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MARCH 2025

Hezbollah Reveals Video Of ATGM Strike On Israeli Armoured Personnel Carrier

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Hezbollah-linked al-Manar TV channel has released a video showing Hezbollah’s anti-tank guided missile strike on Israel’s Wolf armoured personnel carrier near Avivim in Upper Galilee. Hezbollah says that the vehicle was destroyed and several Israeli soldiers were killed or injured. Israel denies any casualties.

Hezbollah Reveals Video Of ATGM Strike On Israeli Armoured Personnel Carrier

Click to see the full-size image


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Kell McBanned

Yes indeed I wonder where all the dummies claiming these were dummies are now?

Patriot Patrol

It hit the road LOL

If Hezbollah wants to trade blood for asphalt Israel will be happy to oblige

Kell McBanned

Lies lies and more lies – its all you people are.

Patriot Patrol

Why did the video cut out? Why not show the fire coming from the vehicle?

Because it’s bullshit

Concrete Mike

Your bullshit racist fuckhead.

Answer this before icast you to the eternal shitpile, why are black africans jews treated like shit in the only democracy in the middle east?

Dont come preaching to us before you clean your own backyard you nosy waste of oxygen!



Concrete Mike

Lmao i wssent ready for that, bettrr put my seat belt on!!


Glad you enjoyed it)))) I had the same reaction!


Brilliant and so true. You win the the caption contest by a ‘nose’ :)



Kell McBanned

Because they hit their target and bugged out alive while the kippas burned haha

Xoli Xoli

It is a cutting edge kornet messile.


Did you think the guys firing the Kornet, were going to place a camera carrying car alongside the Israeli APC?

The missile has a 10km range ffs, it’s not Hollywood out there!


The video is inconclusive, if it went on for another 30 seconds there would be less argument as to what happened.


No arguing with the dozens of clips showing how Kornet has destroyed numerous vehicles already, all over the ME.

It’s the best anti-tank missile on the market, have Israel denied the attack?


The Kornet launcher from the rear has the best chance of a hit, not the one from the side, because the vehicle is moving with some speed. Depends on the operator and if this is a real Kornet.


It looks like the first missile caused the vehicle to stop, while the second missile finishes it off.

Israeli sources deny casualties, but don’t deny the hit. Possible, but it means the vehicle was definitely hit.

It’s all in the wording.


If genuine, this video shows that the APC survived the attack:

https://twitter.com/i/status/1168632155708231682 —-

Valerianus Maximus

Why do you keep posting this fake video? Anyone can see that it shows a vehicle passing after someone popped a smoke grenade.


This is a military grade smoke grenade. It’s a different cloud than what’s in the security video. That looks more like HE to me. https://youtu.be/XoEtZVmCpxU


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 39


There was no one inside the apc. It had autonomous driving developed by the very “intelligent” Israelis


Armoured vehicles cost a lot, good thinking to that game then.


They’re fire and forget. And are designed for top attack. So the vehicle speed would make little difference.

“Russia’s Kornet anti-tank missile system has been fitted with the ‘top attack’ capability to strike the armor from the above”

– Russia’s anti-tank missile system gets ‘top attack’ capability –


Patriot Patrol

The TOW has hundreds of hits recorded and actually flies in a straight path, Kornet is meh


It also has a failure rate against T90 youf uckingp rick.

Patriot Patrol

T90 sucks just like that su57 fake stealth trash


You suck, men off. lol


You suck, the Marine Corp.


I agree. But the fire team would have been vulnerable to counter attack if they didn’t vacate the position. But video could have also been shot from a different position to provide conclusive proof.


If genuine, this video shows that the APC survived the attack:

https://twitter.com/i/status/1168632155708231682 —


If genuine, this video shows that the APC survived the attack:

https://twitter.com/i/status/1168632155708231682 —

Lena Jones

Would you promise to eat shit and die when the second Hezb video of injured and dead jews from the Kornet hit is shown? Cuz its a-coming to your local screen soon motherfucker lol!

Jason De Larue Samuel

good job brothers

Patriot Patrol

It missed lol

Here’s the video showing the impact craters on the road where the Kornets hit


Kell McBanned

Lol kornets fly parallel not verticle, the first shot in front of the vehicle stopped it the second hit it square in the side as shown by the video :D Show us more mortar craters fake news liars hahaha

Patriot Patrol

Now we know why Hezbofag didn’t stop to show the flames coming from the vehicle

It missed lmaaao

Kell McBanned

The missile crews are alive, 2 occupants in the target are not :D Dont know how the burnt kippas in Rambam are doing but they will remember that day for the rest of their lives if they pull through :D

Patriot Patrol

Prove it lol

Kell McBanned

Oh by all means show us some more random pot holes LOLOL


That apc had autonomous driving developed by the very “intelligent” Israelis. there were no one inside it. Hence no casualties.

Daniel Miller

Problem is that well Korents make massive craters…not some small dimple they have over 3kg of explosives in them.

Zionism = EVIL

After successful retaliatory strike Hezbollah chief says all Israeli forces at risk in case of new attack on Lebanon

Hezbollah warns that it will strike the heart of Zionist Occupied Palestine.

The leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement has warned Israel against any future attacks on Lebanon saying that in case of such attack all Israeli forces will be at risk.

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah made the remarks in a televised speech on Monday, saying that Sunday’s operation by Hezbollah fighters in which an armored Israeli vehicle was destroyed , was meant to send the message to Israel that “if you attack, then all your border and forces will be at risk

Kell McBanned

Smouldering kippas


Concrete Mike

No need for these war is gruesome enough.

I knownyour trying to prove a point but its like talking to a wall, or a pissed off wife, waste of breath.

Kell McBanned

There is a famous quote about arguing with jews, these Hasbara are not very good these days, bad form compared their forebears thats for sure, seems they are falling apart at the seams :D


Zionist aren’t Jews.


true, zionist trash are just Europeans from the most racist scumbags in the planet, Latvia, Lethonia ,Estonia , Lithuania, Ukraine, posting themselves as jews so they could steal palestinian arab land based on religious fairy tales.

Icarus Tanović

Many of them aren’t Jews at all.


go somewhere else then , YES it is required to see IDF trash getting killed. Go cheer for IDF under their twitter mossad account then.

