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Hezbollah Vows To Regularly Shoot Down Israeli Drones That Violate Airspace Of Lebanon

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Hezbollah Vows To Regularly Shoot Down Israeli Drones That Violate Airspace Of Lebanon

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary-General Naim Qassem, Source: almanar.com.lb

Hezbollah will continue to target Israeli drones violating Lebanon’s airspace in order to deter Tel Aviv, the group’s Deputy Secretary-General Naim Qassem said during an interview with the al-Nour Radio on February 5.

Qassem was answering a question about a recent incident, in which an Israeli drone flying over southern Lebanon was targeted with an anti-aircraft missile. The incident took place on February 3. Qassem’s remarks indicate that the missile was launched by Hezbollah.

“This attack [on the drone] comes within the framework of a clear equation, and it is a part of deterrence with the Israeli enemy,” Qassem said.

The leader went on to stress that Hezbollah will maintain the current rules of engagement in Lebanon in order to keep Israel deterred.

“The Zionist enemy is in a permanent state of aggression, and we must remain present in the arena as a resistance that prevents Israel from achieving its goals and protects the land and the independence,” said Qassem. “Hezbollah has affirmed that any Israeli aggression against Lebanon gives the legitimate right to respond.”

The February 3 incident was not the first instance in which Hezbollah opened fire at Israeli drones flying over Lebanon. On October 31 of 2019, a similar incident took place.

More than a year ago, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah vowed to shot down Israeli drones over Lebanon. Qassem’s remarks indicate that the group intends keep this promise.


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johnny rotten

With the Jews there is no solution, what is theirs is theirs what is your is theirs, by divine mandate, either you knock them down or they attack like crabs at your balls.


Jews/Zionists/Israelis are the ‘real targets’ … you’re a f/kn liar


Nazis weren’t a bigger problem for the world than US/UK Ziocorporate terrorist filth.


The enemy is ‘the Jew’ … which has morphed into the Zionists in the 21st Century

Ergo … the IHRA definition for anti-Judaism Hate


“Read. If you’re able to of course.” ==> I for one can confirm from repeated experiences that the dude has major issues at that level. Be warned Ali.


There are 61,300,000 people in Iran and the Jews are 8,300 or 0.1%. They do not deserve anything because they are a negligible number. The reason why Iran or any other country caters to them is because they would go to the US to complain. A country that has no Jews living in it is a blessed country. In the United States, then used to refer to them as the crying babies.


Tokenism …

1 Jew in parliament … hello?

In Israel it’s proportional representation … equality … full stop

Hasbara Hunter

Devilworshipping Paedophile Khazarian Sabbatean Dönmeh ZioNazis are the real problem…their God is Ba’al, Baphomet, Dajjal, Devil, Moloch, whatever you prefer….the more Blood they Sacrifice the better it is…


Didn’t mean to wake you … now go back to sleep … NOW


Gallup 2014: 93% of US Jews said they supported “Israel”.

Gallup 2019: 95% of US Jews said they supported “Israel”.



Exodus 33:2-3 It is a land rich with milk and honey, and I will send an angel to force out those people who live there—the Canaanites, the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. I would go with my people, but they are so rebellious that I would destroy them before they get there.

Exodus 34:11 I will force out the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, but you must do what I command you today.

Exodus 34:24 I will force the nations out of your land and enlarge your borders. Then no one will try to take your property when you come to worship me these three times each year.

Numbers 32:21 You also agreed to cross the Jordan and stay with the rest of the Israelites, until the Lord forces our enemies out of the land.

Numbers 33:52 you must force out the people living there. Destroy their idols and tear down their altars.

Arch Bungle

The bible speaks about the Hebrews, Helen. The Hebrews are extinct, gone long ago. The ‘Jews’ are the residue leftovers of their long-dead religion.


Zionism is based on Judaism 100%!

Ben Gurion testimony to Peel Commission – 1937

I say on behalf of the Jews that the Bible is our Mandate, the Bible which was written by us, in our own language, in Hebrew, in this very country. That is our Mandate. Our right is as old as the Jewish people. It was only the recognition of this right which was expressed in the Balfour Declaration and the Mandate. It is stated in the Mandate that it recognizes the right of the Jewish people to reconstitute their National Home.

Ben Gurion letter to French general Charles De Gaulle 12/06/1967

When a British royal commission came to Jerusalem at the end of 1936 to weigh the future of the Mandate, I said to it: “Our Mandate is the Bible.” It was from the Bible that we drew the strength to withstand a hostile world and to perpetuate our faith that we would one day return to our land and that peace would reign in the world.

Chaim Weizmann at the UN on 8-Jul-1947

Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Balfour were deeply religious men and knew the Bible, knew the value of the Bible and the effect the Bible had on the character and on the life of the British nation, and they could not help and were only too glad to connect this influence with the others of the Bible or with the nation in the midst of whom the Bible was born.


One word is used by Jews over and over again to explain why the they wanted to go to Palestine and that word was “return”. Theodor Herzl said that he could summarize Zionism as the return of the Jews to Palestine. In 1896, he wrote in his diaries that he was offering a lot of money to the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in exchange for allowing the Jews to return home. The Christian World somehow believed that Europeans were actually the descendants of the Israelite. That is why I focus my attention on DNA, because once I mention DNA, they will be looking for a place to hide.


