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MARCH 2025

Hell Fire: Large-Scale Missile Strike Hits Oil Traffickers Market, Crossing & Equipment In Northern Syria (Videos)

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Hell Fire: Large-Scale Missile Strike Hits Oil Traffickers Market, Crossing & Equipment In Northern Syria (Videos)

Armed Forces control the loading of the transport rocket-loading machine on a self-propelled launcher operational-tactical missile complex Iskander-M. Sergei Orlov/RIA Novosti

Late on March 5, a large-scale missile strike targeted oil traffickers’ facilities and equipment in Turkish-occupied areas in the northern countryside of Syria’s Aleppo.

At least two ballistic missiles hit the al-Himran crossing and a nearby oil market next to the town of Jarabulus near the border with Turkey. Traffickers smuggle oil illegally produced by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northeastern Syria to Turkish-occupied areas through the crossing.

A few minutes later, two other ballistic missiles and several artillery rockets struck makeshift oil refineries and storage tanks in the village of Tarhin north of the town of al-Bab.

The missiles and rockets were reportedly launched from the Syrian coast, where Russia’s Hemimim Air Base is located, and from the outskirts of Aleppo city.

According to an initial report by the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Right, a man was killed and at least ten others were injured as a result of the strikes.

Last week, a simllar missile strike targeted makeshift refineries and storage tanks in the village of Mazaalah southwest of the town of Jarabulus.

This was the largest missile strike on oil traffickers in Turkish-occupied Syrian areas yet. Russian forces and the Syrian Arab Army were clearly behind the strike. Moscow and Damascus are apparently determined to damge the illegal production and trafficking of Syrian oil by the SDF and Turkish proxies


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Bravo. Finally.

Blas de Lezo

That’s a good start. Hopefully they will also hit PKK-YPG terrorists oil installations.

Jens Holm


Last oil from them to all of You :)


As a concerned turkish guppu moghal…….you’re on da losing end muddafukka….lol

Servet-i Funun Literature

Correct..two hit the target.Ps:Oil Traffickers has to change their way of parking,they have to disperse trucks into 3-5 small groups. They are still behaving like clueless African Gnus when crossing the nile river.


Then russians can use smaller rockets :P

Servet-i Funun Literature



When you have only 3 trucks parked together you don’t need to cover a large area using big rockets, smaller and cheaper will do.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Sure but which rockets?Please do elaborate…


Do i look like google to you ? Do it yourself.

Servet-i Funun Literature



Indeed, no hand-feeding from me, you will have to do it yourself.


“Russian Air to ground weaponry” will do the trick xD

A short time after this you’ll witness many wonders of the world displayed in front of you in rows upon rows of open-source documentation and specs. Plenty of solutions to hunt scattered beasts as much as concentrated pockets of bigger animals. And I apologize to animals considering the kind of filth I am comparing them to, but for illustrative purposes I had to use them as example.

Jens Holm

Some people in the Region is not raised to take even simple initiatives unless they are under command.

Now he is:) But next time he wil ask again:(

Jens Holm

Dont You have internet Yourself. This is no childcare center.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Rofl… ı thought circus.

Jens Holm

It is semilar to cirkus. You act as the unclever clown. I hope its not intended.


the same things which happened to saudi arabia can happen to turkey specially to its factories and such

Jens Holm

Thats right. Airplanes too.


The Iskander has the option of a cluster munitions warhead, so it could take out a lot of soft targets like these regardless of how they space them.

Kenny Jones ™

But I thought Iskander only worked for 10%

Jens Holm

Thats statistics. Sometimes its 100 and sometimes its 1%. Thats goes for most kinds of missiles and other things too.

Kenny Jones ™

Yeah that’s bs, Russia trusts its nuclear weapons with that same Iskander, pretty sure it has a 100% success rate, wouldn’t risk that falling in the middle of the Pacific ocean when striking the US

Jens Holm

I agree. They have to reduce the risk. Thats goes for many things and even hay for farming here. It selfignite and its much better to divide it and only of 3 or 4 burn.


Stealing and robbing, typical Turkish trait.

Freemon Sandlewould

And ZOG USSA standard practice.

Jens Holm



nah much more a jewish trait, in the jewish dnaand moreover sdf is entirely directed by the jews so we know who should be next on the list of exterminated parasites.

Clarence Spangle

Евреи нечистые бесы, как турки.

