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MARCH 2025

Hezbollah Says It Doubled Its Arsenal Of ‘Precision Missiles’ In 2020

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Hezbollah Says It Doubled Its Arsenal Of 'Precision Missiles' In 2020


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Hezbollah doubled the size of its missile arsenal in 2020 and has the entire territory of Israel inside the range of its precision missiles, the movement’s secretary-general speaking to Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen television network on December 27.

“The number of precision missiles at the resistance’s disposal has now doubled what it was a year ago,” Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah said “Any target across the area of occupied Palestine that we want to hit accurately, we are able to hit accurately.”

The Hezbollah leader claimed that flights of Israeli drones in Lebanese skies reflect the “confusion” of Tel Aviv. He noted that Hezbollah has adequate weapons against drones and fired at them on several occasions.

“The flight of Zionist drones in Lebanon’s airspace shows a strong fear of the response by the resistance. The Israelis know that we fired the right weapon at their drones without disclosing it,” Nasrallah said.

Nasrallah also commented on the US-pushed normalization agreements between several Arab states and Israel. According to him, these developments were not surprising since “most of the Arab regimes used to sell the Palestinians only words.”

“Nothing in the world justifies…giving up Palestine,” he said.

These agreements, Nasrallah said, only helped end a period of “hypocrisy” and indicated that “the masks have fallen” and the real nature of the leadership of these states have been exposed.


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Jens Holm

They even invented a new game named “Teheran Airport“

Jimmy Jim


Great Khan

hahahhaha you make good jokey….Great Khan like……..


hehe Hezbollah christian and shia muslim brothers STRONK

Alekai Mordechai

Most likely precision weapons size increased from 5 to 10. I mean that’s double eh?

Heck even that might give tzatz sleep less night. Wait until he turns full commando here.

Just Me

Iran’s accurate ballistic missiles are defining new ways that wars are fought

The vulnerability of giant, stationary air bases to precision missile strikes was demonstrated during the January 2020 Iranian missile strike on the US-operated Ein Assad air base in Iraq. Prior to the attack, the US teams at that base had launched a fleet of Predator UAVs for patrolling the base perimeter. One of the incoming Iranian missiles hit an underground communications conduit and cut the fiber optic lines between the UAV’s control vans and the system’s transceivers. This caused a loss of ground control over the entire UAV fleet. It took hours to reestablish communication via satellite and bring the UAVs back in.

Needless to say, US combat aircraft based in Iraq were powerless against this missile strike. Simply put, Iran gained air superiority over the air base by virtue of its precision missiles. The Zionist regime is far more vulnerable in the small area of Occupied Palestine as Hezbollah’s initial strike would cripple the seven major IDF air bases.


Frankly, the Zionists are in full spectrum diaper rash as their end is nearing. Iran is firmly entrenched in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon and Hezbollah is armed to the teeth. The Zionists have been exposed as hot air and cowards, who can only kill unarmed women and children or bomb schools in Gaza.

Just Me


John Brown

It is Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor which is Hezbollah’s and Iran’s nuclear weapon against Israel. Its why Iran doesn’t need or want nuclear weapons.

It will give off more radiation then 10 nuclear bombs when it is destroyed leaving much of israel uninhabital for some time. Just look at Chernobyl or the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disasters. The no go zones around both are still bigger then Israel.

if Israel and the self proclaimed superior master race had any brains they would dismantle the reactor for this reason alone.

Just Me

Twatz is here with his multiple desperate trolling accounts like free man. So you are right.


How about 4000 missiles to 8000 missiles with CEP less than 10 meters?

Just Me

20,000 are precision weapons as the CIA has estimated in their latest assessment and I posted than earlier.


Yes, Hezzbolah is a real army with tremendous firepower and human tenacity capable of being the trump card against zionists.

Just Me

Hezbollah also now has many regional allies as far as Algeria, where they have advisers. Hezbollah is a legend in the Arab street.


Thats why the zionist thugs have not invaded Lebanon since 2006,because they know what they will get,i believe if they are that stupid again Hezbollah will enter Israel and there will be fighting on the ground inside Israel.


Maybe Algeria can give Hezzbolah some state of the art tanks and air defenses.


Sounds good to me :)

John Brown

Many now down to 3 meters with electronic and software upgrades.


Yes, if they are shorter range than an MRMB.

John Brown

If you believe that why has Israel not invaded and annexed southern Lebanon??

Alekai Mordechai

Because of that 10 precision missiles?? who knows.