Concrete Mike

No ive been here from the start.

I am certainly no fan of IDF.

But i draw the line to posting gruesome photos. You know its still a human being on that photo burnt to a crisp. That human being has family and friends.

To celebrate that makes us no better than the animals we are fighting.

These animals are defined as: USA UK FRANCE NATO, ISRAEL SAUDI UAE BAHREIN QATAR and all the other puppets like my own stupid Canada. Along with their irregular armies, that politicians convinently call boots on the ground, the ISIS, Al Quaeda, Al Nusrah, Janjaweeds, contras, and on and on and on.

We are better than that!


brainwashed human trash that kills babies , unarmed men , women and old men is what those Israeli ZIOjews have become. Stop defending human garbage.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Kind of conclusive. (at first glance)

Zionism = EVIL

Why are the ugly Zionist mugs pixilated? scared cowards……they think Hezbollah will target them :)


GREAT KID, DON’T GET COCKY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4dMh2SmJqY

u made a good point, nothing better than fried Jew….. HOWEVER, lets get real shall we? OK….. cheering over a few dead Jews sounds desperate! Its like they kill 1000 then we kill 2 and we celebrate? WTF?? When u do this it sounds desperate! It sounds like we are on the losing team! Dont celebrate! Just a nice little “fuck yeah” will do! Celebration is for israeli defeat, withdrawal, bases destroyed, cities bombed, infrastructure destroyed! A few dead bodies means FUCK ALL! You know damn well the Israeli’s have caused more damage than we (supporters) to them and celebrated a few fried Jews seems weak to me! Pull your head in and just treat it as a warning rather than a celebration! You sound like a 14yo kid getting his dick wet for the first time!

Kell McBanned

Its about responding to lies – defeting the Hasbara in live time, he got triggered and left, defeated, knowing their lies had no effect anymore. Kissenger said Israel wont exist in 10 years and that was a few years ago, the elites have made the descision to dispose of them it seems. This is the beginning of the end for them, a creeping inevitable painful decline awaits them and they know it and the world knows it. If your worried about numbers your not playing the right game A they dont have many and B its a war for the hearts and minds of the global population, defeating their lies in live time is a triumph far greater than a couple of dead israelis, the defeat of their narritive will lead to their defeat of the ground, the war is won in the mind first and we just won the first battle.


“the elites have made the decision to dispose of them it seems.” Actually, the USA has decided this too!

Im hearing what u are saying however this skirmish is a distraction to the real Israeli problem! They are being cut off at the knees because their control over US foreign policy has ended! Control over US politicians and US military has ended! Their Mossad leader (and former President) is going to jail in the USA!

Had you not heard of this? They were busted! This news is already out but its gonna be HUGE within the next 3 weeks!


Shit, you were supposed to be in that vehicle.




…say that to your friends in Tel Aviv


in all honesty (remember i support Syria) these dances are: 1. crappy as fuck 2. MEN holding hands is gay as fuck 3. Much better dances coming from European cultures (that involved women)

However the music is cool though!

Again, why are people posting what Western people would assume to be “Gay” (men holding hands) and maybe the worst cultural dance ever invented?

This video is not a win, its a loss! Do you take pride in sending videos that make them look bad? Try sending better videos than men dancing badly and holding hands, this is not working at all and all you are doing is making matters worse!

Remember, im on your side, BUT YOURE NOT!

pull your fuckin head in!


Justin…you took this all wrong and I’m sorry about that. This was meant as a Lebanese indigenous dance that is very much part of their culture and expression of unity. NOT WHAT YOU EXPECT as homosexual expression. That is why I pointed PP to Tel Aviv to take his accusations there. I love the ME dance expression and that includes Syria! If you don’t then that’s your freedom.


ok i get it! i just prefer to show them in a better light! it almost looks like a trolling video! However if thats their dance then thats their dance :( my bad!

Rhodium 10

IDF source in twitter told tha 3 missile were fired…and hit an ambulance vehicle and one base!…


You don’t know when to quit. :P

R PLobo

fuck you shlomo dog fucker cunt

Zionism = EVIL

Still sulking Jew fuck…Check out the tandem warhead Iranian Dehalevieh with a shaped charge copper warhead that cuts through the Zionist Merkava junk and Abrams shitpot. Range 8kms laser tracking fire and forget.




Zionism = EVIL

Yes, but more advanced with copper shaped charge as the other photo I posted shows. Iran developed this based on the Russian original 9M133 Kornet which was standard front-line weapon since 1998. Iran modified it to specifically deal with Americunt M1 Abrams it captured in Iraq and the Zionist Merkeva that Hezbollah captured in 2006.


pls they have a copy of the American TOW! Pretty good!

Zionism = EVIL

Also various previous Russian model ATGM and some Javelin, MILAN and other systems captured from head choppers in Syria and Iraq. Iranian ATGM inventory is third largest in the world. Iranian version of the 9M113 Konkurs/AT-5 Spandrel is also very good. The Toophan is the improved Iranian TOW. Toophan 5 is fourth generation TOW.


i dont mind that they copy US TOW but they shouldnt be copying Russian Kornets as Russia can supply them!

Zionism = EVIL

3 roasted Zionist scum. They only left a loser like you to blog BS for hasbara today? must be a bad day to sulk. What happened to the famous F-35 that were supposed to destroy Iran and Lebanon? ROFLMAO….


Ceasar Polar

You are legit blind: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dee838c87f124b70bd612d4161bd2324a88dc2bc5b08193f2929dc2994f19a1a.jpg Clear kill. Dead general amir baram. You cant hide the truth anymore.

Patriot Patrol

Nope. Hezbollah could have waited literally 5 seconds longer after they cut the video but they didn’t cuz it missed

Ceasar Polar

This blast is enough to see the destruction of the Wolf : https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dee838c87f124b70bd612d4161bd2324a88dc2bc5b08193f2929dc2994f19a1a.jpg


How would it hit the front of the vehicle approaching from the rear? If you go to this link and watch the original:


At 2:11 it looks like the first missile overshot the target and hit the center of the road in front of it. The vehicle then traveled into the cloud and you can’t tell where the second one hit.

