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MARCH 2025

Hezbollah And Iranian Forces Are Preparing To Withdraw From Southern Syria – Report

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Hezbollah And Iranian Forces Are Preparing To Withdraw From Southern Syria – Report

Iranian-backed forces massing around Deir Ezzor city

Iranian forces and Lebanese Hezbollah are preparing to withdraw from the southern Syrian governorates of al-Quneitra and Daraa, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on May 30.

The SOHR added that Russia, Jordan and the US are now negotiating a deal that could prevent a military confrontation in southern Syria. The deal will force the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and radical groups to hand over their medium and heavy weapons to the SAA and to withdraw from the Syrian-Jordanian border and the contact line with Israel.

Earlier today, Israeli Minister of Defense Avigdor Lieberman met with his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu in Moscow to discuss Iranian military presence in Syria. Israeli media suggested that the two sides discussed an agreement, under which Iranian forces and Hezbollah will be forced to withdraw more than 60km away from the Golan Heights.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on May 30 that all non-Syrian forces must withdraw from the de-escalation zone in southern Syria, Which confirms that such a deal is in the making.

Officials from Jordan, Russia and the US are expected to hold a meeting in Amman soon to discuss the future of southern Syria. Local observers believe that this meeting may also push the political process in the war torn country.

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leon mc pilibin

The satanic israhell Zionists are terrified of Hezbollah and the Iranian forces,as they know that their IDF child killers are no match for them,even the Syrians on their own will put the fear of GOD into these devil worshippers.

neil barron

Keep talking out of your donkeys ass.


Israeli snipers do kill children. I’m just stating a fact.


the guy is a jew prick…satanic… let him lie..thats what their father was a master in.Satan.


jews dont care about FACTS…they dont care for anybody..they lie..why..because their father is satan arihman..and he was ther father of all lies.


Nope…he is telling the Truth… ZioNazis are Kid-Killers…they are satanic cockroaches without soul…because they sold it… https://youtu.be/fkz-YrEJ7wc https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/07b6780d23e155683bd74eb5376f59178cc8af0be5cf177a3e22247d3da90440.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b4bc701eb328780c30e8b35f810eb80d6d04c7ea0b2d12c8267e34f3587fab46.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5eccd5d5626e2c558c63cb65c020ef3030789ef5d2ad37c220c25a071c45a9e0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cfa1e723606b16b56c4094f77e8e806c0e7bd0caf528ab3908d9f55505773194.jpg


the guy is a jew prick…let him lie just as his father satan arihaman.he was the father of lies.


Here I found Him in my Old Hasbara Checklist:

Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Baron Von GoatBanger, Jens Holm, Matt, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Joe, Lord of the Wankers, DutchNational, Just Watching, Hamster, retiredSOFguy, Terry Penis, Vidura, Neil Barron, Total Pinocchio, Derapage, Fatime Oomayadin, Real Anti-Racist Action, Free man, King Tudor777, Velociraptor, Ajdin Aksoy, Superfly, Serious, أبو ياسر Beware! These Folks get paid in $hekels to manipulate & speak with Crooked Tongue… http://www.gilad.co.uk/writ… https://electronicintifada….

Wise Gandalf

You ared drugged. Exactly a typical holland trash! :DDD


TRUTH bothers, what?


S Melanson



Americans are the Ones on Opioids & other Drugs…IsraHell & the UK are their Dealers…


https://darkwebnews.com/drugs/israeli-drug-underworld/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12ec3039bd6f3baf2ff719f7cc291f6148973c1d83f26a207825d34166db48bf.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/882fe5a09c3c4b4c4fac113f6da696f19620a32e5b03cdb42cfd3a64b67b2c01.jpg Mister Retard Gandalf…

Ariel Cohen

“ared” . . . ??? Gandolf the gay, did you even graduate from primary school?


You spelled it out perfectly!

Baron Von MuleBanger

It’s Banger,you stupid fuck,Banger. Not Basher!

Ariel Cohen

Banger, basher, rapist, molester, pedophile . .. you fit the profile Misrahi, so why the hissy fit?

Baron Von MuleBanger

How much do you get paid?

Tudor Miron

Thinking about changing sides already? But worry about payments on the other side? Feeling shaky Shlomo? Bad news for you – people who tell the truth about talmudic genocide of the rest of humanity are doing it because they believe in what they do. Unlike you who believe in Shekels.

Baron Von MuleBanger

Why do I feel like clowns here who post ridiculous shit are the ones who are jewish lovers? You know nobody takes them serious and their claims when they act like chimps. If I wanted to hide in plain sight I would hire a clown like Merijn to post hilarious crap about me.

S Melanson

Hiding in plain site is an actual strategy although those that would use such a strategy do not generally make this known to the public.

So you paint those that have called you out as not taken seriously and refer to Merijin as a clown. Let me help you return to the real world. If you go to Merijin’s profile you can readily see that she is highly respected, more so than you or I.

So if what you say is correct, what does that say about yourself?

Baron Von MuleBanger

Merijn is a retard like the rest of the clowns here.

Ariel Cohen

Probably less than you do for your mule-banging Haredi . . stick with what you feel more comfortable with, OK אַנָס ?

Baron Von MuleBanger

אתה בושה

Ariel Cohen

Great research (and intelligence) Merijn . .

Bill Wilson

I can use a few extra shekels right now. Got any tips on how I can get in on the action?

Val Shadowhawk

THANKYOU!! These names match my growing list of nitwits and nob gobbing zio trash troll$. Gonna block their sorry asses.


My pleasure my Friend…

Hard Hawk

Before you sell something first you need to have it to begin with.


Spot on…


Hey Merijn, morgen sta ik om 17:50 voor de ingang van het Stedelijk, we staan op de gastenlijst. Je komt wel toch?


