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MARCH 2025

Hezbollah Mourned 37 Fighters Within 72 Hours (Videos)

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Hezbollah Mourned 37 Fighters Within 72 Hours (Videos)

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Lebanon’s Hezbollah mourned 37 of its fighters in less than 72 hours as a result of a series of Israeli strikes and a sabotage attack that targeted the group’s communication systems.

The group announced the death of eight fighters on September 17 and 11 more the next day. An additional 18 fighters were mourned on September 18.

Most of these fighters were killed when pagers and handheld radios recently distributed by the group to its members exploded on September 17 and 18. The devices were reportedly rigged with explosives by Israeli intelligence services before being shipped to Lebanon some five months ago.

The sabotage attack claimed the lives of 32 people, including two children and a medical worker, and left more than 3,200 others wounded across Lebanon.

The remaining fighters were killed in a series of Israeli strikes that targeted several towns in southern Lebanon, including Chihine, Taybeh, Blida, Mays al-Jabal, Aitaroun, Kafr Kila, Khiam, Jebbayn, Halta, Chama, Odaisseh, Markaba, Maroun al-Ras, Chihine and Majdal Selm, between September 17 and 19. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) released videos of some of these strikes.

Hezbollah and its allies in Lebanon have been launching attacks against the IDF in support of the Gaza Strip since the outbreak of the Israeli war on the Palestinian enclave last October.

While the IDF has for the most part limited its response to air and artillery strikes, the latest sabotage attack suggests that Israel is preparing to escalate against Hezbollah and may be even on the brink of launching a full-on invasion into Lebanon.

So far, the limited confrontation resulted in 26 civilian deaths in Israel and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights as well as the deaths of at least 20 soldiers and security officers. On the Lebanese side, more than 900 people have been killed, including 478 fighters of Hezbollah and over 150 civilians.

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the jews are itching for blood


backfired literally with the loss of heznobollah terrorist scums ☕

only some who survived with ball sacs removed


every ev driver is possible suicide bomber with 500kg of highly flammable batteries as drive by wire systems are all rigged. we told people thousands times, nobody listened. conspiracy theories, is it. as for as airplanes, they were hijacked midair only months after the antihijack systems were introduced as secret services were eager to try it. boeing or airbus, it doesn’t matter. anything bigger then embraer 190 can be used as guided bomb anywhere in the world now.


the only issue with your jewish revelling in such behaviors, given their collateral damage to civilians, is that it does not solve any of your stupid problems and only raises your enemies list. so keep digging that grave with laughter. killing your way to a bright future one atrocity at a time


don’t talk about collateral damage when the terrorist scums themselves don’t even respect human lives and also doing killin spree on women, children and elderly.


some hasbara filthy yid is stealing my moniker again. go in your sewer shlomo.


do you really believe your own bs or you just doing this for a paycheck? just wondering if you’re an idiot or a scumbag, but i have a feeling you’re both


idiot. you should lick hassan nasrallah’s rear end


again the yid is using my name. go and die in your filthy bunker shlomo ratsky.


who you stealing my name scummy? go and die with haniyeh you terrorist scum

Shock and Awe

eat shit and die zhid…


shlomo can’t help being shlomo. a rattlesnake can’t help being a rattlesnake. but shlomo may be laughing on the other side of his face when he realises that from now on he can’t use mobile phones, pagers, or anything else electronic without the risk of having his head blown off. shlomo has to get used to the new normal he has created.


filthy yid using my name. die you pile of filth


why you still alive? i thought your were dead with haniyeh and mohammad deif 😂

Zack Priem

hey nasty jew


hey filthy moslem scum. are you alive or are you double dead?


they will drown in their own pig blood. the 4atanic beast of yid will be gutted and that will be before long. they will all burn and the world will weep for joy to be rid of these barbarian demon scum


they will drown in their own camel blood. the islamonazi iranian regime will be gutted and that will be before long. they will be terrified with plagues and the world will weep for joy to be rid of these islamic terror scums


meanwhile, the israeli war cabinet has given prime minister benjamin netanyahu full authorization to take offensive and defensive action against hezbollah, even if it leads to an all-out war – so much for the neocon biden’s peace initiative – right! the clever covert operation that blew up hezbollah pagers and then walkie-talkies was a preparation for a likely israeli military ground operation in southern lebanon.

