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MARCH 2025

Hezbollah Leader Says Israel Seeks To Gain Control Of Beirut Port

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Hezbollah Leader Says Israel Seeks To Gain Control Of Beirut Port

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah During a speech on the 31rst anniversary of Jihad al-Binaa establishment . Via: al-Manar TV

Hezbollah Secretary General Hasan Nasrallah denied that the Lebanese group is smuggling weapons through Beirut Port as Israeli officials claimed recently.

During a speech on the 31rst anniversary of Jihad al-Binaa establishment on July 26, Nasrallah said that these false Israeli claims are aimed at challenging Lebanon’s control of the port.

“I deny the Israeli claim that Hezbollah is using Beirut Port to smuggle weapons, this [claim] is aimed at imposing a guardianship on the port, the airport and the border so they could achieve what they failed to do in July war [of 2006],” the Lebanese leader said.

Hezbollah Leader Says Israel Seeks To Gain Control Of Beirut Port

Map shows Israeli claims

Israel’s ambassador to the U.N. and the Israeli military had accused Hezbollah and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of smuggling weapons from Iran to Lebanon through several routes, including Beirut Port.

Nasrallah was not the first to reject the Israeli claims. Earlier, a Lebanese official told the al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper that these claims are baseless, noting that U.N. forces in Lebanon have the needed authority to inspect any vessel in the country’s water.

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klove and light

jewish satanic pigs.dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Jens Holm

You could eat some figs. The american ones ae the best,




yep agree – netanyahu is copying the old nazi-book of how to kill off your enemies and starve to death and run a concentration camp in accordance with the nazi’s way of running camps. such as gaza (a combination of outright killing and starvation and humiliation, just the ig-farben touch to the scheme missing) nd so on and so forth – the most astonishing thing is that the world is mute which means that the crimes perpetrated by the squatters are mostly perpetrated with impunity – truly shameful for the world.

there is an urgent need to clear the world of the squatters and their fifth columns rendering support to the crimes perpetrated.

Jens Holm

It seemes to be a part of Your culture, They are couisins of Yours, You are the chosen ones by Your God – as very good victims making the best excuses in the world :)

You should start all over, and this time let a women be the ark builder :)


Your is the usual zionist false point of view. Humanity is somewhere else from you. You have to accept it.

Jens Holm

Nasrallah secretlay negosiated with Netayahu and only lost an arm :)


the squatters are good for nothing and if they were to be wiped off the face of earth, they wouldn’t be missed by a whole lot of people – maybe the fifth columns squatting around the world and that has rendered support for their squatter brothers on the stolen palestinian land will shed a tear but rest assured, the same fate is in waiting for the fifth columns as the one offered the squatters – basically green card for the dysfunctional states of A(rschlosch) or something else less pleasant.


All world nations are united without discrimination of colours, religions, regions etc.

Israel suppressing palestinians and treat them worst than slaves by butchering and blowing their homes with detonators because Israel have taken homes from Palestinians in each and every street and don’t let them to use electricity, internet or any other media. Therefore, Palestinians cannot communicate with the world.

Now this is the time and responsibility of the all world nations to focus on Israeli terrorists that how they have intruded from whole world in Palestine.

Terrorists have no religion. They use religions as tools for own dirty aims. Terrorists may fake themselves as politicians, teachers or religious priests.

Xoli Xoli

Mr.Rob you are going strong man keep on spreading the truth thanks.


Meanwhile the Mossad continues to assassinate, it fell to the director of Aiea Amano that he did not yeld to threats like his predecessor, to Bolton threats for Irak.


“ISRAEL SEEKS TO GAIN CONTROL OF BEIRUT PORT” says the man who has absolute control of Beirut port for himself and his own tribe. Monopoly in short. The rest of us in Lebanon have to pay up taxes and then some bribe money + extra unofficial taxes to get a shipment from Ali express out the door. that is if you do get ti out the door.

How sad these forums are blindly bias, while Israel is usually up to no good in the world, they do not understand that in these cases Israel is simply a scapegoat to those who seek to constantly make it as such so they can keep their undisputed power and control in the country.

Lena Jones

If you’re Lebanese then I’m queen Nefertiti. Now go collect your shekel from Bibi’s poop hole.

And for the record, Hezbollah control the security of the the international airport – and if you can’t get your shipping out on time, blame the freaking shipping company you’re using, not the guards!