I’m not sure what those craters are. Maybe ricochets? You’d think that there’d be more heat damage from an ATGM.

Rhodium 10

Cannot hit asphalt of the road…otherwise it would be like an IED…a cloud of brown earth, stones and sand thrown up…both ATGM warhead didnt hit the road.


I’m not so sure. The second one could have hit the vehicle, you only need one hit. But the first one looks like it hit the road in front of the vehicle. A ricochet would have done a lot less damage than a missile hitting perpendicular.


Any ricochet would have followed the path of the missile i.e. straight up the road. But look at the scorch marks from those two holes – they are both diagonal to the road. Whatever made those two holes were fired from the side of the road, so those holes could not possibly have been made by those Kornets.


Good observation. One did come from the side. But one came from the rear. And those craters are both from the side as you point out. I’d say that the Twitter post is fake. And is from something else.


No, Neither missile hit the road “from the side”.

It is true that the 2nd missile was fired from a position to the left of the person taking the video, but you can clearly see that both missiles chased the APC up the length of that road. The point of impact for both missiles was indisputably from the rear, yet both impact points clearly show a point of impact that was from the side of the road.



The pot hole video is fake. You haven’t disproven the drive by video.


Oh, you mean the “drive by video” where someone held up a mobile phone to take a shaky-cam of what is claimed to be a surveillance video?

That video? The video that could have been ginned up any number of ways, and then hand-held recorded so that it can’t be analysed to see if has been doctored? That one?

Here’s a tip: show us the actual video surveillance recording instead, that way we can all see if it had been doctored.

Or doesn’t anyone in IDF’s propaganda unit know how to use the “Save As” option?


If you’re so knowledgeable why don’t you disprove it? Someone who posts here who does graphic arts for a living and has outed other fakes has looked at it and said that it looks legit.


Watch the original Al Manar video detonation sequence a few times. The first missile clearly detonates in front of the vehicle and the second one behind it. Both missiles missed:

http://english.almanar.com.lb/819106 –


Pull up this video on the YouTube site and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. Both misses are clear as day. The first missile detonated to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonation is to the right rear of the vehicle. Case closed, you lose.

https://youtu.be/PQ20ZuVNQrY —


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 10


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 29


If genuine, this video shows that the APC survived the attack:

https://twitter.com/i/status/1168632155708231682 –


Be honest, that is someone holding up a phone to capture the screen of a video playback from some security footage. Riiiiiiiiight. Even if you assume the security camera was on motion-detect (hence the jerkiness) the explosion doesn’t match the timeline.

You can see for yourself: pause the footage and rock it back and forth with the slider. Note that the top of the APC appears above the yellow gate for just one still before the truck appears in full driving past the entrance. Rock back and forth there and look at the explosion in the distance.

Note how the explosion is *there* the frames before the Wolf appears, becomes mere smoke when the handful of frames where the top of the APC appears above the yellow gate, and then goes *back* to being flames when the Wolf is seen driving past the open entrance.



It’s just dissapating smoke during and after the drive by.

Icarus Tanović

Everyone can see that that vehicle catch fire and there were burst of sparks all around.


It is obvious from the scorch marks that whatever made those two holes in the ground were come in from the side of the road. Yet if you look at the video the two Kornets chased the APC up the length of the road i.e. any scorch marks from a near miss would have followed the road path, they would not have been diagonal to it. I’m calling BS on that Israeli “evidence”. There is no way those two pot-holes were created by those two missiles.

Kell McBanned

Spot on and they would be 30 to 50 meters apart – assuming an anti-tank missile travelling parallel to the ground would suddenly dive 90 degrees into the ground? Shitty misinformation but even shitty misinformation seems to be effective on some here.


It’s fake. You can see that both explosions hit diagonally from the side of the road.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I watched the video and their is absolutely no debrie from the armored car. It actually looks to me as though the car was fine. #1 Hez did not even show the footage after the ‘strike’ which means it may have kept driving away,


You mean the next 10 seconds that was edited out, that showed the vehicle continue down the road?

Zionism = EVIL

No little boy, only one hasbara troll today :) 100% accuracy for Iranian Dehalevieh Kornets.



pssssst buddy, got some sarin gas to fill up that hole with?


If genuine, this video shows that the APC survived the attack:

https://twitter.com/i/status/1168632155708231682 =


t This is a completely different location.

Kell McBanned

Yep theres no housing across the road and no facility on the Hez video – zionists are desperat to cover up their losses pre election


There is a Yiron settlement right down the road from the Hezbollah drone shot image. They’re right next to each other: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f88002345a29ca3dbf1eb376784021db3808988c2cd0f911a7e128d963d7a26a.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fa7efad028813c333defbbe7147bfc7f8bac09639947a1a9bb5a3c284e3c946.png

Kell McBanned

Its on the external border road – its got only trees/bushes around it no structures at all around it – its another zionist false video clearly


A camera at the Yir’on entrance pointing east north east where I’ve drawn the blue box could of captured the smoke from the attack and the drive by.

Just before that right hand bend between Avivium and Yir’on heading west looks to be where the attack occurred. Everything matches up.


Zionism = EVIL

Zionists are totally baffled by their own lies, Nutter Yahoo was cowering and more or less admitted that they telling fibs about their casualties. The original IDF press release in Hebrew acknowledged direct hits and unknown number of casualties and then the Zionist PR machine went into crazy spin, which makes them even worse than Baghdad Bob.

Ceasar Polar

That us why it is a General that died in the attack. The general of the nothern region. They went full on lies to cover the heavy loss


Do you know the area? The video shows buildings around the corner from where the missiles hit. A satellite image of the location would show one way or the other.


Not at all but watched the video. What idf produced and you promote on their behalf is obviously a different “setting”.


I did watch the video. And I just did a satellite image check. And there is a Yiron settlement right down the road from the Hezbollah drone shot image. They’re right next to each other: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f88002345a29ca3dbf1eb376784021db3808988c2cd0f911a7e128d963d7a26a.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fa7efad028813c333defbbe7147bfc7f8bac09639947a1a9bb5a3c284e3c946.png


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 41


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 42


Richard, thank you for the attention but in all honesty…. it doesn’t matter.


