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MARCH 2025

1 Turkish Soldier Killed, 9 Others Injured In Syrian-Iranian Strike On Their Positions Near Nayrab (Video)

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UPDATED: The Turkish Defense Ministry confirmed that a soldier was killed and 9 others were injured in Idlib.

In response, the Turkish Defense Ministry’s Twitter detachment ‘neutralized’ 82 ‘regime’ fighters and claimed that a total 299 Syrian soldiers were ‘neutralized’, and 9 battle tanks, 8 artillery pieces and rocket systems, and 2 military vehicles were destroyed recently.


On March 3, Syrian pro-government forces and Iranian-backed militias shelled a Turkish ‘observation point’ near the village of Nayrab in the eastern part of the province of Idlib. According to reports, the strike that followed the downing of a Syrian L-39 by the Turkish military injured up to 8 Turkish soldiers.

It’s interesting to note that the Syrian Armed Forces are not shooting at Turkish helicopters that evacuate killed and injured Turkish soldiers. This approach differs the Syrians significantly from their Erdogan-led opponents. According to local sources, over the past days, Turkish drones and artillery have repeatedly targeted ambulances evacuating injured Syrian troops.

1 Turkish Soldier Killed, 9 Others Injured In Syrian-Iranian Strike On Their Positions Near Nayrab (Video)

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OK as a Syrian guy i have no clue whats is the position of Russia, I am sunni but i exactly know what’s this mean from Syrian Allaouite we taste your airplane toys it’s was not nice but anyway you want war yallah habibi erdogan make it we are ready to die to get back idlib not because it’s a worth it place its olive tree place but because we will not move back we already lost so many of our family so we can loose more but you?


Some times the big power need small wars to test their new toys, that’s why they need you.


How does it feel being cannon fodder? You Sunni militants are like drones – they send you in to die when it’s not worth risking the lives of their own. You see, for your masters, their lives DO matter; but yours are expendable.




You no nothing about syria I can read this by your text in syria sunni and other people can pay to avoid millitary duty but allouite are douing this war for theit own survival even ministery are sunni in syria even befor this war


Your name says geopolitica, but you know nothing about geopolitics. You think that everything is your hatred agaist the Allawites. In the name of that hatred, you are willing to sell your country to foreigners that care nothing about you and your Sunni against Allawite fight. In my world, you are a traitor. During WWII the Communist Chinese and the KMT stopped their fighting in order to throw the Japanese. Learn from this, if you can.


you fucking don”t read what i just wrote ? i am for syrian sovereinty and i think bashar al assad will be the best president that syria can get fuck sunnit that give their ass to turkey and saudi arabia … learn to read properly …

Arch Bungle

No offense, but the quality of your english makes it real difficult to understand your position.


Perhaps you should start by writing properly. I am sorry but your utterances are hard to follow. When you say, for example “You no (sic) nothing…”, I really got confused and I understood the opposite. No need to swear.

Concrete Mike

Your as.much expendable as the other guy is.

I found your comment appropriate, for a fucking jackass!


Turkish forces target with dozens of rockets and artillery shells pro-Assad forces in the city of Saraqib, east of Idlib


Just after the attack:

A #Syrian #Regime convoy consisting of tanks and armored vehicles were completely destroyed by #TB2 armed #UAVs, near #MaratAlNuman, South #Idlib.


Legis Legis Juscius

if thast true that means war with russia, congratulations:)))


Not the first time that Russian soldiers were hit…. Both dont declare it openly. It is a „covered“ war. Both countries want to keep relations and Trade.

Legis Legis Juscius

its turkish invasion into russain ally lands, russians cant be touvhed there, if they will it means war, but i think that is useles propaganda to boost morale, in mean time syrians taking more towns and pushing back turkish troops


Nice for now syrian army hezb and Iran don’t use full force you know the syrian expression? “mayby i am dead but my ennemie with me” be sure that when syrian hezb and iran will go full scale war against turkey a lot of turkish soldier will die


Turkey has not used full force also yet….


haha they use drone plane battle tank they use turkey field to hide behind ARTICLE 5 OF NATO what turkey have in is basket SPACESHIP?