Israel relinquished South Lebanon in early 90s. That was a loss for israel.

John Brown

Hello, Israel was defeated by Hezbollah in South Lebanon in early 90s.

If Israel thought it was only 10 they would invade as per the Yinon plan

Because of that 10 precision missiles?? who knows

Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor is Hezbollah’s and Iran’s nuclear weapon against Israel. Its why Iran doesn’t need or want nuclear weapons.

It will give off more radiation then 10 nuclear bombs when it is destroyed leaving much of israel un-inhabital for some time.

Just look at Chernobyl or the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disasters. The no go zones around both are still bigger then Israel.

if Israel and your so called superior master race had any brains they would dismantle the reactor for this reason alone.

Free man

He also said he would avenge the killing of his terrorist in Syria. It’s been half a year, he probably forgot.

Jimmy Jim


Free man



Frankly, you need to learn English, you dumb sewer troll.

Great Khan

hahahahaha little Jew man have many troll account…..mishy mishy…pupushkin,,,,hahahahaha Great Khan expose hahahahahhaaha

Just Me

Free man and Twatz are the same hasbara losers, their poor English gives them away. Third world non-English speakers with bare junior high level illiteracy have a hard time with syntax and vowels.



Just Me

Just look at your juvenile posts Twatz, you could not even pick a proper moniker. Major linguistic failure and dead give away.

Arch Bungle

lol? lol? That all you got these days?

Free man

Great Khan talk yak shit every day….,,,,hahahahaha Great Khan expose his shit hahahahahhaaha

Emad Irani

if he forgot that, why did he mention it yesterday? Are you dumb or stupid or something else? Israel cleared the hole Northern border with for about 5 months and they know why

Free man

Cowardly dogs only bark in fear. Is it true that Nasrallah banned the import of blue Nissan cars from Iran?

Emad Irani

you said dog I had to think about your father. Sorry man. I don’t talk to these ppl mostly. No he is in possession of Fateh 110 and Fateh 313 and many other things that will surprise you. Beside that how did they manage to get all of those things with 200 or 2000 or 20.000 Israeli attacks on Syria? khkhkh

Free man

What does it matter what he has or doesn’t have if he is so afraid of Israel? Cowards are afraid to use their weapons, brave warriors fight even with bare hands.

Just Me

Hezbollah has put the fear of God into the criminal cowardly Zionist diaper dwellers.

The Iranians learning from the Scud war of cities and Israel’s total dependence on air power to pummel Lebanese civilians decided to invest huge resources in vast rockets, missiles and now smart precision ordinance. This technological shift makes missiles as effective as air power for precision strikes. Precision-guided missiles are being developed and deployed today by all the major world powers as well as by many smaller states.

In the Middle East, Iran is leading the way with sheer quality and quantity; it is currently converting all its older rockets and missiles into precision weapons. It

also supplies its allies in the region with expertise and materials with which to build their own precision missile capabilities—hence the Precision Project of Hezbollah and other Iranian allies in the region. It is widely estimated that today Hezbollah possesses a larger and more destructive missile force than most NATO states, bar the US.

Why is Israel so anxious after failing to frustrate Hezbollah’s Precision Project?

Because once it has been achieved, it now elevates Hezbollah’s war-making capability to that of a powerful state military force. Hezbollah possess all the advantages of an offensive air force without needing to own a

single expensive and vulnerable combat aircraft. Its precision missiles will be able to paralyze any vital installation or pummel any civilian population center in Israel causing mass panic and exodus. Its airports, infrastructure and military airbases will turn to cinders, and that is why Israel is stationing some of its aircraft in Greece, also making it a potential Hezbollah or Turkish target.


Turkish … too. LMAO

SEEMS TO ME … Yossi / Netanyahu / Kochavi sleep well at night … eh?

Nasrallah loves life … he sleeps in underground lairs … a different one each night for the last decades … eh?

REMEMBER … the previous Hezbollah head was missing his head … when Israel ‘offed’ him …?

The Future is About to Land …

Great Khan

hahahahahaa little Jew man try hard…. Great Khan enjoy jokey……hahahahahhahaahaa


You are funny and an asset to humanity.

Just Me

Hello Twatz. Things not looking good.but, but., IDF is supposed to drive Iran out of Syria :)



What has the IRGC done against Israel?

Absolutely nothing …

Israel has struck them 200 Times … hello?


Just Me

Twatz, you are one delusional queer kid. Totally whacky.


Hasbara failure at its best.

