According to the Alalam, Hezbollah fighters’ anti-terrorism operation near al-Zweitini of Jaroud in Ra’as al-Baalbek ended with the Killing of ISIS commander Iskandar and several other ISIS terrorists.
It is reported by Iranian news media Alalam that the Hezbollah inflicted major damage on ISIS military equipment and one of the notorious field commanders of ISIS was known as Iskandar has been killed.
According to the Alalam, Hezbollah fighters’ anti-terrorism operation near al-Zweitini of Jaroud in Ra’as al-Baalbek ended with the Killing of ISIS commander Iskandar and several other ISIS terrorists.
The report added that the Hezbollah’s operation also inflicted major damage on ISIS military equipment.
ISIS posted a video on the Internet in mid-March where it promised to avenge their losses at the hands of Hezbollah and the Lebanese Armed Forces in the Baalbek Highlands.
ISIS also stated that sooner or later it would get its revenge against the Lebanese Armed Forces, Hezbollah, and the Lebanese political elite that attempted to eliminate their presence in Lebanon.

One of the notorious field commanders of the ISIL terrorist group was killed in heavy fighting with the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance.
Although Hezbollah overpowered the ISIS at the village of Beit Ali Al-Agha in March, killing several terrorists while also clearing large swathes of territory in the process.
Since January Nusra , ISIS and Hezbollah have been engaged in intermittent but fierce clashes in several places on territorial disputes. To keep terrorists at the bay the Lebanese Army has been firing artillery fire in the area on the daily basis for last one year.