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Hezbollah Threatens Israel With A List Of IDF Targets In Urban Areas

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On February 17, Hezbollah’s media wing shared a video showing a number of Israeli military sites located deep within urban areas.

The 2-minute video, which is titled “Oh Zionists, You Have Military and Security Targets Within Your Cities,” carries a direct threat to Israel.

The video lists the following Israeli military positions:

  • The headquarters of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), HaKirya, in the center of Tel Aviv;
  • The headquarters of the IDF Northern Command, Patzan, in the city of Safed;
  • The headquarters of the Galilee Formation’s Eastern Brigade in the city of Qiryat Shemona;
  • The headquarters of the Galilee Formation’s Western Brigade in the city of Shomera;
  • Bat Galim military base near the Rambam Health Care Campus in the city of Haifa;
  • A radar system and a command post near the Stella Maris Monastery in the city of Haifa;
  • The headquarters of the Israel Aerospace Industries next to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv;
  • A military and command post on the rooftop of Haifa University;
  • A radar system and a command post in Rutenberg Power Station;
  • The headquarters of the Israel Military Industries, IMI Systems, near Tel Aviv’s Metropolitan Area.

The video ends with a recent statement by Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, in which he threatens Aviv Kochavi, Chief of General Staff of IDF, with a “total war.”

“We are not looking for a confrontation, nor for a war … If you strike a city, we will strike a city, and if you strike towns we will strike settlements,” Nasrallah said. “You do what you wish and we do what we wish … No one can guarantee that the short war wont slid into a total war.”

Two days ago, the Israeli Air Force concluded a widespread military drill simulating the war with Hezbollah. Israeli pilots trained to hit 3,000 targets a day.

Hezbollah’s video is clearly meant to send a message to Israel, which has been threatening Lebanon for a few years now. Any action by Tel Aviv could provoke a full-scale war.


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John Wallace

Legitimate targets and collateral damage is just part and parcel of the game .. Question . If civilians assist in the war effort are they then also legitimate targets. Of course they are.

Great Khan

Jew rat kill Lebanese brother,,,,Hezbollah warrior kapushki Azrael tower,,,,,Jew rat buy big diaper,,,haha

Cray Brand

Great Khan is 100% CORRECT! Jew Diapers are filling fast as we speak! Tel Aviv smell of shit. Resistance is STRONK :)

Great Khan

Merci brother,,,,,Great Khan know these things,,,,,Zionist order shipload of big diaper hahaha

Jens Holm

But they export it to Hesbollah, so they the Jews better.

Its like food the Hesh says and it keep us warm.

Just Me


Just Me

US air defenses fail again in Iraq

Rockets hit US base and airport in Erbil after defense systems failed to activate or does not work

The audacious attack on the US military base at Erbil – in the Kurdistan region of Iraq – and the nearby Erbil airport illustrates once again that US defenses against rocket attacks are inadequate and, for the most part, don’t work.

As far as can be determined, Erbil was defended by a US Patriot air defense system and a C-RAM rapid fire gun system there to protect the Patriot.

Jens Holm

Much as the Great Khan himself recycle own diapers to keep his eays, ears and mouth warm.

Lazy Gamer

IF it comes down to this, maybe at least the UN can oversee an immediate 24 hr evac on both sides. I think this is going to be very bloody(think about the “fertilizer explosives” at the port, and Iran’s breakaway capabilities) , the high ground must at least be taken for historical purposes on both sides. Israel however has shelters already built in so i guess their casualties will be lower.

Jens Holm

Some do that mopre or less themself.

When SDF took Manbij and Raqqa its was well descriebed. In Manbij the old county leadership came back armed and their main job was to open 2 roads for refugees comming out. They also was there because they pr tradition until then didnt trust YPG.

The last Raqqa phase was exact same thing. The SDF and USA made safe ways in and out and here USA used smart bombs for removing the ones from ISIS they could.

When the civilians was gone – apart from the ISIS ones – there were no mercy and big bombs was used on the last hard protected defence facilities.

And yes Israel pr definition protect their civilians very well in all levels. Jews are not spendables.

UN are decided to be too weak. they only can try a litlle here and there. None form other countries want to protect people, which kill the UN units.


Those civilains are descended from invading terrorists who migrated to Paletine under British Ziocorporate machinations. That’s why the Zioterrorist West gave them nukes and that air force.

Jens Holm

I partly agree with Wallace in this. If military foroes against me actually hide among civilians, they should not rest among them in te same kind of vclothe open the kiosk or feed their animals.

So its a matter of trying to avoid.

According the old cartoon Asterisqe and Obelix the Romans took England, because the Romans didnt respect the Brittish didnt fight in weekends:)


I pegged you right as a shyster didn’t I….?…….lol

Blas de Lezo

Yup just like them 1million+ NaziCivilians during the allied strategic bombing of Germany.