Arch Bungle

You’ve struck 200 decoys. You’ve been played, shlomo:


Yes … Rubber decoys with realistic radar profiles, available from inflatech for a few shekels.

The Iranians are laughing at you, jew … a few hundred dollars worth of rubber for a few million dollars of American missiles.



decoys …. again with the $$$

Are YOU a scot or a Jew? LOL

Yossi knows … just like the Nuclear Scientist knows … he’s dead!!!

Or is he like Epstein and we’ll find out later? Or was it a false flag? LMAO

Keep your head down slug

Emad Irani

they attacked 200 times but just the same target for over 4 years. They couldn’t even stop Hezbollahs newest weapons…

Ashok Varma

Iran is a patient and mature power with a very clearly defined strategic outlook and will prevail.

El Mashi

For Israel, missiles cost nothing.


Yes, we pay for them.

cechas vodobenikov

titz uses strong LSD


non sequitur

Great Khan

hahahahhaa you little female yak pooni pooni… hahahahahha

Sylvain Jeuland

IRGC&allies are building and step-by-step securing a business landroad from Chabahar to the Mediterranean see.


Iranians need to increase the density of their weapons in Syria and Iraq, especially SAMs and Surface to Surface missiles. They should buy the S400 for their own defense needs in Iran, and deploy the Bavar and Shorads in Syria and Iraq, making the Al Bukama a secure route from air interdiction.

Arch Bungle

I’d recommend against the S400. There is too much of a chance of zionist fifth columnists in Russia flipping a central kill switch at a critical time.

Instead, get many cheap, good HQ-12 from Uncle Xi’s corner store in Chyyyna:


“The HQ-12 medium-range anti-aircraft missile system (HongQi-12, Khuntsi-12, Red Banner-12, export designation – KS-1A) is designed to engage enemy aircraft and helicopters at all altitudes of their combat application, day and night in any weather conditions.

The HQ-12 is designed by the Chinese company Jiangnan Space Industry, also known as Base 061. The development of a prototype of the complex began in the early 80’s, as a replacement for the outdated SAM system HQ-2 (a Chinese copy of the Soviet S-75). Transported version of the complex under the designation of KS-1 was tested in 1989 and was first demonstrated at the Paris Air Show in 1991. The development of the KS-1 was completed in 1994, but its mass production was not launched due to serious shortcomings and lack of orders from PLA and foreign customers. “


Russia will sell them the export version, it will have a longer reach in radar and missiles. Bavar capabilities are marginally better than HQ 12.

Arch Bungle

Yes, those are good alternatives.


they also need to build a modern airforce to complete the picture.

Ashok Varma

Iran is slowly building a long term infrastructure in Syria and Iraq and will slowly erode the casualty averse Israelis whose arrogance and overconfidence is based on US and western funds and weapons. US itself is now a weak shadow of what it once boasted to be. US future is as bleak as Zionism.

Arch Bungle

If Nasrallah loved life he would have lived a peaceful life as a small town moullanah running daily prayers and hid from the trouble.

Instead he decided to face a superpower and an occupation without a single weapon in his hands.

It takes a brave man to commit to a life in a bunker on behalf of a nation when he could choose a free life in the sun.

So you see, twatz, in these times the cowards walk above ground and the heroes must fight from tunnels.

And the biggest cowards of all run from firecrackers in broad daylight:


Just Me

Believe me, the first Hezbollah precision missile strikes Ben Gurion airport and the half the Zionists with diapers will be on planes without even a boarding pass.

Arch Bungle

Here’s a simulation:


Ashok Varma

The Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, declared that “the resistance forces are capable of hitting any target in the territories of Israeli control in the event of a military confrontation.”Hezbollah has petrified the Zionist regime.


Sure … cowards are underground HIDING … Netanyahu is on the surface …. pissing on y’all

Maul yourself with chains … see if I give a sh Xt … slug

Ashok Varma

That was 30 years ago and the US was powerful then. Today, all Israel can do is scurry in fear of Hezbollah. You junior trolls need to get a better strategic memo. Also brush up on English,using Hollywood style double entendre shows that you are posting contrived hasbara comments.


You’re holding the Shia’s jock straps? lol

What’s up wit dat?

Great Khan

hahahahhaha Indian friend,,,,,,no like Jew mamtu…stoopido…..hahahhahaa

Ashok Varma

Good factual analysis. Bharat Rakshak posted a similar analysis of Hezbollah’s rising power and the inability of Israel to do anything about.