What you see below was communication from the US ambassador in Constantinople to the Secretary of State on June 26, 1877. As you can see, they were referring to them as “Jews”, “Hebrews” and “Israelite” in that very same document.

“The number of Israelites in Turkey is variously estimated.”

“Justice to the Turks requires me to say they have treated the Jews much better than have some of the western powers of Europe.”

“to observe carefully the condition of the Hebrews within their consular district.”


Ashok Varma

Hezbollah are the quiet achievers of the region. You should learn from them and stop trolling for effect. You are on multiple websites with desperate attention seeking posts, to no avail no less.


Your point?


These predators also believe they are the direct descendants of the Israelite and they consider Palestine to be their homeland. These people do not seem to realize that they live in Palestine not because they have a right but because they have security forces that are heavily armed. Let us say that Palestine becomes independent and they would start requesting all foreigners to get out. How do you think these predators are going to react? They would never voluntarily want to get out and who was it that they let them in in the first place? Not the Palestinians. In their own religious belief, their Messiah must first arrive in Palestine before they could have their own state. So the issue for them is the timing.


Aww … as an Arab you feel powerless … you’re disrespected … treated like a criminal … a terrorist … while the Jews keep winning at EVERYTHING … life’s not fair … eh?

ver geharget

Ashok Varma

Actually, it is the other way around. Zionists are now official terrorists as ICC can investigate their war crimes against the Palestinians.


Hamas and the PA are being investigated as well … let’s see how it plays out

Just Me

Naim Qassem is an intellectual the brains behind Hezbollah asymmetrical warfare strategy and he is a quiet man of few words like his friend General Ghaani of the Quds force. He means every word and Hezbollah has been dropping Zionist drones like flies and even the Zionist cowards manned flights now fire stand off missiles off the Lebanese coast. It is matter of time that even a Zionist jet will be downed. Hezbollah has very effective SAM systems and General Ghaani toured South Lebanon last week with Sheikh Naim Qassem and the area is flooded with Hezbollah.



Israeli paper laments ‘drones dropping like flies in enemy territory’

The Jerusalem Post has lamented that “Israeli military drones are dropping like flies” in the Lebanese and Palestinian territories, as resistance forces gain momentum in their defense against the regime intrusions.


The latest drone was brought down almost intact

Four military drones belonging to the Zionist regime were downed on three consecutive days this week, setting a new record for Palestinian and Lebanese resistance forces who took responsibility for the incidents. Hezbollah downed two Zionist armed drones in a 24 hour period and then handed over the captured cameras, weapons and data to Iran for analysis and counter measures development.

Ashok Varma

Quite embarrassing for the Zionists as the window is closing on them. For a decade they had been boasting to “expel Iran” from Syria, and the opposite has happened.


Will this evolve into shooting down the terrorist Ziojew warplanes that violate Lebanon’s airspace daily? Iran should take not too long to reverse-engineer and improve on the S300 that Russia finally delivered after having voted for anti-Iran UN sanctions. The Zioterrorist threat won’t be contained otherwise.

Fog of War

No it wont, just the drones.


Reverse engineering Tor would be effective as well.


Hezbollah are on ‘the back foot’ ever since the ‘finger pointing’ of the Beirut Port Bombing … and the news is only getting worse for Nasrallah and co with the economic collapse and hunger starts creeping in on real lives …

‘dem belly full but we hungry a hungry mob is an angry mob’

Bob Marley

The Future is About to Land ….

Steve Standley

Hezbollah should shoot down everything Israel sends into their air space.


They need a little more hardware and specialized radars. It would be ideal if they have effective firepower up to 10,000 meters, cutting off the corridor Israeli aircraft use to enter Lebanese air space.

Steve Standley

Israel and the US do everything in their power to prevent Lebanon from receiving anything to defend themselves against Israel’s illegal actions. I expect Iran, China, or Russia will eventually overcome this.


I was not referring to Lebanon.


They vow 7/24. Nothing happens ,

Golan is still under ısraeli occupation since decades and will be very officially annexed very soon . But no worries , Hezbullah will vow to free Golan heights and Mr Ali from primary school class 2-C will write bravery poems telling us how iranian militia will get golan back with in 22nd century.


take out trespassing jew soldiers and lamp.post them publicly. will be fun to watch when netanyahu has a monster fit and ends up in he asylum.


We are getting closer to send both him and Nasrallah to meet Allah, 150K IDF troops just wait for an order to open their asses. Give us a reason to do it.

Furkan Sahin

you talk too much but no action When will war between Gaza and Israel come?


He is just a attention seeking brat, who lives in his mother’s basement, what kind of an action do you expect from the wanker? besides a hand job :)


No action?

Weekly action in Syria even reported on SF … hello?

The Future is About to Land …

Just Me

LOL, just a little boy talking.


Hezbollah vows? lol

That fat stinking Shia braggart … is dead man walking … hello?

‘The gang that couldn’t shoot straight’ might be great against Arab Jihadis in Syria … but the full force of the IDF?

We’ll see about that … eh?

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