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MARCH 2025

Hezbollah Reveals Details Of 2006 Attack On Israel’s INS Hanit Corvette (Videos)

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On August 15, Lebanon’s al-Manar TV broadcasted a special documentary revealing details of about the 2006 Hezbollah attack on Israeli Navy ship Hanit.

Hezbollah used anti-ship missiles in the attack, which occurred on the third day of the 2006 Israeli-Lebanese war [July 14]. INS Hanit, a modern Sa’ar 5-class corvette, was damaged as a result of the attack.

Four of Hanit’s crew members, Staff Sergeant Tal Amgar, Corporal Shai Atas, Sergeant Yaniv Hershkovitz and First Sergeant Dov Steinshuss, were killed.

The new documentary, “Army to Be Drowned,” reveals how Hezbollah detected and successfully targeted the Israeli warship and shades some light on the Lebanese group’s costal defense capabilities.

Detection and Identification of INS Hanit:

The first part of the documentary reveals how Hezbollah personnel were able to detect and identify INS Hanit. The Lebanese group apparently used a land-based Kelvin Hughes SharpEye naval search radar to achieve this goal. Manufactured by the UK’s Kelvin Hughes, the radar is available for commercial use.

In March of 2011, the Israeli military seized two radars of the same type aboard the vessel Victoria, which was allegedly smuggling weapons from Iran to the Hamas Movement in the Gaza Strip. Six Chinese-made C-704 anti-ship missiles were also seized.

A normal video camera was used to properly identify the warship, which was sailing few kilometers off the Lebanese shores, and also to document the whole operation.

The strike:

The documentary’s second part contains footage of the actually targeting of INS Hanit by Hezbollah.

Hezbollah fighters can be seen preparing then launching of at least two Chinese-made C-802 anti-ship missiles at the Israeli warship at exactly 20:00 PM [Beriut time] on 14-8-2006.

The Lebanese armed group used a truck-mounted tripartite missile launcher. The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) uses similar launchers for C-802 missiles.

Hezbollah Reveals Details Of 2006 Attack On Israel's INS Hanit Corvette (Videos)

Click to see full-size image, By Tasnim News Agency

Hezbollah’s costal-defense capabilities:

Army to Be Drowned provided the audience with a rare look at a part of Hezbollah’s costal-defense capabilities.

The documentary confirmed that Hezbollah owns C-802 and C-704 anti-ship missiles. The first has a range of no less than 180km, while the second’s range is limited to 35km. Both missiles are guided with active radar homing (ARH), which means that they don’t require any radar correction after launch.

While the documentary confirmed that C-802 missiles were used in the attack on INS Hanit, it remains unclear if C-704 missiles were used by Hezbollah in other attacks. The Lebanese group announced several attacks on small Israeli vessels during the 2006 war.


Hezbollah’s ability to operate such anti-ship weapons poses a serious threat to the Israeli Navy, which has been working since 2006 to improve its counter-measures.

The new documentary will likely inflame the tension between Lebanon and Israel. Over the last year, Israeli leaders have threatened to take a military action against Hezbollah’s missile arsenal on many occasions and even sent threats to Beirut.

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Jacob Wohl's Nose

triggered Rocket Nose incoming

Zionism = EVIL

SF moderators are smarter now and have banned all his fake accounts. He is a real perverted Jew troll and a convicted fraud who like his Jew scum idols Bernie Maddoff and Epstein claimed to have run a “hedge fund”. A hedge fund is a Jew ponzi scheme to fleece the idiotic gullible goyem patsies just like the Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers global “investment banking” scams that bankrupted Greece, Italy and most of Europe. Jews are born evil parasites.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, the Zionist Unit 8200 for instance pays Jew idiots and sympathizers per post to post sheer nonsense to deflect from the real issues. Most of their focus is on the western world where they are vulnerable to rising public anger at Jew lies and destruction of societies. The internet has been a twin edged sword, it pushes Americunt and Jew propaganda but also offer alternate and diverse platforms. The only problem is that Russia, Iran, China etc are not cooperating in info and intelligence in a coordinated manner, but that is changing too with even western dissidents like Snowden, Assange, Manning and many others. It is difficult to spread Jew lies now and that is why they are desperate like banning Muslim Congresswomen from entering occupied Palestine, BDS etc.


Where do you get the time to write all these!!!

Jacob Wohl's Nose

I hope they banned him. that ugly rocket nosed vermin


There will be no Israel in 2020.