Jens Holm

Я рыцарь Орден Дракона . . . убийца турок.


σίγουρα αρκετά πεντακάθαρα

Jens Holm

Israel has cloned the Stern Group

Clarence Spangle


Jens Holm

Clarence Spangle Jens Holm • 17 hours ago Я рыцарь Орден Дракона . . . убийца турок. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/77321e3196d7916bf31dba70c07eb266f916ef72021d888f0b4a7801cf3bad3a.jpg

Icarus Tanović

AHAHAHAHAHAHA! He’s enjoying it.


Is it a dog that is f-cking him?


More like the same goat that fkd cias over there!


hahaha! Good point!


Oh he’s enjoying it allright!



goats cheese iz good eh!

Jens Holm

Turks mainly export Urigurs. The chinese send back sharp bamboo chopstickers back, so Erdogan can blindfold the opposition.

All opposition fra AKP soon will be forbidden to use spoon, fork and knife.

Some censurship in the Turkish medias has be changed. Opposition blindfolding themself can write articles, when they start with a AV AV USH and if they convert themself to AKP.

Jens Holm

Something is wrong with the goat.

Just Me

Oil theft from Syria is a Erdogan family criminal enterprise, his son in law sells the oil for 20% commission after the CIA and headchoppers split the rest to pay for US occupation and terrorism. However, lately the theft has become dangerous as a newer generation of loitering munitions of “unknown origin” have started taking the tankers based on precise ground intelligence. Soon there will no drivers willing to die for stolen oil.

Jens Holm

I agree. They should give it away and by that save income tax. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/63d9ddc6ccc90ccd750edaf1a15cd76c93e7d3b83eb43443803faf7f8ea5249b.jpg

This could be an Assad picture. Something is very wrong with him. He might use that kind of hat, because he has lisned too much to his wife and her powershopping.

Even corruption has limits.




some idiots believe that gasoline smuggling in pakistan or afghanistan blowing up or stopping is a loss for iran XD

Jens Holm

Assads probatly sell it to them to improve their friendship :)




Jens Holm

I remeber them xttra well. Our school was in Berlin in 1968 and ddors were completly new.

Even not old enough we were at disquteq foir the forst time with Our teachers and all – if we would – was allowed to drink 2 bears.

We were allowed because Our teachers was with us and sweared to take good care of us.


sag ma Holm biste besoff’n ?


ne, nenene … jetze hab’icks : Maskenkoller

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabi-Zionist is shouting Allahu Akbar.


Job ad: “Come work in a great team near Turkish border! We proudly traffic stolen oil from Syria! Excellent pay! Come today! Work hazard: Ballistic missile strike on your ass..”

Assad must stay


Liberal guy

Excellent news

Jens Holm

Its a kind of revolution. Before the fightings it was the Baathist being the thieves. Some from ISIS stole it from them – and now it makes me laugh.

Free man

What a coincidence: https://twitter.com/HAbdolhossein/status/1368136355281313794

Liberal guy

Plus many white helmets scums died in the raid along with the rest of the terrorists


Exactly! More of this please!

Simon Ndiritu

What is our Fat, Demented across the Atlantic saying concerning the Burning oil? How about installing Patriot on every oil truck?

Jens Holm

Another more sensible way would be to make peace and spend money and lives for anything else.

Bu tas long as You kill each other, we are kind of happy, because You probatly wont come here:)


Well, some low-life opportunist scum certainly went up big time, a long time I hadn’t seen fresh battlefield footage of ballistic strikes. Ever since the Iranian training salvo displaying pinpoint strikes a few weeks back, this is quite the spectacle indeed.

Can’t say I’m not pleased, though such repetitive half-measures only only do so much to offset a persisting frozen conflict : the whole context has to be taken down, from the illegal infrastructure, command and control structures, to foreign-backed commanders and all the way down tot he filthiest jihadi parasites, as anyway they aren’t willing (or worthy) of any form of human dialog let alone a constructive one.

Considering the nihilistic,backwards and primitive pile of bullocks they dare call a “cause”, it’s only fair to provide them with the fast-track tickets to what they swear being after day & night (which is what they think is afterlife heaven porn with virgins, actually).