You may be right. I was just surprised the volume of opposition that I received for stating the obvious. Over 30 people attacked me for factually pointing out what was happening just like I do in my criticism of Jews. It’s like the juries in the US who let the police off scott free when they’re caught red handed in cold blooded murder with irrefutable evidence. It just shows how ignorant and wicked a lot of people can be. Or Jews being allowed to commit mass statutory rape with impunity while non Jews are sent to prison every day for the same crimes.


that certainly looks survived! Are you sure this is it? It actually looks like it might be!


You’re more qualified to analyze photo shopped video than I am. What do you think of the choppy section at the end?

It looks to me like the first missile missed the target completely.


looks legit and survived but there was a second hit with a big yellow blast! So maybe they are showing the first hit and not the second! Israel does edit footage but in this case, cut out the second blast or maybe this footage was all they wanted!


It’s definitely edited. And that’s a good observation that the second blast is missing. But there’s smoke in the background during the drive by. Which indicates that the drive by wasn’t staged at a latter time.

Kell McBanned

Its a jinned up video after the fact of course. They are now claiming the dummies that got medivaced to Rambam are now actual soldures the put fake blood on, 4th story change come the fk on if you belive anything these liars say well god help you because no one else will. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d6914a44e917dfcc4b30006559bbce88802feced7f8d52f8fd36f2b629779e1.png

Zionism = EVIL

This episode has been very humiliating for the Zionist cowards and their desperate spin is making it worse. Press TV has a very clear video on how the APC went up in a ball of fire and every Zionist rat inside was cooked.

Kell McBanned

Yes indeed its also humiliating how susceptable some people are to even poorly done misinformation, no wonder the joobs think of the goyim as cattle, some certainly appear to be at least as easily controlled

Zionism = EVIL

I agree, the mostly Americunt and western sheeple have been brainwashed, but now in the days of every dolt with a smart phone it is very hard to fake stuff, for most astute people and then there is growing alternate media like SF and hundreds of other independent outlets. Hezbollah is very PR savvy and I wrote when the successful strike was underway, that they will film it and release the footage at the right time to embarrass the Zionist liars who were caught totally unprepared.


So we are saying that this indeed did happen then?

Ceasar Polar

Of course, they suffered a heavy casualty and are trying to cover up for their loss.

Kell McBanned

Wheres the houses? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/15c0ad50bb0a66f1c205daee56be9edef706bde21ceb11c60cf2a743598a8790.png

Kell McBanned

Houses everywhere wow I wonder how it could be?

Could it be the jewish Hasbara twitter accounts are doing their job and lying to me? Could it be??? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/30070066b9f047f95617c6a6e3e69f9378eb86c9b87a1acbcf4c57ca26814955.png

Kell McBanned

Yiron missile attack view


Kell McBanned

Closer https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3eaa9a21ca0e500590e16dd99df67d4eda378c2ba7c8cd700e161cde99f21b38.png

Kell McBanned

Look at all that urbanisation that doesnt seem to be there? Wow I wonder what could be going on? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/09a592445609b114a361616931776c9da5e210e9ce236ba66994d4bc500c7d31.png

Kell McBanned

Missile path. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e98f0923632077459ac11957240237894153044fbd516a8573a2584e0e58d137.png

Zionism = EVIL

Hezbollah picked a perfect spot for the well executed ambush, it had the line of sight advantage of higher ground and sparse population. The scared dumbass Zionist fucks have built a 12 meter high fence that obstructs their vision. The Zionist side of Palestine is heavily populated and that is another reason that they did not escalate as Hezbollah would literally walked in and occupy all Zionist hovels from Metulla to Shebba Farms.


It’s the same as the sat view that I posted. What’s your point?

Ceasar Polar

No houses around. So your “surveillance footage” is a FAKE. Go poop yourself some more. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c55600537ce58c7d3f23b1a918bce526a90c4dc1f36d2c0325be81978c3ed8a3.gif


You’re gross meme doesn’t disprove CCTV security camera footage of the detonation and drive by.

Ceasar Polar

So the hasbara troll factory improved their bots game now?


You’re a fool spewing nonsense.

Ceasar Polar

RichardD D as David right ?




English translation: Video edited. You can see the strange jump of the vehicle. If anyone tried to add credibility to the Israeli version, he was only doing damage. See video analysis:

Ceasar Polar

This is the Wolf APC:



What is fake?

Ceasar Polar

Real and legit footage from hezbollah,your “surveillance” footage is a clear fake. No houses around the target, no door, no building whatsoever.


That’s because the detonation is between two settlements and the drive by is when the vehicle passes the second one.

Ceasar Polar

Drone footage shows : NO URBANISATION, whatsoever. Now ask Satanyahu to make a speech with his General Amir Baram next to him…. oh no, he cant cause amir is DEAD. That is your absolute proof, a DEAD general.


There is a Yiron settlement right down the road from the Hezbollah drone shot image. They’re right next to each other: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f88002345a29ca3dbf1eb376784021db3808988c2cd0f911a7e128d963d7a26a.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fa7efad028813c333defbbe7147bfc7f8bac09639947a1a9bb5a3c284e3c946.png

Ceasar Polar

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dee838c87f124b70bd612d4161bd2324a88dc2bc5b08193f2929dc2994f19a1a.jpg This has been only cropped. Blasted Wolf with a dead general inside. How do you feel now ? Cry yes cry, you can…


That’s after the vehicle drove into the blast. It was undamaged after the detonation:

Direct crop of the miss:




This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 40


There may be something between the blast and the drive by that they didn’t want released. Or it may be just for brevities sake. It’s about a 1/2 mile from where the missiles detonated to where the camera is from the looks of it. And that’s a sharp bend before Yiron. So there could be a minute of nothing missing.



nice map dude! you should work for SouthFront!


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


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Ceasar Polar

How do you feel about the Dead General Amir baram ? Died in duty inside the Wolf. Rip general of the north region.


What credible proof do you have? Wikipedia shows no death date.

Ceasar Polar

Wait on it. Till israel decides to announce that the general was “killed by a rare mosquito” or something silly like that.


It may be a long wait. Because the evidence shows that the armored truck survived the attack.