Zionism = EVIL

Only Arab disunity and treacherous puppets have allowed the Zionist cancer to survive in Palestine. It simply can not last if the al-Saud whores and UAE pimps are wiped out.



Must be embarrassing for Israeli navy to be hit by Iran copies of Chinese anti ship missiles lol

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, in 2006 the Chinese missiles were untested and quite primitive and unfortunately Hezbollah had only three SSM and they fired two, one hit the rust bucked Hanit, but its proximity fuse warhead did not explode, if it had the Zionists would have sunk. But today, it is different story as Hezbollah has literally hundreds of modern SSM, including Yakhont. Hezbollah’s possession of the Yakhont missiles was revealed by unnamed Western intelligence officials over the weekend at the Munich Security conference. Syrian navy officers trained members the Lebanese Hezbollah militia how to fire the Russian anti-ship Yakhont missiles between 2012 and 2014, after western media reports surfaced last year saying that the Iranian allied legendary national resistance is believed to have obtained up to eight Yakhont shore-to-sea missiles, military experts revealed to Zaman al-Wasl Arabic. Hezbollah also has a substantial arsenal of Iranian made SSM and coastal batteries capable of destroying naval targets in excess of 300 kms. The Yakhont, which was a reported range of up to 300 kilometers (186 miles), would give Hezbollah a significant upgrade over the C-802, which can reach up to a distance of 110 kilometers (68 miles). Hezbollah can sink any ship from its bases in South Lebanon as far a Eilat in southern Occupied Palestine.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hahahaahhh vurry nice hezb

Zionism = EVIL

Another FACT, Hezbollah has the 3rd largest inventory of Russian 9M133M Kornet-M and its tandem warhead Iranian cousin Dehlaviyeh which has a 8kms laser riding target lock with 97% accuracy. Hezbollah is now manufacturing them in Syria and Lebanon.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d688f696c96a38ee5a96ca9d2ee8e3bdbe1c5dad83f2b13db8e6fb3a944228c0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fba0651b25799686b4eff609316a4d877c0b6af09b207890336e48971278efc3.jpg

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

very nice, i hope they keep them safe from zionists

Zionism = EVIL

Hezbollah is now dispersed over 2.2 million square kms and even the whole Americunts and Zionist puppet world combined can not make a dent. It is around 10 times larger in manpower than it was in 2006. Just remember that Americunts and 50 puppet arsehole nations have been dropping over 2 million tons of ordinance on Taliban since 2001 and accomplished fuckall. The Zionist cowards have hardly made a dent even in totally quarantined Gaza.

R PLobo

Four weeks?…At best a few days without calling in the US. In the 2008 attack on Gaza the iof clowns could barely make any dent against Hamas and started to immediately take serious casualties with diminishing results as they pushed into Gaza. Any assault on Lebanon or Syria by the occultists would bring a massive counter strike from Hezbollah – my guess is that Hezbollah already has considerable air defenses that they are keeping hidden from the occultists. Without effective control of the air – the zionazis would collapse in a matter of hours. Of course if the US were to intervene it would start a regional war that would further degrade the US image as hegemon of the occultists. And they still would not win.

Zionism = EVIL

When I was a young operational intel officer, we used strategic mass and war-fighting capability scenarios for different nations. The Zionists are the weakest link and their weakness was exposed in 1973 when even a conniving traitor like Sadat, who sold out the Palestinians and the Syrians, was able to bring them to their knees, despite the largest airlift in history by Americunts to save them. The Zionists simply do not have the resources or manpower to fight a prolonged asymmetrical war, especially against determined foes like Hezbollah or Iran who can mobilize millions of men and control millions of sq kms. The Zionists and the Americunt strategy is savagery, kill civilians indiscriminately so that the other side may blink. Does not happen now as air power is totally useless, just look at Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and most importantly Yemen. Even the Zionists mobilized 1.87 million total military age manpower, they will collapse after 4 weeks at most. People forget that most Zionists are aliens in Palestine with no connection to the land, and all have dual passports and will simply cut and run.

Ziønist šhill


Zionism = EVIL

A future war between Israel and Hezbollah would likely be devastating beyond imagination with Hezbollah estimated to possess over 150,000 missiles – many of which are hidden now is a much larger area encompassing Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. In South Lebanon alone– thousands of which with a rangeand accuracy to strike cities and strategic sites throughout Israel. In February 2016, Hezbollah General Secretary Hassan Nasrallah threatened to attack Israel’s ammonia factory in Haifa, warning that the damage caused would be the equivalent of a small nuclear blast that would wipe out most of Zionist population centers in central Occupied Palestine.