“The Security of the international airport” ha! man how far off everyone here is. Yes I am Lebanese born raised. I know more about the inner workings of the country than you do. I don’t care if you believe it. I am speaking the truth and if you don’t want or are not allowed to criticize the wrongdoings of sectors in your country then how is that any different than the “Enemy” which is the west?

The international airport is used by Hezb to smuggle loads of cash for money laundering as well as weapons, they have taken over what is meant to be a governmental organizations and use it for their own mafia and requirements.

Guess what happened when the banks raised concern? You want to guess? I will give you a hint, a bomb went off on June 12 2016 in front of a major bank in Beirut as a warning shot destroying the building. luckily no one was killed. Google it.

And lo and behold immediately after that everyone went back to business as usual scared shitless. What a country!

Same and more so with the Shipments, in fact only a few companies hold monopoly on vital goods backed by these usual suspects, anything from construction material to countless other goods are not allowed to be taken out by any other Lebanese party or average hard working citizen.

Wake the F*ck up people and at least criticize both sides and not just one.

Lena Jones

STFU with your stupid conspiracy theories! I happen to live in Lebanon, ACTUALLY!


Is that a threat you piece of sh*t, is that how you solve your critics? typical Hezb supporting southerner. I live in Beirut and pay my taxes so you can have your free stamps you f*ck. Lebanon is a failed state you want evidence of that too?

Its not a matter of choice between Israel and Hezb because Hezb is neither my or Lebanese savior you can f*ck off. I owe nothing to nobody. I choose a nation where a government fairly elected and representative of the people’s interests only to govern the state not some militia pretending to be the only be all savior while running drug cartels abroad while having absolute dominance in political and otherwise decisions in house. Which is why I and many others have to leave for work to feed our families.

Also Berri is a mafia thug and Nasrallah’s dog, you want evidence for that too?

You grow the f*ck up. I’m done talking here.

Lena Jones

I’d rather be a “piece of sh*t” than a stupid traitor. And stupid you really are – not a clue: Geagea sheep, fed by israel and saudi Arabia. Lucky for Lebanon your ilk is a mere fraction of a minority. MOST Christians in Lebanon support the Hezb. Are they too collecting non-existent “stamps”? LOL grow up already! And remember, when you accuse someone of something, you’d better have PROOF of your accusation or just stfu and chew on your own prejudice.

Free man

But you are a piece of sh*t , jihadist Ali from your Shit hole in the south .

Lena Jones

LOL you fucking paranoid moron terrorist jewjerk! I’m a freaking girl lol! But you can ‘Call Me Al’ if you must lol! And btw if it weren’t for hezbollah in the south, klepto jew terrorists like you and your inbred cousins would be trashing and drooling all over the Leb – plus it’s hezbollah that has enabled this little Californian here the safety and security to enjoy chilling in the beautiful Levant. My next stop is Jerusalem – a LIBERATED JERUSALEM that is, motherfucking kikeycunt! So pack yer stinking bags and get the fuck outta Palestine. Or die in the next war kleptofuck. I recommend the later for you scumbag jew terrorist!!!

Free man

Jihadist Ali You are only good for curses and threats because you Guys are useless in everything else. Keep impersonating a little American and waiting for Allah to fight for you against the Jewish bogiman. You jihadi piece of shit.

Lena Jones

LOL pathetic response from a convert jewcunt! Enjoy impersonating semites while you can, you klepto khazarian terroristcunt – and you can shove your yahweh and your blah blah allah up your fake jew dumphole! Motherfuckig antigentile Christ-killer!

Free man

Jihadist Ali You are particularly dumb southerner. Allah is your god . You suck even at cursing the people you worked for until recently, the crazy Israelis. Before you changed masters to the crazy mullahs.

Lena Jones

No dear, I am a committed agnostic lol! I shit on your talmudism: that evil humanity-hating devil-worshiping cult – freaking synagogue of satan! Just keep calling me ‘jihadist ali’ lol even though I am neither muslim, nor arab, nor male :-D

Brainless fake-jew moron coward cunt! Hezbollah’s coming for the lottayouz lol!

Free man

A good little Christian American fell off with her family left Southern California and moved to southern Lebanon and became a Jihad supporter, an Americans hater and a Jew hater. A story only a particularly dumb crazy jihadist like you could make up.

Lena Jones

Keep guessing wrong motherfucking jewcunt lol! You need to GET DA FUUUUUCK OUTTA PALESTINE! And while you’re at it, little klepto rat, give me back all that tax money you stole from us Americans!

Free man

Actually, I pay taxes so the American army fights crazy jihadists like you.