Ceasar Polar

Okay. Now let’s see if we can see General Amir baram again. That is your ultimate “cant hide the truth for long” moment.


What truth is that, that you’re an immature idiot ignoring judicial quality evidence?

Ceasar Polar

I ❤️ To piss off zionazis, scumms of the earth, the lowest of the lowest of Humanity. A shame for the Whole Human family. Zionazis cant control truth. Even tho they think they can. Hell is real, this life is temporary. All zionazis will meet their maker one day or another. Amir Baram already did, under the fire of Hezbollah, he was sent to meet the Lord.


You’re an idiot ignoring quality evidence.

Ceasar Polar

We have shown you evidence. You decide not to see that there is no urbanization around the target. And yet you want us to believe your lies from “surveillance fake footage”. I will quote trump for once “you are fake news”

Ceasar Polar

A dead general is a heavy evidence


You have no credible evidence of that. You’re wasting my time with your stupidity.

Ceasar Polar

Wait 10 days. As i said, you cant hide a dead general forever. Very shortly israhell will come up with a lie involving the dead of Amir baram (dead general under hezbollah’s Kornet missiles).


Your speculation doesn’t disprove my evidence.

Ceasar Polar

You have got no evidence whatsover.


You’re a bald faced liar.

Ceasar Polar

Check again:



Donny you’re out of your element! Hence why i said: “looks legit and survived but there was a second hit with a big yellow blast! So maybe they are showing the first hit and not the second!”

Read Again!

I am not referring to this video u screen shot, im referring to the released Israeli security cam film!

u need to understand the context of my conversation i was having WITH SOMEONE ELSE!


Ceasar Polar

That one is a clear fake. No houses near the wolf explosion. Too tense ? Sad and pissed off at the General’s death ?


Hey MORON…. Thats why i said….. “Israel does edit footage but in this case, cut out the second blast or maybe this footage was all they wanted!”

If you decide to BUTT your nose into other peoples conversations then it might be SMART to actually FUCKING READ what i write YOU DUMB CUNT!

“Were you listening to the Dudes story Donny? WERE YOU LISTENING TO THE DUDES STORY??? So you have no frame of reference here Donny, you’re like a child who wonders into the middle of a movie and wants to know…….” “Forget it Donny youre out of your element” “Shut the fuck up Donny” https://youtu.be/4Wu598ENenk?t=7


I don’t think that Hezbollah propaganda is helping their cause. One of the other commentators suggested in a reply that the IDF has anti missile counter measures installed on some of their vehicles that caused the misses. And maybe they do. But it doesn’t change the fact that the attack was misrepresented as the missiles hitting their target when they didn’t.

The detonation sequence from Al Manar’s own video shows both misses as clear as day if you watch it in slow motion on a big screen. The first missile detonated about 50 feet to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonated 50 to 100 feet to the right rear of the vehicle after it had entered the fireball from the first detonation. A lot of these people are ignoring the evidence because it doesn’t show what they want.

On an Android device pull up this video on the YouTube site and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. On a desktop use the instructions below. Both misses are clear as day. The first missile detonated to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonation is to the right rear of the vehicle.

https://youtu.be/PQ20ZuVNQrY ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOjlX1Frw60

Ceasar Polar

Direct crop of the Money Shot. Shows clear Kill.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b58613f2647051900153dba891b2aa2c8f676cb72a66ad944f41968c3fb38bac.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4da392000f35cf22442a792469ae898ed5efd6f22ce34ff7b26bd979f5fbe19a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dee838c87f124b70bd612d4161bd2324a88dc2bc5b08193f2929dc2994f19a1a.jpg


Direct crop of the miss:



Zionism = EVIL

Just that you know, this is what a Iraqi Shia militia Kornet did to a Americunt M1 Abrams near Basra in 2007…



nice! You sure they reversed engineered the Kornet? Im pretty sure they can buy them direct from Russia! Also why would Russia do business with them if Iran reverse engineers? Russia wouldnt be too happy about that!

Ceasar Polar

Didnt survive at all.



Then why is it undamaged after the first missile missed its target and detonated in front of the vehicle?



Ceasar Polar

Dont you see obliteration of the on the right pic ? That is the gasoline exploding from the Wolf’s gas tank.


No, that’s the missile detonation.

Rhodium 10

we have seen a ATGM missile hitting the front of the wolf vehicle….forget the black circles…first missile to impact have been launched from the left front!….not from the rear.


Prove it


Pull up this video on the YouTube site and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. Both misses are clear as day. The first missile detonated to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonation is to the right rear of the vehicle. Case closed.



Watch the 2006 war and see what the Kornet does to the Markava tank. An apc would be annihilated.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Also they destroyed an American Abrams Tank that was being field tested with the IDF. Lebanese militia destroyed that as well. I’ve seen the footage of it. I think Wikipedia even states as much.

Zionism = EVIL

Abrams have been destroyed by Hezbollah, Ansarallah in Yemen and Hezbollah even has captured M1 Abrams from the Americunt losers in Iraq…photo of Hezbollah tanker with Abrams…



Are those Lebanese Hezbollah or Iraqi Hezbollah? There is a difference you know. Because in Iraq the PMU, of which Iraqi Hezbollah was part, were issued by the Iraqi government with M1’s. And Iraqi M1’s lack the advanced armor that American M1’s have. I wouldn’t base my expectations on how easily Iraqi and Saudi M1’s were blown up that the same would apply to American M1’s. Just like I wouldn’t say that because Turkish Leopard 2A4’s or Syrian and Iraqi T-72’s popped like balloons, the same would apply to Leopard 2A7’s and the latest mark of T-72’s in Russian inventory.

Zionism = EVIL

Lebanese Hezbollah “advisers” serving with Iraqi Hezbollah or PMU unit Kata’ib Hezbollah. They got hold of 50 M1 Tanks and some were transferred to Iran and Lebanon for analysis and perfection of ATGM. The Americunt M1 did not fare that well in Basra 2007 when they were ambushed and routed in what is known as the battle of the cemeteries. Since then both the Americunts and Brit poodles fled from the city.

Zionism = EVIL

Lebanese Hezbollah “adviser” transfers M1 tank to Syria.


