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MARCH 2025

Hezbollah “Will Not Remain Silent” If Israeli Involvement In Beirut Blast Confirmed

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Hezbollah "Will Not Remain Silent" If Israeli Involvement In Beirut Blast Confirmed

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Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on August 14 that the movement “will not remain silent on the crime of bombing the Port of Beirut if it is proven that Israel is behind it.”

According to Nasrallah, Hezbollah would wait for results of an investigation into the Beirut port explosion and if it turns out to be an act of sabotage by Israel then it would “pay an equal price”.

“Hezbollah is concerned with the direct security of the resistance, and we are not able to assume full responsibility for national security with its internal dimension,” he noted.

The leader of Hezbollah made this statement during the televised speech, in which he noted that the two theories under investigation were that either an accident due to negligence, or sabotage caused the explosion of warehoused ammonium nitrate.

The August 4 blast in the Beirut port killed at least 172 172 people and injured 6,000 others. The damage to the city left about 300,000 homeless.


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I would be really surprised that IsraHell is not somehow involved in that explosion. I just don’t believe in coincidence and accident. And all that sudden mass involvement and pressure from the West to blackmail change in political scene of Lebanon. Everything just stinks like well prepared and executed set up to remove Hezbollah as principal danger for IsraHell

Thomas Simeon

did they respond when their soldier was killed in syria? even if isreal is behind the attack, the will do nothing. they should just stick to threats. if syria cannot do anything while their troops keep being killed by isreal, what makes them think they can do something


Hezbollah can and will “do something” and they will stick to their promise.

If they have already promised to do something in the case they find some kind of proof of Israeli involvement they surely will do that. Attack of that size must be answered.

They will also make pay IsraHell for their martyred soldier in due time.

Everybody who knows Hezbollah knows that.

Jens Holm

Thats fiction.

Thomas Simeon

They did not do anything about the last action of isreal, so don’t expect anything even if isreal did do something in labanon

Zionism = EVIL

I would not be that sure. Just watch the next few years. This is a long term strategic game and Iranians are the masters.

Peter Jennings

Hezbollah not only have the isreali apartheid regime to deal with. They also have the US/UK/nato/suadi involvement in the whole region who see them as terrorists. The ‘country’ of isreal was created as an outpost for western adventurism into the middle east. This has been the aim since the first crusades. When the majority of americans know the truth of Sept 11th, what happens then?

There will be a day of reckoning when the apartheid regime in isreal finds itself on its own with no real help coming. Netty the yahoo knows this and so does his much abused neighbours and rational isreali’s who hate his guts too.

Jens Holm

It dont take Jews there 6 years to detonate something in Beirut.

Even emmigrant swimmers which cant swim are that slow.


Only you are “that slow” because you never get anything right. Israeli’s are evil but they are not stupid. They have used

that opportunity when they were convinced it would be the best moment for them to do it.

Jens Holm

I see none of that. UAE and Israel has connected more because they dont like Assads and Shiits.

Saudia arabia has promised to support any against Assads and the Shiits too. That includes Israel and also the Lebanese against Hesbollah and most like Assad as well.

Why should Israel try any interfirence in that.

Many versions are possible. The ammoniumnitrate was meant for mining explosions in Mosambiqe. So if Hesbollah fx took 500 tons and detonated 2200 tons only, they could have and use it as a secret and surprice for free.


I will support Hezbollah of course but I don’t think they have a chance of defeating isreal.


They don’t have “defeat” Israel (that is relative term anyways) they only have to inflict to Israel unacceptable losses in soldier casualties and military vehicles destroyed…. After which Israel will think more than twice before invading Lebanon ever again.

Zionism = EVIL

Not sure how old you are ? or just another idiotic hasbara troll. But let me tell you a few home TRUTHS kiddo. Hezbollah is a popular Lebanese pan Arab movement that is immensely popular and unstained by any whiff of corruption. It also provides medical, social, housing and community services to over 2.5 MILLION Lebanese. On the military front, it main goal is the preservation of Lebanese and Syrian security and keep the Zionist cowardly criminals in check, which it has done very effectively, as the Zionist child killers are petrified of Hezbollah. The recent explosion in Beirut, most likely conducted by Mossad and CIA has given Hezbollah added gravitas and popularity as it stands up for Lebanon with a clean slate. So Hezbollah is not naive to respond to minor Zionist pin pricks as its aim is the long term strategic viability of the Axis of Resistance. Hezbollah is the master of the battlefield and asymmetrical warfare. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/81c532d91bb026dc9616f04232751144276e0a5d1732118946cffc3f1108af92.jpg l .

