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MARCH 2025

Hezbollah Leader: We Will Respond To Any Israeli Attack On Lebanon

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Hezbollah Leader: We Will Respond To Any Israeli Attack On Lebanon

Via al-Manar TV

On November 10, Lebanese Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that Israel is working to resume its attacks on Lebanon and warned that his party will “decisively” respond to any such attack.

“Any attack on Lebanon, any airstrike on Lebanon and any shelling on Lebanon, we will definitely respond to it … it is not acceptable to allow the enemy to violate Lebanon as it did during the last decades,” Nasrallah said during a gathering to commemorate the “Day of Martyr.”

Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah will not give up its missile forces despite the continued threats from Israel and the recent sanctions imposed by the US.

“Economic sanctions will not prevent us from maintaining our weapons and forces even if we were forced to sell our own houses,” the Hezbollah media wing quoted Nasrallah as saying.

During the last few months, Israel launched a propaganda campaign on the highest levels accusing Hezbollah of hiding advanced missiles in the Lebanese capital of Beirut. The Israeli intelligence even sent WhatsApp messages to thousands of the city residents warning them from supposed missile sites.

Some sources speculate that the delivery of the advanced S-300 air defense systems to Syria have forced Israel to consider resuming its military operations in Lebanon once again. However, the recent threats by Nasrallah show that this option will not come without a response.

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Vince Dhimos

Israel has already had a taste of Hezbollah’s military response in 2006. Hard to believe they would want more of the same. But in fact, Hezbollah now probably has better degences based on Iranian medium range guided missile of the kind they fired into Syria to avenge for the attack on their military parade. There is no telling whether these missiles could be stopped by the Iron Dome.


Iran has also delivered GPS devices that can be mounted on those missiles for greater accuracy.

Jens Holm

Its certainly needed. Most missiles are more like happy new year(or Eid)

Zionism = EVIL

100% accurate fact. Hezbollah now has domestic artillery and missile factories too spread over half a million square kilometers from Bekaa to Iraq border. They can fight a war for years after the experience that have had in Syria and Iraq. Also remember that there are over 100, 000 Shia diaspora militia in Syria now too that report directly to General Qassem Soleimani.

Promitheas Apollonious

they may stop couple of them.

S Melanson

And the other 9,998 get through.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If the US didn’t see them coming until it was too late to stop them so the Israelis won’t be able to either, at least not all of them if there’s a multiple strike. They hit Isis only 5 km away from where US special forces were stationed, something no US commander would allow to happen under any circumstances if he had any ability to stop it.

Jens Holm

Yes, but the responce will have the same results. Israel(and USA) today are carefull hitting light only.

Jens Holm

What did Hesbollah take in 2006 = Nothing. They defended well.


Hezbollah’s had no intention to take anything. Not in 2006, not ever.

Israel planned the war of 2006 as early as January and waged it after sacrificing three of its soldiers captured by Hezbollah.

Otherwise, Hezbollah did defend well. Mossad and Shin-Bet directors called it a “national catastrophe” and a “blow”.

“Even more revealing were the comments by Mossad Chief, Meir Degan, and the head of Shin Bet, Yuval Diskin, during a meeting with Prime Minister Olmert in the immediate aftermath of the war. Both men pointedly told Olmert “the war was a national catastrophe and Israel suffered a critical blow.”



Like I said, you are not the smartest, but do realize that it was the Zionists that attacked Lebanon and it was Hezbollah that defended their land. The Zionists were chased out of Lebanon by Hezbollah.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran Dome is a total failure, even primitive Hamas grads make it through. In any case Hezbollah has more raw firepower than most NATO militaries and can not be stopped. In any case Hezbollah base bleed artillery guided by GPS is immune to any defence system in the world. Hezbollah 330 mm rockets can turn Ben Gurion airport into a crushed glass mountain. Even according to conservative estimates Hezbollah has over 150,000 rockets and missiles alone, not to mention 130 mm to 175mm artillery, enough to flatten of Occupied Palestine. Hezbollah has engaged the most ruthless US and Zionist terrorist headchoppers in Syria and Iraq and won, imagine what the Zionist cowards who are used to beat up unarmed Arab women and children will do when faced with Hezbollah, lions among men.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If the US couldn’t see them coming until it was too late, or do anything about it when they finally did, so the Israelis won’t be able to either. Iron dome is also not suited to deal with ballistic threats as well as it can low level missile attacks, it’s not like the Russians S-300/400/500 systems that are capable of both anti air and ballistic threats. Ballistics come straight down on your head at high speed, only long range high altitude missiles can stop them, iron dome won’t.