It’s clear that the balance of power in the new Levant has shifted further in favour of Shia Hezbollah, which with its Palestinian, Druze, Christian and Sunni allies its has risen to the top military spectrum in the region, if not the world.


Frankly, the Zionist cowardly scum are fucked and they know it. They staged a false flag in Iraq to get the dumb Americans to start a suicidal war, but failed. Hezbollah is better armed than all NATO militaries, with the exception of US.


What defense does Hezbollah have?


The barking dog said … he’s ‘dead man walking’ just yesterday … lol

200,000 dead Lebanese in the first 48 hours ….

WE ARE ALL HEZBOLLAH … just so we’re clear … eh?

Great Khan

hahahaha you little Jew man have same account….mamtu…Great Khan know everything….kish mish lishy mishy…hahahahahah

Arch Bungle

> 200,000 dead Lebanese in the first 48 hours ….

And not one of them an actual combatant.

Pity the fool who thinks civilian bodies are a metric of military success. Now you know why israel is doomed.

Just Me

He is an idiot. This time Hezbollah will be ruthless as Nasrallah has made it clear, a building for building. Those days of Zionist killing Lebanese civilians with impunity are long gone and that is what is really freaking out the IDF cowards. They have lost their terrorist leverage.

Arch Bungle

Absolutely. In 2006 it was clear Hezbollah fought carefully, trying to minimise civillian casualties. One could really see they took measured strikes because they knew the idf would take it out on ordinary civilians.

I think they realise that the next war will require them to decapitate israeli leadership as quickly as possible to prevent further civilian casualties – the idf has shown it has no objection to mass murder so Hezbollah will realise they can’t protect civilians by dragging the battle out.

Just Me

This time Hezbollah intends to fight in Northern Occupied Palestine and will inflict massive damage and Iran is not in a mood to be very charitable either, Syria, Hamas, Palestinians and and even Iraq and Yemen will join in. The Zionists are desperate to get the dumb Americans to fight for them. Not going to happen.


Well said.


The hue and cry will be LOUD … stop the onslaught … eh?

BUT … it will not stop until Nasrallah is Dead …. and Hezbollah destroyed … Victory is the goal

NO STOPPING UNTIL VICTORY … you can cry uncle … I CAN’T HEAR YOU !!!

Jaime Galarza

In 2006, it was Israel which finally begged the US to do something to stop the war when they realized that the “birth pangs” were really for a new Middle East, but not the one Israel and the US wanted. Israel believed it’d fix the Lebanese problem in a few days, and so did the US. Despite the tremendous airlifts of American weapons, they were useless in the face of a foe with a strong belief in itself and its values: Hezbollah.


Nasrallah begged the UN to stop the onslaught … 1000’s dead … Infrastructure destroyed … electricity is still OUT … hello?

The Future is About to Land …

it ain’t 2006 … eh?

Jaime Galarza

“Nasrallah begged the UN to stop the onslaught.” That’s not what the US War College later said in its analysis of the 2006 war. Washington gave Israel lots of time believing that they just needed one more day to crush Hizbollah. It never happened, and the US had to accept the facts on the ground. Yes, a lot of civilian infrastructure was destroyed and thousands of civilians were mirdered. I wouldn’t feel proud of that.


Nasrallah said it in an interview after the War … which Hezbollah provoked by crossing the border and killing and dragging 2 soldiers … eh?

I feel proud that Israel made Lebanon pay … feel the pain … caused unnecessarily by an act of war

The Lebanese will pay dearly in the next war … a war Israel has prepared for … the onslaught will be non-stop … the death toll egregious

cechas vodobenikov

CIA/mossad titz trembling; now little amrikan colony afraid



The ground in Syria is trembling … hello?

The IDF hit Syria again … didn’t make your news?

Go figure ….



Better armed with weapons that matter, I agree. Hezbollah also have a fighting force that will never give up, whereas the NATO military, for at least 35 years, has allowed Health and Safety First to control much of what their fighting men used to do.

Bombing from open skies and droning from afar, plus of course the ground troops preferred option of shooting unarmed civilians and soldiers armed with ‘sticks and stones, ensures that NATO troops face more danger in a Saturday Night pub brawl. :)

Great Khan

Hezbollah brother STRONK!


Odour … yes

Get a bath / shower going … eh?

This time NOT in camel piss … lol

Ya f/kn STRONK!

Jimmy Jim


Arch Bungle

Seriously, twatz, you get more illiterate and incoherent every day.