Thomas Simeon

idiot question was did they do anything about isreal actions in syria that killed their troops? no. so why tell me about there history?

Zionism = EVIL

That is a reasonable question. The situation is Syria is complicated as Putin is protecting the Zionist cunts and Syrian hands are tied as they are facing the largest Amercunt terrorism in history sponsored by Turkey, NATo, Wahhabis and Zionists. So it is not a Hezbollah issue to respond to, as it is basically focused on defending Lebanon. Hezbollah involvement in Syria is only at advisory level and most of the Shia manpower is managed by Iran, which should have responded to Zionist pin prick attacks early on but chose to wait till the arms embargo was lifted and now it has. Hezbollah losses in Syria to Zionist meaningless attacks are less than a dozen if even that. Just one Hezbollah fighter killed a couple of weeks ago scared the Zionist cowardly cunts shitless, so this more of a psy-war than reality. Firing a few US tax payers stand off missiles from Lebanese coast really has done zilch to remove Iran from Syria as the Zionist cunts boasted a decade ago. Today, Iranian footprint in Syria is so deep that even centuries can not remove it. Iran is playing the cool long term strategic game and is winning, so why start a war when the Zionist cancer and its Americunt patsies are isolated and dying anyway?

Thomas Simeon

That’s good, but putin’s comments recently said the u.s might start a war with iran, as the u.s is getting desperate to regain it’s status it’s losing worldwide. China are trying there best to stop that but lets admit it, if the u.s invade iran, with obviously large number of casualties, both Russia and china will not start ww3 for iran. it will be a big blow to the region and russia, china. but that’s how desperate the u.s is right now.

Jens Holm

I only take the military part. USA will never invade Iran. They will amputate it, so it cant move and will go no where.

So thats eliminating infrastructure electricity, water, oil, communication and like that.

No American soldiers has to be klled to defeat Iran. Iranians are not worth it. Iranian hardly will see whats going on until its over.

Thomas Simeon

well that’s true. the thing that was going around about china and iran signing a 400 billion deal, for me that was just a political move. china having massive investments in suidi and isreal will not risk those two large investments to try and help iran economically. maybe they will improve their area’s of influence in iran to help them improve the oil infrastructure and maybe military to protect the oil going to china. but economically they have to make a plan.

Ashok Varma

US is weak, isolated and facing massive domestic problems and even though Trump is bombastic, the deep state that runs the US will not start a war with Iran that will only benefit China. The incredibly idiotic US lost wars in Afghanistan and Syria offered China a golden opportunity to expand its economy and global clout. A war with Iran, a powerhouse in its own right, would simply finish off the US at a time it is facing the worst pandemic and a dying economy. US may be in the grips of a civil war soon.

Peter Jennings

The US are desperate to start a war with anyone who is dumb enough to offer them a way out of the hole they have dug for themselves over the past century.

Everything from finance to social cohesion is failing in america just as it did during their last depression. At the time they used war to boost their economy out of depression and have been doing the same ever since. War is a racket.

Why start a war with a dying empire full of shysters looking for a way out of their rat infested mess? Best to stand clear, give it enough rope and let it do the job.

Jens Holm

Thats vertical against what Trump says and try to do. It even was in his election program.


Um I don’t think isreal is scared of Hezbollah, they just blew up half of beruit and are sticking their tongue out at the shellshocked lebs. And that’s what Hezbollah will get if they try anything.

Traiano Welcome

You have evidence israel blew up half of beirut?


No I think it was Tanzania that blew up Beirut.

Traiano Welcome

Clearly we can disregard everything you say from now on since you’re obviously peddling bullshit.


