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Hezbollah Redeploys Troops On Syrian-Lebanese Border – Report

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Hezbollah has redeployed several units in the Syrian region of Western Qalamun on the Syrian-Lebanese border, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) revealed on January 30.

According to the London-based monitoring group, the Lebanese group deployed troops in an air-defense base of the Syrian military near the town of Jabadeen, as well as in a series of hills overlooking the town.

“Reliable sources have informed the Syrian Observatory that a number of Hezbollah leaders have taken some homes in Jabadeen as secret headquarters,” the SOHR’s report read.

Hezbollah Redeploys Troops On Syrian-Lebanese Border – Report

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Earlier this month, Hezbollah engineer units in the Eastern Qalamun region destroyed several tunnels, which were dug by militants in the early years of the Syrian war.

Hezbollah is now taking part in a large-scale attack led by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) around the northern Syrian city of Aleppo.

The Lebanese group’s renewed activities on the Syrian-Lebanese border could be measures to secure its supply lines. The group is now, once again, moving fighters and weapons from and to Syria.

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Don’t mess with Hezbollah! Great hero fighter’s.

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

lol IDF mess with hezbollah millions of times a year, israeli airforce already kill 1000 hezbollah in airstrikes in syria since 2012 but you are indenial!




Old news. Hezbollah brave fighters going home in body bags by the hundreds thanks to Israel bombing them with impunity in Syria. Same for their puppet masters, the brave Islamist Iranians, on their way home to Iran. But they can meet their dearly departed in many parts top general in Hell. Look on the bright side.


If you look closely you can see the 50:1 ratio, now god knows how much coward you need to match one Hezbollah fighter.


I think the ratio 50:1 refers to the number of dead Hezbollah fighters to IDF dead. In virtually all the conflicts between Israel and Arabs of any stripe, its between 10:1 to 100:1 in Israel’s favor. But that now is something like 1,000:0 and climbing. Hezbollah make very brave dead.


You shouldn’t think too much it doesn’t suit you.


And is your suicide suit of the vest or belt variety? Time for you to practice.


that all you could come up with ? xD you probably need more seminars.


That has as much relevance as your cute pussy cat picture. In the meantime, Israel just keeps sending your Hezbollah and Islamist Iranian friends home in body bags with impunity.


The only thing “Israel” is sending is idiots like you.

Arch Bungle

Israel has been shooting blanks for quite some time now. I wouldn’t call it impunity when the curtains are closing on your shitty little country.


Actually, I’m from a really big country, the US. And a really big state, California. And you, kid?

Arch Bungle

Rubbish. Troll, you’re a zionist jew from a shitty little euroslav colony in the middle east.

That’s what you are and that’s what you’ll remain until that stinking little Rothschild colony sinks beneath the sands of the negev. Which will be soon.


The Israeli hasbara clowns are in town again it appears, Issam. The Israeli asylum for deluded citizens is full.


haha it appears so.


Paid to lie. http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/hamal_B.jpg


Indeed, but hasbara is working against them nowadays as the world is getting tired of the fake narrative. Also, the scale of Jew mischief making in the wider world, in terms of financial, sexual and political crimes is alienating even once favorable audiences. Their PM is now openly implicated in corruption cases and the sickening images of Weinstein and Epstein are not really poster children for integrity or decency.


I completely agree. They rape 1,000 children worldwide every week with their vile blood sucking rituals. Judaism should be outlawed and Jews extinct.

Ricky Miller

A weak and prejudiced comment. Muslims who support resistance to Empire are by vast majority not suicide bombers at all. In fact, that has nearly universally been shunned by the Shia and is now a nearly exclusively Sunni tactic.


I guess the Sunni learned from you. It was always best when you were using it against each other. Of course, having your little Iranian kids go clear the mind fields for your Islamist Shi’a tanks to fight the Iraqi Shi’a and others was quite the civilized touch.

Ricky Miller

Fuck you. I’m an American living in Ohio. I’ve never been a Muslim. I root for the underdogs in this world who are always being fucked with by our scumbag republic, and lied on about why they’re being fucked with. You’re fine with America violating treaties and killing little girls at weddings and funerals. You war pigs are sick


Yesterday you are an Iranian. Today you are an Ohioan. What will tomorrow bring?

Ricky Miller

What part of Ricky Miller says Iranian to your atrophied American mind? You’ve called me an American traitor before so fuck off. Piece of shit.

Ricky Miller

Yesterday you were a dumbass. Today you’re a dumbass. What will tomorrow bring?

Arch Bungle

That line right there is going on my coffee mug …

Ricky Miller

I think your punk ass is a coward, who is here to rub the deaths of brave men standing up for their countries and people in the faces of those of us who hate the current state of affairs. You get a perverse pleasure from trolling. How about this, I live in Ohio. You in California. Would you like to run your mouth off and discuss it in person?


I don’t like Ohio in the winter. And Tehran doesn’t look anything like Ohio. If you forget so fast, you said you were an Iranian just yesterday.

Ricky Miller

No I didn’t, you delusional fuck. Not surprised though, you make a lot of shit up

Arch Bungle

Frankly, I have great respect for suicide bombers. It takes a lot of courage and serous determination to turn yourself into a weapon for the defense of your people.



Ricky Miller

They also are the people who forced Israel from Lebanon. And have kept them out ever since.

Xoli Xoli

Jake my little trouble maker your way of thinking is exactly how your poor Trump and Satanyahu think.Always defensive in arguments.Jake try to be more transparent and be honest with yourself. Then you will face the reality.We do understand and accommodate your opinion as a opponent to ours.


When you’re shooting unarmed demonstrators as the Jews have done for over 70 years and count them as combatants, it tends to inflate the numbers. How many civilians were injured and died as Israel bombed Lebanon and Gaza? A lot more than military that got killed. But according to your evil cult brain washing they’re all sub humans compared to Jews. Ever wonder why you people are so unpopular?


Well, not like you and yours and your friends don’t try real hard to kill civilians. Whenever you have a chance civilians are your first, second and third choice. The Israelis are just way better at this war stuff and unfortunately, your civilians are keep by you for protection. If your heroes like Islamist Hamas would allow their civilians to build bomb shelters, fewer would die when they provoke an Israeli attack. But you guys just live the PR your dead civilians make.

Ricky Miller

The Israelis are good at this war shit because they get free cash and weapons from Uncle Sam. Yet, Hezbollah still forced the IDF from Lebanon. Syria is still winning her Civil War. And Iran hopefully soon begins an industrial scale atomic bomb program. Violence and injustice breeds and invites challenge and resistance.


Nahhhhhhh…no free cash and they know how to use the weapons they have. They don’t shoot down their own people. Anyway, it’s nice to have the US as an ally. And the military aid is a small fraction of the Israeli budget. They do quite well on their own account, thank you. Lebanon is ancient history by now. And besides, it is a different time with much different governments in both Israel and the US. As I said, Israel is indifferent to the Syrian civil war. It great that the Shi’a and Sunni kill each other. Keeps them busy and thus less a problem for Israel. And if Israel wanted Assad out, he would be long dead by now. Oh, Islamist Iran will be turned into a glow in the dark parking lot before they ever are allowed to get a nuclear weapon. Just the way it is.

