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MARCH 2025

Hezbollah Official Says Two Israeli Drones Fell In Beirut (Photos)

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In the early hours of August 25, an explosion rocked Beirut’s Southern Suburb, the stronghold of Lebanese armed group Hezbollah.

Local sources said that several ambulances and a firetruck were dispatched to the explosion site, which was reportedly secured by local fighters.

A few minutes after the explosion, a source in Hezbollah told the Reuters news agency that two Israeli drones crashed in the Southern Suburb. The source didn’t provide any additional information.

Photos of one of the Israeli drones surfaced online. The photos show a small quadcopter equipped with an unidentified device.

The incident came a few hours only after a series of Israel airstrikes on the Syrian capital, Damascus. Sources close to Hezbollah said that at least four fighters of the Lebanese group were killed in the airstrikes.

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Xoli Xoli

Israel is on full scale war under false pretenses of self defences.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, the more cowardice the Iranians, Hezbollah and Syria show the more brazen and bold the Zionist scum will get. Just read the gloating and boasting come from the Zionists:

Iran is ‘not safe anywhere’, Israeli ministers warn after Damascus strikes

Israeli ministers said on Sunday morning that Tel Aviv claimed responsibility for an overnight air raid in Syria alleging that it had prevented an Iranian drone strike on Israel and to send a message to Tehran that it should not feel “safe anywhere”.

Xoli Xoli

Very true no actions no retreat.

Xoli Xoli

Exactly truly speaking you dont need to elaborate more you are telling 100% truth. Thank you very much for facts and truth.

If I am wrong tell me shit if I make errors correct me.If I reasoning foolish ignore my foolishness.

But honestly speak thanks .

Icarus Tanović

I BET they said so…Lebanese army, aka Hezbollah just won’t give up. And some punks around are anoyed, because they can do NOTHING.

klove and light

you sure are an idiot……hezbollah can do Nothing????ß lolol…. nobody, no human beiing wants war….war is Evil war is satanic…with one exeption THE DIRTY SATANIC MURDERING JEW…..

just wait and see when ALL of your dirty satanic jews will be driven into the mediterain sea……and 99.9% of the world Population will have the biggest Party this planet has ever seen…….and their after you satanic Evil beiings will be chased and killed all over the world and finally there will be Peace on our beautyfull planet!!!!

so enjoy the rest of the days you have here, you dirty stealing lying murdering piece of satanic stinking JEW!!

Zionism = EVIL

Hezbollah media Al-Manar has just confirmed 5 Hezbollah deaths in Beirut. Let’s see if they put their money where their mouth is?

Icarus Tanović


Icarus Tanović

Hey, but you misunderstood me. They can do nothing AGAINST Hezbollah, that is what I was saying, not otherwise. Peace…

Taz T

Israel will not stop until others hit back in kind. It is attacking several countries under US supervision. It needs to be stop, they are getting too big for their shoes.

Zionism = EVIL

Believe me two missiles at Occupied Golan will get the message across. So far the Zionist scum have killed over 200 Iranians, Syrians, Iraqis and Hezbollah with total impunity. I wonder what these cowards with 130 million people are scared of?

Taz T

Two missile at Tel – Aviv airport will put an end to Israeli Aggression.

Zionism = EVIL

Bless you 100%. That is exactly what the Zionists need. AnsarAllah send one armed drone over UAE and the next day those arseholes pulled out of Yemen. The Zionists are the biggest cowards and afraid to die and if they get bogged down in a long multi-front asymmetrical war they will be finished and they know it, the problem is that no one has called their bluff yet. A response should be commensurate and asymmetrical and that always gets your enemies attention. The Pakistanis for whatever their faults are masters of that. Indian dumbasses attacked their forests with Zionist SPICE bombs and within 12 hours their PM and military met and ambushed the Indian idiots downing 2 jets and helicopter. What did a much larger India do? fuckall!


Idlib and Al tanf need to be cleared first in my opinion.

Zionism = EVIL

For sure, but like you said, as the SAA clears out the terrorists, their Zionist masters attack Syria even more, so there has to be a cost to the Zionists as they want their terrorists to survive, I am not a fan of the duplicitous Russian role in supporting Zionist aggression. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/823f61b52941dd3b765a209bde8323ce1c12e91e9f2117ef43ef5793f175363b.jpg

Free man

That’s exactly what Netanyahu wants. This would give him the perfect excuse to start an all out war. After all, he has to win the election.

