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MARCH 2025

Hezbollah Opens Up New Horizons Of The “Flood Of Al-Aqsa”

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Hezbollah Opens Up New Horizons Of The "Flood Of Al-Aqsa"

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Written by Damir Nazarov

It seems that Zionism has decided to open a “second front” after all. What happened was what experts and observers on both sides warned about. Now the Zionists have finally divided into two camps, the first claiming that “it is necessary to wage war to the bitter end,” and the second believing that the collapse of Zionism is inevitable and the pair are registering citizens of other countries.

From the point of view of Hezbollah, this very “second front” was opened immediately, as Hassan Nasr-Allah previously noted – “thanks to the efforts of the Lebanese resistance, the enemy could not concentrate all its military forces in the Gaza Strip”. Therefore, what is happening now is a continuation of the conflict to exhaust Zionism.

The theses of the Hezbollah leader serve as confirmation, when in previous speeches he explained that the battle will not stop until the enemy withdraws troops from Gaza, and the very fact of the “flood of al-Aqsa” is the beginning of a major operation to liberate the whole of Palestine. Accordingly, if we assume that tomorrow the parties will reach some agreements on ending the conflict, be sure that this is temporary. “No more red lines,” says Hassan Nasr-Allah.

The story of the act of terror through gadgets shows that Zionism is gradually exhausting its military and tactical capabilities and therefore resorting to outright terrorism. Despite the loss of charismatic commanders and the terrorist attack, Hezbollah is easily adapting to new challenges. The Islamic Resistance of Lebanon continues to regularly devastate Zionist settlements and military bases in the north of occupied Palestine.

At the moment of the conflict, the task of the terrorist and criminal Netanyahu is to wait for the result of the elections in the United States, where, according to the logic of the right-wing Zionists, if Trump wins, Washington will give the go-ahead to the Zionists to totally bomb Lebanon. For their part, the Democrats will still oppose any escalation in the region if Kamala wins. Therefore, Netanyahu is going all in, because not just his political career is at stake, we are talking about the likely reformatting of the political system of the Zionist colony. The “reforms” will affect the courts*, the party system and ideological views. Don’t be surprised if in the near future we see a ban on a number of right-wing religious Zionist parties and the like. It is precisely for the prevention of such a scenario that the terrorist Netanyahu is now fighting, through genocide in Gaza and Lebanon.

Hezbollah’s task is no less ambitious. The official opening of the second front promises to demonstrate a personal example of the dedication and heroism of the Lebanese, which should be followed by hundreds of thousands of volunteers from the Islamic world. The Houthis are out of line, as they have been on the field of jihad for a long time. But the Iraqis are preparing for a more active phase of the fight against the enemy. Fighters of the Amal movement, the Islamic Group of Lebanon, the local branch of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are already present in the same trenches with Hezbollah. The Zionists expect that the Lebanese alliance will join forces with the Iraqis in Syria to open a Syrian front in the Golan. It won’t be long to wait, we’ll see soon.

At the moment, Zionism has chosen the scorched earth tactic of carpet bombing. However, the Lebanese street has rallied even more around Hezbollah and its allies. The Islamic Resistance of Lebanon continues to fire medium- and small-range rockets at the occupiers, further more.

* The terrorist Netanyahu has already lost the fight for the court, let’s see how his supporters will try to respond.


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as long as hezbollah does not explode zionist air bases and planes, it can continue to count its dead and send rockets to empty areas, it ultimately changes nothing.


they have now hit at least two air bases, ramat david at least twice, and at least one iron dome battery (in the west bank). the media are almost totally controlled at the top and there is deliberate media blackout in most channels as to what is going on. the rothschilds have been using misdirection, like at waterloo, for as long as they have been using media mouthpieces.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

hesbolock toothless dog just barking .sadly innocent people dying again because of them…sooo where is mollah iran to help….????

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

poder e vida longa ao onipotente hezbollah!

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

o sionismo está sendo desmantelado da forma mais dolorosa. isso é ótimo para a região e para o mundo.


sure, nuclear war is such a great thing. what can you expect from brazil where there is no longer free speech.


zionists are really betting the house on a fragmented muslim region. the problem is that, it only takes one major shift in the muslim world to drastically change the balance of power against israel & the us. as is, it is unlikely that they would be able to handle direct conflict versus iran without significant us support, which would include troops on the ground. but if the zionists face any unfavorable developments in egypt, jordan, or turkey …


terror bombing didn’t work in london in 1940. it didn’t work in germany after that. it just feeds a desire for revenge. shlomo murdered over 500 people in the recent bombing. and now 2 million shlomos are scurrying like roaches to their funk holes. they like to dish it out. they aren’t so good at taking it. incidentally, isn’t it interesting how bunkers are “shelters” in israel and “terrorist tunnels” in gaza?