Zionism = EVIL

A future war between Israel and Hezbollah would likely be devastating beyond imagination with Hezbollah estimated to possess over 150,000 missiles – many of which are hidden now is a much larger area encompassing Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. In South Lebanon alone– thousands of which with a rangeand accuracy to strike cities and strategic sites throughout Israel. In February 2016, Hezbollah General Secretary Hassan Nasrallah threatened to attack Israel’s ammonia factory in Haifa, warning that the damage caused would be the equivalent of a small nuclear blast that would wipe out most of Zionist population centers in central Occupied Palestine. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/afa18666be86ae6ce3daf9f39c588a90c53a0e59e2010aaad01fa3305ec22312.jpg


Long live Hezbollah f*ck Israel Zio Nazi scum, ordinary jews are just people , not their fault they have a racist nazi government , zio shit in Israel government is human trash, kill them all Hezbollah.

It would be great if they release footage of the hezbollah soldiers shooting at the ( invincible ) Merkava tanks, lost what 30-40 tanks ? hahaha



“We were caught unprepared” a US analysis of the zio defeat in 2006. Some good reading around the obligatory zionist bias.



Lena Jones

Goodbye tel aviv, hello world peace. https://platosguns.com/2019/07/19/the-yinon-plan-is-dead-long-live-the-persian-cat/

Zionism = EVIL

Hezbollah 3:0 is far superior and different that its original version that came about after AMAL and other Shia national resistance forces merged to defend Lebanon against the invading Zionist scum in 1982. Today Hezbollah is a large, disciplined and highly trained national resistance movement which is far better equipped that most NATO faggot militaries and has almost 3 decades of asymmetrical warfare experience in a large region spanning 3 million sq kms. Hezbollah’s success has been phenomenal and today it is more than capable of wiping out the Zionist scum if they ever attack Lebanon or Hezbollah’s allies. The younger generation of battle hardened Hezbollah cadre is far more aggressive, highly educated and strategic thinking and would surprise the world if challenged. The Zionist scum are used to killing unarmed Palestinian women and children but facing Hezbollah is a real nightmare.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16011fc2e01b9c909b129e356003ac62045f5f03d01727e5f0099038b9a440ea.jpg .

Lena Jones

I do appreciate the info you share out, but why does your info read like a report lifted from an intelligence agency?

Zionism = EVIL

Because most of my life I have been a intelligence and recon officer :) know how to glean facts and put them in a brief summary. My earlier career was to analyze ELINT and photo recce.

Lena Jones

So is your antizionism activism due to a general desire for justice and world peace, or is it personal?

Zionism = EVIL

Both, I always am for the underdog and also hate the arrogant Jews as I have seen them up close and how they operate. They are pure evil and there is good reason why humanity has been trying to get rid of the parasites for 2100 years.

Lena Jones

I bet you’ve got a few vile-shekel stories to tell. Are you still employed in ELINT? If not, why did you leave? (Of course you don’t have to answer, but I simply can’t help my inquiring mind).

Also, in your above edited comment, you say the CIA is WASP redneck. My own research tells me the jews have deeply infiltrated and genocided WASP power out of every US intel agency and replaced it with jewish power – meaning installed jews in exec positions and shekeled goy that primarily serve their israel-agenda.

Zionism = EVIL

I am retired now. Reached a command level position, but my truthful mouth and objective manner did not help in hierarchical military organizations that prefer arsekissers. Have no regrets, just spend time reading stuff and and try to make a difference. The Jews are like roaches, they have infected western power levers like media, finance and government institutions. The CIA has many Jews who are more loyal to the Zionist entity, but the biggest problem in western nations is the dumbed down and easy to manipulate populations. Actually, the British arseholes have more Jew infestation reaching into the house of Windsor onwards.

Lena Jones

What is your solution to jewish infiltration?

Zionism = EVIL

I believe education, forming alliances and just confronting their lies. That is the reason they want to stifle debate. Unfortunately, the western millennials are complete morons hooked to their smart phones watching trash. However, never underestimate even the impact of one person who stands up for the truth. I believe we are at a tipping point as the world is fed up with the rising injustice and Zionist evil. I may not live that long, but am certain that the Zionists and Americunts are doomed. The simple lesson of history is that evil may appear to “win” for a short time, but decency and fair play has the strategic victory. If you look at Americunt evil for 200 years, it has been a total failure from Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq to Syria. The Zionists are against the tide of demographics and history. But decent people of goodwill have to take a stand.