Ja ik ben er, zit morgen voor mijn werk bij Doetinchem in de buurt dus ik probeer daar eerder weg te rijden…


Matt zit bij Amsterdam ben wat later door alle files.. ik kom naar het Stedelijk zie je zo


Bel me als je er bent Nul zes twee zes nul zes vier zeven negen vijf

Bill Wilson

Ever notice how Dutch sounds like German when spoken underwater?


jew prick

Hard Hawk

you mean as*hole as jews dont have what you calling him just a big hole.


Halt’s Maul, Itzig http://m.memegen.com/wu026v.jpg


From another NUTANDYAHOO supporting low life scumbag,who think they have a GOD given right to wage wars,murder at will,and plunder all it covets.the Synagogue of Satan.


Exactly, but like all master race types they underestimate the enemy, Syria.

Bill Wilson

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to size up Syria. It’s citizens are tired of the fighting along with the experienced military units who have been been engaged in the brunt of the fighting. They’re anxious to return to their previous normal lives, especially if they don’t have to deal with Iranians trying to get them to change their religion.

Bernie Garland

Simples really, just dress a few of Hez and the IRG in SAA uniforms lol


I think the Israelis made deal with Putin and Assad to sack the Iranians.


Israel made a deal with Putin, that they would get rid of the Americans, if Putin could talk the Iranians into withdrawing. It’s a good move, yankee gunslingers are just another unnecessary risk.


How would that work? Rhetorical, shut up.

S Melanson

You did say Israel made a deal with Assad and Putin to sack the Iranians but you say nothing of what Assad or Putin get in return for such a concession. Sinbad simply offered up his opinion on what was in it for Putin and Assad and it seemed reasonable to me.

Putin and Assad will expect something I am sure so what do you think? I would like to know.

S Melanson

It appears to be moving in that direction in steps.


you must be on drugs.

S Melanson

It is a reasonable response to Smaug as it provides what was missing – what do Putin and Assad get in return. I might add that US withdrawel from Al Tanf for a buffer which is only redeployment of Iranian forces WITHIN Syria so Sinbad took it to the next logical step and shows some thought was put into his answer. Your response offers nothing yet from your posts you are capable if you put your mind to it. So I would like you to explain why Sinbad (and me) is so off the mark, I would like to know.


Just because someone is fantasizing holywood scenarios, reality on the ground it is reality on the ground. Putin need Iran more than it needs Syria and the reason they went into Assads aid, is been explained exhaustively over the years as well discussed.

Russia shows in her strategies that lways been two steps ahead of everyone else and Iran is very important not only to Russia, but also to China and is an unofficial memebr of SCO. They will not demand or are in position to demand from Iran, what to do in Syria, the only one to do so is Assad and he also stated there is no iranian army in Syria only officers as advicers.

Hez is moving back to their own borders because if war breaks out to recover Golan, that is very rich in oil and isarel trying to make their occupation permanent and official, it will not only be isolated to Golan but also all along the line of isarel meaning gaza will go hot -lebanon also as well syria.

Syrian army is one of the most battle hardened that exist at the moment in ME not to say around the world and is not what it used to be 4-5 years ago. Beside the fact that has increased no only in power but numbers as well. They don’t need more than russian air force and russians opposing power to the allies of israel to do the job.

Your scenarios are kind of childish and are based from article to article and in real life strategies and reality dont change every few hours because someone posted an article contradicting the one before and preaching various scenarios that even third rate holywood movies look more serious and realistic than said scenarios. Also using your americanized mentalities think, that russia can call policies on Iran and the rest of what she calls allies but they cannot.

So Iran will do what Iran deems good for Iran and so will ever one else that is fighting defending their integrity in the area.

S Melanson

Thank you.

R PLobo

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) is the source?…You have got to be kidding.

Ariel Cohen

A fat retard in some run down apartment in East London, who spends all day sipping cokes and munching on falafels . .great source of information . .


The @pe lives in COVENTRY

Ariel Cohen



The SAME MI6 front who stated TRUTHFULLY that Russia shot down a ton of the missiles launched by Trump against Syria, and that Russia/Assad did NOT use gas in East Ghouta. SOHR, while clearly a limited hang-out MI6 psy-op, has been remarkably accurate on many occasions.

Why MI6 is having its mouthpiece gratutiously release anti-Trump, Anti-May, anti-Merkel facts of late has yet to be explained. But in the hands of evil, ‘truth’ can be as much of a weapon as ‘lies’.

Anyway only the dimmest ‘football hooligan’ type supporter of Putin still cheers Russia’s sell out of the Syrian people. Now the word is that Trump, with Putin’s active support, is going to recognise Israel’s ‘legal ownership’ of the Golan Heights, and that Putin is clearing out Syria’s allies from the border region to please his jewish masters.

The response to Putin’s servile placating of the jew horrors has been the promise by Israel’s leaders to now extend their terror bombing to the north of Syria. When you take a step back in ‘compromise’ a jew will always take two steps forward.


Well SOHR is MI6, so they might know something?

S Melanson

Definitely a biased source but many other sources suggest this is going to happen, although I think departure of Hezbollah and Iranian troops should coincide with concrete steps by the othe side.


This MI6 -@pe. A SINGLE a##hole in Coventry:



dont believe the satanic jews…every treaty they ever signed were broken faster than it took the ink to dry on the paper…….if iranian forces and hezbollah agree to those terms they and Syria will be backstabbed..100%……..the momentum is now on the side with SAA,Hezbollah and iranian forces….they back down now….huge mistake……….just look at palestine how it evolved from 1946 to 2018……..look at jerusalem from 1946 to 2018………trust the american jew slaves lol wont even hold JCPOA, paris accords, and not to mention the so called indian wars were the walking pricks broke over a dozen agreements with the various indian tribes.This is seriously sick.and mindboggling trusting the most degenerate amoral peace of humans ever to live on our planet, which since 3 years have been commiting open genocide in yemen.