Turkish troops and Tanks were not engaged in the Front Lines yet. Only support with Artillery and UAVs. And Turkish Jets have also not entered Syrian Airspace, to attack SAA land forces yet…

Legis Legis Juscius

turkish jets cannot enter syria, because they will be shot down, f-16 and other turkish jets are much easier targets for syrian manpads then drones

Concrete Mike

Why must you defend jabhat al nusrah? With anything?

Why are turkish sons dying to protect Al Nusrah, a worlwide recognized terrorist group? Like what the fuck are you guys doing?

Dont you realize your country has been prostituted for the west and Israel? These refugees you hold on behalf of them, for without the west’s “intervention”, there would have been no syrian war, no refugees.

You are being used like a cheap whore, how is this acceptable on the turkish street? HOW??? Have any pride??


Elon Musk has just sold a an expensive Space Ship to Erdogan. :)


My bad i just see the tweet of Elon Musk saying he is seling spaceship and imortal life serum and tweet of erdogan saying it’s just liberate marsian muslim from the venutian allaouite dictator




He can well afford it Florian, with all the oil dollars he got from his alleged enemy Benji when his cutthroat proxies were pumping 100,000 barrels a day into his tankard trucks for over 3 years. It was believed he personally clocked-up $2 billion. I know you are also aware that when Russia entered the affray the first thing they did was to put a stop to this theft. Erdogan’s revenge was the shooting down of the Russian SU 24. and to snuggle up as close as he could to the incoming War Lord Trump. The rest is history, I really did expect the viper to ditch NATO and to switch sides permantely after the dust from the failed coup attempt settled. I got that totally wrong didn’t I. Imagine the UAE & RSA ploughing $billions into getting rid of Erdogan with of course the approval of their Yanki & IsraHelli overloards and the muppet really believes he can play both sides and come out without having his head displayed on a spike in Washington or Moscow. Seems he overlooked Ankara…. Lol


Erdo is typical of all sociopaths , in that they have zero empathy with anyone. Only their personal desires have any merit in such deranged people.

History is littered with them and the worst offenders often have a grisly end. Money is just a trinket to them , yet the more they have , the more they desire. Few seem to have enjoyed even a fraction of their wealth as normal people do. Enjoyment to a sociopath often entails being in control of something political or commercial until they die.

Such people create more misery than they do happiness, so on balance a bullet in their heads would be a bonus for mankind, :)

Saquib raza

Why the attack that happened on day time showing night configuration. Plz if you attack saa during all day . Please share day video . Like the Americans do

Legis Legis Juscius

why u keep reposting old news? that was 3 days ago :DDD


Both happened just recently after the attack on Turkish troopes. See links when they were published.

Saquib raza

And mod turkey released to you instantly


Just look when clash Report account was established… It has probably Turkish Intel Background. I follow it.

Saquib raza

Just post one day time attack on saa by your drone.


Fried khomeini farts! Nice. :)

Lone Ranger

More mossad CGI…


Turkish observation posts now surrounded should be fair game for attack


Worth more as hostages

jhon malakiat

dont expect to much turkish have dignity and honor.

turkish is king of beggars.

for many years, turkish begging join EU eventhough knowing EU always reject turkish’s request.

turkish also request help from USA eventhough knowing USA involved coup to erDoggy.

only king of beggars like turkish can do this.

fucking turkish coward.

The Man

Turkish dogs – doing the deeds of their Zio masters in Washington. erDOGan’s bitches will soon be burning in hell and these filthy shit-stabbing pigs will leave Syria like the goyim dogs they are.


It will be your turn, don’t worry demon lineage

The Man

ha ha – yeah right, turkish Turd!

The Man

Yeah right, you silly turd… Ooops, I keep getting turk and turd mixed up. An easy mistake because they’re the same in meaning!