If hasbara central is paying you for this I’d suggest they get a refund …

Just Me

His English is very poor, misspells most words and gets confused by Google Translate. He is a teenager and a high school drop out at best. Also I have noticed that he posts from North American time zone and logs on with Free Man account and then in desperation upvotes himself at the same time. Very stupid troll.


The funniest would be his OCD on ending almost every sentence by some useless “ey ??” or “eh ???” or “LMAO” or “next”, which make every of his post all the more lame and robotic to read :p


“”” “The number of precision missiles at the resistance’s disposal has now doubled what it was a year ago,” Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah said “Any target across the area of occupied Palestine that we want to hit accurately, we are able to hit accurately.”

Those inertial guidance kits are going to make a significant change in Hezzbolah’s arsenal of missiles and their striking capacity.

Just Me

Hezbollah has factories in both Syria and Iraq now to manufacture a assortment of weapons. If the totally blockaded Houthi can make missiles and drones in Yemen, you can imagine Hezbollah capability.


Yes I agree.


I would like to see Dimona attacked. :)



Ashok Varma

Also keep in mind that Hezbollah now operates of millions of square kilometers and with dispersed forces is immune to any airpower and it has learnt a great deal from the Azerbaijan and Armenian war as it, along with Iran examined every type of Zionist UAV and loitering munitions. Hezbollah now produces its own version of Harop in Syria.


hezbolla and the french connection.somethings not quite right,just like trump,and cia/corporations.

Arch Bungle

Many years ago I made the prediction that technology would advance to such a level that the average joe would be able to build a guided missile in his basement.

That prediction has just come true.

In a world where technology makes it possible for individuals to produce WMD, how long will small isolated entities like israel survive?

Not long, hence the desperate rush to ‘normalise’ relations with the rest of the Arab world. The *smarter* joos realise the jig is up, the writing is on the wall …

Just Me

A recent CIA report highlighted the massive qualitative and quantitative improvement in Hezbollah capabilities. A genuine revelation in Hezbollah’s Missiles and Rockets: An Overview are the anti-ship missiles the analysts believe were gifted by Tehran and Damascus to Hezbollah as a deterrent against a naval attack by Israel. One is the Iranian Noor missile, based on a Chinese design, that was successfully used on an Israeli patrol boat in the 2006 war. The other is the Russian P-800 Yakhont supersonic cruise missile on a truck, which is really bad news along with thousands of new precision weapons and loitering munitions that will devastate Israeli cities if Lebanon is bombed..

Arch Bungle

Heart warming stuff. Don’t forget the cherry on top: Strela Anti-Tank missiles (SA-18) for periodic turkey shoots south of the Litani …

Just Me

Hezbollah started in 1982 as a small band of highly dedicated resistance fighters that kicked out the Zionists, Americans and French out of Lebanon and then on global stage in front of TV screens defeated and humiliated the Zionists in 2006. Today, Hezbollah is far more lethal and battle hardened.

The ultimate takeaway from Zionist humiliation in Lebanon and Syria is that how weak they are. An Overview is that the legendary group and are firmly entrenched in the region and pose a mortal threat to bombastic and petrified Israel and Hezbollah arsenal is now superiot to most conventional armies and many NATO vassal states. This is absolutely true and what the report doesn’t cover are the APCs, assorted anti-aircraft guns, howitzers, and tanks Hezbollah have amassed from the Syrian civil war.


APCs, Tanks howitzers need air cover from drones, loitering munitions and aircraft. If there is a good antiaircraft cover for these weapons…..they can be used. Maybe they can get their hands on T90 M and have a hard shooting gun aimed at Merkavas.

Alekai Mordechai

You made Strela MANPAD into anti-tank weapon??

Are you that uninitiated in life?

Arch Bungle

Look, sometimes when all you have is hammer, everything looks like a nail. Besides, it’s fun … try it some time …

Alekai Mordechai

Perhaps you hammered your head for too long.

Try not hammering your head sometimes.

Arch Bungle

You’re clearly a hammerhead.Go suck a foreskin or something … oh … that’s right …


The INS Hanit was a major feat of arms for Hezbollah and a testament to Iran’s defense Industries. And it was actually much more than a patrol boat, but a state-of-the-art Corvette with full electronic and missile protective gear that never saw it coming.

After the fiasco of the hit by a sea-skimming Noor missile, fired via targeting data fed to it by a commandeered Lebanese coastguard radar that almost sank it, and killed four sailors on the spot, Tsahal’s PR branch moved heaven and earth to pretend the whole anti-missile apparatus of the ship was turned off, supposedly to “save energy”, which was immediately doubted by military analyst of all nationalities and horizons. A sad effort at hiding glaring flaws that were put to light against an enemy considered sub-par.