Hard Hawk

Suria is a sovereign country and can take care her self. I dint think they need any more help now as they did when they was losing the country.


either u a jew prick or totally fucked up upsatirs in your brain, so everybody should withdraw, but the invaders in the north(turkey) stays…the invaders in the east(usa,french) stay too……….wow ..if u not a jew u sure got your brain washed by those jew hollywood movies…

Hard Hawk

that is your assumption and not what I say, so whose fucked in the head idiot?

S Melanson

Apparently Assad does not share your opinion.

Hard Hawk

I listen what he said in his interview with RT. But of course you, as a jew know much better, than the rest of us, what Assad think or want.

S Melanson

I know what he said. The Syrian government makes the decision period. And although you think they should leave, Assad has not asked them to leave, only redeploy WITHIN Syria. When he asks them to leave then his and your opinion coincide, but today, they do not.


you assume what I think. I am very possitive about iranians not only to stay but to come in greater force and challenge directly the farting of both UK/Usrael and kick them to kingdom come.

On the toher hand Syria as I said is a sovereign country and Assad has my respect for standing up and fighting against all odds to save his country as a true leader would have done where others in his possition would have run and hide.

Assuming what others thing in order to have a base to spread your BS, just makes an a*s of you, just for the record.

S Melanson

I responded to you that I misread what you said and I will do this at times and you took the time to point it out which is better then being silent. I follow your posts and may not agree at times but respect your input. I do not take strong language personally either, especially when deserved ;-)


yes and i dont make it personal. There is not personal on a forum or a discussion board among strangers, who really dont know each other. Your views are respected and I do see you have your own logic of what is happening that varies from mine in certain repsects.

walk in peace.

S Melanson

Appreciated, and I look forward to reading your future posts. May you also walk in peace.


thanks is always interesting to discuss your point of view with intelligent people who dont want to make things personal but exchange their view with others.

John Mason

Syria better get those missiles ready and pointing at Jordan/Israel and US bases in Syria. This deal smells of a trap, a setup to defeat the Syrian military in Southern Syria. Syria’s major supporters are the Iranians and Hezbollah on the ground and with them withdrawing spells trouble for Syria.

Elcid Asaei

Spot on! Assad would do well to recall that Iran and Hezbollah saved Syria from day one. Without them, the Russians who are selling out fast to the zionist hasbra elite will compromise Syria’s victory, and lead to a quasi stalemate with US and Turdey even more deeply entrenched!


Look this is a war a real war, not some Hollywood fantasy. Iran and Hezbollah are only 60 kliks away. If Israel double crosses Syria/Russia and invades there will be lots of kosher roadkill for the crows.

S Melanson

I agree but it is significant because 60km from Israeli contact line (avoids fact that Golan is Syrian) means Hezbollah and Iranian forces cannot be positioned to defend Damascus. They could rush in if invasion but they will have no time to set up prepared positions and dig in. Although Damascus is more vulnerable I would be surprized if they made a dash to take Damascus.

That said, it is prudent to take note that 60km from closest Golan contact line to Damascus is approx. 40 to 45 km meaning Hezbollah and Iran forces cannot be even in Damascus. I would like to see a map that shows the buffer zone as agreed to in this deal in the making. That will be telling if it is more than defensive in nature for Israel’s security needs – i.e. facilitates invasion.

Ariel Cohen

Israel will not invade Syria. They would be facing a Syrian army with 7 years of urban battlefield experience. Their own traumatic experiences in Lebanon in 2000 and 2006 have convinced them that it would be insane to opt for a ground war . .

S Melanson

I am with you on that. If Israel does unexpectedly go in, would be with US I would think, which risks confrontation with Russia. So not likely.

That said, with all the craziness going on in and around Syria with so many unexpected twists and turns, that sometimes I just think it best to expect the unexpected.

Ariel Cohen

Very good point . .you can never really say for sure what is going to happen

S Melanson

Agreed. I am sure Russia is watching very closely for signs of betrayal although I am sure Russia is comforted knowing that the US never goes back on their word or betrays allies… cough cough


It smells of quid pro quo. Assad wants all of Syria’s pre-war territory, while Russia wants to end the war quickly. There’s an undeclared war between Iran and Israel. So most likely the deal was that Israel would do nothing as Assad secured southern Syria in exchange Iran and Hezbollah are evicted from that same area.


The best Syria can hope for at the moment I think, at least they can take back territory without the threat of attack by Israel. So Israel says.


Nobody thinks of Jordan? They are captives of the Americans, but in their hearts they would support the Syrians. If Syria acts with honour, and the US/Israel plays its usual scumbag role, it will help bring Jordan closer to the free world.

S Melanson

I posted this under a different article but it applies even more so to this report. I will add though that I suspect the meeting that include the US include discussions on Eastern Syria. The absence of Turkey as this develops could be very significant.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that a deal was worked out in advance between all parties and they are each playing their respective parts in implementation, meaning all parties agreed and appear to be cooperating. As for whether the parties are happy or not with the arrangements is another story.

I have a strong gut feeling that this deal includes provisions for resolving eastern Syria and the terms are still to be revealed. So far Turkey does not appear to be involved in the deal but since the implementation of terms in Southern Syria would not involve Turkey, it remains to be seen.