Zionism = EVIL

Actually, Hezbollah had AT-5 Konkurs/Towsan in 2006 and older models like AT-3 Saggers which were enough for the Merkeva shitbox.



I saw a video where one Hezbollah patrol stalked down a Merkava and destroyed it with a RPG7. They hit it in the rear and set off the magazine. The explosion was so large it about destroyed the whole block.

Ceasar Polar

The Kornet did the job in 2006 for Hezbollah. When hit from the back or the side, the merkava was done with a kornet.

Zionism = EVIL

Now all the excitement has died down and only one hasbara troll is on sad sack duty “patriot patrol”. Let me reiterate the FACTS that I had posted in real time when the Hezbollah textbook perfect attack by a twin two man team was underway. Hezbollah know the attack area near the southern slope of Mt. Hermon near the occupied Shebba Farms is ideal ambush territory as it is higher ground and gives the ATGM concealed teams natural cover and line of sight. That is the reason the Zionist scum had set fire to the farms and trees in desperation, but failed. Hezbollah used 2 Iranian made Dehalevieh Kornets after monitoring the Zionist patrol on the access road and then caught them in the open. One Zionist APC was totally destroyed killing 3 and wounding 2 and the other was also crippled. That is 100% accuracy. Then the Hezbollah teams simply disappeared. As my previous post clearly predicted, the Zionist scum are too weak to escalate, and Nasrallah a very strategic thinker was ready to escalate and destroy Zionist hovels and the message was passed on through Russia, which also informed the Americunts. The simple FACT that Zionist arseholes chickened out and this is a big PR and deterrent coup for Hezbollah.


firstly, how do you know all of this? second “Mt. Hermon near the occupied Shebba Farms”. The map indicates the Shebab farms and the Kornet attack are not close at all, in fact very far away from each other! thirdly (remember i hate israel too) what makes you think a counter attack isnt coming?

The way i view the world these days, there is a push to amp up world conflicts, (india, china, pakistan) (Israel, Lebanon) because very big news is coming and the media would like to focus our attention away from this big news!

Honestly, i think the puppet masters hold the strings of all nations and their proxies! Israeli attack and Lebanese israeli attack are a pretext to something much bigger! But i am not taking my eye off the real target and that is the Inspector Generals report coming out soon! Because if you hate Israel and want Israel destroyed, then you are watching the wrong events! Look to the USA and the DOJ’s Horowitz report!

I am proving myself right to everyone on this site! Israel, China are the real enemy along with their aiding, technology transferring friends, the CIA, MOSSAD, Clintons, Obama! Mark my words!

Watch the real war, not a skirmish!

Zionism = EVIL

Have you been to Lebanon? It is very small area we are talking out. The Chouf runs into the coastal plain around Tyre. Shebba Farms are not even 30 kms from the coast and adjoining the slopes of Mt Hermon, which https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0c766cf328a0c48efdf561b1ef8786b7ad80513cf2125da514b4bdc951a5b62.png has very commanding position and since 1967, the Zionist scum built a ELINT station there. It should have knocked out. This is hardly a skirmish, but a message of deterrence and the consequences if the Zionists escalate and like I said they WILL NOT. Everyone just settle down and see how it unfolds. Zionists are weaker than a spiders wed.


oh they are much weaker NOW than you can possibly imagine! In fact, its almost perfect timing to attack! i recon wait about 3 more months and Hezbollah will be catching Israel at its weakest ever! What i am saying is, the USA wont help and for very good reason! In fact, the USA may even SECRETLY help Lebanon! The USA (verbally supports Israel) but NOW…. the USA is taking them down! Trust me on this part! MOSSAD IS GOING DOWN!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6b932449d42991876810c4338ef286cfab6b0e794cc3d71c55bf76e634fb852b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5900fb9071c569f089dd4e32dc636491893c6721848778cc8e721507ea3fc5c6.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/98df23f42314a069f0d70db7abe3ce6b02e1e4c993c521423b4ab5866832e340.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4803e035f17c9b787b85a1ccdf125b15b48b3771dba4360cb8898b0f750acdec.jpg THIS IS HOW THEY WERE CONTROLLING U.S FOREIGN POLICY! Honey Traps!

NK problem: solved! (insurance policy) Rogue former soviet missile sub: solved! (insurance policy) Corrupt politicians: Being solved! New Zionist HQ (China): Being solved!

I wish people on this site knew and understood! They would not be watching this war so much! This war is small beans compared to what is really going on!

NO MORE U.S support! NO MORE Greater Israel Peace and freedom to Palestinians (real peace deal) No more $3 billion per year military aid

Dont worry about Jerusalem and Golan heights announcements (recognition) “all warfare is based on deception”! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f4d8ae61e5c52aefa1d9694a352021fd0abe762e84bec21ba725f6ca1f94d3f.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e4cd22cbc6141ce8e9eb4586d1bf8a5c876a7ca1c48e40afd2efbe7e7323cb5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b6f20100a9a7fad9d7224a772788f3b7e6479cb28c852aa413a3edbd406a983.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7920a8fb1abb1972d9c260dd22c4806bc3181d5e6107c59abe6b8986300ca870.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d4d5cfb0d80070bb158795848ee7540f61474066eae43313ddc322774b87f9e0.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist scum had built an aura of “invincibility” as no foe had challenged them so far. Hezbollah 2020 version is a very lethal fighting force that has honed its skills in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen with very minimal losses. Hezbollah is now pan-Shia force that has recruited the best and the brightest and has a regular cadre of over 125,000 they can mobilize. The Zionists are well aware and the is why they chickened out. Hezbollah will not be fighting with kid gloves this time as it has over 150,000 missiles and rockets and many SAM systems hidden.


i think its gonna happen soon!

Zionism = EVIL


Iranian tanker Adrian Darya 1 goes dark off Syria and docks in Tartus to deliver oil under Russian protection.

So much for the limey git poodles and Americunt dumbass arseholes, nothing is working out for them and their chicken Zionist vermin…..ROFLMAO…..


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 40


Well Hezbollah is not Syria to just defend from Israeli aggression on the contrary, Hezbollah hits back immediately.

Kell McBanned

True heros

Concrete Mike

Syria is squeezed.from all sides, SAA has been fighting a long war on many fronts, why throw away all the discipline from these 8 long ass years away to retaliate to IDF fuck heads?