Ricky Miller

Iran can have a bomb before anyone knows. It’s the nature of the beast. A high school engineering geek built one back in the 1990’s, without the plutonium. With the underground areas Iran has they could have a dozen bombs before anyone knows, maybe more. Come for it, dumb shit. Iran has more than 100,000 medium range ballistic missiles with conventional warheads. There would be some flattening going on but it would run both ways and still it would be hard to know for certain exactly where inside Iran’s underground facility network the plutonium making breeder reactors are. These reactors can be as small as an RV, for amounts of material needed for just a few devices. An industrial program would be impossible to hide but a small deterrence program would prove difficult to uncover and target.

Ricky Miller

Oh yes, Israel loves President Assad. Dumbass. Israel’s love of ISIS militants is well known. During the time that ISIS cells controlled territory on Israel’s border they were given free Israeli medical care, food and weapons. If Israel kills Bashar al-Assad now they’ll face war with the Russian Federation. Russia has warned Israel off from strikes against targets in Syria of a type or veracity strong enough to affect the course of the war. That type of act would spring the trap, no doubt.

Toni Liu

Why you care about killing civilian when you already killing palestinian everyday, your pathetic soldier can qonquer palestinian and hizbollah, even your army know that, seems you done more harm to your army by suggesting them fighting in illusion of weak army, what a crazy psycho, just gas yourself hizbollah and israeli better without you


Are you paid to lie?

Arch Bungle

I’ve learned to treat every ‘fact’ you putforward as a lie, since that seems to be all you ever do.

Here are the stats from the 2006 war, it shows a ratio of 1:2 for idf killed vs. Hezbollah killed. The stats show Idf kills mostly civilians and unrelated parties (i.e the idf cant shoot straight). While Hezbollah kills mostly IDF and far fewer civilians (talking ratios, not numbers):

Casualties and losses:

1) Israel Defense Forces: Killed: 121 killed Wounded: 1,244 [15] 20[16] tanks damaged beyond repair (from ATGMs and IEDs)[17][18] 1 helicopter shot down, 3 lost in accidents[19][20][21][22] 1 warship damaged[23][24]Israeli civilians: Killed: 44 [25][26] Wounded:1,384 [27]

Foreign civilians: 2 dead [28]

2) Hezbollah Fighters: Killed: 250 (Hezbollah claim)[29] ≤500 (Lebanese & UN Officials’ est.)[30][31] 600–800 (IDF claim)[32][33] Captured: 4 fighters[34] Amal militia: 17 dead LCP militia: 12 dead PFLP-GC militia: 2 dead IRGC: ≈6–9 dead (Lebanese officials’ est., denied by Iran)[35][36][37] Lebanese Armed Forces and Internal Security Forces: 43 dead[2] Lebanese civilians (combatants included) and foreign civilians:

Jens Holm

And they of course are cowards :) So You let 50 die for nothing and they becomes heroes???

I know Hesbollah and they are very visible having only need for one shoe each contribute improving the Lebanese economy by that.

And in Golan are the Syrian Jews You expelled in 1967 stil having land in Syria ha ha.

And I never lie.


Yikes, you again… Boy i never read a single comment from you and understood it. after 57000 comment you would expect someone to at least write a proper sentence.

Jens Holm

I write read for You. Your promitive perfect english is not what we speak and write here in dayly life.

When we use it we dont start with the learning the more narrowminded and limited languaged such as arabic, turkish and farsi and then translate it into the best english for lawers and doctors.

I dont blame You for starting with those languages. But I – according to e´nglish – by lusk started in a language very close to.

Its very much about culture and religion too.

The top non-native English speaking countries

1. Netherlands 70.31 2. Sweden 70.72 3. Norway 68.38 4. Denmark 67.34 5. Singapore 68.63 6. South Africa 66.52 7. Finland 65.86 8. Austria 63.13 9. Luxembourg 66.33 10. Germany 63.74 11. Poland 62.45 12. Portugal 60.02 13. Belgium 63.52 14. Croatia 60.16

You write perfect surface english., but You are not able to understand vital things, where we are unless You learn other ways to think, read and write.


i stopped reading your comment at “I write read for You”.

Zionism = EVIL

This guy is a certified Danish cupcake. A complete moron :)


That puts him way way above you, Adolf.

Ricky Miller

Fuck you


You’re English has gotten stuck in a rut. A wack in the head might help.

Ricky Miller

Your morals are stuck in pride and violence. You knew who the good guys and bad guys were in the movies when you were a little kid but now you root for invaders who violate treaties, try and take over other people’s countries and shoot up children. Somehow you cheer that on and think it’s brave or just. You are sick. Did I mention yet that you need to fuck off?


Unlike you, I don’t cheer for the enemies of the US.

Ricky Miller

Most of them are enemies of the out of control U.S. government, not the majority of the American people who want, by significant majorities, for this endless warfare to end. The current American government is populated by elected and unelected war pigs who can’t play nice with other states or comply with our treaty obligations to others. Going to someone else’s country, violating the UN Charter by interfering in their affairs, committing acts of violence under false pretenses all in the name and goal of bringing about a government in these lands that is conducive to American corporate interests is wrong. Period, paragraph. Full stop. If you can’t understand that and get on the right side of it than your soul is lost and you have no moral compass.


Danish mental health facilities encourage the residents to post in foreign languages as a therapy, but this fellow has taken to it with added gusto, unfortunately at Southfront.

Ricky Miller

With impunity? Ha. Israel strikes at them occasionally, and has about half of their attacking missiles shot down. It’s posturing, bravado, but not militarily significant. By Israel’s own admission Hezbollah has more missiles than ever, and now has clandestine locations inside Lebanon making more. Meanwhile, more and more of Syria comes under the control of the central government in Damascus. Epic failures for your side, all around. Your group is great on stunts but sorely lacking in actual strategic progress.

Jens Holm

You might be right but it reminds me about jokes about USSR, where all fairytales began wit a: Onece upon a time, there will come. But they did collapse, didnt it.

The great mistake was they didnt increase their sectors for economic growth and by that could not effort their many soldiers and weapons.

So we swill see. And I dont see a rain of missiles by Hesbollah will be a defeat for Israel. They wil live as well as they might give back in the same way. in 50 to 1 or more.

So buy some helmets too, but not white.

Toni Liu

Same with israeli cant defeat hizbollah too

Zionism = EVIL

Dumb Jew fuck, total Hezbollah losses in 8 years of constant combat in Syria and Iraq, less than 1375. You have to be dumbest Jew idiot even by California standards :)


Sure, Adolf…

Ricky Miller

And even if he’s right, so what? Fighting a superior enemy will always mean losing far more than you kill. It’s the strategic gains or losses that really matter. North Vietnam and allied tribes in Laos lost three million people to American weaponry. The Americunts burned entire villages alive with napalm, poisoned entire areas with defoliants and lost just under 60,000 men. Yet those men died in vain in a lost war. The three million NVA, VC and tribesmen who died were lost in a cause that forced America from their country. This business in Syria and Lebanon, and Iraq and even Afghanistan is no different. Whatever the body count math ends up at a U.S. flag is sure to be nowhere in sight by the end.

Jens Holm

Tempting to add: Yes, but no change and then Jom Kippur in 1973, where Syrians lost their last chance to get Golan back after the 6 days of June war. .


I am sure you are very enthusiastic about commenting on global affairs from your government funded mental health facility, which is commendable on its own special needs merit, considering your fragile mental state, but do keep it short and refrain from spamming every thread with incomprehensible demented detritus. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Toni Liu

And yet united nation still put golan as syria land, so your war doesnt make any change other than illegally taking some else territory


Fuck off Baby Killer. The IDF shit their frilly panties when Hezbollah are near them.


So they just kill them by the hundreds from a distance. Dead is dead.