Important things to look for if the deal provisions extend beyond Southern Syria:

What geographic areas affected Which parties involved directly in Implementing terms and which left out. What are the ongoing obligations if any and for whom and what purpose Were any parties kept in the dark, frozen out and/or clearly getting short end of stick

If a deal is worked out in Eastern Syria without Turkish involvement, such a development would be highly significant as it suggests Turkey is being isolated by all sides in the conflict. If Syria is partitioned with Kurdish autonomous zone friendly to the US, this would be a diplomatic catastrophe for Turkey. I would be surprized if they isolated Turkey to such an extent but (sarcasm on) Erdogan has had a way of endearing himself in the eyes of his neighbours (sarcasm off).

Cheryl Brandon

Why would they be withdrawing? This is a LIE: They can only leave if the Syrian Government asks them to do so? Fuck off Ziothugs!!

S Melanson

They are only withdrawing from Southern Syria.


There’s an undeclared war between Iran and Israel. Assad doesn’t want that conflict to spoil his own plans and Russia wants to end the war quickly. Guess who gets the sack?

You can call me Al

Russia and Syria asked to withdraw; they will still be in Syria and waiting to get back in the event of a double cross.

Alexis Goldwasser

After all theyve done for syria, it must suck getting so unceremoniously thrown out LOL

Rex drabble

Assads words in latest interview,,,There are NO Iranian troops in Syria.

Wise Gandalf

IRGC is better than the iranian army. Check this fact.


Satisfying the requirement given by Israel. Russia is just obeying Bibi. In case of Israel attacks Syria (whatever be the reason, missile, soldier, granade, etc.) Will Russia protect Syria against missile and warplanes ? Will Russia willing to shot down an Israel plane ? Will Russia allow Syria to shot down Israel planes ?…. For sure, Israel is planning something now that Syria is alone.

Lena Jones

Is Southfront an israeli propaganda army now? LOL! Ridiculous fake news!!!!!

Leiberman went to Moscow yesterday cuz israel is STILL not getting what it wants from Russia re Syria!


Israel IS GETTING what it wants ( have you heard of some RUSSIAN Air-Force assistance for the Syrian troops on the ground, shelled by the CIA-mercenaries ? And Israel may bomb what it wants in Syria. But that anYmal Lieberman went to Moscow to ASK MORE, maybe even that the Russians don’t do anything anymore, if they want that f*king SOCCER-show run well. remember how Putin lost Ukraine only because of his SOCI-Winter Olympics. He took Crimea, but as The KIEW-Maidan was running, he just stood and looked, not to endanger the PRESTIGE-sh*t called Olympics.

Lena Jones

“Israel IS GETTING what it wants”. Does that include Iranian and Hezbo soldiers at their borders? LOL!

Don’t buy the media hype, israel is in an impossible geopolitical crunch and it hides it well thru the Orange Moron giving it this and that. But what Trump gives israel is irrelevant. Only FACTS ON THE GROUND are the real thing – and facts on the ground clearly indicate that israel has lost Syria and is now frantically trying to protect its stolen loot in the Golan. But that won’t work. Even if US troops come to israel’s aid in the coming Golan war, the israelis will still get kicked out of the Golan – possibly even out of the Levant altogether is the Golan war widens.


So you think it will be a direct confrontation between Syria and israel, for the Golan and the oil there. That will be a very interesting development to watch.

Lena Jones

A big fat YES! Is the answer to your question.

There already exists an internal native Golan resistance in the Golan that’s already been trained by hezbollah and armed by the Syrian gov. Israel will be facing armed resistance externally and internally in the Golan. My money is on the brave resistance and not on the cowardly israelis. Just look what happened to the idf, the israeli airforce AND its navy back in 2006: had their arses handed to them bigly. They have not won a single war since 1973 (the occupation of Golan) and all other wars before it they won while riding on the shoulders of giants like France, UK and USA.


You’re getting a little ahead of yourself.

Short of some political deal like what Israel struck with the Egyptians concerning the Sinai, the Golan Heights will remain in Israeli control even when you lay on your deathbed.

Lena Jones

Obviously you haven’t got a clue past your brainwash.

Golan will be liberated just like south Lebanon was liberated and just like Historic Palestine in its entirety will be liberated – and the klepto fake jews will either pack a suitcase or be packed in body bags – IN YOUR FACE AND IN YOUR LIFETIME.


You will lay on your deathbed and Israel will remain standing. Most Syrians are not interested in your fantasies and delusions of “glorious” conquests of the Golan Heights or anything else for that matter.

At best the Golan heights will be handed over as some form of political settlement. Nobody in the region has the appetite of going on suicidal campaigns. Your delusions of grandeur will remain only in your head.

Lena Jones

You will see the destruction of israel in your own lifetime and on your TV set. You will cry like a stupid baby and no one will care. Golan is Syrian, Shebaa Farms is Lebanese and the holy land is PALESTINIAN. Always was and always will be. Fake Khazar jews terrorists are temporary in the Levant.

“… most Syrians…” lol the OPPOSITE IS TRUE you loonybin! Evidently you’ve never met a Syrian.


Wrong. Israel will remain standing, and no amount of bitching or wailing about it is going to change that. There just simply doesn’t exist any sort of realistic path that would lead to Israel’s destruction in the manner that you wish and hope for.

Its great that you have opinions about what belongs to whom, but opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and most of them stink.

I have met plenty of Syrians. Virtually none of them outside of some fringe groups would ever want to commit suicide and commence their own annihilation because of some glorious infatuations about reclaiming of the Golan heights by force. It just simply isn’t going to happen.

Bashar Assad will likely reclaim most, if not all of Syria, to the way it was prior to the 2011 uprisings. The Golan heights are only going to be reclaimed with the type of diplomacy that got Egypt back the Sinai peninsula.

Like it or not, there is no realistic path for the foreseeable century short of a genuine 2 state solution.