Ignore the pricks.for now and finish the job at home first.


You are correct Mike!

Kell McBanned

Hezbollah are Lebonese, they defend Lebanon and very effective as the Nosebergs found out in 2006 thats why they are so shit scared of them. Hez are a different kettle of fish to anyone else, hit them and they WILL hit back and make sure theres blood flowing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4tc08B-jlQ


Thank you for the post Kell. It’s been a while since I last watched it. It truly warms the cockles of my heart.

alejandro casalegno

The burning tank in the firsts seconds is NOT a Merkava…..is a Magach.

Kell McBanned

Yes and its in Gaza, cant expect to much from reporters.

Tommy Jensen

The Merkava is from 1979, easy pray in 2006. Today Israel is born with US new ultra modern hyper stealth invisible high-tech M1A2 SEP v.3 Abrams 2017 which can drill itself through hills and mountains, swim under water on the bottom of lakes and rivers, and sense the enemy target 30km before they arrive at the front scene.


Zionist lies


Tommy lies, no M1A2 made it through the hill hole drilling test. All tank crews where buried alive, no matter what the latest version is. :D

Icarus Tanović

Tommy, you’re okay?

Zionism = EVIL

Tommy is a childish MORON! The first Merkava hit by Hezbollah AT-13 Metis in 2006. Hezbollah did not get the Kornets until Iran started producing them in 2009 under the name Dehalevieh. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0fcf1be0834f07335f55ed6bffd9c901edee9732029187a5ce4da744ad9ea43f.jpg


Xoli Xoli

With respect to other opinions also.I fully agree with you Mike.


My thoughts as well, Mike.

The time to react to Israel is when they do not want it and that will be when the SAA can concentrate on replying to the Khazars in kind.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I was told by a friend in Israel that the IDF were remotely driving some vehicles through automation. If this was one or not he did not know. So this should be further investigated by the Resistance if it was an autonomous military carrier or not. It is certainly a direct hit, but proof that it was occupied would help. Further more, Israel had abandoned that intelligence base nearby that normally houses 100 men. Lebanon should have target that expensive base for destruction. It may not have gotten anyone, but it would for a time hinder Israels SIGNET intelligence gathering abilities and cost them a few million dollars to rebuild and re-equip.


RT has a video of a reporter taking a stroll through the empty base. There is not even a sentry at the gate.

Kell McBanned

Got a link to that vid?



Kell McBanned

Cheers – interesting they note it was evacuated before the missile response indicating they intended to provoke a reation from Hezbollah. I thought you were talking about the Sigint base on Mt Hermon.


Israehell was expecting this attack. Next time they may not be so lucky.

Rhodium 10

its not a Kornet..it is a Mettis M1 a Saclos Wire-Guide Missile… used to avoid be jammed but less accurate than Kornet especially in small moving targets… I think they only hit the Turret of the Wolf vehicle exploting the termobaric warhead in front of them( not inside) and can injured some crew members as we seen videos posted of a medical helicopter…the second one failed( very difficult to guide with Smoke and heat..surely launched if first Saclos wire-guide operator fail).

alejandro casalegno

Is a Kornet, russian or iranian, but is a kornet………..and both are laser guided…….


Not according to Hezbollah:

“”The first Kornet anti-tank missile is launched at the target and then, from another position, a second missile is fired to ensure the target is destroyed,” a voiceover said.”

– Hezbollah TV airs footage it says shows anti-Israel attack –


Jaguar Paw

There was 2 rockets fire on the same target?

Lena Jones

Yeah the first one aimed at the front teeth and the second one up the jew arse. Guaranteed annihilation. Sandwiched between death and more death.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

It would be amazing if there weren’t casualties from that. They certainly fired in anger, to do so.

Lena Jones

Ya think?! Netanyahu: “No casualties – not even a scratch”. LOL! Liar liar pants on kornet fire!

Kell McBanned

Im waiting for the lies they are going to pull when those 100000+ Hez rockets start raining down on Tel Aviv – Blessing from the child eating Volcano Demon they worship perhaps?

Conservative hispanico

Bibi Is Just a Jewish Nazi


Ok so you were there filming next to the hezbollah soldier then ? what a big mouth smart ass.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Lucky (for the IDF) the ATGM crew didn’t hang about to take out the medical evacuation chopper.


great anything hitting israel, from a an ied to a caspian sea fired bunch of missiles is welcome – israel needs to be finalized post haste!


Sharing from Platosguns.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a556qV4txk




Those were two clean hits and no mistake. Unless Israel was using remote controlled patrols all along the borders and kilometers into occupied Palestine, somebody was riding in that car. It is very unlikely the Israelis knew where Hezbollah would hit. Either, they would have thwarted the attack – a wonderful opportunity to parade captured fighters or they would have kept silent about a deception to avoid further attacks. There can be practically no doubt that Hezbollah destroyed the Wolf (normally carrying 8 including the comand crew and gear ).


Ok, so now the Israeli news channel KAN claims the soldiers supposedly violated instructions by driving openly towards Lebanon; the event is being investigated. What now? So these were soldiers driving… no ‘theater’? But the military and Bibi still can’t admit their failure… no it’s the soldiers who didn’t follow orders. Pitiful and pathetic performance by Israel’s “leadership”.


Full video here :



If genuine, this video shows that the APC survived the attack:

https://twitter.com/i/status/1168632155708231682 —–


“ooh-aah Hezbollah”, sing “ooh-aah Hezbollah!”