Lena Jones

You fucking fiddle with numbers from the day you’re born, klepto jewcunt! Now go look up the word ‘agnostic’ in the dictionary, then go have a wanky threesome with your yehweh and your freaking allah lol!

Free man

Jihadist Ali if you were really a small American living in southern Lebanon, you would know that these people don’t pay taxes. These people live on tax returns they receive for each of their children under the age of 17. That is, absurdly, the US pays to a terrorr supporters like you pretend to be. But since you are a bearded Jihadist Ali in reality, you quote from the Devil Party propaganda page, sentences about American taxpayers.

Lena Jones

Oh yeah sure I’m a “bearded Jihadi’ who today happens to be wearing a bikini and sunning her buns in Tyre/Sur. There is NO such thing as ‘stamps’ for ‘jihadis’ or others in the Leb – why would I even bother to tell that wretched imposter Will and your cunting self anything useful?! That Will guy is your inbred cousin pretending to be a Leb, just like your cunt self pretending to be a semite lol! This little ‘Jihadi Ali’ here kicks your ass from Venice Beach aaaaaaaaall the way to terrorist tel aviv. I’m here for the big jew death show motherfucker lol! Love it or lump it wannabe semite cunt!

Lena Jones

Oh and btw, I don’t know a single American who doesn’t want their stolen taxes back from the cunting klepto jewish mafia in DC – I don’t know a single American who considers terrorist ‘israel’ an ally. Now put that up yer filthy jew jaxxi and have your pervy rabbi blow.

Free man

There is no point arguing with this jihadist .

Lena Jones

STFU you little jewcunt imposter! I’ve already stuffed your gob with jew shit last time you tried to say you’re a ‘tax paying Leb’ lol! The only person I see fucking off is YOU. Fucking coward cunt! Go collect your shekel from Bibi’s stinkhole! EVERYTHING you say about the Leb is a jew hasbara lie and EVERYTHING you say about me is absolute stupid crud! You deserve ‘cunt of the day’ award for your cunting stupidity!

Lena Jones

Produce evidence of hezbollah ‘mafia’ activity or shut it down already sourpuss! Good grief, your whine is literally word for word lifted from hasbara’s currently circulating ‘Lebanon’ memo- and just like hasbara bullshit, you got NO EVIDENCE to back up your delusions of victimhood!

And even if what you say is true, so like you’d rather israel’s agents controlled Lebanon’s airport and ports of entry instead?!!! Grow the fuck up and see the BIG PICTURE asshole!

Icarus Tanović

Not gonna happen.

Zionism = EVIL

That was part of the Zionist scums Yinon plan written under the fat pig Sharon in 1982 and had delusions of annexing most of Lebanon and Litani river headwaters, but Amal and Hezbollah (later merged) threw a spanner in the Zionist ugly nose and chased them out of Lebanon. The Zionist scum still illegally occupy 22 sq kms of Shebba Farms on the northwestern slopes of occupied Golan that along with Palestine have to be liberated and they will be.

Zionism = EVIL

Rarely, do you see a smiling Nasrallah as he is serious man and true to his word, but Hezbollah now is on a winner and knows how to push the Zionist scums buttons. The Zionist moronic Yinon plan is dead like the fat pig Sharon and Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are now totally integrated via land link. The Zionist scum are no longer even sulking, as they can read the handwriting on the wall.

Xoli Xoli

This is again all lies from Israel God chosen people who killed Jesus the God.

Xoli Xoli

World terrorism are plan in Israel and executed by terrorists great powerful racist rich terrorists leader of USA Trump and puppets France Macroni, British and Merkel.

martin clarke

With Boris Johnson becoming PM in the UK it is unlikely that the pro Israeli policies will alter. I note that he has further entrenched the Conservative Parties policies of none interference in the complete theft of Palestinian lands from the indigenous population by appointing two Israeli ‘Arse Lickers’ Priti Patel and Gavin Williamson to his new crew of Anti-Palestinian Scum. How I hate everything they stand for and all who support them. It would seem that the USA, the UK and Israel must now be in line for the title of the ‘Real Axis of Evil’. I believe that there has to be retribution at some stage when Arab Nations unite and throw off the chains of Western Power and revolt against Western installed Dictatorships. The illegal Jewish occupation of Palestine will end one day. After the 100 years of gradually increased suffering the Palestinians have endured I care not one jot what happens to the illegal invaders. Preferably they would join their like minded allies in the USA with whom they have much in common when it comes to genocidal ethnic cleansing. Why would the UK want an influx of folk who support genocide and theft. We have enough problems from our own criminal fraternity.

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