Again, you will die on your deathbed, and so will your grandchildren, and Israel will remain standing. This is just a rational conclusion based on the facts. Your opinion about it is of no consequence and completely irrelevant.

Lena Jones

You haven’t got a clue what the Axis of Resistance is capable of. Your so-called ‘facts’ are pure deluded hasbara. Israel has never been geopolitically weaker than today and its neighbors now have the weapons and the steely resolve to confront it – and soon the opportunity. The twelfth hour of the ‘crushing’ approaches. Sayonara khazar thieves of the holy land! A-ba-bye motherfucking genocidal terrorist state of israel. It was never nice knowing ya.


the strength of the so called “axis of resistance” exists entirely in your head. Theyre capable of mounting an effective insurgency at best if israel decides to commence a full scale invasion. They are completely useless in launching a full on assault and holding onto territory against any modern conventional army. Any sort of invasion of the Golan heights and attempts to annex back the Golan Heights would only result in massive bloodshed and annihilation. The Arab countries and their military leadership understand this perfectly well, and only delusional keyboard warriors on the internet like yourself seem to think otherwise.

Their best bet would be Egyptian approach in the late 70s. You can blither on and “prophesize” about the 12th hour approaching all you want, you’re simply incapable of willing it into the realm of reality. It’ll be a frustrating and humiliating rest of your life for you.

Funny thing is, Israel will never even have to annihilate any large assault by Arab armies, because no armies or militias will bother taking suicidal orders from the likes you. They understand fully their predicament and are far more pragmatic than delusional useless armchair generals like yourself.

Lena Jones

The last war israel won was back in 1973. Mindful here that all wars it has won, it did so riding on the shoulders of giants like France, UK AND US. The idf NOW dare not even put tanks and foot soldiers in rag-tag Gaza. The last time the idf tried to ‘invade’ Lebanon in 2006, it had its arse handed to it bigly. It recently got a smack down in the Golan by the Syrian Air force. Even Gaza now has GRAD MISSILES, as was shown us only last week. And on and on I could go on, dear brainwashed. You’re the deluded one to think that israel is invincible. It’s suicide for Levant Arabs to allow israel to continue existing and expanding: THAT’S THE REAL SUICIDE! Now stop it with your stupid puffer-fish hasbara and face it: you want the ‘uppity’ Levant Arabs to just bow down to israel like Egypt and Jordan have. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN IN A MILLION YEARS! The Axis of Resistance is more than ready to face the genocidal evil that is known as ‘israel’. You really suck at knowing your enemy – but that can only be a good thing for the Resistance, I’m sure.

And it’s laughable that you’re talking about a ‘two state solution’ at this stage – especially considering that israel has made sure of killing this idea thru VAST settlement expansion and ceaseless land theft of Palestinian land. Pushing that funky smelling ruse renders your opinion out of touch and obsolete. Moreover, only an idiot like you thinks that a bigger gun guarantees victory in war. There is currently a balance of terror in place between israel and its ‘smaller-gunned’ neighbors. THIS IS A FACT. The same damage that israel can inflict on Lebanon, for example, the Lebanon can inflict back on israel, without even the use of an air force. This explains why israel dare NOT touch Lebanon like it used to – and it used to touch it PLENTY!

Israel may indeed have a present in the Levant, but it certainly has no future – not with such a cowardly, spineless army – not with such a dumb leadership that continues to be utterly and umbilically dependent on a declining US and other bribed/blackmailed faraway nations for its survival.

Get real. Neither history, NOR GEOGRAPHY is on israel’s side, never mind human decency and morality.


Again, beating your chest and spouting off bravado isn’t going to change the reality of the situation. The last war that Arabs had won when they were clearly on the offensive was in…. oh wait… never… not before 1973 and not afterwards, and this will likely remain the case for the forseeable future, until you lay on your deathbed. The IDF is absolutely capable and willing of putting soldiers in Gaza, and refuse to do so largely thanks to restraint. Last time they did so, Hamas was bleating like a little bitch, and since then Hamas has essentially refused to launch any large scale attacks against Israel largely out of fear of the same sort of outcome of Operation Cast Lead.

In fact, Hamas has clamped down on much more hardline Salafist Groups and groups like Islamic Jihad and instead resorts to riling up civilians to storm the border while they hide in the background trying fruitlessly to dig tunnels. It’s much easier to design a media narrative of Israeli’s “butchering innocent protesters” than it is to launch a military offensive that would lead to your own annihilation. If there was ever an example of “cowardice” and not having a spine, that is a perfect example of it, not your useless tripe. As for Lebanon, the last time Israel was in Lebanon, they were largely the aggressor, and Israel withdrew due to an unwillingness to absorb a high amount of losses in foreign territory. You’re absolutely delusional if you think you’d have the same Israeli approach to an actual invasion by any of the surrounding Arab forces into Israel or the Golan heights. But then again, I don’t expect someone like you to dwell in the realm of reality. Gaza has “grad missiles”?

Interesting how Hamas controlled Gaza has been essentially useless against the IDF for the past several years, and as stated earlier has resorted to sending civilians to try and storm the border. What a highly capable “axis of resistance” they have lol. At least Hezbollah is somewhat competent, and even Nasrallah understands that realistically there is not going to be any military invasion of Israeli or Golan territory. That sort of fantasy only exists in your head.

I don’t “want” the so called “uppity Levant Arabs” to do anything. You have no idea what I want, and you’re making some retarded assumptions about “hasbara” or some other junk. I am not jewish and I have no relation to zionism. But then again, people like you think that everyone who doesn’t support some forceful expulsion and genocide of all Israelis is apparently some “hasbara” on IDF payroll or some other such nonsense. I want a 2 state solution, the removal of all Israeli settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem being recognized as a future Palestinian capital and an end to unprovoked Israeli aggression against its neighbors like Syria.

