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Hezbollah Weapons Depot In South Lebanon Explodes Due To “Technical Error”

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Hezbollah Weapons Depot In South Lebanon Explodes Due To "Technical Error"

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On September 22nd, a powerful explosion took place in southern Lebanon causing panic.

Initial reports were conflicting with some saying it was a gas station exploding, while others said it was a Hezbollah weapons depot, reportedly struck by Israel.

The most recent reports are by Reuters and Al Jazeera.

Reuters cited an anonymous source that said it was simply a “technical error,” at a weapons depot.

Hezbollah’s media office told Al Jazeera the explosion was caused by a “technical error” at their arms depot, which sent a huge column of black smoke into the sky…

“This explosion was at a house that stored weapons – result of technical error. No one was killed or injured. The building belonged to a Hezbollah affiliated de-mining association,” Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr, reporting from Beirut, said.

The explosion rocked the village of Ain Qana in south Lebanon, a region that is a political stronghold of Hezbollah.

Another security source said Hezbollah had set up a security cordon around the blast site, about 50 km south of Beirut. Journalists were prevented from approaching the area.

There was no immediate statement from Hezbollah. The group’s television channel Al Manar said in a news broadcast that the cause of the blast was still not clear.

Footage from the area broadcast by Al-Jadeed showed men walking over scorched ground littered with debris. Damage was shown in an adjacent house where the floor was covered in glass and what appeared to be a pool of blood.

There are numerous videos showing the aftermath.


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“Technical error” is the alias of the mossad agent?:)))

Free man

There is no doubt that they have creative lies.

Traiano Welcome

The Occupation, on the other hand, has lies which are not creative at all.




Traiano Welcome

Tik. tok. motherfucker …


The Clampdown is underway …

Traiano Welcome

Tik tok little jew. Tik tok. You’re due for another holocaust.


It won’t be a Holocaust …. lol

Your ilk have been trying since …. without success … eh?

The difference is Jews are sovereign … they have defended themselves …. since they realize they MUST … eh?

The Arabs are feeling the boot heels on their collective necks … 8:47 minutes tick tock

Traiano Welcome

It will be a Holocaust. It has always been a Holocaust. It was a holocaust in the 1940s. It was many little holocausts for 1000 years of European history. It was Holocaust when Caesar butchered the jews on Masada and tumbled Jerusalem into the dirt. It was a holocaust when Pharoah carried the jews into slavery. It was a holocaust when the Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem and made the men of judah servents, and the women of judah prostitutes to the men of Babylon.

This time, unlike before, there will be no return to Jerusalem for the jew.


Will you come and remove us you brave Traiano? or do you want to send others? personally I don’t mind killing both of you, but it seems like the army doesn’t need me for now. Too bad.

Traiano Welcome

Triggered, snowflake?


Nope, it just shows that many Israeli youths still choose to go and serve in combat / special units, thus I am not needed (for now). We all have one common goal, to wipe out your terrorisitc friends when we get the order.

Traiano Welcome

You’ll never be needed. In the thick of battle you’ll be in your moms basement talking smack online.


Am I? so you want to come here and test it?

Traiano Welcome

Sure. Why not.


Wow …. the HATE is strong in this slug … eh?

Boasting like an Arab … lol

The thing is … like a phoenix … the Jews persevered and thrived … eh?

They were without their ancient Homeland but are the ONLY ancient people to have gained it back … eh?

The Muslims rose up BUT have been on a downward spiral for 1000 Years …. they ain’t rising again … Global Warming and the internecine wars will see to that … eh?

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis are sovereign … they have a capable crew … I’m comforted by that … eh?

Besides …. those attempting to harm them have been killed …

I’m keeping score … eh?

Whose winning so far?


Traiano Welcome

Blah blah blah. So many words. All in vain. Tik tok …


Roasting in ovens … lol

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis are doing the cooking these days … eh?

Tick Tock …

Traiano Welcome

Not really. They’re on life support and their pinprick actions aren’t changing things much.

Now you know why the holocaust is a cyclical event. Time to prune the weeds again :-)



Life support? Seems to me Israel and the Jewish People are thriving …

Time to ‘mow the grass’ in Gaza / WB / Syria ? lol

Anytime is a ‘good time’ … the slugs deserve it … eh?


Traiano Welcome

I give israel 9 years.

This is my prophecy: Within 9 years, the zionist regime’ of israel will have fallen to the Palestinians.

Tik. tok.



9 years …. So 81 years after they said NO ? lol


Traiano Welcome

This roughly follows the lifespan of previous crusader occupations of Jerusalem:

“Jerusalem was conquered by the Christian First Crusade in 1099, after it had been under Muslim rule for 450 years. It became the capital of the Christian Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, until it was again conquered by the Ayyubids in 1187. ”

“For the next forty years, a series of Christian campaigns (the Third, Fourth and Fifth Crusades) attempted in vain to retake the city, until Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor leading the Sixth Crusade successfully negotiated its return in 1229.”

“In 1244, the city was taken by Khwarazmian troops. After 1260 the Ayyubid realm including Jerusalem was taken over by the Mamluks of Egypt and the city was gradually rebuilt during the later 13th century, while the shrinking coastal Crusader state was gradually defeated until its final demise in 1291.”

A century at best, a few decades on average.

The wheel of Dharma turns for all.

Tik. Tok.


Dharma … shmarma lol

Muslim supremacist … f/k you

You Arabs will rue the day y’all crossed the Jews/Zionists/Israelis


Traiano Welcome

Dharma is a sophisticated Buddhist concept you uneducated jewish beetroot.

I’m not Arab, but it’s understandable that an unschooled cretin like yourself wouldn’t be able to infer that from our discourse thus far.