Arch Bungle

That’s exactly what we’ll say when the missiles rain down on Tel Aviv.

“Dead is Dead”

That is the future of zionist colonial ‘Israel’

Ricky Miller

Stupid comments like that remind me of all the fond memories I have from the summer of 2006. You’re taking me back…


You liked to see all those dead Hezbollah goons? Now go back their with your suicide vest to practice a lot for the next time. But note, these are very different times with very different governments in both the US and Israel.

Ricky Miller

Different governments running up debts they can’t pay. They are both dependant on an American economy that subsidizes their war material but is running down like a broken watch. They’ve committed the same mistake as nearly every empire in history: overextension. It’s a matter of time.

Arch Bungle

You like to see some dead IDF goons? Here:


“Although Brigadier-General Gal Hirsch announced on July 25 that the Israel Defense Forces had “complete control” of Bint Jbeil, this statement was later discredited.” Wikipedia

… You joos lie everytime you exhale.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass ugly Jew fuck get you tooth gap fixed with Americunt tax dollars you pathetic parasite cowards.


He spouts from his comfy, if bug infested coach, missing his suicide vest fitting appointment yet again.

Arch Bungle

Says the primary school dropout hasbara rat from his basement in tel aviv while looking for his missing foreskin. Heres a shekel, Shlomo, go buy yourself a new foreskin.

Ricky Miller

Hey, dumbass troll. Hezbollah hasn’t had a guy strap on a suicide vest in more than a quarter of a century. That’s the other guys, America’s Muslims. You know, the sunni jihadi street gangs. The same crew responsible for 9/11 and the train bombings in Madrid and London. The Christmas sidewalk massacre in Germany, the Paris attacks, San Bernardino, Orlando, the Boston marathon bombing and other Wahabbi greatest hits brought to you with American and Saudi sponsorship.

42 HSabbagh

More like they killed 1000 civilians


Nahhhhhhh…maybe a lot in Gaza but not in Syria as they blow away Hezbollah and their Islamist Iranian puppet masters with impunity.

Ricky Miller

In your fuckwad dreams. Hezbollah is doing just fine which is why you’re here trolling people. If they really were dying in the volumes you lie and claim then there’d be no Hezbollah left and Israel could occupy Lebanon, again.


They may be doing just fine. But that doesn’t mean Israel isn’t helping send lots of them home in body bags with impunity. Just the way it is.

Ricky Miller

In an evil plot to try and dominate other people. Israel, supplied with weapons and cash from the USA can kill, but not win. When Hezbollah came for Israeli soldiers after last falls drone incident the Israeli soldiers ran away. A Hezbollah combat team and camera crew was alone in an Israeli town. The sabatoged Israeli armored vehicles and left.


Well, post the video they took. Then post all the dozens of videos of Hezbollah funerals in Lebanon. Hey, being the Iranian you said you were yesterday, I’m sure you could post even more from Iran. And may be the ones of those killed by your Key Stone Cops military when they shot down that airliner and those who got trampled in the funeral honoring the parts of your deadly departed top general. In Iran, funerals beget funerals, I guess.

Ricky Miller

Nah, look it up for yourself. It was all over the web last fall. I don’t work for you. And you need to keep your posters straight. You are trolling so many people you forget who you’re talking to. I have never claimed Iranian ancestry or citizenship. You are either an idiot or a liar. But surely a dumbass. Now, fuck off

Arch Bungle

They’ve mostly been blowing away decoys and empty warehouses. Every time these idf ziomonkeys fire at a random spot they yell “HEZBOLLAH” and give themselves a golden star. And yet, Hizbollsh keeps winning against ISIS (Israel’s proxy terrorist army)

Ricky Miller

Says a man trolling on an article about Hezbollah redeployment. Other articles at this resistance oriented website have detailed recently that Hezbollah reinforcements are helping the SAA push back jihadi street gangs near Aleppo. For a military organization being blown away with “impunity” they sure are out in the open deploying for combat. And deployed with an expanding missile armament mean enough to keep Israel out of Lebanon.


Sounds like dubious Israeli propaganda at best, considering Hizballah strength in Syria never exceeded beyond a few advisory regiment sized deployments. Also, since Iranians have brought in air defence systems even the pin prick IDF air strikes in eastern Syrian deserts, largely ineffective, have ceased. They did not do much damage in any case as they were not large enough to do any real damage. Try to keep propaganda within the realm of reality. Iran is now permanently entrenched in Syria and Russia is quite comfortable with that . Where Iran goes, so do its allies like Hizballah.

Arch Bungle

Links please. Or you’re talking the usual Joomonkey bullshit.

Toni Liu

Yeah in 2006 they already spank your israeli ass, do we need more than that now? Better gas yourself because even israeli doesnt want to fight them and yet you suggest they to fight them, seems you more dangerous to israeli itself than hizbollah

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

you wish UN had to hold israel back from annihilate lebanon u mullah supporter piece of SHET

Toni Liu

So what libanon and hizbollah still standing to this day and your shitty army can do nothing to them, it just your shitty army got impotent to continue the war

Zionism = EVIL

As I detailed three days ago, Hezbollah is now larger and better equipped than most NATO faggots and needs room for its increasingly sophisticated arsenal. Hezbollah now keeps over 30,000 of its best troops on constant alert to batter the Zionist scum if they get out of line. Hezbollah can muster over 150,000 well trained and combat tested men from the global Shia diaspora. In Syria alone there are 120,000 Shia militias from a half a dozen nations. There is also a growing Palestinian Hamas, Islamic Brigades, Yemeni and Armenian, Orthodox and PFLP forces.


Zionism = EVIL

Christian fighters with Hezbollah in Syria https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d3f7557bcd24c5633808fa642a59660514e72068461484387041cea45d826d41.jpg


Oh, goody. The body bag business in Iran and Lebanon will do very well. Now when you going to join your friends, big mouth, and get fitted for your suicide vest?

Zionism = EVIL

Get lost little JEW PUNK, even for hasbara dimwits you are not worth it. You post like a 4th grader. Now FUCK OFF!


How would you know? You never made it even to the third grade.

Ricky Miller

No really, fuck off


Why? You delusional tough guys are such fun.

Ricky Miller

Fuck off


Sounds like you need some meds before you’ll need those Iodine pills.

Ricky Miller

What I need is justice for the victims of my country and an end to all aid for Israel. Soon…

Ricky Miller

Fuck you

Ricky Miller

Fuck off

Ricky Miller

Piece of Shit

Ricky Miller

Fuck you. You are not welcome here and you don’t belong

Zionism = EVIL

Just a retarded JEW PUNK, attention seeking. Best is to ignore. Hasbara has sunk to its lowest.

Ricky Miller

Go to your empire loving sites and cheer on your body count math with your other redneck amerifuck cunts. People should be safe from American weapons and bullshit in their own countries and people who are uncomfortable with the violent American bullying going on throughout the world should have a place where we can comment on events without being trolled non stop. Get the fuck off of here


You can’t always get what you want…

Ricky Miller

You empire lovers always get what you want, more wars and more victims. Yet, you never win wars anymore, your Empire is bankrupting itself and more people by the millions hate the U.S. and their NATO and Israeli butt buddies.

Arch Bungle

You never get what you want.

Arch Bungle

You’re the delusional one, dear foreskin kippah merchant. All your forum posts are either misinformation, non-information or deflection. You’re an obvious hasbara operative so nobody takes your bullshit seriously.