No matter what amount the ZioNazi cesspool puts out, at the end of the day it will have to physically send its troops out, and those swamp rats are scared sh.*t.less of a real opponent like Hezbollah.

Jens Holm

Only You say that in a rap music context. They are not like You but more like cleaning the naigbor garden, because the rest in Lebanon as well as in Syria are to weak for it.


You are obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed, but the reality is that Russia and Iran have largely checkmated the Zionists in Syria, so now they are barking threats at Lebanon. However, if they stumble into attacking Lebanon, the will get many surprises and will get more than a bloody nose this time. Hezbollah circa 2018 is far different than the small force that defeated the Zionists in 2006. The Hezbollah victory at Bint Jbeil was a picnic compared to what is coming to the Zionists in the next conflict.

Zionism = EVIL

Hezbollah has never boasted or threatened anyone, it is a highly respected liberation movement and has always stood by its principles. Sayyed Narsallah is a man of his word and perhaps the most respected leader in the Arab world. Today, Hezbollah is stronger than ever and the Zionists will learn a thing or two about real war if they ever attack Lebanon again. Hezbollah response will be unrestrained and as merciless. Try it Zionist scum and see your hovels burn.


The IDF is totally corrupted as it has been a savage occupation force since 1973 and has been largely beating up on unarmed Arab civilians, mostly women and children. A war with Hezbollah is a different situation and will be very costly and mostly fought in Occupied Palestine.


Of course a war with Hezbollah will be costly, in terms of Lebanese and Palestinian lives, but also in terms of lives of people living in the ZioNazi statelet.

At the end of the day though, it will the IOF that suffer most, not just in terms of soldiers’ lives, but also in terms of reputation and soldiers’ morale. And that will be a big win for Hezbollah as well as the Palestinians people.


What Hezbollah needs are air defense systems comparable to Syria, including access to Russia’s air defense network. Nothing says fuck you more to the IDF then a S-300 missile screaming at mach 7 towards an Israeli fighter bomber.

It also gives Hezbollah more options then just the nuclear option of restarting the 2006 war and have the IDF flatten Lebanon again in response.


2006,remember??we look forward to another rout of the zionist child killers,bring it on.

H Eccles

.. actually, i think they also remember the 80s when Hezbollah kicked their sorry asses out of Lebanon.

Jens Holm

Yerrhh, many nice ruins too.

Lena Jones

The “ruins” were caused by the evil israeli jews who’s habit is to destroy civilian infrastructure and unarmed civilian lives when their jewy-coward asses are getting kicked.

Jens Holm

I am sure Israel as well as USA are upgraded too.


Propaganda about Hezbollah missiles? South Front, you yourself quoted Hezbollah on their claims that they had many rockets that could hit any target in Israel. Is something a lie just because Jews say it?



Jens Holm

As I recall it, the missiles can do the distance, but it was descriebed in a so far experimental phase, where the Westbank and Jordan most likely could be hit too.

So they do need some disstance and much more accurasy. Thats why they would like to use Syria and Israel try to repelle that.