And I will love to see their local fans here yell out in anger and call the Russians and Iranian all the names they want in the world. Persian Safavids, Russian dogs, treacherous Shiites… whatever guys, lol. Whatever makes you feel bigger while helplessly looking at a inexorably crumbling side, I’m fine with the tide turn on the field and you people complaining around in denial prophesying the end of Iran xD


Plenty of terrorists in that area, Tuks/ISIS/SDF/US/HTS/NATO, and all their assisting scum, that’s truly a “moderate” strike, unlike the Ziocorporate terrorist globalists’ favorite hordes of “freedom fighters” in Syria..

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Working demonstration for the purposes of both Erdogan and Pashinyan.

Kenny Jones ™

Two sides of the same coin

Hasbara Hunter


thomas malthaus

Will the US and Israel initiate a war over stolen Syrian oil at Ankara’s request and Tel Aviv’s desire for revenge over their misappropriation of Syria’s Golan Heights in 1968?

Remember the USS Liberty.

Kenny Jones ™

The US will soon go into a civil war, its army can’t fight a war abroad as its soldiers would be needed at home, israel’s days are numbered for that reason, no more false flags

thomas malthaus

My attempt at satire and failed miserably. Why not blame the Iraq military and regional Kurdish rebels? Why not blame the CIA and Mossad? Where is the Chinese military amidst all this violence?

Jens Holm

I agree. People looking from the new Marslander see things better then them and in only 22 minute delay.

Jens Holm

I see none of that.

Jens Holm

It was 1967 AND 1973.


These strikes on oil thieves is becoming a regular routine.

Blue In Green

As they should be lol.

Very impressive demonstration of their accuracy and efficacy nonetheless.


They should do the same for the stolen oil going east.

Fog of War

But they wont.

Icarus Tanović

But they will.

Just Me

These new drones have thermal imaging and loiter for over 12 hours and work in shifts, identifying and then blowing up their targets Oil theft will prove vert expensive and dangerous now.

Blue In Green

A new age of long-range accurate precision Ballistic Missile weapon systems being regularly used in theatre combat is upon us. FATEH, ISKANDER, etc,. you name it, we’re going to see more of it.

With Russia and Iran far out pacing everyone else in this field, the future of such weapons will surely change how countries and militaries go about things.


It could never speak my mind better than this on that topic. As always B.I.G., you’re absolutely on point. Iran has become an unquestionable missile, naval, armor, small arms, AND radar power. And it’s only a matter of time before its air-force can finally be replenished with joint production project and possibly a level of ToT that will nicely complement its already huge local know-how and infrastructure. Would love to see a mass produced Toophan-2 helo as well with its impressive HMS-based weapon systems and now the locally-made Hellfire (which was also GIGANTIC news on the drone field, that mostly went unnoticed for some reason a few weeks back). Some development on the F-14 upgrade project would be cool as well. I know, I’m asking a lot ahahah xD


f14 is already reverse engineered its encryption is broken which america never thought possible

Jens Holm

We all know those possibilities and problems, but we also know many try to solve them in different solutions even going back to very old computers. But who says comoputers will be needed.

Cars can drive if You take just one wheel away.


No you don’t. Quit talking to your fake ID.


americans claimed iran would take to 2040 til it can break the encryption

Jens Holm

I allow me to say long term predictions like that is not related to facts, whcih is anything else can happen and even replace anything named as encryption.

We are just in a period, where we suddenly got computers to calculate everything faster and better.

Now its in a level, where its reduced to just a tool.

Americans today would not hit the dancing little mice pretending they are rats in Iran like that. They would knock out supply for water, electricity and and facilitis. Focus would not even be on the missiles and their protection systems.

Iram would be reduced to a baboon with no arms, legs and a head still not used to make wellfare for its own people.

The only thing really growing in Iran are the beards.


stop joking turkish guppu……lol…..quit making us laugh.


the issue is if it makes sense to domestically produce iranian f14 because iran still needs only such planes for interceptor fighter and air superiority roles


Indeed having a large and expensive airforce makes litle sense for a defense doctrine such as Iran’s. What is needed is a few elite air-defense squadrons cprised of both heavy interceptors supplemented by lighter fighters that together would plug inevitable holes that inherently exist in any IADS network no matter how dense,layered and widespread over land,namely in mountainous region traversed by valleys terrain prone to radar masking by enemy planes flying nap of the earth during their ingress routes.