However this does not mean that I support some fantasy of a forceful destruction and dissolution of Israel. Not that it would matter if I did, as it is simply not going to happen. Israel is here to stay, whether you like it or not. There is absolutely no forseeable way for Arab forces to successfully launch any sort of offensive incursion into Israel’s territory. Bashar Assad and Nasrallah, regardless of whether they resent this fact, know this perfectly well, and will instead rely on the much more pragmatic strategy of curbing Israeli into their own territory while engaging in indirect negotiations.

These are the facts, and beating your chest or engaging in gung ho internet warrior rhetoric about it isn’t going to change anything.

Lena Jones

You frigging hasbara fool – I didn’t bother reading past your first brainwashed line! Go collect your shekel from Bibis’ genocidal arse mister Hampster (who has his profile set on ‘private’. LOL! ). The Hezb is coming: that’s all the REALITY you need to know motherfucker!


Well nobody in Hezbollah who matters seems to agree with you on anything other a token refusal to recognize Israel’s existence.

And again ,what is with the assertion that I am some shekel collecting IDF infiltrator? ARe you seriously that paranoid? That’s the part of your responses that honestly makes me laugh out loud. It is just so cringeworthy and embarrassing that you think I am some kind of “paid hasbara” whatever the fuck that means that goes to some obscure alternative news site like Southfront to specifically “infiltrate” some completely irrelevant nobody like yourself. I just LOL so hard. You must have a really hard life hahahaha.

Lena Jones

STFU already creepo! Just listen to your liar’s twitching! The Hezb beat your arse TWICE already!!!! And they certainly will a third time too. Now put all that nothing-burger you’ve written to me in yer zio pipe and smoke it!


LOL! Hezbollah beat “my” arse twice? I don’t recall engaging in combat against Hezbollah, nor do I recall an association with anyone that has.

Oh right, I forgot. You paranoid morons think that any random individual who calls out on your retarded bullshit rants on the internet is some IDF operative being paid shekels by some evil “hasbara” overlords in Tel Aviv. Hahahahahaha.

And you think I’m the “creepo”? LOL. I’m gonna be 100% honest with you. The shit you say is so stupidly outlandish and patently absurd to the point where it actually LITERALLY makes me laugh out loud. Your paranoid stupidity is a source of endless entertainment for me.

Many intellectuals who are very strongly critical of Israel’s policies would honestly be revolted at the thought of being remotely associated with someone like you. Same with Hezbollah. You’d honestly make them look bad.

I suspect you’re very socially isolated in your personal life lol…

Lena Jones

Hasbara psycho you’ve already been exposed so best you stfu already you little bloodsucking lice turd!


The only thing that’s been “exposed” is the fact that you’re a paranoid little runt with shit in their brains.

“Hasbara psycho”… LOL!

Please tell me more. I’d love to hear more stories and details about being paid shekels and blood money by zionist illuminati overlords.

Btw have you ever wondered why you have little to no friends? Maybe you should go see a shrink and take your meds. :)

Lena Jones

Look at you still flaying like a headless hamster. It’s what all you genocidal zio-cogs do when you get exposed lol!


Keep “exposing” your paranoia, its entertaining to watch. Yes, I am “flaying” around here. Some random idiot on the internet calls me a zionist hasbara being paid shekels in Tel Aviv. I feel so “exposed”. HAHAHAHAHA. Exposed to your endless stupidity, maybe. Then again, I shouldnt expect anything different from a lonely, low IQ, degenerate, sheltered and obese cunt who doesn’t do anything but expose their own fecal matter and foul mouth on random internet websites while pretending to foresee glorious conquests that exist only in your head and imagination. Judging by your responses, I am absolutely certain you have major psychological issues in your personal life and are incapable of even basic human to human interaction. That’s the only thing that’s been “exposed” by your incoherent drivel here.

Lena Jones

You absolutely got exposed AND triggered AGAIN lol using the C word in a debate and all – and of course being used to only seeing hamster vaginas, you haven’t got a clue what a human vag even looks like – but you sure know what assholes looks like: seeing you’re covered with them head to toe and all. I sure did hit a nerve with my ‘shekel’ comment – must be true lol. Just go count how many words you’ve had to use to defend the hasbara charge you little zio-supremecist turd. You’ve been crushed just like israel will be crushed and the klepto terrorist jews that live there will be forced to go back to their true homelands, like it or not. Palestine is Arab, NEVER khazar!


“Triggered”? How is the C word a sign of me getting “triggered”? It’s just an apt description of a flailing retard on the internet who likes to pretend like he is some valiant warrior “exposing” vast jewish conspiracies or some shit. Nothing you do can really “trigger” me. The honest truth is that reading your pile of incoherent filth is actually really cringeworthy, meaning I’m actually embarrassed on your behalf. It literally would make great comedy were it not for the fact that you actually seem to believe it. Now as for the “shekel” comment, the reason I keep mentioning it is because of how utterly laughable it is that you ACTUALLY think that is true lmao. Let me get this straight…. you ACTUALLY think that because I have a different opinion… that I disagreed with your assertion that Israel will be destroyed… you ACTUALLY think that “therefore” I must be some hasbara IDF agent on Southfront being paid shekels to type up a response to a nobody like yourself? You must be the most retarded fuckwit if you actually believe that.

What about in your personal life? If you have a disagreement with a delivery driver or with a merchant in a store or marketplace, do you go about “exposing” them as IDF hasbara agents trying to rip you off? I’m not exactly sure how such cringeworthy socially awkward childlike behavior is supposed to “hit a nerve”. Honestly, you just make yourself look like a fucking clown lol.