Kell McBanned


Kell McBanned

Is this the nasheed your thinking of? Sticks in the head quite catchy. https://binged.it/2LoTOiL


Wow…thank you. Saved. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=8692FEE97DB9D07EF40B8692FEE97DB9D07EF40B&shtp=GetUrl&shid=6c97ac4f-d4d8-401b-a155-fba9ee8594a0&shtk=WWEgQWJhIEFiZGlsbGFoIChhcykgfCBIZXpib2xsYWggTmFzaGVlZC4%3D&shdk=WWEgQWJhIEFiZGlsbGFoIChhcykgfCBIZXpib2xsYWggTmFzaGVlZC4gU2FsYW0gWWEgSHVzc2FpbiAoYXMpIElibiBBbGkgKGFzKS4gTGFiYWlrIFlhIEh1c3NhaW4gKGFzKSBJYm4gQWxpIChhcykuICdSZW1lbWJlciBpbiBQcmF5ZXJzJyBMaWtlIFN1YnNjcmliZSBBbmQgRm9sbG93IGZvciBtb3JlIFFhc2lkYXkgLSBOb2hheSAtIE1hamxpcyAtIE1hbnFhYmF0IC0gTmFzaGVlZCAtIE5hYXRzIC0gaXNsYW1pYyB2aWRlb3MgZXRjLiBMaWtlIGFuZCBGb2xsb3cgbXkgb2ZmaWNpYWwgcGFnZXMgOi0gTGlrZSBvbiBGYWNlYm9vayA6IGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmZhY2Vib29rLmNvbSAuLi4%3D&shhk=c5DcaMq/bVNpOhJJXXxtyNrwjNZuxZuWrC6cs9VgdjE%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OSH.9aQUbPcZJSNo8s0HE%252F864w




Yup, nice shooting, I didnt expect them to hit this fast moving target, but they did, direct hit isnt that nescesery, what matters is destroying, cripling is as good as anything, since its then useless, and for how long depends on how deep its been penerating enemy territory etc, etc.

Yeah, weird how silent it became, I dont think the scums of this earth, expected anything, cocky as always, and the Joos should by now realise that the 2006 specatcle was an dead end street, and the armaments of Hezb have improved since. The Merkava is an desert/open land, tank, looks like an copy of an old Swedish design, where its meant to lie low in the terain and Lebanon is everything but flat, the pancake design is meant to deflect incoming rounds/missiles witch iit obviouslly cant anyway, its just another useless MIC toy, to shoot into Gaza, yeah, we know that, but anything else, they are an death trap, and even the AmeriTards idiot box. the Abrams is equally hamered in Yemen.

War theaters evolve, and this days have just shown us that.

Al tho they (merkava) may have an impressive pasive/reactive protection system, it is never the less easy to make them faulter, stop etc, and when a tank is cripled, its more or less an sitting duck, and I guess the next war Hezb will have an ball, like shooting fish in an barell, the result will be the same as in 2006, IDFs will loose. And of course, the joohohos, denies everything, as usual. How many was in it, isnt that relevant, whats relevant, is that Hezb proved beyond doubt their efificiency. Again, really good shooting, even with strings. The facts about 2006 is blurred, tsk, tsk, it was an clear IDF border partol provocation, where an patrol went deep into Lebanes territory, but was taken by the Lebanes Hezb, and the rest is history and by the way, ISISrael was and stil is, ocupying Lebanes land, just as you should know it, that, morons is an fact.


alejandro casalegno

For the zionists showing the “Two Hits” in the route………..the Kornet can penetrate at least 3 meters of concrete……….the photo show a few centimeters of the asphalt damaged……………


4.6 kg HEAT warhead against concrete? I don’t think so. Beneath it there is no air void, just more solid material. :/

alejandro casalegno

Is the “Official” number…….even if is 1.5 meters………..the photo of the asphalt is a few centimeters……….and is NOT concrete.


A tandem warhead may be 2.3 kg apiece. And is expected to bore into the asphalt when launched from a height above?


If it hit the ground vertically rather than horizontally, it would have made a much bigger crater.


– 9M133 Kornet –



“Israel denies any casualties”… of course, elections in 15 days!

alejandro casalegno

In the next month…..a few IDF will die in “Accidents”…..”training”……etc…….

Rhodium 10

Israel always denied casualties unless proof cannot be hide…even that read this about GDY F-16 losses: 5 Oct-2016 a F-16 Block 52 of the 119 sqn IDAF serial number 00-1021 had a crash landed at Ramon AFB, Pilot Maj Ohad Cohen-Nov didnt survive…but on late Sept 2016 SANA news told that “SAD have shot down an Israeli F-16 flying over Quneitra province”..Israel denied it!….if it is not enough read this : 30-Oct-2018 a F-16 Block 52 of the 119 sqn serial number 00-1047 ran off a taxi way in an emergency landing and suffer minor damage on its nose…Mid Oct-2018 SAD report that one F-16 have been shot down over Dara province…Israel denied it!….

Icarus Tanović

I don’t even bother to read those and alikes. Bullying another country, another people for the sake of elections, that is so well known. Only naive bite that.


simply beautiful, wish it was 200 dead israeli soldiers not just 2.

Tommy Jensen

It was a remote controlled vehicle with dummies inside. A bait.


A bait is quite possible. Israel is now claiming 5 where on board including doctor who violated what roads to use. Sounds like a propaganda war by both sides.

Lazy Gamer

the first missile seems a miss. the second one could also be, hard to tell from the smoke but judging from the center of the fire and the last known position of the vehicle, it appears to also be a miss. I did not expect that Hezbollah strike teams could close in without being detected. lol And what kind of stupid idiot freaks out and stops the car in an attack?

Rhodium 10

the first missile hit the right front of the car..and it is not the one who shoots in the video…thats the second one impact!..dont confuse with the black circle.which are bad edited…IDF sources told that a vehicle was hit although denied casualties!


That was a secondary explosion, yeah there were casualties. That thing got blown apart.


I will not be the same to attack unarmed people that a wel prepared Hezbollah fighters, and Israel knows this since 2006. Do you have any idea what would be to attack Iran ? That is why Israel is sending USA to attack Iran, and USA knows that Iran is not Iraq, Lybia or Syria.


Here’s the original, https://almanar.com.lb/5657742 I’d say that it’s inconclusive. There was an attack and both missiles detonated. But the feed is cut so you can’t see if the vehicle was hit. The first missile looks like it may have gone over the top of the vehicle and detonated in front of the vehicle. Because you can see the rear of the vehicle moving into the cloud of smoke. And the scene is covered in smoke by the time that the second missile hit. So you can’t see if it hit the vehicle or not.




Just nuke their HQs would be much more cost efficient





I’ve looked at the original video from the Hezbollah site on a 24 inch monitor. It looks like the first one missed and hit the road to the left front of the vehicle.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x