Ahwad Abdulla Salem

…my goodness, hezbollah is thousands, probably tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands, what are there 37 fighters?

the ukroz would be glad to lose only 37 fighters in 72 hours


this only shows the restraint the muslims have so far and the lack of self control the jews have. gods chosen morons believe in a fake messiah, judging by their bestial behaviors. the jews have lost control, theirs is a downward spiral with no end in sight. an utter disgrace to humanity. at least everybody in the whole world can see it now. the jews have absolutely no shame whatsoever. its what 1000s of years of imbreeding does

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats

how do you like your terror? how’s that it backfired?


muslim fighters are many, but quantity doesn’t equal quality. they were pretty short of capable commanders already. pagers/transmitters explosions didn’t improved the dire situation, is it ?

many commanders were killed, the rest is without connection.

Last edited 5 months ago by Snowden#2

with that hundreds of millions of terrorist scums in your arsenal, what did you achieve? nothing.


shlomo ratsass posing as me. piss off shlomo heeby


some tunnel rat posing as me. go home you idiot


somebody screwed up by buying from insidious jewish front companies, shell companies in hungary and bulgaria using japanese and taiwanese tech. i hope the lesson is clear. due diligence on your supplier


you confuse muslim fighters with isis. like any other ignorant satanists who only isterestet in filling their bellies.

this very attack was not an israeli but an joint us/uk/israeli and other zio-slave atack.

it’s the other way: muslim fighters are in quality. the quantity you count is the women and children they protect. only in quantity the zionist dare to attack against zivilists. and even there they loose (gaza).


a us reconnaissance plane flew over lebanon just before the attacks. it’s quite likely the british on cyprus were involved.


i can already guarantee you that the 100,000 settlers who they want returned back to their homes in northern israel is not going to happen


i can also guarantee that hundreds of heznoballs with permanent disability from the recent gadget mayhem will receive zero insurance benefits from their leader nasrallah 😁


shlomo babykiller posing as me. crawl back to your sewer you yid filth


shlomo ratsky is posing as me scribbling his heeb filth. fuck off “martillo” shlomo ratsky you loser trash.


this islamic idiot trolling in the thread and very very angry like a crying donkey


the insidious, vile, disgusting, parasitic cult that clings to doctrines from 1000’s of years ago has been forcibly ejected from every country that has allowed them to establish a presence… due to those repulsive doctrines. at some point, the 300 million me muslims will eradicate the parasitic ‘chosen’.


you and your goat screwing jihaidi retards have had nearly 1500 years to eradicate them, the hell is taking so long?

that’s right all muslims are closet homosexuals and couldn’t fight their way out of a damn paper bag.


anybody can now do this. anywhere in the world. an airbus pilot over the mid atlantic yawns in the middle of a long flight. his wife is expecting a baby and he checks his pager for any news …… or a bus driver …… or a nurse bending over a hospital bed to treat your granny. thank the (((degenerate minds))) that produced this. there will be no accountability or criticism for this, of course. israel is allowed to commit murder, rape, torture, starvation, genocide with impunity.


when jewish terrorism happens, the west lets it slide. that’s the “new normal” of kissing jewish ass in the west. letting jews run rampant and playing the poor little victim scam without any consequences has yet to run its course. you give an inch to the jew, he takes a mile. this is what the west has enabled. the jews do not hide their intentions, they do not like to do fake pretenses like the english. they straight up get down and dirty

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats

when you are dealing with an opponent who has no self control, there are a few ways to deal with this. you can stoop down to their bestial level and give them an eye for an eye. you could apply judo principles and use their momentum against themselves without being direct – death by a thousand cuts, asymmetric response. or you could allow him to destroy himself, taking down a chunk of humanity along with him, so that in the end, his destruction is all but cheered on even by the best of us.


pager business is booming, prophets going thru the roof! 🤣


shlomo filth posing as me. die shlomo ratshit


idiot islamonazi posing as me. he wants me dead but be careful..your gadget will explode at any moment.


