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Hezbollah Leader: Missile Attack At Israeli Forces In Golan Heights Marked Start of “Completely New Stage”

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Hezbollah Leader: Missile Attack At Israeli Forces In Golan Heights Marked Start of "Completely New Stage"

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

The May 10 missile attack on military targets in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights marked the start of a “completely new stage”, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah announced on May 14.

According to Nasrallah, 55 missiles were launched from Syrian territory at Israeli targets in the Golan Heights. The Hezbollah leader said that Israel should stop its acts of aggression or it will face stinging retaliation.

Nasrallah also dismissed Israeli claims about the number of casualties and extent of damage in the aftermath of the strikes on Syria. He said that Israel attempts to conceal its failures through such lies.

The Hezbollah leader also adressed the current situation in Palestine slamming the US and Israeli approach towards the situation and calling on resistance movements across the Middle East not to give in to US and Israeli pressures.

“The Palestinian cause relies on regional nations, who will never betray it. The Palestinian Authority must not sign this so-called deal of century by any means,” Nasrallah said adressing a Palestinian-Israeli deal which is expected to be proposed by the US administration soon.

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Gregory Gregory

Let’s hope that attack was, indeed, the shape of things to come.

Vince Dhimos

I am not afraid for Hezbollah against Israel alone, but if the US gets involved militarily, we are all in trouble.

Rafik Chauhan

usa is no more stron and powerful they are pussy army like zi9nist they will use merciineries to fight thier war

The Latin Mass

Jewish population in Israhell is barely more than Lebanon. 1948 war involved hardly any Muslims.

Zionism = EVIL

US and 50 NATO and other assorted puppets have been stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan for 17 years and hardly a glaring “mission accomplished”. I don’t think the US is all that strong anyway considering is string of defeats from Korea, Vietnam to the current Mid East.

Michał Hunicz

Bombard occupiers every day and every night!

Shylo Duffy

What hurts the most is the cowardice of the international leader.

The Latin Mass

Putinsteinowitz won’t hurt his friend Bibi, Putin will kill Muslims and reduce the Muslim population of the world, but will do everything to keep the jewish population on the up and up. Putin won’t kill a single jew, when Putin has killed 350,000 civilian Chechen Muslims.

Would Putin do to Israhell what Putin did to Chechens.

viktor ziv

Chechnya is republic within Russian federation that was attacked by “brave” terrorist capable only to face civilians in school, birth hospital, theatar, etc. As for the numbers thank Boris Yeltsin, a drunk traitor who staged coup in 1993. driving Russia to hell. Palestine is not part of Russia hence Russians will not fight for them. Why don’t you address the same words to Egyptians, Jordanians, Saudis, Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Emiratis, etc. Where are muslim brothers when Palestinians are getting killed for past 70 Years? Why don’t you put a blame to Arafat (nobel price winner on palestinian blood)?


That with Putin and BIBILAND starts to be another story, you are right by that.. But the rest about PUTIN,… sorry. The CHECHENS were financed by SAUDI-ARABIA. By one of that idy0tic “Peace-Conferences”, the Saudi-Prince at that times MINISTER-of the Interior and now KING of the Saudi-Arabia, approached PUTIN and proposed him lucrative OIL-deals for Russia in Saudi-Arabia ( so as Russia wouldn’t have oil enough..) And what’s IMPORTANT FOR US HERE TO KNOW: The Saudi added that he guarantees that the CHECHEN Jihadists won’t move in Caucasus anymore.. ” -We control them!”, the Arab scvmbag said.

Putin didn’t react by that BS, he ALREADY f*cked the Saudi-Chechens thru… other CHECHENS that went into ALLIANCE with PUTIN because the father of the Leader was killed by the Saudi-Chechens. And NOW that Leader is President in Chechnya and cleaned the garbage there, helped by Russian OMON-troops.

Zionism = EVIL

Russia is totally controlled by Jews and Putin is corrupt to the core. He is in league with Nutter Yahoo and that does not auger well for Russia either as US and Zionist agenda is the Yugoslav style Balkanization of Russia and control over its immense natural resources.


spot on

Manuel Flores Escobar

Bibi dont allow Arab gas pipeline through Israel to link Haifa-Cyprus-Turkey-EU…this is good for Russia!…Bibi went to Moscow with that St George Ribon to support Russia againts NATO backed Nazis gangs in Ukraine and Baltic countries….Bibi does not sanction Russia like EU,Canadá,Australia,Japan,Switzerland did!..meanwhile Putin dont supply Syria with S-300 and Iskander…therefore there is a relationship of convenience! nothing to object!