Lena Jones

Thanks for engaging with me – what you say is indeed all interesting. I can’t say that I believe you, or not believe you – I’m feeling kinda neutral at the moment. And while I’m in this state of mind, I think I wrote you a couple of rude comments in the past – let me apologize here for any offense or misunderstanding. If memory serves, it was over some hezbollah info that you wrote that I thought was actually disinfo. I’m from sth Cal now living in a village in south Lebanon – 7 years now and so I’ve become an Arabic speaker too and follow hezb news 24/7. Of course, much Hezb info never reaches western ears as most of it is not touched by media translators – it’s why I often feel like I have an edge on hezb analysis while commenting. But it’s not just from Leb media that myself and other Lebanese residents get their hezb info from: villages in the south Leb, both muslim and christian and mixed, all have active hezb members as sons (and daughters) and the southern grapevine is intricate and intimate and often heard by villagers before the headlines break.

Your solution to jewish infiltration sound very reasonable, and of course you’re right to start with “education”. I used to have this very same thought but after living in the south of Leb and looking at the jews seriously close-up and personal and waaaay away from the jewy msm, I now think that “education” is useless so long as both tel aviv and the shekel live. The shekel will buy “education” out, like indeed it already has. And tel aviv will ruin or kill you if you reject the shekel and make some noise about it.

Force and ruin is the only language they understand.

Zionism = EVIL

That is good and nothing personal. I am not offended by anything. At a certain stage of life one masters the subtle art of not giving a fuck, I had mastered that in my youth :) Anyway, it is good that you have a more open mind now, unlike most dumbass brainwashed Americunt population or for that matter most of the west is based on manufactured consent and conformity. There are now many avenues to voice your opinion and experiences and hopefully that will make a difference. Most people in the mid east are not stupid, but unfortunately their leadership has failed them, despite all the potential. The west prefers despotic puppet regimes who they can control, but that is unraveling too.

Lena Jones

Unraveling like a bitter onion.

Keep your goggles on :-)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

did you work for CIA or someone else?

Zionism = EVIL

No show and tell please :)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

no, show and tell please lol

Maninder Singh Batra

And if you were a intelligence officer based in USA, chances are good you will be on a NDAA kill matrix database with the posts you make. Better leave USA if you can.


Actually, it is a bit more complicated than that. I am from the US, served in USMC and am connected to many whom have served; family and close family friends. The strong within the system don’t actually like many of the power brokers and political candy machines. This gives a good bit of latitude to speak one’s mind. I have said a lot of stuff. They know who I am, where I live, under whose wing I was raised as a marine and I get left alone. The line that needs to be maintained is respect and honesty. You do not issue threats either. If you are actually sticking up for humanity, being a patriot by openly discussing the betrayal from within the system, not getting nasty or blood thirsty, they like that and you are fine. it helps keep the cork in those who would push us to oblivion. Smedley Butler is probably the one who initiated respectful decent.

As far as Zionism = Evil is in regards to his assessment, it is pretty solid. Once one does read between the lines and follows the ball, so to speak, this becomes very clear. Israeli leadership is in serious trouble at this point. Their game has run it’s course and will be coming to a close, sooner than later. The BRI and SCO is stomping the life out of a lot of long laid plans, Additionally, the likes of Hez, the SAA, IRGC and the Iraqi PMU’s are nobody to be casually messing with. I hope it does not come down to conflict, real conflict. A lot will be burned down in a hurry and there are many folks, on all sides, who don’t rate that. I wish you well Maninder.

Zionism = EVIL

Amen to that brother John. Most of us who have operated within the “system” know it stinks and kikes have really ruined the planet,everybody knows the deal is rotten Old Black Joe’s still pickin’ cotton.




Zionism=Evil is from Pakistan, I doubt that he was indeed an intelligence officer for the Pakistani ISI, the ISI has a good reputation and no ex-intelligence officer will boast about his past. My guess is that he must be either a jew who tries to gather information from people like Lena Jones or maybe just a Pakistani ricksha driver who have fantasies about working in the ISI

Zionism = EVIL

LOL, Paki shithead ROFLMAO…..

Le Petit Diable

Any clue of Soviet Diplomats to Beirut abduction in the 80’s?


Hope Hezb army got 10000 of missiles for the next war.

Jim Prendergast

Hezb stands up for the people of Lebanon.

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