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MARCH 2025

Hezbollah Scores Victory In Lebanon’s Parliamentary Elections – Preliminary Results

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Hezbollah Scores Victory In Lebanon’s Parliamentary Elections - Preliminary Results

Aziz Taher/Reuters

Hezbollah and its allies have made major gains in Lebanon’s parliament elections, which took place on May 6.

According to preliminary results, Hezbollah as well as affiliated groups and individuals to it have won at least 67 seats in Lebanon’s 128-member parliament. The May 6 parliamentary elections were held in the country for the first time since 2009. According to authorities, the turnout was 49.2 percent.

Official results of the elections are expected to be announced by Lebanese Minister of Interior and Municipalities Nouhad Machnouk later on May 7 or on May 8.

Meanwhile, Israel’s Minister of Education Naftali Bennett wrote on Twitter “Hezbollah = Lebanon,” stressing that the outcome, which had yet to be confirmed could signal the risk of Israel hitting Lebanon’s government in a future war.

“The State of Israel will not differentiate between the sovereign State of Lebanon and Hezbollah, and will view Lebanon as responsible for any action from within its territory”, Bennett said.

On the same day, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced that they will carry out a military exercise in the western Galilee, near southern Lebanon, late on May 7.

According to a photo appeared online, the IDF also deployed multiple-launch rocket systes in the Israeli-occupied part of Syria’s Golan Heights.

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So, ‘Hezbollah as well as affiliated groups and individuals to it have won at least 67 seats in Lebanon’s 128-member parliament.’ That looks like control of parliament. That looks like end of Lebanon’s compromised governments and given a government with backbone just as Hezbollah has shown it has backbone and can even withstand Israeli military. This means the Middle East is consolidating with governments with the political and military backbone to confound the Talmudist/Zionist plans to trigger Armageddon, obliterate 90% of world population and make the rest the slaves of the ‘shape-shifting’ Khazarians. May God arise and His enemies be scattered!

Paul Barbara

Unfortunately, much though I would like to agree with you, as a Christian I believe the Devil is the Lord of this world (Jesus refers to him (I’d sooner say ‘it’) as such, on at least three occasions in the New Testament. So no, it won’t be likely to succeed, but it will sort the chaff from the wheat. It would clarify where the PTB were leading them (I say them, because some of us already know), and would allow them to do what they could to wake up and oppose the Neo-Con Zionist NWO – One World Gulag, and perpetual war (sacrifices to their ‘God’).

Hind Abyad

Hezbollah protected Christian Shrines in Syria https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16d0e78d86be313c03bd6b171d4bfd85f23f8afe3df34507d69cd3cb4cad6f73.jpg


I Love Hezbollah! God Bless Hezbollah!


Without Hezbollah there would be no Christians in Lebanon as the Wahhabi headchoppers would have taken over by now as per Saudi/Zionist failed plan. Hezbollah has come out much stronger since the Syrian victory. Most of Hezbollah is now out of Syria now and are preparing to defend Lebanon against the Zionists. Hezbollah is much better armed today as well with almost decade of combined arms combat experience gained in Syria.


you a hasbara from israel now pretend to be a christian ? you are no christian based on the lies you spouted in the comment section

Jens Holm

Seemes like You are kind of dis-approved.


This is great news for Lebanon and the Axis of Resistance. Lebanon has not held a real census since Anglo-French imperialist era and now the Shia perhaps are 80% of the population. Hezbollah is popular amongst all Muslims and Christians and without Hezbollah there would be no Lebanon as Zionists and Wahhabi headchoppers would be running amok.

Michał Hunicz

Long Live Hezbollah!


“Ooh-aah Hezbollah”, sing “ooh-aah Hezbollah!”

Paul Barbara

Hmmm, about time Russia took the gloves off, and ‘made available’ Nukes to Iran. Not cricket? No, nor is arming hordes of Jihadists with CW to use (and fake) against Syria, and of course all the other ‘not cricket’ stuff, like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Yugoslavia etc. etc. Sure, so the US/IS/UK ‘Axis of Evil’ could reciprocate, but at least they would know where that would end.


Isnt this cute , papa hasbara’s sock puppet account paul hasbara , spreading lies and trying to inject the falsehood that iran is a threat and russia support the so called threat..

Jens Holm

Parrot dis appprovement again. Hardly big not dwarf to be mentioned in my diary as more like a dirty dot.