For Iran such capability is clearly secondary as most of its military apparatus is based on deterrence and its offensive capabilities are mostly assured by its growing and already massive cruise and ballistic arsenal. More payload,delivered way faster and with much more destructive power than an equivalent strike package performing deep penetration strikes in well-defended enemy airspace with all the costs and dangers incurred to pilots.

Nonetheless, repleneshing a potent yet ageing airforce fleet remains a mid-term necessity for a country as large and with terrain as diverse as Iran’s. Long-range interceptors are an absolute priority and considering DIO’s emphasis on long-range AAM developement such as the Pheoenix-derived Fakour-90 shows that their brass understand that requirement full well.


i still dont expect thou iran wasting alot of money on planes because it will probably go towards better missiles and better drones and upgrading the entirety of the forces

Jens Holm

Well, all try to do that, Turks too. I wonder why that is ignored and so onesided.

Much as You expect the rest of us are sitting on Our hands.

Jens Holm

I allow me to remind You things are both ways in this.

And You are veryu incorrect in another thing. Its very much a matter of many as well.

Icarus Tanović

Three decades.


Ahah indeed Icarus, I’m older than i want to remember when talking xD 30 years indeed. Systematic belittling by western observers began ever since the first models of Shahab missiles were displayed to the public circa ’95.

Jens Holm

Many here deny to see that they will not even meet the enemy by their big armies.

This also show well the same as for fx WW2, that the devastaing bombardments of factories and for that matter anything else in logistics are the real vitals in winning.

Assad must stay

hahaah nice

Assad must stay

every single vehicle stealing oil from syira needs to be exploded like this

Jens Holm

Ypu are right. If all there was on bicycle there only, there would be no need of oil apart from the olives. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/26e02c730cb5d9c9d4b310539682b8f5ae03b3c99d74b2d9e2890a984242ccf0.jpg

Marrige for all figting there should be like this too


what will turkey do when it cant finance its crimes anymore with theft?


Jens Holm

Haha. I have an idea. Biden might pay Erdogan to calm his initiatives against SDF. Obama did something like that.

AM Hants

That’s the way to do it. Should not be taking what is not legally theirs and expect to get away with it.

Ralph London

Ann-Marie, a VERY important video on Alex Jones, his interview of Dr Sherri Tenpenny, on the pfizer & MADerna ‘vaccines’. medical-doctor-exposes-10-deadly-dangers-of-pzifer-johnson-johnson-covid-19-vaccines

AM Hants

Have you seen the article, I think it is over on BIN, with regards problems in Israel, courtesy the vaccine. Allegedly, with so many being vaccinated in Israel, post vaccination the Corona death rate went up. Meanwhile, over in Palestine, where they were denied the vaccine, the death rate went down, in the same period. The link below, takes you to the article.


There was an article I think about a week ago, with regards Reiner Fuellmich and his class action lawsuit in California, is going ahead. Tried to find it, over on BIN, but, seems to have disappeared. Seen the Dr Sherri Tenpenny article, but, did not check it out, owing to swearing clear of it. I like my DNA just the way it is, ha-ha. However, as you have recommended it, I will check it out.

Ralph London

Tenpenny is a video of about 45 mins. Israel mentioned by http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2021/03/03/a-second-holocaust/ I had read about that via healthimpactnews com

AM Hants

I started watching it, with the aim of going back when I had the time. Nice to see it on many sites.

by golly gosh darn don't ya no

Videos are blocked

Jens Holm

Video “4 horsemen” is not blocked to Denmark after 4 hours by Your problems. .

Maybee You already has tryed and automatic update program.

Fog of War


Stop wasting it at the range, you will never be able to replace it.

Inflation since Nov 4 is at 40% for the three month period, gas will be at $5 by July.

Many, most, Millennials have known for years they will receive Zero Benefits from Ponzi Programs they are forced to pay into.

Told to go to College

Millennials were loaded up with student debt, and Sold-off at the Auction Blocks, to foreign and domestic investors as chattle, guaranteed by Federal Backing, and denied access to bankruptcy courts.

Told to get STEM Degrees

75% of STEM Grads can’t get jobs in their fields, or wages have been driven so low, that working in STEM would be stupid.

Begged Govt inc Trump

To slow or stop the flood of H1bs preventing them from getting employments and decent wages, and were denied and rejected. Biden is now back to the pace of bringing in 3 million replacement workers per year.