I’ve noticed people on social media get really offended if you challenge their belief systems and I used to think that Hezbollah were going to save the world from the Jews but that just isn’t going to happen.

Sylvain Jeuland

Iran is setting well near Iraq border in Al-Bukamal. Pro-Iran Afghan militia Liwa Fatemiyoun is combing from Al-Bukamal in direction to Deir Ezzor so as Iran is setting well there to in the future. Palestinian Liwa al Quds is working too somewhere (I don’t remember where today). The Shia crescent is working step by step to solidify from East to Mediterranean see. I think that Hezbollah is waiting that Iran comes military closer to Liban too. Let’s not forget that several years ago, there was no land road from Iran to Liban: that was cut by the other side. The Axis of Resistance bridged East to West somewhere near Al-Tanf. Correct me if I say something wrong.

Thomas Simeon

Great Strategy but how do they solve the case of isreal bombing every bridge the build in syria. if iran does not place it’s troops in syria against russian will. and hold isreal responsible if those troops are bombed. then the strategy will not work out well

Ashok Varma

There are over 15 militias under Iranian aegis, spread out over a million kilometers and does anyone really think that they will ever leave? it shows how weak and desperate the Zionists are.

Ashok Varma

Good summation. Iran in mere 40 years has transformed the whole region and built a vast Shia crescent and consolidated its strategic vision. These minor Zionist nuisance attacks of launching 3-4 missiles every few weeks plays into Iranian strategy.

Jens Holm

They can even handle some few ISIS in Syria. I am not impressed.


Unstained by any white of curruption you sayt, they are running drugs out of the Bekaa valley.

Traiano Welcome

But do you have any evidence of this?


It is common knowledge talk to any Lebanese person

Traiano Welcome

Which sect Shia, Sunni, Christian, Druze, Maronite?


Probably all of them

Traiano Welcome

Just called up an old friend. She tells me the CIA is behind propaganda about Hizbollah involvement in the drug trade.

So, nobody deals more dope than the CIA (USA).


I know that our intelligence agencies are running the drugs but Hezbollah is involved in running dope or at the very least turning a blind eye. I heard they make the dope growers give them a cut of the profits. And I don’t personally think anytjing less of Hezbollah for doing that. it just shows that they are not the devout pure Muslims some people think they are.

Lux et Veritas

Provide proof, or such crass claims have no veracity.

Jens Holm

It really was a slow attack. It had been there for 6 years.

The good and cheep fertilizer was sold long time ago, if it was in my country. The owner of the ship would not even pay for its crew.

According to a souce ammonium nitrate like this is 550 dollarpr ton and ther was 2700. Thats 1,385 mio dollar and a lot of money if a state has none.

Concrete Mike

Fertlizer dont blow up by itself jens.

You would need about 150 tons, plus about 10 kg of tnt initiator the get that ammonium nitrate to blow.


Exactly. If ammonium nitrate fertiliser was so volatile, it would be illegal for farmers and landowners to possess any.

I often used it to fertilise my grass in the Spring.


It will not combust until a high temp of 210* C or 410* F. Farmers use safe storage methods I would hope (away from combustible materials) . :) Yours probably came sealed in a non permeable plastic and this warning label. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dfb91c18c01b3188f93489465be75b523d8678c917993f8c5630b9bd65a6c29b.png


The farmers I know stored the fertiliser in sealed tonne bags along with tractors etc in a closed barn.

The small quantities I got from them was in 20 kilo open bags decanted from a tonne bag.


Talking about heat: A thunderstorm system hit the west coast during a summer heat wave. In Northern California they issued the first ever fire tornado alert. We are all ready calling them “firenados” Meanwhile I am safe at home having a beer. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65f457ba0d9ed52d99856e1c397ee3e7d3725cda43742ea0e6abc1bd8575b839.jpg


That looks like a truly violent storm. Exceptional , in fact, and only to be expected :)

Its been very thundery in the UK as well this year.


They use it in mining but it’s mixed with fuel oil and it needs a TNT detonation


The fertiliser that went ‘bang’ is stored in bulk by thousands of farmers worldwide just before the growing season. IF it was so volatile that a fire spreading to a farm fertiliser storage barn could set off a massive blast, it would be ILLEGAL to possess. I know farmers in the UK that store 10 or 20 tonnes every year for medium sized dairy and livestock farms.