& the terrorism they largely invented, car bombs, letter bombs, barrel bombs. (((they))) tried to kill winston churchill with a letter bomb – during the war, when he was fighting hitler. the low life zio psychos here & elsewhere crowing about the lebanon terror attacks would do well to consider this. as would the lying corporate media hacks & bought and paid for whore politicians who will pretend this never happened. they might soon be laughing on the other side of their faces.


hez-no-balls attacked israel first on october 8. they should stop playing the victim card.


then why don’t the muslims shut the hell up, quit crying, and go to jew land and fight them?

they cant, they’re too busy running around in the rubble, crying that their ugly ass fat muslims reject children are dead.


continue the no-balls party

hez-no-bollah ☕


hezbollah when attacking israel:

“allahu akbar allahu akbaar!”

hezbollah after the gadget explosion mess: “hez-no balls with lots of trolling..

tralalalala lala la la”


filth posing as me. gee but im impressed that some bunker heeb is trying to denigrate me. we all hate you vermin and will party when you burn, and burn you will.


stinking yid in his sewer pretending to be me. gee im impressed that i am taking your time away from acts of barbarian terror. die you filthy pile of heeb garbage.


i am also enjoying destroying your psychological well being. cry harder islamonazi dogshit


tis the season to be trolling

tralalalala lala la la

lost our balls with exploding pagers

tralala lalala la la la

troll the stupid nasrallah idiot

tralala lalala la la la


hez no balls received the message.

fack around find out


filthy yid using my name in his idf rat bunker. die already you filthy beast


cry harder idiot. what do you want? walkie talkie or a pager? 🤣


i wonder if hezbollah has permanent disability insurance coverage for its members. if not, they should think twice about staying in the organization with no life insurance benefits. many have been maimed for life and some with their ball sacs removed 😕


filthy yid stealing my name. gee im impressed that some idf keystroke heeb is pissed by my biting comments. now die you baby bombing beast.


why is this islamonazi scumshit childkiller still here and playing the victim card? 🤣😂🤣


the good news is that the pagers have a 1-year product warranty so replacements are being shipped out today and delivery will be made within the next 72 virgins.

thank you.

Last edited 5 months ago by Martillo

this scumbag yid is using my name. back into your rathole yiddy and get ready to burn.


*** triggered keyboard warrior islamonazi detected 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


this is really a great comment. i will use it on x. thank you!


we will soon all be leading lives that are far more circumscribed and we will all be a lot poorer. people are only beginning to consider the implications and fallout from this. simple and routine things that we take for granted will no longer be possible. how long before someone rigs the earphones/ earpieces people use with explosives?


fear the grim beeper


the $atanic anglozionazi trinity of filth will pay a terrible price for its global terror. as the iou fiat filth dollah gets flushed who will fund the khazar beast in occupied palestine the chosenite abomination is digging its own grave and begging to be erased forever. it is coming of that there can be no doubt. will it take its $lumville tax cattle with it? that’s the only uncertainty. z and more z.

Last edited 5 months ago by Martillo

the iranian nazi empire trinity of terror will pay the price for its global jihadi plague. the ayatollah warmongers are tasting their own rear ends while thousands of hezbollahs are now without their egg sacs anymore. iranian abomination getting the taste of their own medicine in psychological means

Oh No Not A Kike Infestation

who the fk wants to see kike videos?

oh by the way, the comment section here is suffering from a kike infestation


the tally is 2000+ iof killed for god, 10,000+ maimed…. 500+ hizbollah martyred.


and the others lost their balls, called eunuch haznoballah terrorists now. bunch of eunuchs 😆


new iphone also has this feature?

Terrorist Hunter

tasty fruits of terrorism seeds.

R. Ambrose Raven

with regard to my comment “awaiting for approval”, in this context the correct term is either “pending approval”, or if you must, “waiting for approval” / “awaiting approval”. not that i can see why any of them needed to be applied.


can’t help. but it looks like southfront is carrying israel propaganda for the mass…


one southfront correspondent jn lebanon has lost his sac of balls


if the muslim terrorists put down their weapons, there will be peace.

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