Zionism = EVIL

He will do it anyway as the Zionists are totally out of control.

Zionism = EVIL

No point commenting until there is retaliation, so far the Zionist scum are getting more brazen by the day and Iranians, Hezbollah, Iraqis and most of all Syrians are acting as disgraceful pussies. It is shameful cowardice.


Kneejerk reactions to Zionist aggression are actually what the IS and Israel want.

Revenge is best eaten cold when the circumstances are right.

There is little to be gained by manic rage against Israel.

Zionism = EVIL

Sorry my friend, that is a cop out. How long do these losers wait to hit back? as the Zionists are getting more brazen by the day and will attack Iran and Lebanon soon as they know that there is no retaliation. Syria has been hit over 300 times and the arrogant Zionists openly brag that they are only ones killing Iranians daily.


Surely now is not the time to give the US and Israel the opportunity and excuse to start a ground war against Syria their Israeli borders with US troops ‘Fighting for Israel ?

These illegal US coalition of Terror provocations always seem to manifest themselves when the SAA is on a Winning Streak.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, the Turkey pigs are also bidding for their Americunt and Zionist masters. But the Americunts are dead broke and dying in Afghanistan daily now and with the limited number of lardasses they have in region they will not fight for the Zionists. Americunt economy is deadbroke and the debt is $1 trillion for this fiscal year alone and the economic war with China is bringing on a major recession. This is the ideal time to open a multi-front asymmetrical war in already seething region.


I agree the US is degrading on all fronts, yet this is when a dying snake is most dangerous.

The US snake still has a great amount of ‘Created World Reserve Currency Venom’ , although the venom is getting less potent by the day.

I would argue that more time is given for the snake to weaken further.

Zionism = EVIL

The Chinese in their Confucian wisdom call it a death by thousand cuts. This is time for China to at least open multiple fronts and support Iran and also take a stand on Syria. The Americunts are in indeed in death throes like all dying empires, but they will need to pushed over the edge. Russia under the arsehole Putin is too enamored with its western, especially Americunt “partners”. The CIA is already preparing for a post Putin Russia dominated by Jew scum oligarchs and plunder of Russian resources. The mess in Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan is no coincidence. The drones that attacked the PMU base in Iraq came from Azerbaijan and were Zionist in origin.


We disagree on President Putin, but that is the nature of civilised debate, and only true historical facts will give us the answer in the future.

I agree that the CIA has a wish list of Russia’s resources and that what happens Post Putin is critical for the survival of either side.

I am though optimistic that the pro-looting element of pro US Russian oligarchs and politicians will not be successful.


This is where you are right… China has been playing both sides against the middle. Turkey works this way also but they provoke conflict. Russia and Hezbollah have been doing the heavy lifting to help Syria. China’s strategy is pretty chickenshit.


They end of empire is a very dangerous time.


Syria is spread pretty thin, Israel would love to get them to engage with them to save their proxy ISISrael. Israel wants others to fight their wars for them, but ISISrael is being shredded in Syria. God forbid, they may have to risk their own people to keep the GIP alive. They are beating a dead horse but 100 years and $trillions have been invested in colonizing everything east of the Euphrates. As entitled/chosen they have a hard time giving that up.