There are many questions to be answered in the investigation, one of which being the contamination with diesel fuel of the fertiliser stockpile.


From what I was reading it can become dangerous explosive only if it was tempered with and mixed with other substance(s). So like you already have said yourself, conclusion is very simple. That was anything but, natural spontaneous explosion.


The global Ziocorporate terrorists have positioned all their Ziowahhabi scum available in the Middle East to strike at any moment. From Libya to Yemen to Afghanistan, it’s all the same. Arabia and Palestine were stolen with British guns and Americunt Ziofilth are back for more. They’re phasing out all those without big guns to defend their own turfs, so Hezbollah mustn’t allow Lebanon to be a dump for nobody’s chemical or any other waste again.

johnny rotten

Surely many in Israel will feel stomach pains as well as the narrowing of the posterior orifice, the pharmacists of occupied Palestine will do gold deals on the endemic fears of the apartheid regime.

Jens Holm

You ahve no idea about how those people feel. Your assumtions are based on, what You hope for. After repeating it 10.000 times between the ones feeling the same thing, You believe it.

Thats how You create the dark in Your socalled deep dark state. Sure UAE dont like You as well. You should wonder why and change.


Jens, are you Autistic? Honestly it’s not meant to be an insult (I don’t joke about certain conditions). I just want to know if you are, I’ll leave you be.

Jens Holm

Im in the socalled normal spectrum.

I came to here because right wings critiseized muslims for what muslims not are. But I also was critiseized by Danish muslims for knowing nothing.

But I already then knew more then them and learn.

The last I have learned is the Sharia before the 100 year old one of “today” had rules for Slavery in it. Osmans had slaves long time after USA had not. I think it was until 1923, where Turkey for real was made.

I dont feel insulted. People learn important and unimportant things by asking.

I dont give information so people can track me and I think thats about it.


Yes Jen’s it was white people that ended slavery.

Peter Jennings

England was one of the first apparently.

S Melanson

Hezbollah has it all backwards. You blame Israel first then you wait for the results of the investigation. If the results are not to your liking then just ignore.

Western principles of criminal justice are to be emulated so stop with this innocent until proven guilty idealism

Traiano Welcome

Those are indeed Western Principles of Criminal Justice!

Jens Holm

Its very simple. Its better to let a few criminals go then put innocents into jail. We by that respect the innocent.

there are many dilemmas like that. I am not for abortions, but I think its better then being an unwanted child the next 18 years or more. Some of the unwanted children after all gets wanted and loved, but I know for sure many does not.

Traiano Welcome

WTF are you even talking about?


He is on drugs. Very bad drugs. Like his masters is Langley.

Zionism = EVIL

Jens is just old Danish fruitcake, whose only life is this forum. Not even the inbred CIA and NSA retards would hire such an idiotic dolt. The best is to downvote the cunt and move on. Let him spam as no one reads it anyway.

Zionism = EVIL

Why do you guys eve bother with a retard? or the Zionist punk? that is baffling by itself to give these attention seekers any relevance.

Traiano Welcome

Damn right. Ima ignore his dumb ass from now on …

Ashok Varma

Jens and the Zionist teenager Iron Zion are not worth responding to. They follow the hasbara 101 tactic of spamming and deflecting from real issues. Both are ignorant and Jens is severely mentally challenged while the teenager is hooked on violent videos and wants to be a “soldier”.

Jens Holm

Grandfathers like You think they are wise, but You are seniles with bad memory, eyes and ears.

Only Your mouths are big and thats because there are no teeth.

Jens Holm

Western Principles of Criminal Justice and the dilemmas in choises.


Classic Jen’s I like it.

Ashok Varma

The western system or the lack of civilization as Gandhi called it, is based on sheer exploitation and expediency. It is built on lies and greed so taking a a high road with them as India found out does not pay. They only respect strength and that is why Hezbollah has survived and thrived as it can cause more than a bloody nose to the Zionist cowardly regime that struts on US military power, which itself is now in irreversible decline.