The ptoblep is Syrian war is a Russian war with Syrians dying

Yet Russia does not protect Syrians from Israeli Attacks



Of course, sign no deal.

Let USA and israel kill all the Palestinians so that everyone sees. Also, arab countries should never have taken the Palestinian refugees and let them inside israel or killed or pushed into the water.

That’s rude but that the way it works.


70 years of Zionistan = 70 years of terror and stolen lands. Nothing there to celebrate

Zionism = EVIL

Like its Nazi and Apartheid role models, the Zionist cancerous regime is unsustainable, demography and the tide of history is against it.


learn waht a NAZI is first……NAtionalZIonist you see the word nazi is the short form for NSDAP(hitlers party-rothshild child) and ZIONISM which had an agreement..thus in partnership…..NAZI NAZI NAZI without the agreement bewteen those two, there would be no israel. YOU CANNOT BE A NAZI WITHOUT BEING A ZIONIST; YOU CANNOT BE A ZIONIST WITHOUT BEING A JEW

peace love and harmony bro

John Eldorado

No, you need to learn what the derogatory term “NAZI” means: “A homonymic term Nazi was in use before the rise of the NSDAP in Bavaria as a pet name for Ignatz and (by extension from that) a derogatory word for a backwards peasant, which may have influenced the use of that abbreviation by the Nazis’ opponents and its avoidance by the Nazis themselves.” Only an imbecil would insult the brave Germans by comparing them to the zionists who laid waste to their country.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.


are u scared? SAY IT AS IT IS JEWS

One cannot be a zionist without being a jew.Stop the fucking excuses fot the Racist terrorist lying child killing JEWISH RACE.READ THE TALMUD. TALMUD ” ALL NON-JEWS ARE GOJIM, ALL NON-JEWISH WOMEN ARE WHORES”.

As long as one jew is alive on our(mankind) planet earth , we will have no peace.Because peace is not wanted by satan-arhiman.He believes in death, lies , rape and destruction.Just as the jewish race.Jesus fom nazareth was a jew.Remember what he said ” get out of the holy house, you thieves,lyers, money handlers, rapists and murderers”…..he was murdered for speaking out the truth about the jewish race…and remember, the roman gave the JEWISH COMMUNTIY the choice who to crucifer…..a child rapist and murderer or jesus of nazareth.The jews choose jesus.

Fuck all jewish believing talmud motherfuckers.


70 years of religious/ethnic cleansing facilitated by the West.


If USA and israel want to genocide Palestinians. Let them do so that everybody sees. Count the victims and pass the bill.

Free man

Why are these stupid jihadists conducting their war against Israel from Syria?


Why USA is conducting their war against Iraq and Syria from Turkey, Jordan, israel, Saudi Arabia,…..

Why don’t the Americans fire bombs from USA ??

Free man

1. Do you compare the military power and the political status of the US to that of Iran/Hezbollah? 2. It was an Israeli trap. The Israelis waited for these missiles, so that they would have the excuse to bomb the Iranian bases. It was crystal clear. 3. Why is Iran trying to drag Syria into war with Israel?


Mutual assistance and alliance. Iran and Hezbollah can liberate Golan Height and lower israel threat.

Free man

So why don’t they do it? And if they can’t, they need to shut up.


Uh no. Israel attacked first, then the Syrians responded inside their own country against the Israeli occupiers.


You responded to a Jewish provocateur on payroll by Avigdor Lieberman ( that finances the HASBARAS as part of the Israeli Psychological Warfare)

Karo Dndlian

free man i see your problem is Iran and i ask you to look around and see the big picture . the main problem is USA and the politic he do . and what you watch about iran its big lie , to keep fighting , the main problem is religion .and this guys use this to do the work all the time in history .you can find out yourself if you look back in history .i look to you and i see human i dont care what you believe , all this man made to keep people in war . so stop saying way Iran in Syria and why Hezbollah in Syria . look what Iran help palestine yes or no ? and one more thing . there is project for you also after if we let them keep going . when time come and this guys on power they will kill you also . just you waiting and you dont see the big picture .