Concrete Mike

Dude instead of reading your diary, read grevisse de grammaire or something, your sentence structure is awful.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Christians and Shia united in defense of Monotheist Lebanon! Down with Atheist-Jew-bigots who are genociding every different tribal group on the face of the earth. http://ihr.org/


Hey budd whenever you comment you always mention sectarian stuff, jews this, that, sunnis this, that, shia this, that…the sunnis & shias in Lebanon are united,they both support the resistance ! sunnis & shia in Syria and Iraq both support Bashar AlAssad & the PMU… it’s not a sunni vs shia you idiot ! you sound like a HASBARA TROLL. And when you mention the jews, you need to precisely state that these jews are the talmudic ziononist supremacist so called jews who don’t keep the TURAH, meaning there should be no state for the jews anywhere in the WORLD !


yes basically the hasbara method is to present themselves as anti israel , yet they spread the israeli narrative propaganda in the next sentence.

Jens Holm

Seemes like You only are propaganda Yourself. I have wriiten all here. You are only that Yourself.

Your kind – whatever country or etnicity – should have Your own country and be given a lot of weapons and by that make peace in the world.


Congratulation to Hezbollah and to their alliance on success in 2018 general election. Each coming day for Muslims is a winning day. I have mentioned before that I feel the downfall which have begun of Salmans, Trump, May and Netanyahu.

Jens Holm

They only leave their homes, when the wife is pregnant.


The Zionist’s godfather is UK. The UK Zionists migrated to Palestine and became Israel then Israel spread in whole Middle East and became ISIS and then ISIS occupied Syrian and Iraqi lands and became SDF and Peshmerga.


The Zionist’s godfather is UK.

Very much so.

Mark Burdman’s ”How Britain’s Biggest Racists Created Zionism” sheds tremendous light on the true origin of Modern Zionism.

p.26: http://wlym.com/archive/campaigner/7812.pdf

Jens Holm

Which Mukra Haddith is that ?

Hind Abyad

SDF Alloush stole 47 millions from his party and resigned..went to Wahhabiland.


Yes this is true.


Who have advised fake Israel to illegally migrate to Palestine and then hold all Palestinian nation hostage and oppressed, their godfathers, na. Now all Israel should ready for deportation or face Iranian and Pakistani nuclear missiles.


Iranian nukes? You come out with some bizarre stuff.


everyone , please note this hasbara 101 modus operandi , first he present himself as critic of israel and the in next sentence he lied about existence of iranian nuke , which there is none.

this is the sign of hasbara posting MO. pretend to be against israel while injecting falsehood and lies


Maybe. On the other hand I’ve been surprised at the nonfactual stuff lots of people sincerely believe.

Jens Holm

Even Islam allow to lie too, many think they has to all the time. Could be words like honor and pride should be reformed too.

Jens Holm

Hallo parrot again again. You might be twins. One accident seldom comes as only one.


went the flag, you troll!

Jens Holm

You could ask for a window in Your jail.

Promitheas Apollonious

you are here 24/7 posting mostly trash. Give it a rest and get some sleep.


http://www.palestineportal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Maps_1897-Present.jpg Notice in the left map there is no Israel. After full liberation of Syria all Muslim nations Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Russia, China and Pakistan will come together to liberate Palestine from illegal European migrants Israel by using their own weapons and army units. They will not stay calm until to erect the Palestinian flag on Tel Aviv.

Jens Holm

Vety optimistic. Trump took Jerusalem for You ???

Most of the palestians actually were Syrians. If Syria wants peace with Israel, they shoukld take them back.

So dar Assads has for full replacement of spendable estimated 500.000. At least 5 million Syrians are ourside Syria and only 2 millions are in Lebanon and Jordan. The estimate by that would be, that Assads could take in 3 million more.

Hind Abyad

Maronites were also Syrians, they fled Damascus in 4th century AD to Mount Lebanon, in Syria, from the Nestorian and Jacobite. You look like Zionist no knowledge of Middle East history.


Jens is Danish. :) Denmark has little to shout about these days.


Interesting movie recently about how the Danes used German prisoners-of-war to clear minefields after the cessation of hostilities – in contravention of the Geneva Convention. Everyone has blood on their hands.


Its their Viking heritage Vitex. The baton has been passed to Israelis now :)

Lena Jones

Duh Jen Holm – the WHOLE OF THE LEVANT was for millennia known as GREATER SYRIA!

Greater Syria included present day Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, the Jordan river and a slice of the green part of Iraq: this Greater Syria landmass known otherwise known as the ‘Levant’. Therefore the people of the above mentioned nations are actually historically one people…. till murderous, divisive colonialism struck the Levant like a deadly virus some 500+ years ago.