You are the cowards, Christians and Jews with all terrorist organizations and Iran is attacking us, but you still fail 8 vs 1 SAA+İSİS+SDF+IRANIAN+RUSSIAN+USA VS TURK .D


Them Saudi dogs will be hanging soon and the USA of Israel will be left like the slut she is , naked, raped , begging and genocided. This prophecy is written in the Torah, Bible, Koran.

jhon malakiat

you abslotely moron.

the fact told us opposite. If turkish brave the why turkish dont brave head to head against SAA since beginning of war?

turkish is coward. turkish use terrorist rats hand from more than 100 country to weaken SAA.

during 9 years SAA fighr against terrorist rats plus 28 NATO member + saudi + qatary.

even after 9 years, turkish always screamimg and whinning against SAA.

turkish coward


Aint democratic forces great? Not only do they drop democratic bombs on your home but they also drop them on the wounded and ambulances leave the scenes..


neyrab and afes soon to be friend …saramin in the work ….turks celebrating a imaginatory pussy drone strike that destroyed a full saa convoy with thousands of deaths yet they couldn’t take saraqib neither advance 1km in both saraqib front or southern front ….while their troops are sent in body bags to ankara …let’s goo saa !!

Saquib raza

You know they say they attack saa day time . But never show a single video of DAY attack . All night attack . Because it is fake


You don’t know the Turks, the fools are heading towards the Turkish trap


Attilla…your ancestor? Yeah right.


It was Mongols who invaded Ottomans with Timur called also Tamerlane as their leader in 15th. century

They have invaded Otomans and they have raped everything that moves (dead probably also)

He was probably talking about that event as start of his mongol bloodline. Dogs copulated with the dogs and created noble genetic code. Turds


almaydeent reporter : a news turkish drone was shot down a few minutes ago near saraqib….turk rats running out of drones ….when are we going thoses nice f-16’s huh ? they’re scared to lose some of them i guess


They keep them to violate Greek air space multiple times daily !!!


coalition should shot it down


the allies are not on that low level …they decided to let the helis back so that the turkish mothers can see their dead children ..allies are respectfull

Horace Lacondeta

Not shooting it, in the name of whatever humanitarian reason, its plain stupidity.

History shows that Turks hate to suffer. They run away with terror when they are opposed the savagery they thought they only could inflict.

They don’t have moral capacity of resilience, shake them a little and they will show how weak they are. Make it public, so their brainwashed population could realise it, since they don’t know their own history.

Lone Ranger

SAA is gaining Turkroaches are draining ;)


netenyahoo won the election…iron zion is mad no were to be seen …i think he’s preparing his bunker for the next hezb attack


another drone downed ..this one is a big boy the pride of industry once again (Maysoon Bayraktar)



Burning tires? Whats the blur for? Lol

Julio Cesar Perez

How is such a crime possible? Russia and Syria do not have the necessary air power to eliminate all drones of Turkish terrorists. As Syria lets helicopters of Turkish terrorists assist in illegal positions of the Turks in Syrian territory. Turkish terrorists with impunity eliminate Syrian planes, drones and helicopters. The Turks are at war with Syria and Russia and Syria have not noticed.


give em a day and if they don’t stop then policy change

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Turks had two seriously injured goats to evacuate. They had been violently raped by angry Turkish troops, but ISIS stepped in to halt the cruelty and called in a helo.

The Syrians, aware how violent Turks become to goats, allowed said helo to come and save the goats from the angry birds, or Turkish soldiers in English.

Simplekindof Man

It is obvious Russia and Syria are playing the patience and victim game,waiting for media to catch up,showing mercy and self control, let’s call it passive aggressive game. Cry foul and retaliate. That is excellent and the best they can do,it does not provoke anyone openly and has worked wonders so far. They are slowly eroding away opposition forces. Its a pity some have to be sacrificed along the way the to please the dog. The air strikes could not have happened without permission. Or might just be giving Russians to much credit…. Time will tell..,


I’ve seen war, you cant give your enemies mercy God himself will punish you instead. The Turks think their special every time the war has to stop to get out the precious Turk. When they realise Syria=death, they will not come back.