He#s a Jewish sabotage-agent here, from some Hasbara

Karo Dndlian

I notice that couple days ago his always about Iran and iran . But he don’t see what’s coming soon . Next war Israel try to start it will be last one and US will not help him on this one . Gone baby gone . I just want people wake up and fuck this money system to make this world more nicer place .


Well… after that BIBI got his arrangements with Moscow on the 9th of May … it looks bad for the Syrian-Iranian Alliance & their friends. Let’s face the TRUTH.. by PUTIN you never know what’s next, specially after that stops & goes by ALEPPO..

Look: SYRIA doesn’t get S-300, that means that also IRAN won’t get them.

..But TURKEY, that shot down a Russian Sukhoi, gets S-400 (?!) And Saudi-Arabia ( that financed and promoted the Jihadism (WAHHABI-Ideology) in Chechnya, ISIS, Al-Qaeda .. you name them!) get S-400, too (!!???). Something is there in twilight and I don’t like it.

Brezhnev got VIETNAM from Kissinger as payment if USSR doesn’t help Egypt, Jordan and Syria, as ISRAEL attacked them in 1973..

Free man

And maybe you’re full of sh1t ? Why can’t Iran provide Syria with the S-300 replica they have developed? Or maybe the Iranians only know how to brag and die in the same breath?


“.. the main problem is USA and the politic he do ”

The main problem is ISRAEL and their remote-control over the Big-Idi0t called USA. It’s like in John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men”: Israel is “George Milton” the little crook and the USA are “Lennie Small”, the big mentally reduced guy with that stupid habit to keep a mouse in his hands.

Free man

You’re right in some of the things you wrote. But at the moment it’s less relevant. At the moment Assad should be helped to beat the Sunni jihadists, without the Shiite jihadists getting him into an unnecessary war with Israel, a war he can’t win (This is realism not absolute justice).


“Iran is trying to drag Syria into war with Israel” ????? ISRAEL WAS FROM THE FIRST DAY AT WAR WITH SYRIA, thru the f*king ISIS and other CIA_g@rbage armed, trained and paid by Israel’s Big-Dog the USA and THEIR vassals and “new Arab partners” , the Camel-dvng from Saudi-Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar. Sure ISRAEL waited such attack, like the USA provoked the Pearl-Harbor. And YES, the overheated heads of the Muslims reacted exactly how Bibi wanted. The question is, if Israel CAN order an American attack on IRAN, knowing that the IRANIANS and the Hezbollah are SO CLOSE ON TEL-AVIV.. And that’s what bothers Bibi and you


Syria and israel are already at war, Israel been attacking Syria since 2011. Attacks from lebanon and iran will be a great escalation met with hysteria from all side, including Russia.

Also the Syrians said they also fired missiles at Israel not just Iran.

Free man

You are right about the fact that Israel is in a state of war with Syria. But there seems to be an agreement between Russia and Israel, that Israel will not attack the Syrian forces unless it is in “self-defense.” The problem is that every normal country will shoot anti-aircraft missiles at planes entering its territory, even if it is to bomb other forces (Iranians). So the Syrians are between a rock and hard place. And the Iranians are making the situation worse when they fire missiles at Israel from Syrian territory. Especially when they do it so clumsily and cowardly.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

It was only Syria as Iran has no missile capabilities ther if they did Israel wouldn’t attack , just meaning Israel is cowards and liars as usual. “The Jew hits you and tells you to stop hitting them”.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why do you provide disinformation are you a hasbara operative sitting on your computer collecting your shekels or US dollars like a good Jew or Goyim!

Free man

What is the disinformation in what I wrote? The fact that the Iranians and Hezbollah are jihadists? Or maybe that the Iranians fired only few missiles at Israel in a stupid, cowardly and clumsy way, and in return, Israel bombarded the Iranian bases?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You are using Argumentum ad populum and ad verecendium relying on unreliable sources such as Israeli only sources,so two strikes right there. Well look at you calling Iran and Hezbollah Jihadists as they are under a Fatwa to fight terrorism and the Western backed Terrorists are under a fatwa of a new Kalifa or Caliphate, now who do you think the world is going to choose? (talking public not children in politics as you see in the west with their temper tantrums!) Third Strike ,being misleading!