No matter, it’s fun watching you drown in your own misconceptions.


Buddhist … shmudist

Yer a f/kn anti-Judaism Hater of the worst order

Self-immolate yourself ….


Traiano Welcome

Buddhism is a far more advanced technology than your kooky, stone age religion called joodaism.

Don’t you have some childrens foreskins to lop of ?


Again …. a weird vibe emanating from Y’all




Crusaders had NO business being in Jerusalem … full stop

Other than to avenge the upstart ‘religion of peace’ taking the Holy Land … eh?

The Jewish People are the raison d’être for the existence of the Holy Land’s importance to Mankind … full stop

After WWI, the Holy Land was restored to the Jewish People … Mission Accomplished

Traiano Welcome

You can “full” stop all you want, but the full stop will not be written by you, or your kind.

Just as the crusaders did not belong there, the new crusaders, the Anglo-Saxon elites of London, do not belong there.

After WW2, Palestine was occupied using a race of inbred whites of largely Ashkenazi and Slavic origin.

The Anglo-Saxon elites of England realised they could create a fictional race, based on the extinct Hebrews, claiming that this rabble of white colonists were a semitic people who originated in the middle east.

The same garbage was believed by the white Afrikaner if Africa. They believed the land had been gifted to them by god. Like them, the Jewish ‘Afrikaner’ will find that he has no place in Palestine either.

Like the white man in Africa, the white man in Palestine will also be booted out without a single shot.

My prophecy again: 9 years.


Wow …. really weird sh Xt coming out of your Axx


Traiano Welcome

I take it you’ve hit your intellectual limit then. Good. I accept your surrender.


Remember the six hundred and sixty six gorillion ZOGling whiggroid spam-mamzers turned to ash by the ungrateful goyim, who refuse to recognize God’s own special chosen poople and fail to submit to their militant tikkun-olam.

Traiano Welcome


Free man

There is no point in wasting time and energy on low IQ psychopaths . They only know how to write about killing and blood in their limited and distorted way. This guy is welcomed only in a psych ward.

Traiano Welcome

You seem to waste energy around the clock though … You seem more like the ‘low iq psycopath’ you describe.


Excuse me for barging in, but what holocaust? The shoah business?

Traiano Welcome

Yes. The periodic Shoah that happens periodically for more than 2000 years.

Free man

The genocide your regime is planning.

Free man

Who is occupying Lebanon? Do you mean Hezbollah?

Traiano Welcome

Whose talking about Lebanon? Idiot.

Free man

” Idiot” – Am I supposed to read your mind? Do not answer me, because this is the last time I will answer you.

Traiano Welcome

You can barely read your own mind, how will you read mine? Imbecile.


Lashing out Buddhist? lol

How very Arab/Muslim if YOU …



very iikely just so – mossad again-close down the jews in palestine and send them onto their next diaspora of 5000 years.


who would do that


It appears to be minor incident and most likely an accident caused by improper handling of unstable shells.


even the most minor incident can in most cases be attributed to the jews – with the same certainty as a stone will fall to the ground if you drop it!


The lack of secondary explosions indicate a minor incident,. perhaps old shells from the 2006 Zionist defeat detonated as Hezbollah is rearming and restructuring in the region. It was confined to a single house.

Free man

Technical error = gas leak = welder error = lies (-;

Servet Köseoğlu

technical error https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/63be0fcedefc17310413930bda812c30eaf188eb562cc348da9b066d0c0edd25.gif :someone played with crackers around arms depot..oh my gosh…

Free man

Or another fireworks display.

Servet Köseoğlu

both ways works for me..np

Free man

One side is speaking and the other side is doing. Israel is still waiting for Hezbollah’s very harsh response. LOL.

Potato Man

You get a child sooner than others as how impatience you are LMFAO. Calm down cowboi

“Have patience with all things, but first of all with yourself.” Don’t worry Free Ape you forgot Zion crying for 9+ years like bitches (Iran making nukes). Jens is moron but you are a salty bitch and nothing more. LOL But hey the irony is in your name, (I’m not judging tho).


Shia a$$hole was responsible for creation of pakistan.How can I not hate these mutah bastards!


Suspicion does fall onto the US/israeli alliance; this sort of incidents are becoming far too common and regular and it appears that they got the goods at this stage on Hezbollah and Iran. Be interesting to see what the repercussions are going to be.


Death and Destruction of Lebanon will be complete should Hezbollah attack …. full stop

‘NO PRISONERS’ … with apologies to Lawrence of Arabia

Traiano Welcome

Well, if anyone had any doubts, it’s pretty clear Hezbollah has firepower. Though a little of it just went for ‘R&D’ …


So the Beirut Port and the South Lebanon were ‘R&D’ … pmsl

Wow … you’re gonna look back in anger when the ‘Truth hits YOU between the eyes’ …

A plague on you … eh?

Well Covid is here … lol



But..butt..Hezbollah are strong and we are scared… When do they respond? still waiting.

Shia man

When you come back to the front line cowards you idf rats are still hiding Lol sending remote controlled vehicles and Dolls lmao. You will eventually come back Out and be dealt with accordingly.


You can respond with rockets for example, but you don’t. You know why? because we are waiting to open your asses when we come for you, just give us a reason to do so.

Shia man

Be careful what you wish for. You are only adding to your inevitable punishment. “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.”


You don’r scare me, you think you’re the only one who has faith in their goals? make a move and see what happens to you and your villages.


Front lines?

YOU mean underground lairs … lol

BURIED like Nasrallah the vampire hiding since 2006?

Oh …. we see you alright

Fog of War

So many technical errors in Lebanon recently.

cechas vodobenikov

speculation—a pseudo event

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