Turning to GameStop

Millennials tried their hand at Day Trading, and again learned that the Economic Tables are turned vertically against them. Their standard of living is already well below that of the previous 2 generations.

Turning to commodities

they went into Physical Silver, exchanging Private Bank Fiat for physical Silver. The same thing that resulted in Kennedy getting his Brains Blown out all over his wife Jackie. The Private Banks are again pushing back with intimidation and coercion using the Govt and it’s Agencies; which are Captured Institutions exclusively under their Control since the Putsch in 1963 where LBJ was installed.

To paraphrase Muhammad Obama,

if Millennials want an economic future, or any future at all, they will need to become Bigger and More Powerful than the Police State and Military. All that matters is who controls the “Organized Means of Violence”.

Their next stimmie checks should go towards M-4 carbines and ammo if they can get it; not to the exclusion of thinking about: Cyber Warfare, low-tech can openers like Panzerfausts, and wave-guide Cell Phone Tower Jammers and UAV Jammers made with recycled Microwave oven parts and copper tubes. On the Electronic Battlefield, sometimes metal signal mirrors, hand signs, semifor coded messages and even smoke signals are far superior.

The Taliban, and probably Yemenis, use simple mirrors to run rings around High-Tech dependent Militaries.


They should invest in Boy Scout Manuals, there is a reason the Boy Scouts were put under Systemic unrelenting attack, it teaches self-reliance and survival skills.


– They need to stop listening to Karl Marx Sanders & AOC etc

– Stop playing video Games

– Stop smoking Pot and taking prescription happy pills

– Stop supporting family destruction and Green nonsense dooming them to poverty and 300 sq ft prison cells.

– Instead of buying the I-Phone 50 for $2,000 spend the Money on an M-4 riffle and learn to use it.

And start to think of what it would take to build 20 million Panzerfausts

and demanding that their Governors pull out of the National Guard and return to State militias.

Every small town should return to having their own Armory equipped with tens of millions of RPG-7s, MANPADS, 50 Cal and M-4 riffles, 105 MM howitzers & mortars, and the tucks to move it with, in addition to hospital and support un its.

Pre LBJ Putsch Govt takeover, every town had it’s own Armory fully stocked inc millions of rounds of Ammo. My little town had racks with hundreds of M-16 riffles clearly visible through the barred windows. And crates of magazines and ammo to go with them.

https://www.zerohedge.com/political/home-invasions-all-ways-government-can-lay-siege-your-property “

Concrete Mike

Compelling comment. I had never heard of these.armories before.

Fog of War

I was quoting.

Servet-i Funun Literature

😅😅Thats hillarious.

Jens Holm

It makes no sense if You dont compare with how others are doing. Fx the danish inflation seeemes to bee too high as well. So in trade with USA the prices for buy and sale neutralize each other.

Those numbers are very inaccurate or constructed.


Freedom now sounds like a distant thing and now we’re in a fight for survival, at least if we don’t want to be a fully-fledged slave.

Arch Bungle

“We’re keeping the oil”

— D.J Trump

Ford Fairlane

What a pretty sight. Keep giving them hell.


Russia has decided to to up the stakes. Palestinian squatters take Note


This is happening on a regular basis now. It is probably making the SDF and friends very pissed off.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

According to the most recent reports there are at least 30 dead and over 180 vehicles destroyed in the attacks, not to mention all the infrastructure that was destroyed. WOW, that’s quite an impressive feat, so just imagine what they could do to the terrorist forces if they really wanted to. And many of you wrongly assume it’s the US supported SDC/SDF that are behind all the oil smuggling to Turkey, and it may be true in the very rarest of instances, but the SDC/SDF and Turkey are sworn enemies, so it’s not the SDC/SDF that’s responsible. There are pro Turkish Kurds who belong to the Syrian National Council [SNC], which is member of the Turkish backed Syrian Interim Government, and also a member of the US backed Syrian Democratic Council [SDC], that’s where the illegal oil is coming from, they have a foot in each door so to speak, so it’s not the SDC/SDF doing the smuggling, it’s the Kurdish elements of the SNC. Pretty fireworks, I love pretty fireworks, especially if it’s a duel show, hopefully next time there’ll be 3 shows to see. The proponents of the new Turkish/Russian alliance must be starting to wonder what the hells going on, this is not the way a new alliance should be developing, maybe things aren’t as cozy as we’ve all been led to believe. smirk.

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