You see it, SouthF, why some of us is backing out of everything this days, its simple, we are loosing, and loosing big. Take a look around, the western MSM is of course lying about everything, and I mean every f…. thing. The EU is run by scums, Polaks are de facto scums, have allways been scums and will continue to be scums, the BalTicks have drowend them self with scums to, plundered the land and indebted the people and have nothing left than hate, hating the wrong people, since the fal of Sovjet they ave done nothing, other then been idiots whom belived the western scums, whom have lied about everything, incl been friends, like the equally stupid Orcs, if they have an reason for hating Russia, I know about that, but again, its an century soon ago, and instead of fighting the scums they end up as idiots, why the f…. pity idiots, I dont. Brits is of course the scum pr. exselance along with the Frogg f….. and inbetween them the Benelux countrys, whom have had their free reign and now, huh, been sucked into shit they dont want or dont know about excsept beliving the scums fairy tales, when the same people have indebted them to their own eyeballs, witch of course is done by the same scums whom is hailing the invasion forces coming from other parts of the world, to crash the economy even further, and all this idiots can do is drool something about Russia, and now China, but fails to talk about the real deal, their own corrupt scums whom is lying about everything, incl the housing issue and price sky rocketing, well fare crashing etc to austeritys. Then we have the Souther europeans, well, they are bastard scums, even worse then real scums, just humped with even more greed and violence and that comes from been half breeds, since the Otomaniacs have won the war and made them all to idiots. The Arabs, well, they claim to be Muslims, witch is as true as I am Santa, aka 100% bullshit. But been idiots, and is inable to do anything apart from wanting to rape and plunder their own kind and neighbors, yeah, real scums, and belive me, I have no ilutions left what so ever, few are they than can call them selfs men, in an world of scums, so it dont help, whatever we or I say is irrelevant, they are simply to stupid to look further then their own dicks reaches. Africans, yeah, just look at their own countrys, raped, plundered and run by Africans, and instead of talking about that, we end up drooling about something happening 400 years ago, equally idiots as the rest, with no hope in sight, Libya was the shining light, and was crushed by the Africans as well as the west, I blame them as much for it as the ZATO. Just plain f…. scums, and now they crawl into our land as an army of cockroatches and if we dont want them, there is another army of scums whining about us been Nazis. Hell yeah. And then the imperial banana republic, UssA, run by scums, and ISISrael, witch to me, is an prime ex. on how to have an firm grip on the western balls, and I dont belive an word about Russia, witch to me is setting the stage for them selfs to be robbed and raped by the very same scums you cant talk about and if you do you go to jail, hurray. The Chines, well, the only good thing is they havent been imperialistic, trade hell yess, but not by force, apart from that, scums. The rest of eastern asia, is an region where the only intellegence is found in the very animals they like to torture, and the people are nothing but low life scums, I dont wanna call em rats because I respect rats, not scums. The Nordicks, is in the same leauge as the North european lands, run by scums, and an MSM that lies about everything and now, plundered bare, and if you open your mouth you are an russian boot.

No, this was an short intro, to say that we are loosing, we as far I can judge are going into centurys of darkness, nothing is going to change that, even when the solution is simple, hang the bankers ( IMfs, BISes; massive austeritys witch nobody talks about, to the insane belife in the MMT, printing mooney out of thin air, and then we have the AGW, etc to MICs), and burn down the MSM, and then chase the political scums of the cliff. I have watched the train, slowly, bit by bit aproatching the end of the line, like idiots hagling about the deck chairs and wetted carpets on an sinking Titanic, delution, I dont know, to me it seems more like insanity, beliving the same people whom created this shit, can fix it, doing the same over and over and by an f…. miracle expect an different result, is the sole definition of insanity. I dont rea much anymore, because it makes no sense, have no meaning what so ever, its just babeling, while I always focuse on what they do, never much on whats said, talk is cheep, costs nothing.

Nope, we are f…. And I am not even a pessimist by nature, just an rock hard realist. I can just by counting the few I respect, with just one hand, and despite my deep respect I know it dont mean jack shit, we are stil going down. May the lord have mercy upon them, and we can of course hope, but the prophets warned us, WE the People have to do it, if not, then we arent wurthy jack shit, never ever forget that.



Essentially the self anointed Khazar world elite are stoking the fires of internecine warfare and literally returning us all to the situation of Pre History when Villages and Towns mostly fought amongst themselves, and when raiders from distant lands raped and pillaged for personal gain.


I refer you to the site 153news… It exposes all the hoaxes and if watched by the masses, confused, will change their belief and awareness conditions.

Taz T

Israel probably was talking about their own drones attacking Beirut..

Free man

These drones couldn’t come from Israel. Their range of operation is too short.


There’s an Israeli military base 2km north of Acra on the Nahhriya road that’s teeming with armoured vehicles. Perhaps if Hezbollah or the Syrians hit it with a couple of ballistic missiles the Yids would back off.


Normally, Israel rarely targets Hezbollah in Lebanon, for fear of retaliation. Thats why Israel uses Syria for those strikes normally. Something seems to have changed in the equation. Something we dont know yet. Maybe its just upcoming elections that make Bibi more bold in this regard, but maybe some other reason is behind the change of tactics and this escalation.


Yeah something has changed.. ISISrael in Idlib is getting their axes kicked…

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