Gabriel Missile

israel has 90 nuclear bombs. this is why iran continues to sit back and watches and listens and watches and listens and watches and listens and watches and listens and watches and listens and watches and listens and watches and listens and watches and listens


i don’t expect a braindead hasba rat to understand the iranian strategy, they’re chess players, you’re money and land grubbers, you think profit they think moral, you think short term they think long term.

nonetheless you will get what is coming to you, don’t be too hasty

Gabriel Missile

ok which chess piece is total nuclear annihilation, stupid piglet.

Gabriel Missile

meanwhile we continue to defend our land from indiscriminate attacks along the northern border … and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it … soo cry more if it makes you feel better ❤️‍🩹

Listen Up Kike Troll

listen up kike troll

1) you’re not defending 2) it’s not your land 3) start packing your bags and head back to poland, where you belong


the settlers and squatters are stampeding to get out of talmudistan while they still can. far more congenial in miami like nuttyyahoo junior. will the last shlomo please turn off the lights on the way out.


you do realize there is nothing indiscriminate apart from there being illegally occupied areas. a reminder that most of those illegal occupiers are armed, form their own militias, and also have reserve status or are in part part of the military etc. and using israel’s and even ukraines own standard, it is just to target a population to inflict a message upon the population and displace them to provide security.


90 nukes isn’t enough to achieve victory for israel. assuming the other word powers do not engage in nuclear dodgeball with each other, israel too will be wiped off the map. the only fear is in their dying breaths will they lash out at other players in a spoiling tactic or go down with the region


very old technology. 80 years old. it takes a few weeks, a few million $, and a small no. of competent scientists to produce nuclear weapons. iran could do at any time, either their own production or one “loaned” from dprk or pakistan. if the zios really want to play that game, one bomb can wipe out talmudistan and resolve the zio infestation once and for all. they may even have them already. who knows. shlomo is pushing his luck.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

hezballah is still mad that israel “paged” them…heheheh


i think the majority of humanity is worried. the israelis have just demonstrated to every wacko group that you booby trap phones, pagers, walkie talkies etc and trigger them months later.


jew terrorists invented car bombs and letter bombs. they tried to murder winston churchill with a letter bomb during the war when he was fighting hitler. and now they’ve given us pager bombs. maybe you’re on a plane flying to benidorm and the pilot’s pager blows up.


booby trap kippahs and menorahs next hannukah. see how funny the zio psychos find that.


such a bull shit article . the presstitute that wrote this mierda of article is talking about ragtag gangs of arabs like if where real armies. until the arabs get anti air defense systems and air force there is nothing that can do.

stinkin khazar blinkin

is ra hell blood sacrifice en masse to their god molech, whom they honor with the star of remphan on their state flag.

the two interlocked pyramids are what’s called a “clue’.

the hexagon of saturn. they’re saturn worshipers of kronos.


stop shooting at israel. not rocket surgery. well, on second thought, maybe it is. they are using rockets, after all…


stop shooting at them while they murder a hundred thousand civilians in gaza and lebannon. waaah wwwaaah poor kikeland.


does anybody want to buy a made in talmudistan pager? going cheap. has anyone checked their shares in motorola, nokia and zio technology companies lately? looks like huawei’s market share is going to expand to 100%. shlomo is going to have to find another job. maybe go back to swindling like madoff and bankman fried, or pimping like maxwell and epstein.

Zionist child killers

hezbollah needs to unleash all its weapons on zionist hovels. just flatten tel aviv.


you have to go into the imbred demented mind of the zionist jew. they think everything is always about them. we’re talking narcissism, psycopathy, autism, bipolar, depressive manic tendencies and antisocial disorder. that’s what they are about. it explains their sick behavior 100%. they actually think some sky daddy has “chosen” them

Samuel Adams

let me know when the “temple mount” is controlled by the islamic faction. until then i expect the i.s.f. to break their own laws and flashbang/stun-nade the elderly as they practice their religion at the mosque. dome of the rock? it was given up when israel “won” the 48 war and is officially guarded by the plo. another joke like hezbollah. they want your cash and moral support. hahaha! (whoops! and f. the a.d.l. and other zionists.)

Last edited 5 months ago by Samuel Adams

ha, yeah, it is all fun until the nukes break out. delusional thinking on all sides.


the situation for the palestinians is an unforgivable and intolerable affront to all decency. the kikes have been enabled by almost the entire world to come to this point. “for all nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.” it is delusional to think that more tolerance of evil is the solution.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers
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