Simplekindof Man

I fully agree,but….politics


I grew up with Turks, they are good friends in good times, but their pride makes them unreasonable.


That is a national trait, I think. I’ve met some. They know no bounds in times of war like a dog with rabies. They care nothing about women and children, for example. The only solution then is to put them down. Erdogan in this sense shows the Turkish soul in its most basic level. He may be hurting badly, but he will continue doubling down until he meets his Creator. But the worst part is his treachery. He may pledge, sign and promise the world, but he will turn around and do the opposite.

Gabriel Hollows

Few things are more irrational about matters concerning their own history, than a turk. They manage to outdo even Americans in their blind denial of all of their faults.

The Man

Come on Habib, what you mean to say is that “the Turds (such as Mehmet) are hypocritical, arrogant, two-faced goyim dog-f*ckers!” Don’t be shy!


“In response, the Turkish Defense Ministry’s Twitter detachment ‘neutralized’ 82 ‘regime’ fighters and claimed that a total 299 Syrian soldiers were ‘neutralized’, and 9 battle tanks, 8 artillery pieces and rocket systems, and 2 military vehicles were destroyed recently.” I wonder what “neutralized” means in Turkish language. At this rate, Syria ran out of material and soldiers a long time ago. It wouldn’t surprise me if Erdogan next week said that his army is besieging Vienna.

The Man

Basically, this cretinous dog-TURD erDOGan and his scum TURDish army are up ‘shit-creek without a paddle’. These TURDS are well and truly f*cked. This dog erDOGAN and his bitch advisors have no clue because they are retarded penises who are as clueless as goyim dogs can be. How the hell are they going to get out of this shit mess, Mehmet? I’ll tell you… When these Turkish Turds go to Moscow on Thursday, Putin will once again drag the inept dicks out of the shit, but this time, he will tell these dog-Turds, in fact, he will order these dog-Turds to behave and act like good little goyim-bitches because next, the Syrians are going to grind these c*nts to the ground. This is erDOGan-the-bitch’s last chance!

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Iran did warn Turkey

Hide Behind

Turkey is in almost all aspects a far more technologicly advanced nation than Syria, with a far greater industrialized base and among worlds largest exporter of its own domestic goods; that they can absorb far larger loss of manpower and war machinery than Syria is a given. There are a couple ways of looking at Erdogans purge of military and domestic resistance groups, one is that he lost experienced military commanders, but that level of experience was more focused on domestic policing. and rank came about more through political warfare with their peers than actual military confrontations. Equipment numbers do not mean miltary expertise, and there is far more manpower needed in support of combat forces than actual combat units. Turkey’s basic command structure is of outdated WWII model that due to internal strife, political system placing ultimate military decisions in hands of what amounts to a Dictator using disproven tactics but with modern untested in warfare men and equipment. It’s only modern day warfare was during 12 year span of Iraq UN, NATO embarho, where it invaded with airstrips and armored troop that fought lightly armed Iraqi Kurds, and got its butt kicked. Turkey took advantage of embargo chaos thinking it would be a turkey shoot but forgot Kurds could shoot back, and that is the same mistake they made when invading Syria. Many ask why US military cannot win a war although winning every battle while having most powerfull and technologicly advance force on earth, could it be that reliance on technology, and the cost of it, along with lack of numbers of actual boots on ground. That and fact of all US military endeavors being driven by competing financial/commercial interest deciding who, where, when and how much immediate profit can be gained, and then jumping to next profit driven enterprise before last ones are fully established? Turkey is not acting alone, it’s financial interest lays in Europe and US and needs NATO approval to even fart. It’s incursion into Libya is but to aid NATO to get a stabilized regime in power to insure free flow of oil/gas but even more importantly for trade routes of the newly being colonized North and Central Africa’s natural resources for Europes growth. Where one needs to see Erdogans groups profits from war making one needs to read US and Europes increasingly liberal for Turkey trade agreements. Dead men in combat boots are cheap price to pay.

John Wallace


Assad must stay

get out of syria torki lorki porkis!!!!!!

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