Jens Holm

No wonder liras and rials are low.


The muslims are just as corrupt as the Catholic church. Hezbollah are more interested in running drugs than fighting isreal.

Traiano Welcome

Nobody runs more drugs than the CIA.

Lux et Veritas

Since the British opium trade, the Anglo world has been the biggest trafficker of drugs, the British Empire was built on drugs and slavery and now the Americans are following in their footsteps.


Romney and his Bain Capital are a good example of US drug running.

Lux et Veritas

That is the usual Zionist line to demonize Hezbollah. However, the truth is that the CIA and Jew organized criminal gangs control drugs, human trafficking, organ harvesting and money laundering in Europe and North America.

Traiano Welcome

Exactly. All this is public knowledge. Zionists have been trying to pin the drug running myth on Hezbollah for decades but no evidence exists.

On the other hand, they never mention the US army patroling Afghan opium fields.

Nor do they mention HSBC running illegal transactions for drug cartels with full knowledge of the US regulators.


Im not a Zionist but the Bekaa valley is notorious for growing dope and it would be impossible to grow dope in huge quantities without Hezbollahs approval.

Traiano Welcome

You are a zionist. Everyone on this forum is aware of that by now.

The Bekaa valley has been a drug farm since Roman times. Before Hezbollah existed. Why should they interfere with peoples livelihoods?

The fact remains: Nobody runs more drugs than the CIA (USA).


You arrogant idiot I am well aware of who runs the drug trade and what makes you think I am a Zionist?


Yes the Jews are the drug kingpins but haven’t you noticed they have been able to push their drugs throughout the Islamic world. There has to be cooperation with the governornments in the middle east.

Traiano Welcome

How does that change the criminality of these Jewish groups?


It doesn’t but it does suggest that the governments in the middle east are corrupt and work with isreal.

Traiano Welcome

But that’s been known for decades, how is this news?


It’s just that a lot of people here seem to think the Arabs and Persian will invade isreal. How will that happen if those governments are in bed with isreal.

Fog of War

Silly Hezbollah, how will you prove Israhell’s involvent. For instance, the ZioAmerican FBI is helping the Lebanese authorities investifgate the blast. Who do you think they’ll implicate. You might as well start the attack now Hezbollah.


If Israel did play a hand in this they will have covered their tracks very well, I just dont see how you would find any smoking gun evidence

Fog of War

Even if evidence was found , who do you think the Western world would believe ? Hezbollah or ZioAmerica / Israhell. Hezbollah is just spouting hot air, no evidence implicating Israhell will ever be released. Hezbollah might as well start attacking now as its next on the ” menu “.

Traiano Welcome

The evidence is in the pattern of behaviour around the event. No need for the smoking gun.

The israelis don’t need evidence. The yanks don’t need evidence.

Why is Hizbullah wasting time looking for evidence?

It’s clear as day israel is responsible.


I reckon if there is skullduggery afoot here- which is a pretty fair chance- that whatever accomplices, such as a bribed port official or longshoreman, would be arranged so their ‘death’ would ensured (real or fake) in the blast.

I doubt any hard evidence will come to light, but if it’s not a simple accident, that there will be some clues surface.

Tommy Jensen

Acc. to Veteran News it has already been investigated and found it was a pre-bomb following a mini-nuke from an Israeli F-16. So Nasrallah’s 2 options seem not reliable. Its quite rare someone catch him in a lie.


Don’t worry Tommy. Your FBI will be sent in to cover up the evidence. :/


The OPCW are on their way :)


I wonder why Hassan Nasrallah isn’t blowing the lid off the Beirut blast being a jewtron bomb of 600kt yield?

Really, if Lebanon just got “nuked” by the shitty little statelet (or any other state- take your pick) why be all mum about it? What are they afraid of?

But maybe they don’t believe that Beirut got nuked, because they don’t read VeteransToday?



I regularly read Veterans Today, and I am still skeptical this was some type of nuclear weapon. A thorough investigation is one thing; convincing people about the results is something else.


If the spike in radiation is true, as per VT., that would indicate some type of nuclear. Who is going to be able to prove that “F16” came from Israel…The US and Russia. Both are quiet on that.