This map isn’t very accurate. The port of Eliat was not allotted to Israel apart of the 1948 Partition. The 1946 deflates the relative size of the Jewish communities while the 2012 map inflates them. And they do not show Jewish settlement in the Golan or the two Kibbutzim in the Sanai that were abandoned in 1948. The area was not know as Palestine until the British Mandate government (1920-1948) revived the old Latin word for the area. Even then the people were not commonly known as Palestinians until Israel establish military control over the whole area is 1967. Also the grossly oversimplifies the conflict, as many of the decisive battles were fought off the map and consistently wars with regional Arab powers.

Jeth Roderet

Congratulations, Lebanon! The Zios have lost again, like in 2006.

aleksandar jakovljevic

Nice job off one big man, mister Kasim Sulejmani

Gary Sellars

Great result, one that will make the Zio-filth quake with impotent rage :-)

alejandro casalegno

The 1978-2000 occupation, the 2006 war, the rise of Daesh…………the people of Lebanon have two choices: The wahabi-zionist alliance or the Resistance Axis……..

Now the Lebanon make clear where is the power!!!!

Eskandar Black

This means a shooting war with Iran and Israel is imminent.


Maybe. The far right have a tendency to double down when challenged. But they’ve been trying hard for years to destroy or peel off Iran’s allies so they can go after an isolated weakened Iran, and they have clearly failed. There may be more bluster than reality in Israel’s threats–just like for the past 20 years.

Casual Observer

Does this mean Isrevil will now have to think twice about attacking Syria from the skies over Lebanon? I sure hope so.

Jens Holm

Its a matter of missiles and counterattacks.

Java Ape Timelord

I think you are right Jens, it will be a fight of missiles. Who has the best defence, missiles and greatest number of missiles wins.


Communication is being restored between Christians and Muslim after being denied by the Zionist Jews for over 100 years. Jewish media controlled the choke points where all communication between Christians and Muslims mediated to serve the Zionist interests. Christians and Muslims have profound theological differences but we also have a binding belief in God and in morality and believe that God is for all people equally. Our difference revolve around the divinity of Jesus and his sonship to the Father. Also Mohammad is not a prophet in Christianity. Jesus is prophet according to the Muslim Quran. Stepping from these differences, sincere and moral Christians and Muslims recognize our differences but we are willing morally tolerate one another and are willing to provide civil rights to each other in our majority Christian and Muslim nations. The Jews are radically anti-Christ and anti-Christian but always try to deceive the Christian majority that they believe in Jesus as a “prophet”. Modern Talmudic Judaism is 100% anti-Christ and anti-humanity. Only Jews, according to the Talmud, are fully human. The Talmud is the basically the constitution of Israel. They were created and continue to exist through deception and lies. The Christian Zionist movement in America is even more fanatic than the Zionist Jews in Israel. These Ziochristians collaborate, finance and enable the anti-Christ Zionist nation. Lebanon and Syria are two of the few nations who have leaders that understand many of these principles. President Putin of Russia also understands and a growing number of Orthodox Russian are waking up. May the Lord God open up the eyes of the world to these realities according to His own will.

Hind Abyad

Russia owns their Orthodoxy to Syria.


I suppose the Israeli response is within reason. Their policy in Gaza in the past has been to hold Hamas responsible for any cross border attack in order to give them reason to discipline the many splinter factions and sub-factions. In this case the Lebanese government now has a reason to restrain Hezbollah since any significant attacks from them equals Merkavas in Beirut.


Merkavas in Beirut? They tried in 2006. Any reason to think it would go any better this time around? But anyway, 128 – 67 = 61. With 67 seats, Hezbollah + allies have a majority. They are the government, so I don’t think they have a reason to restrain themselves.


No, they did not attempt a full take over in 2006. That was COIN and as always the results were ambiguous. Lebanon has nothing with which to halt an Israeli advance and given their internal divisions they’re as likely to kill each other as anyone else. It’s like saying that Canada could defend itself from the US or that Taiwan could hold off China alone; it’s so ridiculous as to not be considered an option.

If you agree with Israel’s assessment that Hezbollah and Lebanon should be treated as one then that might not go over well for Lebanon, as any Hezbollah attack will result in a large scale retaliation.

Java Ape Timelord

Nonsense. Israel was formed from a terrorist group and continues today to be a terrorist state.


They may not have wanted to go all the way to Beirut. They certainly wanted to go farther than they did. You can say Lebanon has nothing with which to halt an Israeli advance, but the fact remains that Hezbollah alone halted an Israeli advance. I guess they used magic?

Promitheas Apollonious

and the fox when she can not reach the grapes declares them not ripe enough. The upstairs department of yours must be echoing from the wind passing via the empty space between your ears.