J Ramirez

How many times can you use the suicide vest question? Think of something original or you just reading the reply’s allowed in your Jewish work shop? As you can see no one here likes you, take a stick of dynamite, shove it in your ass and light the fuse ;}

Arch Bungle

In the other hand, the day Haifa, Tel Aviv and Ashkelon go up in smoke, body bags will be useless to you Zioreptiles. You’ll need to collect your dead in brown paper bags.

Toni Liu

Even 2006 hizbollah can spank the idf ass back to israel, this 2020 hizbollah sure can give more than what they did in 2006

Ricky Miller

I think that’s true. Even Israeli intelligence has stated that Hezbollah is manufacturing missiles inside Lebanon. Hundreds of Hezbollah missiles have the range and accuracy to strike targets in Tel Aviv. These capabilities are why the U.S. Treasury Department is trying to crash Lebanon’s banking system and the CIA is busy instigating protests. They’re scared of the havoc that Hezbollah is going to inflict on Israel and are desperate to bring them down some other way.

Zionism = EVIL

Hezbollah is at the peak of the warrior chain.


They will do real well fighting other warriors maybe like the Zulu. But against an organized and technical advanced army of well trained solders, would be another question.

Ricky Miller

The United States does real well fighting smaller countries with limited means of self defense. Oh, wait. No they don’t. They use large amounts of weapons, prove that the USA is better at killing people than anyone else in the world (Israel is a USA dark apprentice, making her older brother proud) but in the end the U.S. gets nothing. The Taliban are winning. Vietnam drove us out. Hezbollah forced Israel from Lebanon. Iraq hates our guts and Syria’s President is still Bashar al-Assad. The U.S. has blown through vast amounts of the peoples money but they can’t win, anywhere. They run up big body counts though. But here’s the rub: there are more Taliban today than there were in 2001. There are more Hezbollah than in 2006, and there are now even Christian and Druze Hezbollah units. Despite being bombed nearly around the clock by the Saudis, the Houthi have lost tens of thousands of men but are gaining territory, again. Things are not what you think they are. The Palestinian birth rate is outpacing Israel’s. Take G.I. Joe’s dick out of your mouth and suck on that. War Pig.


Awesome response!



Toni Liu

Yet your pathetic IDF cant clear them, even gaza movement still there fighting your pathetic army, what a bollock

Ricky Miller

I don’t think you read his post. In fact I know you didn’t. Zulu warriors are not known to hack drones. You are without a doubt a fucking war pig moron.

Arch Bungle

The Zulu in their time were extremely well organised and disciplined. The Zulu under Shaka were a revolutionary jump in terms of discipline and tactics for their time. Given the weapons of today they would be as formidable as the Houthi.

Arch Bungle

The fought the world’s most advanced army (or so it is said!) and defeated them. They already proved the can dictate the course of war to the IDF, as shown from the early 1980s to the 2006 war, and last year when the forced IDF to back down during that last little skirmish.


Are you saying that the IDF/IAF are like the Zulu? I ask because:

In the war Israel planned and waged in 2006, Israel believed it could achieve all of its objectives in a matter of days. Yet, the war went on for months and the Mossad and Shin-Bet directors called it a “national catastrophe” and a “critical blow” with Hezbollah capable for fighting several more months.

By the time the United Nations (UN) cease-fire went into effect on 14 August 2006, many military analysts were convinced the IDF had suffered a significant defeat. One source held that Hezbollah’s military and political victory was absolute and irrefutable.3 Even more revealing were the comments by Mossad Chief, Meir Degan, and the head of Shin Bet, Yuval Diskin, during a meeting with Prime Minister Olmert in the immediate aftermath of the war. Both men pointedly told Olmert “the war was a national catastrophe and Israel suffered a critical blow.


Mossad was already gathering information to leak to the press on 28 July, indicating “Hezbollah had not suffered a significant degradation in its military capabilities, and that the organization might be able to carry on the conflict for several months.



Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

Good more terrorist targets for the izrael airforce to smack upside down with force!

Arch Bungle

Israel’s strikes haven’t had any impact for the last 40 years. All we see is Hezbollah getting stronger every year. The more you strike, the stronger they get.


Oh, goody. More targets for Israel to bomb at will.

Ricky Miller

At will? How many sorties a day would you consider at will? Because Israel has had her wings clipped above both Syria and Lebanon. They do some stunt strikes now, without actually penetrating Syrian airspace but not in a frequency above what Russia will tolerate. Sixteen or Seventeen months ago Israel attacked targets in Syria nearly every week. Now, it’s something like once or twice a month. The last time the IDF pressed home an attack to multiple nights they had Russian Su-35’s targeting their aircraft and they turned tail home. These attacks that you speak of are NOT militarily significant. As in, they fail to impact the course of the war in Syria in any noticeable way and fail even to limit Iranian personnel in Syria, and have also failed to stop the missile caravans across Syria to Lebanon.

Jens Holm

My temperature dont get up ny that. Its the same since 1948. The many dead are just replaced with their children.

That might be the big mistake. Some contraseption in the whole Region might make a big change and less expensive then killing each other.


Israel never attacked Syria for Syria during this current war. It attacks Hezbollah and their puppet master Islamist Iranians there still with impunity. And your friends’ body bags just keep flowing back to Lebanon and Iran. And you spout and stamp your little feet and cry, it doesn’t matter.

Ricky Miller

Wrong. Israel commits secondary attacks on Syrian air defense positions when they intervene. Syria has the right to invite security forces of allied states to her own territory. If the Gulf States, the U.S. and Israel and Turkey hadn’t shipped weapons and material support to Jihadi Street gangs in Syria than there would be little need for Shia militias, the IRGC, or Hezbollah to be in Syria. Do stupid things, get blowback. Whatever your warped sense of body bag logic gets you it doesn’t change the fact that none of the conspiratorial states have gotten from this conflict what they thought they’d get. That includes Israel.


I said that Israel hits Syrians but not because they are Syrian but because they are protecting Hezbollah and Islamist Iranians. I actually have no idea what Israel wanted in this Syrian civil war. If they had taken a side that side would have won way back when. They sure didn’t want Assad out or he would have been long dead. And you damn well know it. But I guess an enemy neighbor in a major civil war is less of a danger.

Ricky Miller

Protecting force structures that are helping you win your civil war goes with the territory. And it’s Syria’s territory and if they need Hezbollah and Iranian forces to help them win then that’s their choice. You have a military delusion issue in that you think aerial bombing actually decides the outcomes of wars. Tell that to the Houthi, or the Taliban. Or North Korea. Or Vietnam. Israel could shortie all day and night and grind her air force to a pulp and still not dent the numbers of Shia militias deployed inside Syria. Aerial bombardment only works with a motivated and competent ground force, with staying power for generations on the ground, moving forward under your air wings. Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan they have that. Israel and the U.S. do not.

Arch Bungle

Bullshit. Israel is factually on record striking Syrian state infrastructure, way before Iran and Hizbollah became a thing in Syria. Try get the simple things right, Shlomo.

Arch Bungle

Lying again as usual. Bibi himself stated in public how many times Israel has struck Syrian state infrastructure itself. You just lie with every post, don’t you?

Arch Bungle

That works both ways. Of course, the IDF spends their time hiding these days, trying to avoid Hezbollah strikes.


Sure, the Israelis hide from the fantom Hezbollah strikes while the Hezbollah body bags just keep flowing back to Lebanon from the very real Israeli strikes.

Arch Bungle

You’ll still be blabbing about body bags long after Hezbollah has wiped ‘Israel’ from the map.