The lie came once again from the Israeli side. Supposedly, that Hezbollah hid missiles within Beirut. The said sites were investigated by Lebanese officials, local and foreign journalists. Nothing was found.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

This is the real story at last, I’ve gotten sick of hearing about S-300 systems that are supposedly deterring Israeli strikes against Iranian and Hezbollah targets in Syria, they are a deterrent for sure, but only 1 percent of the deterrent that the Iranian SRBM/MRBM are, maybe only .01 of a percent. I’ve said it several times now, this is the stuff of nightmares for the Israelis, the one thing they’ve been dreading above all else, except for Iranian nuclear capability, and that’s only because they’ll put their nukes on these missiles and send them to Israel. People think those Iranian missile strikes against Isis in Syria were just retaliatory strikes, but they weren’t, the Iranians had much better ways of getting revenge on Isis if they wanted to, those missile strike allowed them to do a lot more than just get revenge on Isis. Those strikes allowed the Iranians to demonstrate, not just how stealthy, accurate, effective, and indefendable their new missiles are now, they also sent a stern message and warning at the same time. Make no mistake, those 2 missile strikes against Isis in Syria weren’t just a demonstration of just how capable their new missiles are now, they were a warning to both the US and Israel that Iran is now prepared to use those missiles against them. Popping them in just 5 km from US special forces stationed there was the real message, it said that we Iranians are not only prepared to defend our own sovereign territory as we always have, but now we’re also prepared to defend our allies territories as well, and if your soldiers die while we’re doing it, bad luck, THAT WAS THE REAL MESSAGE. The Israelis have been threatening to strike at Iranian targets in Iraq too lately, most likely because they fear the Iranians are setting up secret instillations there for those Iranian missiles and launchers. Those Iranian missiles could hit any target they like in Israel with impunity if they were launched from somewhere in central Iraq. It would be much harder for Hezbollah to do the same in Lebanon, but not impossible. What the Iranians showed the US and Israel would most likely only be just the tip of the iceberg where their missile technology is concerned, they’d probably have smaller versions too that could be launched from closer ranges, Lebanon for example, they could be a lot smaller than the ones we’ve already seen with even bigger payloads. North Korea was supposed to have given the Iranians nuclear weapons a decade ago, that’s if some intelligence sources were actually right, and if I recall correctly, the Israelis were one of the loudest groups saying that they had. The tide is changing, there really is a massive world power shift taking place, right here right now, and it’s happening right in front of our eyes, but most of us seem to be missing it.

Jens Holm

Most of that is biased speculations. I have one for You:

Saudis might allow the Isralians to use the Saudi space for free as well as setting up missiles there too.

The pay for that could be improving the Saudi forces – It semes to be needed.

S Melanson

That is how I saw it too. I even posted back when it happened that hitting close to US positions was no accident. And the people are beginning to realize the world is shifting, painfully, but for the better. And once the hegemon accepts the new reality of a multipolar world, the vigilance must remain to prevent hegemonic power rising again.

Jens Holm

We know that for Years. All mas Iranians, which they cant handle themselves, are send to Lebanon and Syria or as milisias in Yemen, Iraq and like that.


Ahaha that ‘leader’ of HizBullShit is a jewshit actor named Brent Greenberg ya dummies lolol

Lena Jones

Shekeled moron.

S Melanson

Israel is watching all it fears coming to fruition. These fears were the same fears at the time of Israel’s infancy and the Ben Gurion Doctrine, a doctrine that still shapes Israeli security policy today. Netanyahoo followed the doctrine, at least in his mind, but brought about the very conditions the doctrine was designed to preempt.

Israel has hostile neighbors – Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon, militarily getting stronger and experienced. And Iran in Syria as well forming the arc of resistance. Russia has now reverted to her traditional role of adversary to Israel and champion of Israel’s Arab enemies – providing advanced military equipment. But it is worse. Russia is in Syria, but now as an active partner.

Netanyahu’s Father, a hard core Revisionist Zionist, criticized publicly Netanyahu as a poor Prime Minister before passing away in 2012. So Daddy issues need to be overcome and realize Zionist Revisionism to create a greater Israel cannot succeed and eventually Israel will be defeated on the battlefield once and for all. Get back to the roots of political Zionism on preservation of Israel, because current path is to destruction. New path needed. Try something different that is not based on tearing down your neighbors – the ceasefire with Syria held for 30 years and it was not Syria that breached it. Look at Egypt, the peace has held for forty years. Netanyahu, can you strike a course that brings peace to Israel and her neighbors? I say prove your Father wrong.

Anton Valachovic

Respect to this brave man, my heart is with Hezbollah

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