If Russia declares that F-35, F-16 was in Lebanon’s airspace at the time of the explosion everybody will jump on conclusion that F-35 or F-16 has targeted with nuke tipped missile that ship. And war in Lebanon will start immediately. Maybe it was not jet launched missile or mini nuke dropped from jet, but simple sabotage on the ground that have made huge bomb out of that ship and created that huge explosion. It is very important to understand what really happened. So maybe Russians themselves are not sure what exactly happened there also.


But Pompous Pompeo WANTS a war and he is well known for his premature ejaculations :)


When was it last time when he was not for war? I’m sure even he doesn’t remember that.


Even if the US and Russia detected the radiation spike and/or the F16s or F-15s, what should they do if Lebanon’s officials are still figuring things out?


I think that Nasrallahis wise and patient person who knows that, it is never too late for revenge. He just wants to know what exactly happened and how it has happened. If Israeli air force did it ,or maybe it was special ops Israel + CIA operation, than they did everything to cover their tracks and remove evidences (loose ends) immediately. So it will take time but they will discover the truth I am sure.


again an irrelevant map to the news

Jens Holm

The best solution for the West Bank and Gaza would be all converted to Jewisme and Imams were promoted to Rabbits.

Traiano Welcome


Jens Holm

Assad need inhabitants and supporters. If he took all palestinians, which after all once upon a time ago was treated as some second or third class Syrians, he might get Golan back too.

Traiano Welcome

I see only one paid idiot upvotes your shit.


Stop crying, Jens has better understanding than most of you.

Jens Holm

I agree. He is very very low.

Traiano Welcome

Keep sucking jooballs, fake dane. Maybe it will help your english skills …

Jens Holm

Its better then Yours. Even I dont spell well and dont care its fast, it also can descriebe things much better then Your lawyer primitivisme.

You dont see it. Yours to me is like old cars. No seatbelt, no airbag, no safety cabine, a big ashtray, no modern breaks.

You cant debate women and human right here. You think women are even more stupid then Yourself even You make them.

You think Parlamentarisme is some few decides, whats allowed to debate and You has to be in line.

You descriebe democrasy and parlamentarisme as we prefare anarchy here, because You dont have Our kind of responsability in Your own primitivisme

Even Our women work for money like us and contruibute 40% of Our GDP You prefare Your families are poor and You are in family business, where You not even choose the best to do the jobs.

Innovation is forbidden and stopped by old men prefaring to remain in the good old days, which only say, they also has a bad memory.

It would be nice if You could tell, what fake with me. If so I might try to change it.

Maybee fake is, what You dont understand and are learned to name as fake, propaganda, lie and idiot.

Traiano Welcome

Jooballs. Keep suckin ’em.

Traiano Welcome

Oh look. It’s the village idiot. You and Jens a couple now?

Jens Holm

Sure we are more related to each other then to You.

He might not like like I think Jews unfortunatly in Israek look and behave more and more as arabs.

Traiano Welcome

Thats’ great. So how’s it feel to be an inbreed?

Jens Holm

So far I have done well. When I grow very old, I will kill someone. I have never done that before. I will smile if they give me 12 years in jail and dies after 2 years:)

My wey dream is one, which well planned intensions are to kill himself and remember to let him know haha.

Traiano Welcome

I’m not paid enough to translate your bullshit today so, whatever.

Jens Holm

I dont write for You. I just comment what You write. If You think this is a sating site, You should go somewhere else.


I think he just told us he is planning to murder someone.look out.

Traiano Welcome

Great, he finally cracked then.

Jens Holm

A solution like that it do able. Most from others here are not. Assad even has the korean busses and can add it to his succes in Idlib and SDF,

Traiano Welcome

You know nothing about what’s “doable”. You can’t even speak English properly.

Jens Holm

Actually I write and dont speak.

My english is as perfect as it becomes. Normal people understand, whay I write. The abnormal ones never shoud be given, whats inside parcels. For them its about the paper round it. It doesnt matter if the gold there comes from mouth or behind.