From your safe refuge you’ll weep for the long gone colony and reminisce about body bags, while Palestine prospers.


Does your Earth in your alternative universe have three or four moons? Or are you talking in your sleep about the delusional wet dream you are having?

Arch Bungle

That’s a rather dull response. Got anything better left? I didn’t think so.




Cute picture. But what relevance?


This picture was taken from the Lebanese/Syrian border, i thought the environment was a clear cue… damn you are kinda slow aren’t you

Jens Holm

Thats doent make it better or worse. It would be a good picture if the soldier only had a cat as weapon and didnt need helmet.


It would also help if he could get a productive job and actually help his people.

Ricky Miller

Get a productive job like here in the U.S. where the company and or investor class takes 90% or more of the value of productivity, leaving people doing the work to collect the scraps. He is helping his people to avoid this fate and avoid becoming another doormat in the American empire of violent greed whores


Sour grapes from a failing economy like Islamist Iran. The smart Iranians and Lebanese try to get out and get to the US to better themselves and their families. Most of the poor here are better off then most of the population in Iran and Lebanon. But yes, the top here gets too much but the crumbs here are more than what most all get in Iran and Lebanon. And you are educated enough to know that.

Ricky Miller

A failing economy in Central Ohio, in an area where factories used to manufacture products sold to over a hundred countries around the world.


But a really great economy here in California where it counts the most in the modern world, thank you. And when all those smart Iranians, Lebanese, Chinese and Russians come here, they tend to come to California and not Ohio.

Ricky Miller

California is losing it’s educated and productive population to Western States like Colorado, Montana and parts farther at an incredible rate. Cost of housing is a real reason but also the descent into shithole policies by your permanent ruling class in Sacramento, determined to change California beyond all recognition from the place that attracted people to it in droves long ago.


Sure it is losing some. But it is gaining more. It’s economy is still in the top 10 for economic growth rate and top half for population growth rate. It still is by far the prime location for those wanting to get an advanced education or get into the tech industry. It’s historic economic growth and success is a main reason for those who are leaving. They can’t compete here or afford it here. This is a similar reason for our homeless problem. Our booming economy is pricing people out of the rental market. And as long as the world has a hunger for iPhones, etc. and high tech innovation, California will continue to grow faster than most of the other states. We are now the fifth largest economy in the world, headed to be forth.

Ricky Miller

Fourth. That California education is just awesome. iPhones are designed in the Bay area but they are mass produced in China. The population growth you speak of consists primarily of illegal migrants from Mexico and Central America, most with limited educations. Housing is too expensive and even people with jobs have to sleep by the thousands in cars and vans. And the homeless population has exploded. Skid Row isn’t just one little L.A. place anymore, but it’s all over the Angelino basin. And the pension liabilities, oh my. It’s financial ruin, inbound like the iceberg for the Titanic. You are insulated in a bubble of privilege somewhere in Southern California. You can’t see the disaster unfolding around you. The real reason for the Huawei crackdown has nothing to do with security but everything to do with the fact that Huawei and Samsung are about to leave American tech behind thus threatening one of the last advantages America has. It won’t stop them and the whole California economy is on the cliff.



Arch Bungle

Iran is not a failing economy because of Iranians. It is an economy under seige by the Jews and Americans. When US sanctions no longer matter (as soon they won’t) and capitalism is free to operate without American authoritarian control, Iran will be a massively wealthy country.

This will come to pass very soon.

Arch Bungle

Blowing up Tel aviv wpuld be a productive job and would definitely help the Palestinian and Lebanese people.


It would help the Palestinian and Lebanese People find peace, the peace of the grave.


How would I know? But it does look a bit like a view of the Central Valley from I-5 here in sunny California. But yes, I did know it was one of your guys from the AK 47. And he seems as scary as that pussy cat.

Zionism = EVIL

Even a cat has more guts than you Jew fuck child killing cowards.


I’m sure all those hundreds of brave Hezbollah guys said the same before they earned their Darwin Awards and got stuffed in to body bags for their trip back to Lebanon for their always grieving family and friends. Poor things.

Zionism = EVIL

No wonder you dumb Jews are so hated by all. Dumbass.


Nahhhhhhhh…we always get near unanimous votes where it counts, the US Congress. Try to get the simplest things correct, Adolf or Igor as the case may be.

Arch Bungle

The rich and powerful always count until the day they get hung from the lamposts by common people. The day will cone when the US congress will have no say over what happens in the world.


The day will come when the Sun envelopes the Earth. But in the meantime…

Ricky Miller

Fuck you. War Pig. May the resistance fight on until Americans go home


Well, that will be a very long time and there will still be Israel for you to hate and fight to your glow in the dark end. Iranian’s with attitudes like yours better stock up on Iodine pills. Duck and Cover won’t quite be enough if you get what you crave.

Ricky Miller

I have a ticket to the Arizona Coyotes and New York Islanders game in Glendale, AZ in late February. Come, run your mouth off and tell me to my face that I’m an Iranian. Cheer to my face the deaths of men fighting for their way of lives in their own damn countries that we and our satellites are invading. Or do you just run your big fat mouth off on your iPhone?

Arch Bungle

Ziocolonial Israel will be gone in 9 years. Mark my words.

Arch Bungle

You mean like those IDF losers who got roasted in the tin can merkavas in South Lebanon. They certainly got their Darwin awards …


The one thing your Hezbollah buddies will do well is, as always, getting way way more Darwin Awards than the Israelis.

Ricky Miller

And forcing the IDF out of Lebanon. They lost more people, by far, than Israel but were forced to withdrawl. By your body count trumpeting Israel won even though Hezbollah reclaimed control of Lebanese territory. Hezbollah held the battlefield and Israel won the body count. I know what matters more because I’m not a mental midget or a war pig.

Arch Bungle

Darwin awards are for those who died stupidly. Like your idf goons who merrily drove into Lebanon and got stuck on bad roads so all Hizbullah ninjas needed to do was rpg the hell out of them.

That is truly darwin-award worthy

Hezbollah deaths were rather dull by comparison.


Dull is another word for stupid. And damn, were there orders of magnitude more dead dullards. But at the top of the stupid list by far was your hero Islamist Iranian top general who fell for an obvious trap because he was so stupidly arrogant and thought he was so great he was untouchable.

Arch Bungle

Only if you’re a high school dropout non-native english speaker like yourself. Look it up in the dictionary, you illiterate tool.


Standard English dictionary definition of dull to help a dullard like you understand English better:

“The definition of dull is someone who is stupid or boring or something that is not shiny or something that is not sharp.”

Time for you to say never mind.

Arch Bungle


Do you lie reflexively, or were you born stupid?

Here, cut ‘n paste from the dictionary:

“not clear, bright, or shiny: We could just see a dull glow given off by the fire’s last embers. UK The first day of our holiday was dull (= cloudy). Thesaurus”

Can’t you read, fucknut?


Well, the Oxford Dictionary disagrees with you:

dull person ​slow in understanding SYNONYM stupid

They noted you as an example.

Arch Bungle

Omg you DO lie reflexively. Clearly not a native english speaker. Doesn’t know the difference between “dull” and “dullard”. Can’t spot which of 50 synonyms actually fits the context. Back to primary school with you, retard!

Jens Holm

If You can add that, I can add “Arap music is comming soon”.



Beautiful picture overlooking all the farms in the area.

