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Hezbollah Leader Threatens Attacks Against Israel, U.S. Troops

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Hezbollah Leader Threatens Attacks Against Israel, U.S. Troops

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah during his speech. Screengrab, via Al-Manar TV.

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah warned the United States on November 3 that preventing a regional conflict depended on stopping the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, and there was a realistic possibility of the clashes on the Lebanese front turning into a “wide war”.

In his first speech since the Israel-Hamas war erupted on October 7, the Lebanese leader also revealed threats by Washington and said that his group was ready to confront U.S. carrier strike groups recently deployed in the eastern Mediterranean to support Israel.

“Since the outbreak of the war, the U.S. has threatened to bomb us in Lebanon from its military ships in the Mediterranean. We are prepared for whatever scenario,” Nasrallah said. “If an all-out war breaks out, you Americans will pay with your ships, your aircrafts and your soldiers.”

Nasrallah also called on the U.S. to remember its “defeats in Lebanon and Iraq” and its “humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan”, warning that those who “defeated” American troops in Lebanon in the 1980s are “still alive and their children and grandchildren are ready” for a new confrontation.

“Your fleet in the Mediterranean does not scare us … We are ready to face the fleet you threaten us with,” Nasrallah says, addressing the US. “Whoever wants to prevent a regional war must quickly stop the aggression on Gaza,” he added.

Following up on previous statements in which he placed the blame on the U.S. for backing Israel, Nasrallah says: “Only you Americans can end what is happening now in Gaza, since you started it.”

Nasrallah also warned Israel not to launch a preemptive offensive against Lebanon, without detailing how Hezbollah would respond.

“I tell the Israelis, if you are considering carrying out a preemptive attack against Lebanon, it will be the most foolish mistake you make in your entire existence,” he said.

The leader went on to stress that Hezbollah will not change its course because of threats, saying that the only factor that will affect the group’s position is the progression of the war.

“I tell Israel: Do not go any further. Many civilians have already died. I promise you: A civilian for a civilian,” Nasrallah warned.

Hezbollah and its allies, including the Hamas Movement and other Palestinian armed factions, have launched dozens of attacks from southern Lebanon since the war in Gaza broke out. On November 2, the group carried out its first drone attack wounding two Israeli soldiers.

Clashes on the Lebanese front have so far claimed the lives of 52 fighters of Hezbollah and two others from the affiliated Lebanese Resistance Brigades. Four fighters from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and three others from Hamas were also killed. In addition, seven Lebanese civilians were killed. On the other side, Israel lost six soldiers and two civilians.

While Nasrallah’s remarks reflected Hezbollah willingness to accept a declaration that is linked to a ceasefire in Gaza, it was clear about the group’s readiness to any major confrontation with Israel or even the U.S. Hezbollah is clearly making efforts to spare crisi-hit Lebanon a devastating war. However, it is wrong to consider the group to be “deterred” as senior Israeli officials claim.

Right before Nasrallah’s speech, Hezbollah announced an attack against a gathering of Israeli troops at Mitat military site near the town of Rmeish.



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G. Saviano

i subscribe to the theory that us military understands that the carriers are now obsolete relics of a bygone era and would probably love for iran or hezbollah to sink them for the “lihop” let it happen on purpose false flag. the carriers still hold major symbolism and would amount to a mini pearl harbor


not really, aircraft carriers still work against 90% of the world. besides, even if they are becoming obsolete they can still be used as a last resort


90 per cent ? hm. what is the ratio of maritime and landlocked countries? even if somehow numerically correct, cca 190 states across the globe altogether, this tactic won´t work against russia and china.

Puppet Master

doubtful. even iran could sink them


just spell the word, lusitania…

floating coffin ships al a vie pearl harbour…


🫵=🤡 😆😆😆


“civilian for civilian”. in the us as well, i assume. fair math.


just kill joos wherever they live in muslim countries


why to limit ourselves ?