And what is this hasbara “charge” you’re bleating about? I wasn’t aware I was being “charged” with anything. I just got an infantile social reject named “Lena Jones” frothing at the mouth and randomly throwing out insults that make themselves look like a total idiot. For the record, I’m not here to “defend” myself against anything, I’m just genuinely amused and entertained by how delusional and out of touch in reality someone like yourself must be. This is why you sit on the internet all day, and why you don’t have any friends.

And lastly… of course… I’m apparently “crushed” lol! Some cheeto eating obese fat fuck sits behind his computer and starts throwing around insults and accusations in my general direction. Naturally, I respond to just how awkward and stupid these remarks are, and in the impotent obese fat fuck’s mind I’m apparently being “exposed” and “crushed” in some epic internet battle where he heroically apparently uncovered some grandiose zionist conspiracy. Either that, or you’re just making a fool of yourself. Your behavior is honestly an embarrassment, even to people who may otherwise agree with you on a lot of issues.

And of course we went over your last little tirade of Israelis being “forced” out and have already established that in the realm of reality this simply isn’t going to realistically happen, certainly not in your lifetime. You know absolutely nothing about the geopolitical realities of war as you’ve never fought in one.

By the way, I do know what a “human vag” looks like, just as your mother can confirm. I fucked that cunt so hard, that on her deathbed she will still remember me and my cock, while she probably won’t even recognize who you are nor remember your name. And of course Israel will remain standing, much to your regret.

Lena Jones

Triggered motherfucker – literally: mother+fucker. LOL!

Your shekel awaits you…


Well I may be a mother fucker (ask your mother), but I’m certainly not triggered, certainly not by you.

Btw, I do business in Yuan, SGD, and USD. Not “shekels”.

Again though, I’m having a hard time figuring out how you think someone on the internet is being paid to talk to you. You’re really not that important, I promise you.

Lena Jones

Well my mother is dead so this makes you a certified necrophiliac motherfucker.


Interesting. Did I also get paid shekels by the bloodthirsty zionist jews to rape dead bodies as part of some zionist satanic ritual?

Oh of course… I just got “exposed” again. LOL.

Lena Jones

Your cunt-iness certainly got exposed motherfucker shekel-licker.


How many shekels were you paid to “expose” me to your stupidity?

Lena Jones

The potty-mouth jew has run out of ideas, but never mind that: he has shekels in pocket and shit in mouth so he’s in jewish heaven.


I think it is you who has run out of ideas with your silly immature insults many responses ago. Besides frothing at the mouth proclaiming to have somehow “exposed” some random stranger with a different opinion as apparnetly some paid zionist IDF operative, “shekel” hoarder, “kleptomaniac” and now some necrophiliac, all topped off with empty threats and useless bravado, I can’t say I’m really impressed.

I mean if you’re going to start getting creative with ludicrous accusations and insults, at least come up with some good ones. You don’t even realize it, but your responses just demonstrate how much of an embarrassment you’ve become to the rest of society. I bet your mother would be rolling over in her grave if she fully knew what a socially inept degenerate she ended up raising.

Lena Jones

LOL so very easy to trigger a motherfucker like you time and time again – and with so few of words too.

Therefore I rest my case.

As everyone can see, I baked the Hamster in the oven.


I’m not sure you succeeded in triggering anything other than a chuckle and a couple facepalms from me and anyone else who has had to read your incoherent paranoid babble. If it wasn’t for you being a socially awkward degenerate, you might’ve had a shot at doing some sort of standup comedy with an element of dark humor.

But everyone can see that you’re a fuck up and a failure at everything in life, so naturally paranoid conspiracy theories and scapegoating “the joos” for your own miserable life is a natural niche for you.

Lena Jones

Another ‘bubble-residing’ jew who is deluded enough to think the world is on their side lol. STOP assuming on behalf of the world – surely you don’t need the world to support the validity of your hostile, rubbish argument, right? You are an amateur shekel-hasbara who’s been busted and that’s that. Now go back to tickling you puny hamster balls in the cupboard under the stairs.


I never claimed that the “world” is on “my side”, whatever the fuck “my side” even means. I wasn’t aware I was part of some “side” in this conversation. I explained to you the basic premises and some of my positions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Then you got angry and provoked simply because I disagreed with you and went on to misrepresent my positions, then you changed course once again and ridiculed my positions, and then you changed course yet again and began to claim that my positions are actually all lies and that I’m instead a shekel loving IDF hasbara agent. Then when I point out how ridiculous and stupid that sounds, you doubled down and asserted that because I ridiculed your paranoid assertions, that “therefore” they must be true and that you successfully “exposed” me. And now you talk about lack of validity of a “hostile, rubbish argument”.

You brain clearly doesn’t work straight and is incapable of even the most basic levels of critical thinking. You literally think I’m an IDF operative getting paid shekels to respond to you? And if I am not? Oh well of course that doesn’t matter.

No matter what I do, you’ll continue barking about shekels and zionist kleptomania in my direction. For instance, if I were to deny the accusation of being a so called “shekel-hasbara” (whatever the fuck that is…), then you accuse me of “dwelling” on the topic and the fact that I’m being defensive “exposes” me somehow. But if I were to ignore the accusation, you would instead proclaim that this “exposes” me since I’m not denying the false accusation. And if I were to stop responding to you entirely, you would think that you “exposed” my alleged “IDF operation” from Tel Aviv and that I had to save face and run away after being “exposed”. The problem of course is that every single one of those scenarios is a logical non-sequitur fallacy. In other words, a rubbish argument full of hostility and indicative of some serious personal issues in your life, and I think its safe to say nearly “everyone” with a bit of critical thinking can probably attest to that. :)

Lena Jones

Hamster, don’t you have a date with Richard Gere’s arse or something? Yeah, I think you do.