The world must recognize that Israel is a terrorist organization; and that all Middle East countries and all Arabs must come together to stop Israel from stealing land and terrorizing everyone in the region. …Israelis continue to use Lebanon airspace either to attack other countries and/or size-up/survey Lebanon’s real estate for future annexation. Lebanon must stop Israel from using their airspace.

Syria will reclaim/retrieve their Golan Heights real estate. …Nov. 16, 2019 – New York – United Nations General Assembly reaffirmed by an overwhelming majority Syria’s sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights and over its resources, demanding that Israeli occupation authorities cease exploiting, damaging, squandering, depleting, or endangering its natural resources. …International community overwhelmingly considers the Israel settlements illegal; based on the Fourth Geneva Convention, which bars an occupying power from transferring parts of its own civilian population to occupied territory.


Israel must vacate & demolish all those illegal martial-law bunker housing developments in the Golan Heights Syrian territory and West Bank Jordan’s territory. Israel wanting conflict with every country that does not recognize them as a real country will cause them to vaporize.


And who will do that, you? And speaking of vaporizing, that is what will happen to any country or group there that is stupid enough and suicidal enough to try what you would like. But they will make such pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor. Now get to your suicide vest practice, kid.

Arch Bungle


Zionism = EVIL

This guy takes care of his AK-47. The firing mechanism is in pristine shape (I magnified the image)and that is a testament to good training.

Peter Jennings

These ‘reliable sources’ of the SOHR wouldn’t be from ireali intelligence services, would they?

I expect these supply lines will be interrupted.


After the last time, i highly doubt they would think of doing such a thing.


Israel interrupts Hezbollah’s supply lines anytime they please with total impunity.

Arch Bungle

Rubbish. Hezbollah has been merrily accumulating missiles, drones, personnel and telecomms infrastructure by the thousands yearly since 2006.

When next the idf decides to attack Hizbullah you’ll find that their supply lines are quite healthy.

Ricky Miller

Oh, military expert. You’ve been there done that, have you? Israel is disrupting Hezbollah’s supply lines from 20,000 feet, with no forces on the ground along those supply routes, in a territory of tens of thousands of square kilometers? Bombing two vehicles and a roadside security position every thirteen days or so is hardly an interruption of the entire supply effort. Or Hezbollah wouldn’t be redeploying anywhere, would they? Israel’s strikes are for political consumption; they are not significant enough to disrupt anything. You know, idiots claim the most stupid shit


You do that quite a bit.

Ricky Miller

I’m not the one claiming that something like 3.6 missile strikes a month is stopping the flow of material and personnel across the broad expanses of Iraq and Syria to Lebanon. Go back to playing Call of Duty or something.

Peter Jennings

Of course they do Jake, everyone knows that. The IDF catch everything they find.

Jens Holm

The Beatrix potter version :


42 HSabbagh

Zionism is the cancer. Hezbollah is the cure


If you missed it, the reason Hezbollah needed to secure that border crossing is to make it easier to get their body bags back to Lebanon from Syria.

42 HSabbagh

If you missed it Hezbollah seems to only grow in capability, Israel has a lot of fire power but they are cowards. Go die


I think the Egyptians and Jordanians as well as the Syrians when clear headed would disagree given how many times the Israelis have defeated them. But damn, even a coward can push a button from a great distance and wipe out all you brave he-men. Get real.

42 HSabbagh

Those examples don’t apply anymore. Things have changed completely. If Israel took on two army’s. But got their butt kicked in 2006 by Hezbollah that definitely tells you that times have changed capabilities have been upgraded. Israel knows their soldier’s are cowards they would never win a ground war again.


Well, depends what weapons they are willing to use in such a war. But who cares if they can or can’t win a ground war as long as they can win the war with whatever means available. Since Israel has a much more militant government now that has the full support of a new US government, it would be best for any in the region not to get into a war with Israel thinking it will only be a ground war and could only be won on the ground.

Arch Bungle

It’s been more than 40 years since. In the last 4 decades the IDF has been struggling against a bunch of lebanese part-timers and armed civilians in the Gaza concentration camp.

All they have is an airforce now.

Arch Bungle

Something the IDF could have used in Lebanon in 2006 when their mobile units were being arse raped at bint jbeil.

Zionism = EVIL

Zionism is pure toxic and Jews are historical cancer and have mutated and hard to get rid of the virus, many have tried and will keep on trying until a cure is found of this filthy cancer.


And way harder to deal with now that they have radiation treatment in reverse for goons like you who might get too frisky again, Adolf.

Arch Bungle

Hezbollah is getting far better training and experience than the IDF can ever hope to. The next round of the 2006 war is going to see the IDF seriously hammered.

Assad must stay

yay go hezb! :))))


yay go hezb! Your body bags await!

Ricky Miller

They’re soldiers. The side they fight for is winning. Your point is irrelevant.


As Patton said, a solder’s job is not dying for your side but making the enemy die for theirs. Guess Hezbollah hasn’t got that memo yet.

Ricky Miller

Patton could say that as he served in a backwater front of a war the Red Army had already won. The Memo you haven’t read yet is the one that details how casualty counts are often not at all relevant to strategic victories or reverses. People with superior firepower often, usually universally, overreach because of overconfidence and arrogance into thinking that said military might gives them the means to dominate other people and cultures. It never works. You get a bunch of feel good victories and then are handed your hat to go home. Dying for your country and cause in large numbers is usually considered worth it as long as victory is achieved. You need examples: Vietnam, for one. The Red Army absorbed enormous losses, beyond all norm yet every Nazi soldier who died did so for a lost cause, even though they were far better at killing than the Soviet Union. China absorbed massive losses in people to end the Colonial era and drive the Western loving nationalists to Taiwan yet those massive death tolls led to independent governance and no more Western trade colonies that once littered China’s landscape. Portugal killed ten or twelve times their number of losses in Africa, especially in Mozambique and yet, there is no Portuguese rule today, anywhere in Africa. Get the MEMO? All the shit you pontificate endlessly about is just bloodthirsty pride and bravado-in the end it will mean nothing but a large victim count. Syria will be free, Lebanon will remain free of Israel, and Iraq will see an end to the American intrusion. Israel itself, a Jewish crusader kingdom, is likely to suffer a crusader fate if it makes the mistake of thinking that firepower means victory and security. Justice and fairness stand a chance of bringing survival and security but firepower is a feel good thing of the moment. What goes up must come down but demography reigns constant. Without a fair and permanent peace treaty Israel will not survive.


Nothing survives forever. But Israel has an independent state, legally recognized internationally back by a couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missile which means it will be around for a very long time. And the Palestinian leadership have a dying dream soon to be snuffed out because of their inability to say yes and their congenital defect of picking the losing side. Israel has no interest in having Lebanon or Syria. They just want them to be nicer neighbors and not host their Islamist Iranian enemies. But if it ever comes to all out war, this time there won’t be much left of Lebanon, Syria and their puppet masters in Islamist Iran…whatever the cost and whatever the weapons it takes.

Ricky Miller

I doubt it. Any use of nuclear weapons would bring retaliation and accelerated atomic weapons programs everywhere from Nigeria to Indonesia as clearly that’s the only way to protect yourself going forward. Israel is so small that even a smallish nuclear strike would be devastating to the country, and it’s viability. What Israel wants is for all it’s neighbors to be divided and weakened, or kept in American chains. That strategy led to Israeli involvement in supporting jihadi insurgency inside Syria and that is what brought the IRGC and 90,000+ Shia militiamen to Syria, from as far away as Shia communities in Afghanistan. Despite Israel’s impotent little missile strikes in cahoots with the Americans the Shia militia continue to hold large scale defensive positions inside Syria, and missiles and missile technology continue to flow through Iraq to Syria and Lebanon.