Huckelberry finn

that’s the most retarded thing ive read today, congratulations, you had serious competition from your fellow zionist friends


there is just nothing, just nothing civil of those warz in our world… just nothing civil…

Jarhead Heathen

blow up those freaking aircraft carriers, enough with anglo-american hegemony and zionism.


since the israhellis treat all arabs in gaza like rats to be killed without regard to their military status, all arab/muslim nations should take an equal number of joos who reside in their countries and shoot them on camera and post it to al jezeera. eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. why allow any joo to be safe in any area where the muslims predominate. don’t bother attacking us troops, they can shoot back. kill joos throughout north africa and arabia and persia.


there is a problem with your biblical inspired plan for genocide, and that is many jews, especially jews living in countries such as iran hate the zionist entity as much as we do.


yes even in israel there is much debate over their policy towards palestine, much more debate than is allowed in the us.


nasrallah is a bit behind schedule here, there is already a wider war now that the houthis , iraqi militias and hezbollah have joined the jihad. first order of business would be to sink all israhelli submarines as they have nuke cruise missiles suposedly.


the hesitation that you see is because russia and china went one step back, it means that they won’t back the resistance,


all arab missiles should be trained on israhelli air bases

Boycott USA the world's bully

does not help. israel jets all in hardened bunkers. the landing strip is hard / resistant and quickly repaired. better a few missies every night at water, sewerage and energy plants, same as usa did on its 2003 illegal iraq invasion. much softer targets and harder to repair. do it for months to deprive israelis of sleep with all the sirens going off. israelis will eventually leave and usa’s project israel is over when it is empty.

Psionists slaves of America

l was ã never trumpẽr. dimentia joe’s subservient support for zionist war criminals wantonly killing innocent women, children and elderly who had nothing to do with hamas surprise terror attack is deplorable. biden could easily pressure & end israel’s genocidal behavior. instead he is complicit by providing weapons & moral support to such slaughter. trump didn’t participate in genocide i’ll be voting gop hoping trump puts biden & his crime family behind bars


if you feel that drumpf, who is outright owned by jewish supremacists, is an alternative to brandon, you are not paying attention. drumpf has stated unequivocally that he supports jewish supremacism in palestine. he authorized the murder of qasem soleimani, in a typically vile act of imperialism.


what a fool maybe you forgot when the israelis killed hundreds of unarmed palestinians during the march of return in 2018 ( trump was the president at the time) the problem is that the arabs (true to their nature ) have become collaborators with the occidentals look at whats happen in libya , syria , sudan and yemen and the thousand of arab mercenaries they have recruited do you notice that al qaida and daesh never fight against zionists even hamas itself was funded by them


nasrallah the rat is such a coward 😆😆😆


.. and yet all you kikes tremble in fear whenever he speaks.


tom, go paint a fence.


did you now: many islamic countries hate hamas too and would be glad when they are detroyed !!!

R. Ambrose Raven

many belligerents are reluctant crusaders; as tolstoy remarked in war and peace, much depends on the mood of the army and the nation, and very much on the proven or potential violence of the opposing belligerent. zionist violence is an acid dissolving the reluctance of its potential opponents, just as hitler’s aggressions induced the british people to accept war as better than a nazified europe. as russia has found, victories need to be quick and decisive.


reading on some site today as there are americans asking for donation for body armour for those coward army who were so used to stone being thrown at rifle as now terrorist have gained rifle to replace stone.

just what .gov army of our world depend on charity for their terrorist soldiery…?

most cowardly army of our world who i have great hope will meet their match as that coward army just loved murdering pregnant women and children.


those us mil you refer to are but whore to coin of their master as stupid american think broadening their view of life is to murder for those dual cit in monkey congress of america as stupid american child come home from wars for israeli and die by suicide neath decaying american infrastructure. just what happened you america as our world loved you america with those carz big as barz, just what happened to that america our world loved so much, just what happened you americana???


awaitin moderation indeed. just whataboutyah there wittle black hattie servant, jus what about yah now?


small wonder indeed as peep stopped donation as some may know as those wittle black hattie always, will always take up that heavy lift american stoopid…


as always of course, moderator, just go fuck yersel wittle black hattie.


it is not a very encouraging message for the palestinians. hezbollah’s strategy now and for years has been defensive. at the moment nothing that changes the course. lebanon does not need a war. iran is the only one who has the key. but it doesn’t seem like he’s willing to use it. with the exception of yemen and some small groups in syria and iraq, aid is not on the way. meanwhile, the gazans are still in hell and their only way out is the one offered by hamas, martyrdom. i hope i’m wrong


the problem is that (true to their nature) the arabs are collaborators with occidentals

look at what happen in libya and syria most of the arabs begged nato to bomb these countries even making up ruse de guerre like chemical weapons and african mercenaries in order to entice them to help overthrow the countries

yes they will wave palestinian flags and march maybe even burn a us and israeli flag but ask yourself will they kick out the us and nato military bases in their countries ???

Erik 1953

are the arab leaders realy helping their people?.. or did they also sign this 2030 agenda and even went to the builderberg meetings??? i only see a lot of suffering for the people and hear a lot of noice from the leaders.. something is completely wrong..

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