I learned how You write when I was 16 to 18 years old and will never go back. Its normal here and fast partly spoken english. It includes a lot MEs has no ideas av´biut what is. They not even has a vóciubulary for it.

That goes for Russian´s living in the Past in Russia as well. Maybee they should should ahve chosen GrouchoMarx.

Jens Holm

I have heard the jews sold Assads wheelbarrows for their many lira. Now they have wheelbarrows and no lira.

Jens Holm

There would be no hostility between Lebanon and Israel, if Hebollah was back home in Iran.

Traiano Welcome

It’s “Hezbollah”, dumbfuck.

Israel would still be hostile to every country surrounding it. It’s incapable of peace.

Jens Holm

Its not my quagmire.


Maybe you have forgot Hezbollah are Lebanese not persian.

Jens Holm

Maybee You have forgotten why I write it:(

Jens Holm

One hesbollah soldier need 3 other Lebanse to support him. Thats why Lebanon has collapsed. The extra declining was Assads being there for a while too.

Traiano Welcome


Each IDF soldier needs 1 million American taxpayers to support him, that’s why the USA is going down the toilet.

israel soon to follow.


Funny, I don’t feel like I need 1,000,000 taxpayers to support me at all, I can manage on my own. Try a better lie please.

Fleecing Rabbi

Meshuggenah, we are scared constipated with just the name of Khizbullah.

Traiano Welcome

You don’t “feel” like it because living on foreign donations come naturally to you.

“To date, the United States has provided Israel $142.3 billion (current, or noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007 Israel also received significant economic assistance.”

Israel is a welfare Queen. And you are a little welfare princess.

Whose lying? You are.


The fact is, we get 3.8B$ annually for military purposes only. BUT, that is out of 334B$ which is our budget, so that means we get just 1.13% of foreign aid. You can check our GDP on the IMF site: https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2020/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=93&pr.y=12&sy=2019&ey=2021&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=512%2C668%2C914%2C672%2C612%2C946%2C614%2C137%2C311%2C546%2C213%2C674%2C911%2C676%2C314%2C548%2C193%2C556%2C122%2C678%2C912%2C181%2C313%2C867%2C419%2C682%2C513%2C684%2C316%2C273%2C913%2C868%2C124%2C921%2C339%2C948%2C638%2C943%2C514%2C686%2C218%2C688%2C963%2C518%2C616%2C728%2C223%2C836%2C516%2C558%2C918%2C138%2C748%2C196%2C618%2C278%2C624%2C692%2C522%2C694%2C622%2C962%2C156%2C142%2C626%2C449%2C628%2C564%2C228%2C565%2C924%2C283%2C233%2C853%2C632%2C288%2C636%2C293%2C634%2C566%2C238%2C964%2C662%2C182%2C960%2C359%2C423%2C453%2C935%2C968%2C128%2C922%2C611%2C714%2C321%2C862%2C243%2C135%2C248%2C716%2C469%2C456%2C253%2C722%2C642%2C942%2C643%2C718%2C939%2C724%2C734%2C576%2C644%2C936%2C819%2C961%2C172%2C813%2C132%2C726%2C646%2C199%2C648%2C733%2C915%2C184%2C134%2C524%2C652%2C361%2C174%2C362%2C328%2C364%2C258%2C732%2C656%2C366%2C654%2C144%2C336%2C146%2C263%2C463%2C268%2C528%2C532%2C923%2C944%2C738%2C176%2C578%2C534%2C537%2C536%2C742%2C429%2C866%2C433%2C369%2C178%2C744%2C436%2C186%2C136%2C925%2C343%2C869%2C158%2C746%2C439%2C926%2C916%2C466%2C664%2C112%2C826%2C111%2C542%2C298%2C967%2C927%2C443%2C846%2C917%2C299%2C544%2C582%2C941%2C474%2C446%2C754%2C666%2C698&s=PPPGDP&grp=0&a=

Traiano Welcome

Fact is, US military aid alone to date runs past a trillion dollars. The IDF and it’s entire infrastructure and technology stack was built on US funding and technology transfer.

Abd thisbis just the military componentbof aid. We’re not even talking concessions, preferential contracts and civilian aid being extracted from the US public without their permission.