Guess you thus realize why Israel will never allow Islamist Iran to have nuke weapons, regardless of what weapons it take to prevent this. If Israel had taken a side against Assad, Assad would be long gone. I think mostly it likes seeing its enemies kill each other. And sure it likes weakened neighboring enemies. Who wouldn’t? And the more the existential threat from its enemies, the more likely it is that Israel will be forced to resort to their nukes. So you can cheer your friends on to a very bright, glow in the dark, future.

Ricky Miller

There is little that Israel could do to stop an Iranian program for an operable warhead. Locating where in all of Iran several small reactors are producing plutonium would be next to impossible. Especially if they are underground, which is likely. Now, a large industrial scale program would be hard to hide which is why Iran should use a small, clandestine program complete with sequestration of personnel in order to make four or even a half dozen weapons for basic deterrence. Unless Israel has a spy in every family you and your Israeli masters are suffering from permanent delusions of grandeur, among many other delusions.


The delusions sure are from you. Israel has a very large Iranian population with massive contacts throughout Iran and it’s government. Besides there is no such thing as a small clandestine program that you fantasize for making deliverable nukes. If so, most countries would have them by now. And you know it.

Ricky Miller

I know that you don’t know what you’re talking about. How many Iranians live in Israel? How would they go back and forth between countries that do not enjoy diplomatic relations? There are tens of millions of Iranians in a country three times the size of Texas. And building a bomb on the down low requires basic physics and engineering knowledge, which Iran has. South Africa built and then dismantled a bomb and people didn’t know until later. These reactors to make plutonium don’t need to be large, like a power plant. They don’t need a turbine hall and huge coolant towers. They could fit in a structure small enough to fit in a modest barn, even underground. Iran could have a bomb now and we may not know it.


They could have most anything. But they don’t. So get real and stop wishing death on masses of the Iranian People.

Ricky Miller

It’s precisely why Iran has built a small number of bombs or is getting close. Without a deterrent Israel could use tactical nukes against Iran. Some idiots on the interwebs have already suggested as much.

Ricky Miller

They have to build a bomb now. And Iran probably figured that out right about the time the United States violated the United Nations Charter and invaded Iraq. North Korea figured it out right about that same moment and did what they had to as well. Iran probably has the bomb but sees fit to obscure her capability. Just as Israel does.

Ricky Miller

Bull. These reactors to process plutonium are small. They are not huge power plants with cooling towers. They don’t have a steam works or a turbine hall. Several barn sized reactors could produce enough plutonium for three two staged bombs in about fifty months. Which means in about eight and one half years Iran could have a half dozen 50 kiloton devices and we wouldn’t even know until their industrial program started up. So if they started in 2012 they’d have a half dozen bombs by now. You’re right about the devices having to be deliverable but fortunately for the Iranians generations of work have already been done about the exact design required to produce the machinery necessary to force the plutonium together for a fusion bomb. Soviet nuclear scientists in Kazakhstan sold these designs to Iran and North Korea in the 1990’s. The reliability of the booster would be a problem for the Iranians, at least right now. But Iran is covering that with a satellite launching program for dual use, and a launch is due again this year. The dual use part is what caused the U.S. to add a halt to all space launches on Iran’s part in order to get a new nuclear agreement but Iran has now cut off any and all negotiations with the U.S. so the launches are back on. It doesn’t seem like Iran’s program is under control at all.


Now you’ll tell me the wondrous Iranians can make those boosters in little barns in total secret without testing until they can place your mythical backyard Plutonium warheads on them. What the F you been puffing, dude?

Ricky Miller

The production of the rocketry is a big affair and can’t be hidden, sure. That’s why it’s useful to have a program that is dual use, this rocket launches a satellite, it’s next production number gets siloed. It’s called dual use technology. The plutonium production is different. The reactor to produce plutonium in modest amounts can be small and the devices themselves have been built, without fissile material, by college students. You should try reading a little more before posting. Start with Richard Rhodes “the Making of the Atomic Bomb” and it’s sequel, all about the super. You know, nuclear reactors have occured naturally in nature. At several sites around the world geologists have discovered naturally occuring reactors where a cave in brought uranium materials together and fission ran off uncontrolled for some considerable period of time. All kinds of exotic materials that can only exist by way of pile reactions exist in those rather small caves. Iran could already have small reactors and some significant stocks of plutonium. You wouldn’t even know.


They could also have Unicorns and I won’t even know. And you know what? I don’t care much about their fantasy Unicorns. Nor do the Israelis I’ll bet.

Ricky Miller

The ICBM launching soon carrying a satellite is not a unicorn. The enrichment to 20% is not a fairy tale. And the secret program to produce enough plutonium for a small arsenal of deterrence devices is a guarantee. Israel made sure of it with her threats and her bad behavior long ago. It’s as real as the unconfirmed Israeli program. Iran will have her deterrent soon and the world will know.

Ricky Miller

And the more that Israel and her syncophantic agents like yourself resort to extreme violence and or threats of extreme violence the more it becomes imperative for the Islamic world to resist and to prepare better weapons, including atomic ones. No large group of people are going to accept permanent insult and suffer endless attacks and attempts of control without fighting back and developing the means to fight back. Israel’s success and the way she’s milking it for all it’s worth all but assures that Iran and others will develop the bomb and share the technology with others. I would not be surprised at all if Pakistani engineers are not employed in design programs as we speak, most likely in Algeria and Turkey. And surely North Korea is providing Iran with engineers quietly, and idle Iranian tankers are known to be turning off their transponders and carrying loads of crude to both China and North Korea. It’s inevitable. Nobody likes to be threatened or bossed around, in fact human beings hate it. It will motivate the spread of nuclear weapons.


Then bye bye Islamist Iran. And do note that Israel because of it’s very large Iranian population and advanced technical abilities has thoroughly infiltrated the Iranian government and knows exactly what’s what with their military programs, regardless of who might or might not help them. But the real world alternative to what you wish for can be seen with Egypt and how it handled getting beat by little Israel.

Ricky Miller

Bye bye with what help, magic fairy dust? Israel is no military match for Iran which is why they’re always begging the United States to take some kind of action against the Iranians. Israel’s large Iranian population numbers one small sized city, and the two states do not honor one another’s passports. How exactly is this infiltration taking place? You are delusional and the level of control you think Israel or even the U.S. has in this situation is just not possible. Iran could take a small group of engineers and physicists and go make a bomb at some small sequestered location located somewhere inside Iran’s mountainous interior. That they could do that is far less delusional than your absurd and even childish belief that Israel is all knowing and powerful enough to reach out over more than 800 kilometers and effectively attack a massive country with formidable defenses. Egypt was vulnerable because it was right next door and still the Israeli’s wanted no part of going into Cairo as they understood is was too big to be effectively controlled and would open up huge risks to the IDF. I read General Adan’s book in college and I know how hard that campaign was for Israeli soldiers. Egypt today is probably even closer to parity which explains why the U.S. is throwing fits about Egypt’s Sukhoi and long range missile purchases from Russia. Israeli superiority over Egypt is now marginal, at best.


Nukes are a wee bit more than fairy dust. And Egypt has found it’s way better to not be an enemy of Israel than to be one. And they sure will no longer consider national suicide to help the Palestinians who are allied with their existential enemies the Islamist Shi’a AND the Islamist Sunni Muslim Brotherhood. Try to get the basics correct.