I can see Israel’s point. After all, I’m sure Israel would never have allowed notorious terrorists to become part of the Israeli government. Just imagine what an international pariah Israel would have been if their early prime ministers had all been part of the Irgun or the Stern gang or . . . uh, wait a minute . . . (Actually the distinction here is that unlike early Israeli leadership, Hezbollah have very little history of terrorism; most of their activities have been as a fairly conventional, if often insurgency style, armed combatant simply resisting invaders)


Wait, wait, Lebanon isn’t allowed to have elections! Didn’t anyone tell them that Israel has to be the “only democracy in the Middle East” (for maybe half its population)?

Jens Holm

Lebanon is no democrasy at all. Its internal tribe elections in frozen % pr etnicity. I can make sense, but is no democrasy at all.

Hind Abyad

Not your business.


The Lebanese parliament is controlled by Israel and Saudi Arabia. Let these slaves go free.

Promitheas Apollonious

not any more obviously.


If you guys take a look at Merijn’s list.. you’ll know who are those Hasbaras currently just converted into Fake Christian here.. lol..! Real anti racist & Approve are correct..! These bastards will only spread rubbish for few shekels..!


“(for maybe half its population)” your statement got by curiousity up and it led me here:


Travis Kelso

So war, great, awesome just freaking awesome, damn dirty apes.


I’m sure you won’t be saying that when Merkavas enter Beirut.

Promitheas Apollonious

Lebanon already activating its scrap metal business and accepting pre orders in anticipation of the thousands of tons of aluminum and merkavas that be littering his ground. For the meat they have not yet decide what to do with it, dog or cat food.

Concrete Mike

Pig food ;)

Promitheas Apollonious

pigs may eat everything allegedly, but they are very intelligent animals and will not touch defective DNA. Very bad for their health and they know it.


Merkavas in Beirut!!!LOOOOOOLLL!!! Air dropped maybe, lying on their sides :) ! In case you haven’t noticed Israel has given up fighting land wars. Last one in 2006 went right down the drain. No one has forgotten that blown up Merkavas were littering the Lebanese landscape (maybe they still are).


This is what I like to call a voluntary delusion. Or just trolling for fun. Either way, mute.

Concrete Mike

Choose the words you want, a loss is a loss. And your friends will lose again. You warmongers make me sick, but reality will bitch slap you eventually, and when it does…too late.


“…will view Lebanon as responsible for any action from within its territory”, Bennett said.”

LOL. I thought all countries in the world regard other countries responsible for actions taken from their territory!!! (Which BTW is one of the good reasons to NOT join NATO.) Israel pissing themselves again! They just can’t take that foot off their mouth.


Hezbollah is the heart of the Lebanese people. Others including the Lebanese PM are actually agents for foreign powers.

The US/UK/Israel will not let this insult to the Israeli view of Hezbollah go unpunished.


I know this is off topic, but I just read a story by Robert Fisk, which is mostly about a Syria Qatar alliance? But it also mentions possible Israeli intentions to try and grab a part of Syria, using the same argument they used to grab a big chunk of Lebanon back in the 1980’s. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/syria-war-assad-qatar-saudi-arabia-israel-golan-occupation-a8334056.html


“Meanwhile, Israel’s Minister of Education Naftali Bennett wrote on Twitter “Hezbollah = Lebanon,” stressing that the outcome, which had yet to be confirmed could signal the risk of Israel hitting Lebanon’s government in a future war.”

Yesterday it was the minister of energy threatening Iran/Syria. Today it is the minister of education threatening Lebanon. Who is running the government in ghettoland these days? Is everybody vying for bibi’s job? Is bibi on his way out? Has lieberman been sedated, again?


Who is running the government in ghettoland these days?

Israel was created by and for the western oligarchs. Everything about Israel, deep down to its putrid core, is British colonialism. Needless to say, it is them who dictate Israel’s faith.

”The ideologies, mythologies, and geopolitical strategies of the State of Israel, down to the minutest details, are the handiwork of a handful of Britons. In particular there was Orde Wingate, a representative of the Amery and Rothschild interests in the 1930s and a top British intelligence officer in Palestine. Moshe Dayan recently said of Wingate: “I remember Orde Wingate. And I salute him. He taught me and many another Israeli soldier everything we knew.”

p.8-9: “The British Spook who built that Army of Zion” – http://wlym.com/archive/campaigner/7812.pdf


I guess that Jihadi Zionist supporting Jenny Holms boy is crying today given the number of post he spewing, then I wouldn’t expect much from a pathetic Zio Nazi loving Danish shitstain.

Richard M

NATO and FUKUS love democracy, as long as their puppets win. If their puppets don’t win it’s time for military intervention, like in Libya, Ivory Coast, Yemen, etc.

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