And that was an early, export version of an Iranian variant of the C-802. Ever since they’ve grown into much more advanced version namely the Ghader, with minimum attack altitude of 3m from the original 5, better millimeter radar for accurate terminal phase guidance, and strong ECCM suite, plus icing on the cake : ground attack capability against coastal targets. Rumors are they’re soon going to unveil their first supersonic variant too based on the Sunburn they once acquired under the radar (no pun intended), similarly to the contraband Kh-55 source in a joint operation with China via Ukrainian weapons traders, that paved the way for Iran’s cruise missile programs, the Hoveyzeh first in line that heavily borrows parts of its design.

If the Israeli brass really wants to go all-in on a some dubious pretext in the future, they will be in for a real challenge, and the terrible losses that will inevitably come from it, of a scope yet unseen for at least a generation.

I really hope both for Israeli and Lebanese civilians that we don’t come to this.

Ashok Varma

Israel’s military is overrated and its “achievements” based on sheer exaggeration. Their SPICE ordinance with Indian air force has been an embarrassing failure. They are more exposed by the day.

Jaime Galarza

True. Their military “achievements” have been wildly exaggerated, Not for nothing is the tribe the owners of internatioanl media.

Arch Bungle

And hears another prediction – remember, you heard it here first:

Within a decade, it will be possible for small groups of under-funded people to produce nuclear weapons powerful enough to wipe out a small city. Thus will begin the era of “Democratised Mutually Assured Destruction”.

chris chuba

Accuracy is good news, it means they can target military infrastructure without accidentally hitting civilians. If the IDF was being honest and had to chose, I wonder how many of them would rather be in Lebanon vs Israel away from military installations. Would they rely on the morality of the IDF avoiding civilian targets or would they be terrified of the IDF playing the ‘human shields’ card as they bomb civilian areas. I bet Hezbollah is more likely to avoid civilian targets. They already had enough missiles if all they were interested in was having a terror weapon.


The Israelis are treated by Iran as a nuisance and bragging brats, the Iranians are playing the bigger game, but their patience with the uppity Zionists is wearing thin and a smackdown may result. It would be no picnic at the receiving end of Hezbollah or Iranian missiles compared to unarmed Palestinians who can not fight back.


Emad Irani

lesson number one: you cannot fight and win against an ideologic group with precision weapons

Potato Man

You want to make Zion shit themselves put S-400 or Iranian made one in Lebanon and you would stop Zion dream and their attack from Lebanon airspace. Not only that but Syrian can easy finish Wahhabi Sunnis in Idlib…no Zion ISIL air force. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran are the heart of ME and no cancer alike of Zion can stop them no matter who support them, British ape failed but they put their cancer seed, Zion in ME and now US supporting them but by time they fail as well, billions of dollar each year for 8 millions dogs called Zion…

Ashok Varma

Hezbollah is a disciplined and formidable resistance movement and is admired around the world for its veracity, boldness and sheer courage. India has thus far shown that despite its pro-US RSS led Modi government’s subservience US, it will try to maintain its previous ties with Hezbollah and Iran. India owes a great debt to Hezbollah for keeping Wahhabi terror in check and have a positive influence of India’s large Shia and Muslim population.


Hezbollah is the greatest equalizer in history. It has redefined strategic dominance with very limited resources and that is the key to its legend. Hassan Nasrallah is one of the greatest strategists of out time.


The party of God strikes fear into the enemies of God aka Zionists. VIVA HEZBOLLAH.

Blas de Lezo

Something tells me the mulas will order Jesbola to lunch a farewell “fireworks” display from Lebanone one day before the Orange clown leaves office.

El Mashi

In a military invasion, Israel has little combat experience unlike Hezbollah and Syrian Arab Army. Israel’s current combat experience is snipers shooting children, women, ambulance drivers from a distance of 200m.

El Mashi

Islam will never surrender to the Crusaders and Muslim traitors……never. Millions long martyrdom to expel Crusaders.

Lazy Gamer

Can we move past religious wars already?

El Mashi

Religious wars will end once Crusader/Nato is expelled from the Middle East. Shalom.

Lazy Gamer

That’s a war on oil, resources, and markets and an important geopolitical rearrangement. Interpreting it as religious gives rise to additional problems not only there but elsewhere

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