Ricky Miller

The Muslim brotherhood was the government in Egypt for a few months and then yes, another military coup. It won’t last forever. Israel can’t use nukes against Iran and emerge unscathed, even if Iran doesn’t have a bomb yet. But even if, how would Israel know? You think, in some childish way, that Israel can know everything going on in a vast country of eighty million people. No way. A manhattan style project wouldn’t be necessary to build a half dozen devices. The production team could be small, maybe a few hundred people total. The design of the devices can be taken from designs bought by Iran from destitute Soviet era scientists and aided by engineers from North Korea. Really, Israel might know that some key personnel have gone missing inside Iran but if the Revolutionary Guard handles security, and the production team is hidden away, living apart from society Israel wouldn’t know where the program was or how far along it’s gotten. Hell, it wouldn’t even have to be inside Iran. Why not have a small program inside North Korea? They need oil and Iran needs deterrence. It could already be ongoing and Iran could have a workable warhead today, this minute. Bye bye TelAviv. Start something. Iran just needs to get a reliable long range booster or road mobile an IRBM to the closest point inside Iran to Israel. A crater can appear where Tel Aviv used to be and Israel will never recover. I feel sorry for all those poor Israelis who would lose their life because their government couldn’t stop treating other people like playthings and doormats.


If you had ham, you could have ham and eggs. If you had eggs. Try to get this though your thick skull. Islamist Iran will never be allowed to have nuclear weapons no matter the cost. Got that yet?

Ricky Miller

Jake 3…2…1…and Israel does nothing. Iran is enriching uranium all the way to 20%. That’s blowing past the 3% level as specified in the JCPOA. Iran has begun assembling a new rocket on the pad to launch a satellite, soon. Launch test due by late spring or summer. It’s really an ICBM but they are useful at launching satellites. Iran is going to have a workable nuclear deterrent. When are you going to get that through your thick head?


Why worry about your make believe? But the Iranian’s better worry if they cross the Israeli red lines of enrichment quantity and deliverable means. Now come back with your ludicrous backyard barn Plutonium Bombs. Damn, you really really hate Iranians wishing for so many of them to be dead.

Ricky Miller

They already are. Enrichment to 20% is actually close to weapons grade, not by percentage but with regards to the amount of time it would take to achieve weapons grade uranium. But why mess with that step? Just go for a plutonium two stage bomb. It’s easier to get the amount of materials for those bombs, at least from the standpoint of their physical footprint. It would be easier to hide the program that way. Iran could have the bomb now and the outside world wouldn’t know. They just need to get that big ICBM working. That test in a few months will help with that.

Ricky Miller

You must really hate Israelis to want so many of them to be at risk from Iran’s new atomic deterrent. Damn.

Ricky Miller

Make believe? Iran is going to attempt a satellite launch soon. Mike Pompeo has been bitching about how it violates the security council resolution codifying the JCPOA but Iran doesn’t seem to care since the U.S. is in violation of it too. That booster btw, is actually a large liquid fueled ICBM. All Iran has to do is mate that big sucker to a warhead and there you have it; mutually assured destruction. Tel Aviv to be a crater soon. Damn, why would you want so many Israeli citizens to die?

Ricky Miller

Make believe? Iran is going to test an ICBM on a satellite launch soon. Iran is probably already building plutonium devices at a secret location inside Iran’s mountains. Mate the two and boom…Nuclear deterrence. Why doesn’t Israel act?

Ricky Miller

I just checked your bullshit. 135,000 Iranian jews live in Israel, the majority of them born there. Most of them have never been to Iran and are two or three generations removed. The Jewish community inside Iran is not likely to be trusted with things like top secret weapons development and there are over eighty million Iranians. With travel between the two states all but impossible how is Israel’s small spy network going to penetrate all Iranian technological and military projects or progress? It’s not. If Iran wants the bomb she’ll get it and there is really nothing that Israel could do about it except beg the USA to fight Iran for them.


LOL…do you feel lucky for the Iranian People? If you missed it, Mossad just a while ago broke into the main nuclear archives in Tehran and sold most all the actual nuclear documents. And they know who is working on the nuke program and bump them off at will, in Iran. They may not know everything but more than enough to know when and how to stop an Islamist Iranian deliverable nuke, with or without direct US intervention. And stop wishing the worse on the Iranian People. The result of just an Israeli attack to end the Islamist Iranian Nuke program will be way worse for Iran than if done by the US. Ultimately, the US can do it without nukes. It will likely take Israeli tactical nukes to do it. Just the military reality. Would be best if Iran became another Egypt in terms of Israel…for the sake of the Iranian People.

Ricky Miller

The building they claimed to identify as a nuclear records building was repurposed a long time ago. The data was a fake planted by Iran and left dangling like low hanging fruit for Israel to snatch. The real program is without a doubt quiet and small, just like the apartheid era South African program which the IAEA didn’t even know about until it was dismantled. Israel would have it’s ass handed to it if it tried to come across Jordan and Iraq to take on Iran. Israeli supply lines would suffer across the entirety of Iraq and Iran’s populated areas sit on a high plateau surrounded on four sides by imposing mountain ranges. It’s 80 million people, several million of which have had military training and are reserved up. It would be a pasting of the first order. The IDF would enjoy a trail of tears all the way back home, if they survived the return passage across Iraq. Please. Do. It.

Ricky Miller

I saw the tactical nuke part, btw. If Israel uses even small yield nukes on any Islamic country all hell will break loose and I guarantee that a bomb goes off in Tel Aviv or just offshore. But, where would Iran strike with her tactical nuke? The facility is likely to be quiet, hidden and deep underground. It could even be under the Caspian Sea.

Ricky Miller

Iran could reproduce the Lake Erie salt mine that sits 1700 feet beneath Cleveland and runs out under Lake Erie for miles. Mining could be the cover story but secretly several dozen nuclear workers could be busy reprocessing slightly enriched uranium into plutonium. But really, why? It would be better to hide in plain sight. Several small buildings at the end of an industrial park with tunnel access into the facility from another part of the building. With a sequestered production team, well compensated and living in a small gated community the Iranians wouldn’t have to worry about leaks. They could have a half dozen bombs inside a decade and by the time Israel knew, MAD would apply. It might already be done and you or I wouldn’t know.


You really drink the Iranian cool aid. Luckily so far they are not as stupid and suicidal as you. And why would Israel even need to send an army to do what its planes and missiles can do quite nicely. They are not interested in occupying Iran, just destroying its nuke program if need be. But again, you really would like for the Islamist Iranians to test their luck from the comfort of wherever you are.

Ricky Miller

How many planes do you think Israel would have to send on a one thousand kilometer sortie to attack a country three times the size of Texas? A country that has a networked air defense and interceptors, with the will to fight back? It’s a fight that Israel would have trouble winning. I drink from a glass called reality. If Israel could strike at Iran they would have done it by now. The Iranian enrichment program continues apace, Iran has pulled out of all limitations on enrichment and Iran’s long range missile tests are to resume in a few months. When are your boys going to act? The issue is growing long in the tooth and Israel does nothing, because she can’t. The great IDF has been neutered.


You really Pune for the death of a great many Iranians. You really must hate Iranians. Israel has set red lines which Islamist Iran has been extremely careful not to cross. And you forget about Israel’s extensive missile program including dozens of nuclear ones on subs off the Iranuan coast. Again, for the sake of the Iranian People, I hope their leaders are not as stupid or dull and suicidal as you.

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