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MARCH 2025

Hezbollah Media: No Iranians Were Killed In Hama Airbase Explosions

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Hezbollah Media: No Iranians Were Killed In Hama Airbase Explosions

One of the explosions in Hama airbase on May 18

On May 20, an unnamed source of Syria’s allies operations room, that’s run by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), told the Hezbollah media wing in Syria that no Iranian personnel were killed in explosions, which rocked the Hama airbase on May 18. The source also revealed that the IRGC and its forces don’t have any ammo depots, positions or units in the airbase.

Several Syrian opposition sources have claimed that the explosions in Hama airbase were caused by an Israeli airstrike that targeted Iranian forces and missiles in the base. Later, a new radical group known as “Saraya al-Jihad” claimed responsibility for the explosions and said that over fifty persons were killed.

However, a military source from the Hama airbase revealed to SouthFront that the explosions were caused by a fire, which was set up by local farmers near the base. The source also confirmed that no one was killed in the incident.

Syrian pro-government activists believe that the claims about an attack on Hama airbase weather by Israel or a radical group are nothing more than a propaganda stunt, which is aimed at raising the morale of the Syrian opposition.

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Things always seem to be blowing up around the Iranians in Syria. This time not true?

הַר הַבַּיִת

lies iran has 100s of dead revolution guard terrorists.


True, between 80 and 88 many hundreds of IRGC were killed with chemical weapons produced in US, Britain, France and Germany. Iran has never sought to produce Atomic nor Chemical Weapons and states clearly that their use is a crime against humanity. Unlike the Zionist ISraHelli Scum who have used white phosphorus against women and children in Palestine

הַר הַבַּיִת

i wish there were 88k ..


I wish there were 6 million of your ilk .


Nasrallah says he’s coming for your momma

Disatisfied Client

Stupid moron. I wish you were in the 88k


The persian devil will be defeated no matter how https://youtu.be/GAw7a086HtE?t=1m45s

הַר הַבַּיִת



ISIS + HTS + JTS + AL-QAEDA = MUSLIMS https://youtu.be/30oHtG9j75s?t=1m10s

הַר הַבַּיִת

your SAA friends have aided you from the beggining and helped you grow your iranian and saa brothers are your secret helpers.


You mean Secular Arab Army? No they cooperate with russians and they support each other, they invited Iran into the land of the prophets(al-Sham). Now the country is overrun with shiite traitors and hezbollah.

הַר הַבַּיִת

isis and hts are undercover iranian agents who will be crushed under the shadow of our airforce


THATS all YOU got – an AMERICAN airforce – but Nasrallah will be in Jersualem next year this time – bet you ghetto rats will be back in your Brooklyn shitholes or perhaps a Russian or Polish shithole?

Rafik Chauhan

born with dirty wahbhi sperm and who is the traitor in the muslim and islamic world .everybody knows. you betrayed Prophet and his message. you killed his grandson just for power. you whbhi dirty sperm killed millions of muslim. If its was not for Shia muslim and moderate sunni you thugs have destroyed islam and killed all muslim. with the help of your dirty father israelis


The tide is turning again in our advantage, the Russians and Assad terror army is losing motivation, funding and support from the people. They see Putin weak as he refused supply S-300 anti air defense system to Syria as the zionist requested. Here is your leader. Hopefully your self-contradicting propaganda machine will collapse again but this time it will be devastating. https://youtu.be/VSJxb0NcbeA

הַר הַבַּיִת

dont talk to me you iranian puppet you will be crushed under our boots with your iranian and hezbollah friends israeli flags will wave in allepo and damscus soon.


I just wiped my arse with an Israeli flag. It smells better now, You fake Jews cannot fight small little Hizbollah, whats gonna happen when Iranian PMU’s nail your baby killing brave IDF to the floor? here are your bitch soldiers crying like dogs because airsupport couldnt win the battle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWXXMj05l6M


ahah flags russian will have wave in jerusalem and tellaviv soon!

Ariel Cohen

There is an extreme shortage of Israeli flags becos everyone has been using them for toilet paper

Cicada 3301

get your medicines grandpa


عاشت سوريا الاسد ورح يضل بشار الاسد على راسنا من فوق https://youtu.be/RVP9-kn927U


https://youtu.be/7eXdmJ8MyVY EUROPA – The Last Battle [Part 1] The Zionists have no mercy. Their job in this world is the killing of humans and the collection of wealth like evils.

Larissa Vanderbilt

Thank you for the input Smuckhead. No do us all a favor and catch yourself alight with a menora will you?

Order Of The Ebon Hand

go back to your kitchen b1tch


ahah geek metal satanic vierge



You can call me Al



I see the Hasbara trolls have just had a training session again :)


Training or no training. still the same poor quality Hasbara trolls. Golan thieves probably still living in their bunkers expecting Hezbollah to show them the way back to the Polish Ghettos so the Trolls are out for comic relief

You can call me Al

It looks like it, there seems more and more everyday. I do not know about you, but I no longer have the block / report option. Cheers for now.


And ISUS = IS rael + US. :D

Ariel Cohen

Go back to your harem of nymphomaniac donkeys Shlomo . .


and neocon metal = gay= banderist= queer= inculte= death!

cristi cristikosk

ISIS=US=UK=KIKES. kys stupid bitch


Consider that every report is conveniently stilted to suit the agenda of the reporting agency? I think no one knows what happened at all.

Bill Wilson

I figured the IAF launched a swarm of their small glide bombs from stealth aircraft flying over Lebanon where both weren’t detected by radar. Those flying bombs can glide for 65 miles and be directed by GPS or ground controllers.


Stvpid try, Shlomo. Try tomorrow again, maybe it works better..

Disatisfied Client

Beating babies and old Palestinian women has made them weak. Look at how they cried after the beating Hezbollah gave them in 2006

Ariel Cohen

It takes a terrorist, from a terrorist state to identify a terrorist doesn’t it Mule rapist?

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

go to sleep grandpa

Rafik Chauhan

born with dirty zionist sperm.

Larissa Vanderbilt

He’s the ugly love-child of Golda Meir and Yasser Arafat. Nether Fatah nor the Zionists wanted him so he has nothing else to do but impregnate mules (hence the name of his alter-ego) and live off welfare

Ariel Cohen

What’s with the “Baron Von” name Shlomo? Afraid we will smell a Zionazi rat, so you make it sound German?? You kikes are short on intellect, but big on bluster…lol

Order Of The Ebon Hand

did you sleep grandpa?


FO pleeeeeze Golda…we don’t need you here. Your grandson’s Bar Mitzvar is calling ..

Order Of The Ebon Hand

well do da boooo no roto

Chris Saunders

How is the weather there in Haifa Occupier/Invader? Any rain(of missiles) forecast? You zio-fascists are so uncreative, never have anything new to add to the conversation. Any babies you have sucked off lately Talmudite pedo?


There you are…. I have been lookin’ for ya….You still have to answer me Question: Do you Folks Ritually Abuse & Sacrifice Kids… didn’t you like our little game? Because I just started


Idiot Ziofascista . ..


encore the new trool neo con!! gender metal satanic neo nazie geek and vierfe uhuh

You can call me Al

Hey SF – where has the report / block button gone to, on the right hand side of the screen ?.


I have a feeling that none of these claims are remotely true…


I’m sorry, Israel said there was and of course I always believe them.

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