I am not a homosexual. I love women, not men. Though women love me a lot more, I’m just that charming. In fact, I suspect that despite our “hostilities”, and the nasty insults we threw at one another, even you probably secretly admire me on some level.


Lena Jones

Oh dear, you’re still wanking at the mirror.


I’m sure you’re hoping that I was thinking of you when doing it.

Lena Jones

You’re incapable of thinking. Full stop.


It doesn’t take much “thinking” on my part to tame Lena Jones. Just a few slaps to the face and a couple shekels from the satanic zionists at Tell Aviv.

You can call me Al



you think they will get, what they want?

S Melanson

Israel wants Iran out of Syria altogether but they seem to have settled on a buffer zone. The defence minister going to Russia suggests to me the buffer will be guaranteed by Russia in cooperation with Israel and I assume Syria – would require cooperation between militaries hence defence minister. But Israel knows it is the Russian guarantee that really counts as Iran will not cross Russia lightly. I assume Israel wants Golan Heights annexation recognized but that is a pipe dream for now.

Note I would agree with you Iran and Hezbollah should leave Syria but only if Israel made a big concession which would be return Golan Heights. To make more palatable to Israel, Syria could agree to joint exploitation of resources in the Golan.


You keep trying to put words into my mouth kid. Why is that? jews want Iran and Hez to leave Syria and abandon her not I and I am also sure not Assad. So out of curiosity, why you insist I want them to leave Syria? From the looks of it, is you who worry about it not I.

S Melanson

I re-read your earlier post and you are right and I was mistaken. You stated to the effect that Syria can stand on her own and so does not need the help like before when in a weakened state. That is not the same as wanting them to leave. Sorry about that. If your assessment is correct, Assad can use as.


yes I did. But that does not mean that i said iranians or any one else that are standing by the side of Assad and Syria must leave the ocuntry. I told you not to assume but read what somone says. How you translate in your mind what somoene says is your limitaion to think peripherally and always understand, what others mean when they say somethgin based on your welwishing and perhaps promoting your ideas.

S Melanson

I am surprised you used my admission of error and apology as an opportunity to apply further insult. I offered my apology sincerely as there was no intent to misread you to promote my ideas. If it was intentional, I would not have posted my error and apology in the first place.


not an insult. i dont insult people. Just speak my mind.

S Melanson

Hey I replaced (edited) what I said, I did this almost an hour ago. I say all is good. Do you still see my old post? I also edited the original offending post since it no longer applied.


hey stop this. I said we are ok leave it at that. I dont answer to people I answer to post and their mentality. Why you keep trying to do this personal? It is not .

S Melanson

This will be my last.

I edited a comment to say ‘I read your other post, all is good, peace.’which was meant to be final closure and move on. After my edit you responded as if I had never made any change. Which is why I asked what you were seeing.

It was not personal, it was a technical concern with my edit function, just that my post was poorly written. hope this clarifies

End of line.


Hezbollah and the Iranians retreat because PUTIN wants it so. This f*king Soccer World Championship looks more important than what happens to the Syrian Allies. The two strong allies of Assad would have wiped out the Israeli-assets on the demarcation-line to the Occupied Golan-heights.


and why a jew as yourself complain about it? You think SAA is not enough to kick your ass and need more help beside, the russian airforce? Unless you have not yet digest, that SAA is not what it used to be 3years ago.

John Whitehot

not giving israel pretexts to attack syria is actually a positive thing.

unless you actually are an israeli that wants to attack syria because his beloved jihadists have been dismantled.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Iran and Hezbollah move out and the Israeli backed rebels move in to take their place. If the Russians and Assad had left Darra until after they cleaned out Dier ez-Zor, this would have been a lot easier to manage I think. If the SAA and Hezbollah had gone for Dier ez-Zor first, they could have sent Hezbollah off to greener pastures when they’d finished there, and left the SAA and Russia to clean out Darra afterwards, without the Israelis making too much of a fuss. I know there’s things I might not be aware of that make Darra more of a priority for Assad than Dier ez-Zor, but I can’t help thinking this’s a big mistake that will come back to bite them on the backside. But I think they’re making the same mistake in Idlib with Erdogan too.


I’m thinking the 55 incoming projectiles, which according to some, “stuck a new balance of terror”, was more successful than is documented.


considering their famous lemon, called IronDom has around 10% success in what is claimed it does i think you are right.


The zionists got what they wanted


The AngloZionist family. https://thesaker.is/the-anglozionist-family-goes-on-a-stroll/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/59b3fbeeee9c11a4600bf1b245e6c799b8a6b4942719abffe89fa0155b939b5a.png

Hide Behind

What choice does Assad and his followers have bucidet to do what Russia, US and Israel/NATO want? There has to of been “prior talks” between US and Russia, and a meeting in Jordan( an avowed enemy and active participant in helping terrorist) as a place to hold talks to decide conditions that will apply to a very large chunk of Syrian land. Russia cares little for how, who, , and Assad holding an impoverished nation with but real political power of small area or what within Syria happens, as long as he retains his seaport. Iran has been holding talks within Jorda with both their King, NATO and Israeli trying to broker an easy exit strategy for their own and Hez millitants. Mainly seeking an agreement from Israel to leave Lebanon’s Hez alone for a few years. Russia orders Iran out, US places crushing sanctions on Iran, Frances major gas firm backs out of huge natural gas trade with Afghanistan and partners with Russia firms. Afghanistan loses out on Pakistan and India sales and finds China only willing partner, but; Iran must help finance China’s “Silk Road”. Syria not able to acquire Russia’s advanced missles, armor, and soon lose Iran’s oil and grunts on ground, Assad is a walking deadman and All the Eurocentric , including Russia, are as in days of old forming new boundaries in ME.

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