Let’s answer your question as who fired those missiles as it has been noted that Israel attacked civilian centers as well, we need to know the chronological events. We do know that Israel launched their artillery barrage on a Syrian military outpost in Quinetra which started this off as confirmed by US sources as that provoked the attack from Syrian Army. Now time to deal with more facts not told in the western press or Israeli media, 55 missiles were launched by Syrian Army not 20 they targeted only military targets taking out 4 launch sites and damaged outposts downed 2 f15 jets and a media ban in Israel on the damages. People near the Golan and in it were ordered to the shelters and a massive deployment of several thousand IEF forces.

Hope you don’t too worried about this information, you should stop believing US and the west is invincible and a reliable source for information.

Karo Dndlian

Free man I ask you to find the true info about missiles fired . I was watching on almanyadan tv and the reporter from Palestine says Israel tv asking to not tell any more than 20 missiles and where and what they hit .so why they hide if nothing happen . All I know they find the targets and did the job . About Hezbollah ok let me tell you I never ever see this guys did somthing wrong in Lebanon past 30 years .in Lebanon war people kill on ID cards and hizballah was not in that war .he was at war whit Israel only . Look maybe you are a Jewish I don’t have problem whit u. The problem is if you see the wrong and do nothing. On this planet lots of empty areas we can live no need war at all .Israel if he wants to live in that area he must share in piece whit Palestine people . This suni shii story same shit happen in europ long time ago and no one did win .it was man made war same as today . We must think about making this planet more nicer place. Watch the Vinus project on YouTube 2016 the choose is ours.


The one Israel targeted is Syrian and the one retaliated as well are Syrian. Israel just pretend it’s hitting Iranian because that’s a definition of aggression against Syria. Israel says 20 rocket and did no damage then what’s the purpose of such strikes ? There are nothing damaged despite such preemptive strike. Are they even trying in that cases ? For what ?



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

55 missiles came from Syria Air defenses and had destroyed 4 launch sites in the Golan and damaged many outposts in the region, then two escaping f15s were shot down in Northern Palestine/Israel. Media blackout was ordered immediately at the time in Israel and residents in the Golan and elsewhere were ordered int bomb shelters.


Your are lying… Where are your evidences ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Nasrallah and Marwa Osman has stated these things and other sources confirmed this happened. Just remember when Nasrallah said watch this missile hit the Israeli ship as usual no mention of it the Media in Israel.


“Free man” you are a pitifully JEW, you poor Hasbara-Gefilte Fisch. And velociraptor is your “classmate” by the Hasbara( aka you again but with a second GREY, inactive “avatar”, so-called “ghost-avatar” when you change the name by DISQUS not to appear under the REGISTERED NAME) What about : Hezbollah f*cks ISRAEL from INSIDE PALESTINE, how would you like that? Sounds better?.. This comes , too.

Avatar *Serious* gave you the answer to your Hasbara-BS.

And the Hezbollah aren’t stvpid jihadists, you little scvmbag, YOUR ISRAELI and CIA-g@rbage in Syria and IRAK, are WAHHABI-Jihadists. And they are SUNNIS. But you do so as you wouldn’t know it. ..And now go take a shower….

Joe Dirt

go blow yourself up

Free man

WOW, you’re crazy. Yes, they are jihadists with their own agenda. When they shout “Allah Akbar”, they mean the same things that the terrorists from ISIS and Al Qaeda mean.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are Lebanese fighters and conducted no attacks on Israel from Syria, you are way off base as Syria has rebuilt it’s capability to strike back and as done so causing a media black out on the reporting in Israel and a new build up of Israeli forces in preparation of defense, HA!

Free man

The Iranians fired the missiles, this is why the Russians didn’t issue a response. You may be trying to save Iranian honor, and there may be some who will believe you.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No one here believes you as we all know Syrian Army responded and no Iranian missles were fired that would have been true if they came from Iran. Stop being a Hasbara agent with misinformation , why do you think in the beginning in 2011 all Syria’s missile bases were attacked and the defenses destroyed by NATO/Israel saboteurs they have always attacked that as a prelude to invasion, that’s warfare 101.


WHat are you talking about ? ! There was never any attack to Israel (Goland High). This hezbolah lider must be a jew who try to justify Israel attack. Please, do not make discussion about something that never happened. Israel is just inventing these attack to justify her attack to Syria (notice that Israel is female).

Free man

He is not Jewish. He is a Shiite jihadist who once helped Assad’s forces. Today he and his bosses from Tehran are only undermining Russia’s efforts to calm the situation in Syria.


