How about Ukrop Nazis? They regularly kill people in Donbass ISIS-style. Everyday they do something bad.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cfb8bdd7662dc32927ef10a63878659901270a94d635c947f2a756112f4d72a3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/192c6aca446be0b6a1f8045cc957d36650cc551952cadba108923ac33b4e2980.jpg

Lone Ranger

Only dead ukropnazi is a good ukropnazi, they are the trash of Europe.

Al Balog

Yep, an absolute disgrace to Europeans. And what’s even sadder is that their leader is an inept crying comedian who’s ran by Israeli oligarchs. The saddest and most pathetic nationalists I’ve ever seen. Putin would take them out faster than Erdogan’s green rats if the Ukrops made a big offensive on the Donbass. If they love their white identity so much, then why the hell do they keep attacking Russians in Donbass and Hungarians in Zakarpatia?

Lone Ranger

You are spot on. I predict Ukraine will dissolve in a few years, its a failed state. Without IMF money and cheap Russian gas they will go belly up. Eastern parts should go back to Russia. Southern parts to Romania. Western parts to Hungary and Poland. Problem solved. And if ukropnazis wont calm down they have to be designated as terrorists which they really are and dealt with the same way like isis was dealt with…

Al Balog

I predict the same as well. Zelensky is very desperate to have “local Ukrainian elections” by October 2020, and some people in his government are openly talking about the Croatian scenario. Putin and especially Lavrov has been very bold about this on multiple occasions, and such a move would be absolute suicide for Zelensky. Simply put: I think that if such move were to happen, Russia would respond worse than what happened with Turkey in Syria. That would be when the “real” decay of Ukraine begins. Then, Zakapartia will rise, Odessa, Western Ukraine, and Chernivtsi.

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazis are genocidal manaics, even in WWII the worst einsatzgruppen were in Ukraine. They burned pregnant women to death in Odessa in 2014 at the local tawn hall killing a total of 54 people. Not a peep in western news. Oligarch run nazi paramilitary units were killing people random on the streets… Only after that started Ethnic Russians defending themselves. Putin was way to patient with these nazis. If I was Putin I would have taken East Ukraine till the Dnepr river. And turned off the gas to these fuckers. If the EU wants to support them than let them eat cake… Russia can sell its gas to China and India. But as usual Putin is too polite. In my book ukropnazis=isis


The alt right today did what? You’re fooling yourself if you deny Muslims today comprise the most terrorists and the most violence of the world


So you are calling almost 2 billion people terrorists?


A lot of them are terrorists, a lot more of them are inbred( in Pakistan half the population is inbred) and generally uncivilized and violent


There’s violence in Ukraine, Congo, Sudan, Middle East (caused by non – Muslims), Myanmar (genocide against Muslims), Somalia (caused by non-Muslims), Venezuela (we know who), China (against Muslims), I could go on and on. Listen Vicky, if you left Middle East alone, there would be no terrorists. By the way, nobody wants to immigrate to Europe, but since you fucked up their homeland, they got nowhere to go

Al Balog

Exactly, you worded it better than I could ??.


Nobody fucked up their homeland but a couple of governments so blame their politicians, the people have a right to be kept away from these animals. And don’t pretend like Christians are out there in their countries committing terrorism.


You obviously don’t get it so no point wasting time here. What you do not get is that Muslim countries have sizable Christian communities living in peace. So this whole Christians vs Muslims thing is bullshit. You got it good now in your countries with resources from these countries whose people you call animals. Thing is humanity is so many thousand years old and you will not always have it good. Over the last 100 years alone, we saw what happened in Europe, what makes you think it won’t happen again? Get off your high horse and understand that if Poland was occupied today, your women and children killed, your resources taken, you’d become “terrorists”


Poland doesn’t depend on any Muslim country for anything, bottom line is I don’t want them in my communities.