Jens Holm

Many forget that it was west as USA and GB which eroded down the German production, infrastructure and fuel. That included a lot of civilians too.

Im mixted to that and not against.

Just Me

Pisrael is all bluff and arrogance and the dumbA$$ Jews are now petrified of Hezbollah as Hezbollah can cause mucho pain.

Jens Holm

Its so funny reading this again and again. They and we are not like that at all.

We are nice people. Some people here tell Monsanto should eliminatre Hesbollah, but they inspaire many to be nice to animals and severaal of them becomes zoopkeepers too.

Hesbollas also are studies, because they now are able to dig deeper then ISIS – and has too. Some might not know, but ISIS has digged a tunnel for Israel and SDF. It brings in water to the dry land in SDF from the arsbs at the Westbank.


oh so now you’re the IDF?…..finally came out of your shell didn’t you? ya little turd cutter….lol

Zionism = EVIL

I had posted a detailed analysis of Hezbollah 3:0 (post Syrian conflict) a few years ago. There is no question that Hezbollah now has the capability to wage 5GW precision C3I based asymmetrical conflict against any opponent. The Zionist criminal cowards only tactic is to kill unarmed women and children with dumbarse Americunt loser supplied cluster bombs and other banned weapons indiscriminately. However, Hezbollah now can match and better the ZionistCUNTS in every field. Hezbollah is better armed and battle tested than almost all NATO armies, bar Turkey, which it has no intention of fighting and Turkish goals are pretty much aligning with Iran as the new Astana rounds amply show. The next conflict in the region will be over Golan and then all of Occupied Palestine and Hezbollah will teach the Zionist child killers and thing or two.

Simon Ndiritu

long time brother, welcome back! any news?

King Cliff

Israel is a terrorist states and they as evil as they claim nazis Germany was.

Jens Holm

Never heard before. Did Ypu invent it by Yourself yesterday:)


you a shyster jens Mohammad of Morocco. Your daddy Moroccan right? Come on now……fess up ya shyster…..lol

Great Khan

Hezbollah brother STRONK! Jew rat kismish next war,,,,,,haha ha,,,,,,,Jew rat city kapushkin mamtu …..

Jens Holm

Hesbollah in those matters are adding support from USA and sympathy from Europe.

As long as Israel dont remove them, they wont come here.


Frankly, Hezbollah word is gold, it will destroy the Zionists in Occupied Palestine and the cowardly child killers know it.

Jens Holm

Maybee flying pann cakes as freesbees can do it if the jwes dont open their mouths:)


Be ready kazars ,,paid time is coming…S,O,B

Jens Holm

You are from Ghosbusters:)

Neo Galt

Wow, X-mas couldn’t come soon enough! :-)

Adam Prisbit

LOL THEY WISH! Iron dome will shoot them all down, and David’s Sling , patriot PAC-3 will deal with the rest.

IDF will be eliminating 300 hezb fighters each day, and hitting 3000 targrets daily with airstrikes. That means over 150 IDF fighter plane will be in air 24 hours over lebanon sky smashing terrorists!

Blas de Lezo

Useless now that Biden has withdrawn Trumps restoration of UN sanctions on Iran. You gonna get eventually nukedkikel.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, DIPSHIT even by Jew standards you are the dumbest hasbara punk so far :)


Says the punk standing on the shoulders of midgets

cechas vodobenikov

another dimwit CIA employee biscuit brain at SF ice cream dome can’t even intercept 70 year old katussha rockets from Gaza

Jens Holm

Shekels has inflation.

Jens Holm

Very optimistic. There are not that many targets as well.

Arch Bungle

Iron Doom can hardly take out hamas’ bottle rockets.

It’s got no chance of doing anything to a saturation attack by a combination of dumb, smart, guided and decoys launched from Gaza, Syria, Lebanon and Iran.

Moreover, while Iron Doom is active it presents a hazard to outgoing strikes leaving israel to counter strike.

Moreover, falling debris from Iron Doom’s missiles present a hazard to jewish population centers.

Iron Doom is a double-edged sword – and the sharp blade is on the reverse side.

klove and light

Israeli pilots trained to hit 3,000 targets a day….

utter nonsense

2 strikes per minute !!!! in their wildest zionist dreams

John Wallace

A takeoff or landing every two minutes 24 hrs a day needed at all their airbases needing to refuel and rearm .Logistically impossible.


Kochavi knows ….

The Future is About to Land ….

John Wallace

In the future you may get a brain but that appears to be highly unlikely. Got to get the barb out of your mouth first.. :-))


Humour? Leave it to others

John Wallace

What humor. !!