I said exactly the same thing, in a Southfront post, a few days ago – specifically, 50 rockets and five missiles. IDF, at the time, said 20 with 4 intercepted. That’s 20% – As the Leader of the House in Lebanon stated – “a balance of terror has been established”. Syria map live provided the analysis, in real time, according to some!


at the time, said 20 with 4 intercepted. That’s 20%

BUT! they also told, the rest did not reach Golan.


No they said “none hit Israeli territory”, which is true!

Bill Rood

Excellent point, Criticalthinker. The Golan Heights are simultaneously Israeli territory or not Israeli territory depending on context and the purpose of the propaganda.


Yes, it does mark a new chapter in the conflict. Now the Iran/Hezbollah alliance is broken and while Hezbollah has near dominance over Lebanon they have still not achieved what they set out to do.


How is it broken. Why are you talking out of your ass.


That’s all Gusman does.

Alexis Goldwasser

As much as i loathe the israeli government, i cannot support an attack on my countrymen..


Sadly the innocent always pay for the crimes of their leadership. Ordinary Germans and Japanese paid, although they committed no crime. Ordinary Jews will also pay for the crimes of the fanatics.

Lena Jones

“Ordinary Jews”? No such thing. You cannot be both a ‘chosenite’ and ‘ordinary’.

The Coward’s Holocaust: https://platosguns.com/2018/05/15/the-cowards-holocaust/


Jonas Salk, a Jew invented Polio vaccine, an invention worth billions, but he gave it away for free. That doesn’t fit your prejudice does it?

Lena Jones

LOL dude, the Phoenicians gave you jews the knowledge of alphabet for free but you still went ahead and attempted genocide on them and the Canaanites in past history – and actually, you’re still attempting that old genocide on them, despite your many failures at it.

You think it makes you oh so generously superior to give with one hand and take with the other?

Truth be told, no one is more racist than the jews.

Bill Rood

The only Israelis attacked were 1) pilots who had launched missiles at Syria or 2) military and paramilitary who were stationed on the Golan Heights, which is internationally recognized as Syrian territory.

Brother Thomas

What is your solution to Israel attacking other countries then? They should shrug and turn the other cheek. What about the unarmed protesters in Gaza being mowed down with live bullets by the IDF? What about new settlements?

Ultimately Israel gets away with this because millions of liberal and moderate Jews worldwide turn a blind eye to it, and support Israel no matter what it does. This is the real moral tragedy of the Jewish people.

Alexis Goldwasser

I was one of the protesters at the embassy site in Jerusalem yesterday, so no, i am well aware of the pain and suffering of the Palestinian people.

So long as the right wing are in charge, I believe a peaceful solution will be difficult; it is unfortunate that they enjoy large support.

However, I’d like to add that having served in the IDF, I have seen a wide range of attitudes towards the Palestinians. Most view them with suspicion, but there are also many who are concious of their plight.

Brother Thomas

My sincere good wishes to you. May whatever higher power there is be with you.

Lena Jones


How can you say you support the Palestinian cause but you live on their stolen land and off their backs?

I find all israeli lefties suffer from this schizophrenia and hypocrisy.

You remain part of the problem so long as you still live in Historic Palestine without Palestinian permission. Bleeding-heart israeli lefties are no different to the likudists on this point.

Which part of the Palestinian cry ‘GET OFF MY LAND’ do you not understand?


¿ What is this person talking about ? There is not evidence published at all about any attack to Israel. Not even, Israel newspaper mentioned this as a cause of Israel attack to Syria. Humm….. there is something strange on this declaration.

Lena Jones

It’s called ‘jew-style censorship/propaganda’. Mention no losses and inflate your gains. In other words: lie about EVERYTHING. It’s the chosenite’s way.


I remember in 2006, he said live on TV – look to sea and seconds later an anti ship missile hit a cruiser. I don’t recall that being in the local papers. After that people understood that he tells the facts as they are. Bhaaaa!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There is a black out on the media reporting what happened Israel lost 44 launch sites and numerous posts were damaged and the loss of 2 F15 Strike Eagles in the Golan Heights. They also had the shelters being filled and ones in Northern Palestine/Israel,Syria launched 55 missiles not 20.


Your are lying ¿ where are you evidences ?

achiles Greeko

Devil-israel will be demolished by Hezbollah fighters.

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