Keep them out then. But it is likely not up to you, unless you resort to violence yourself

Al Balog

Yes, I just had to block her. She smelled too much like Stepan Bandera for my tastes. I can take alternate views, but’s she’s gone way too far off the far-right end. Rather put up with Turkish trolls, at least they make me laugh ?.


keep out moslems of europe. and hungary :P


Our government is right wing and refuses to accept even one. We have no worry.


We shall accept any Polish citizens that need any kind of help in our country. As Al Balog said, let’s go talk to some Turkish trolls, they are a lot more fun


What’s your country?


Why would I tell you? I welcome all humanity and borders don’t mean shit to me


You said “our country” I’m curious what country that is.


You think because a man has a gun and a swastika flag it makes him a terrorist?

Al Balog

Are you from Ukraine? You sure sound like a brainwashed Poroshenko supporter.


I’m polish

Al Balog

Yeah, brainwashed Polish and Ukrainians think too damn similarly. As a Hungarian, I consider Russians and Greeks my brothers. Very glad Hungary didn’t go your far-right nationalistic way ?.


You’re government is far right and nationalist, that’s why Hungary isn’t a mud puddle

Al Balog

Our government is very conservative, but certainly not a far-right nationalist Nazi type. More center-right national populist. That’s why Jobbik still can’t beat Fidesz, they can’t get popular broad support. And also, Sijjarto is very outspoken about Ukrainian Nazism. The last thing they’d do is model their government after those Kolomoisky puppets. Or kiss American ass like Poland, building a shit-ton of NATO next to Russia and agreeing with everything Pompeo wants Poland to do.


Whatever benefits Poland the most is what will be done, all while defying the refugee requests, it’s a win win

Al Balog

How the hell does Pompeo and massive NATO build-up help Poland? Protecting it from “Russian Aggression”? Unlike you, Hungary works to get along with Russia very well and keeps its NATO commitments to a bare minimum. No Hungarian wants to be a Western stooge, we learned from the 90s and 2000s. Being an American puppet is one of the most criminal and embarrassing things to be today. Ask Turkey or Ukraine.

Of course, we can have our differences on social-political issues, but judging by your Nazi rambling, it just seems to me that you lack human decency. Hanging up the phone, bye ☎️


We play both sides of the fence and get what we want. Don’t know what I’ve said that you think is wrong.

Ricardo Ramos

The doormat and buffer of the Zionist elite….


Go back to Mexico


Nazis are long gone and have nothing to do with present day violence


Nazis are long gone and have nothing to do with present day violence

Art Best


You’re falling for it.

Ricardo Ramos

Don’t you see that you are the odd one out here? This place is a gathering of intelligent minds whether it’s for or against but you could see that easily.even the banters are so enjoyable that loads come here daily to have an enjoyable read. All you want to do is come here and spew hate in order to turn Southfront to the now discredited and racist site like Russia Insider. Good that you have already been exposed as a hate filled and unintelligent busy body with nothing of value intellectually.go back to your nazi forum where you belong. Public toilet!


Sure Ricardo


Good night with a song… …a legendary song about the greatest legends of them all… …the greatest Greek of them all (and there is quite a few) … Alexander the Great …

He once freed Syria too… on his way to the edge of the world :

The Battle of Issus (also Issos) occurred in southern Anatolia, on November 5, 333 BC between the Hellenic League led by Alexander the Great and the Achaemenid Empire, led by Darius III, in the second great battle of Alexander’s conquest of Asia. The invading troops led by Alexander were outnumbered more than 2:1, yet they defeated the army personally led by Darius III of Achaemenid Persia. The battle was a decisive Macedonian victory and it marked the beginning of the end of Persian power. It was the first time the Persian army had been defeated with the King present on the field.

The Siege of Tyre was orchestrated by Alexander the Great in 332 BC during his campaigns against the Persians.

So hail to Syria and Hail to Egypt ! Hail to Russia, Hail to Serbia and Hail to Armenia ! Hail to the Hellenic Republic and the Hellenic Republic of Cyprus !



Al Balog

Awesome bro, Iron Maiden! Greece forever ?? ??


Thanks pal, and HAIL to Hungary !

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