Arch Bungle

The Jews are known for lying with numbers for more than a thousand years.

No surprise.


Good better best Never let them rest Until good is better and better is best

John Tosh

Scary….. This is a game changer!

Proud Hindu

Hezbollah doesnt have the manpower A lot were killed in syria

Arch Bungle

You know nothing about how many were killed in Syria, cow-banger.

Jens Holm

Ha ha. Hesbollahs are easy to find. Most of tthem only has one leg and parts of their population are more fat then the Americans.

They even use dollars as currency.

Shia man

Zionist words honestly hold no weight anymore. Lately reading your comments just makes me burst out laughing. That’s why I don’t bother to reply to you jokesters but this one made me laugh hard. So I had to tell you how I feel about you guys. But I also noticed many peoples attitudes towards you cowards has been the same as mine.

Jens Holm

Thansks for reading t, even it was a mistake.


This coming from a Shia scumbag?


cechas vodobenikov

jens needs less LSD, more rehab only turks/mexicans rival amerikans in obesity except for a few small nations: UAE, Tonga, etc

Jens Holm

Its very impressing You can resist learning anything that much. Moses would be proud.

cechas vodobenikov

bombing doesn’t matter except in open desert—amerika bombs everywhere and loses all wars—today more than half Afghan territory under Taliban control….matchstick Israel can be lit on fire by hizbollah


How did the Russians do prior to the American intervention?

Remind me …

Bomb Muslims … don’t step inside except to ‘take out’ an asset

They’re not worth it … eh?

Arch Bungle

‘israel’ is sitting on one big kosher nuclear hazard. Hezbollah can nuke israel with it’s own materials if it so wishes:

Dimona is not only Israels nuclear weapons forge but the tanks attached to the reprocessing plant are also Israels only storage facility for nuclear waste.

Dimona has been built in the 50’s to the safety and environmental standards of that era.

Already once in 2004 the Israeli authorities had to issue Iodine pills to it’s residents in that area.

They supposedly have built 250-300 thermonukes, requiring they make/acquire a lot of reactor-produced weapons grade Pu-239 and tritium, plus a lot of breeder reactor grade U-235/238 fuel to make the Pu from.

That process generates a whole bunch of both high-level as well as low level nuke processing waste, which means the Dimona environs has its own mini-versions of Hanford, Savannah River, Rocky Flats, etc Superfund sites, surrounded in close proximity by [not very effective] Bedouin and

Palestinian ‘human [radiation] shields’.

Radio-iodine is a short-lived fission product (I-125 longest; t1/2 = 60 days), so if Israeli health authorities were passing out KI pills in 2004, that suggests the Dimona nuke weapons reactors were still running then, at least to some extent.

But given the small geographic size of occupied Palestine, large scale Pu and Tritium production at Dimona in the 21st century is too much of a health risk even to Israelis.


a couple of sneak missile attacks on a few of those targets might change the minds of the war criminals in tel aviv and elsewhere in the illegally occupied palestine – truth is that the jews can’t really start a war since they are far too few and far too weak to accomplish anything of lasting value and thus these pin pricks attack on the neighbours over and over again – conclusion is, as ususal, there is no need for the jews, in palestine or elsewhere and thus red list them and then on to the list of extinct specie – like the dodo-bird, great larf for all around.


Great …. your mood is changing … pmsl


One day Israel will be held to account for its hypocrisy, treachery, duplicity and moral depravity.


One day …

Arch Bungle

This is happening right now before our very eyes.

‘israel’ will fall to the Palestinians within 9 years.

chris chuba

Israel using human shields? Never. Only Arabs do that and that is why Israel has to bomb populated areas.


200,000 dead Lebanese in the first 48 hours … the blitzkreig will be unrelenting … 3000 missions / targets per day

The Future is About to Land …


And then you’d be either dead under the rubble or in NJ……lol


Mai leh

Arch Bungle

I’ve been saying for years how israel is one big human shield.

What else would one call importing massive populations of civilians to disperse over occupied ground in an active conflict zone?

Cheryl Brandon



the jews are as usual at their wits end and know they don’t stand a chance if and when it comes to direct confrontation and the only way to stay somewhat relevant in the middle east to keep the disunited states of A in the middle east, and doing so, with one ruse after the other, all being typically directed against Iran and the motive, the ulterior motive is to drag the the disunited states of exceptional idiots, into a hot war against Iran and that is the only way now that the gulf statelets more or less have declared that sure united front against Iran but no way a hot war, knowing fully well that that would be the end of the statelets.

Leif Manson

It’s my understanding that the command bunker in the cave complex near Elijah’s cave at Stella Maris was abandoned in the 70’s and returned to the Carmelite monks in the 80s. It looked to me like they ended their video with Megiddo Junction.

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