Full analysis here:


So, israel is a welfare queen and you are a welfare princess.


You contradict youself, you wrote we’ve got $142.3 billion to date, then you wrote it’s more than a trillion dollars. Decide which lie is better. Also, most of the tech we’ve developed ourselves but with the U.S funding so the U.S puts the money and we put the brains. In the end, the U.S also gets that technology like the Arrow3 or Iron Dome. Another fact is no U.S soldier has ever died for Israel in a war, you can check that we always do our own fighting with our own blood too. So don’t act like we’re any welfare country, idiot.

Traiano Welcome

You seem to have a basic reading comprehension problem, idiot.

There is no contradiction. Notice this phrase:

“… bilateral assistance and missile defense funding”

Then look at the second reference I provide which goes into detail about other contributions and aid.

If you need help, by a good book on English comprehension. You and Jens can form a study group.

So, israel is a welfare queen and you are a welfare princess.

Traiano Welcome

Now, compare the aid given to Israel with the military aid given to South Korea, just to get an idea why israel is such a useless welfare queen compared to SK:

“South Korea’s transformation was both a diplomatic triumph for the United States and a smart investment for American businesses and workers — the entire $35 billion in economic foreign assistance that the United States provided its ally amounts to less than what the United States exports to South Korea annually. Because of its economic miracle, South Korea is now the tenth largest export market for U.S.-made goods, and is set to import even more U.S. goods as Seoul continues to implement the U.S.-South Korean free trade agreement reached in 2012.”

South Korea is a technological giant in a way israel will never be. Yet you hear no drama from them on a daily basis like you hear from drama queen israel!


Which drama? you create it not us. South Korea is in a state of war with the North, like we have with Syria. Both countries are advanced and U.S allies so we get help, nothing is wrong with it. Grow up kid.

Traiano Welcome

So, after all your attempts at deflection: israel is a welfare queen and you are a welfare princess.

Peter Jennings

It may the reason why the USadmin are so in favour of the isreali apartheid regime stealing all of Palestinian resources.

Jens Holm

Well, its not Your money. I am sure Your oppinion about count even less then mine.

USA cant go down the toilet. They can decline and will not be allowed to collapse or something like that. They are an important partner in the Western Economics.

Even China will allow and maybee like declining, but they have to sell their products for money. And who is a very big buyer. They even has a lot of dollars kept in their Fort Knox.

Traiano Welcome


Peter Jennings

They will soon have a lot more to store as just about every country is returning their dollars. It will no longer be needed nor welcome for world trade. The good news is that there should be lots of space for said returned rubbish, after the bush & clinton gov’t quietly flogged off all the gold it held. As an empire, all that is needed is for someone to flush.

Jens Holm

Muslims in ME are converted Baals, Jews and Christians.

Traiano Welcome

They’re all converted Zoroastrians, the religion of Persia.


Judaism was way before Islam, I know facts are not your strong side.

Traiano Welcome

Man, what an idiot you are. Where did I say Islam was older than joodaism?


He said Muslims today in the ME are ex converted Jews, and you said no they were converted Zoroastrians meaning no Jews had lived here. Jews have been living here since the start of the ME, nothing you can do to change that.

Traiano Welcome

Looks like you’ve got an English reading comprehension problem in addition to your obvious cognitive handicaps.

You must have caught that disease from Jens.

Read my response again, this time with a book on English comprehension to aid you.

Jens Holm

You wrote Yourself to be “They’re all converted Zoroastrians”.

Thats simply not true. Before any Islam there was Baals, Jews, Christians and Islam certainly didnt convert to Zoroastrians or anywhere near it.

Traiano Welcome

You’re still making the same reading comprehension mistake.

Try again, idiot.

Captain Freedom

It looks like you have been here all day… Its time for you to go to sleep, Jens.


Oi Jen’s these baals you mention do they worship the owl

Jens Holm

Arhhh. I agree the shiit part is highly influenced but part of the rest only some.


Stop making threats and make an action against us if you dare, Nasrallah sounds like Bibi with his useless threats even we Israelis don’t believe him. You want to act? then do it, otherwise you’re a bluffer like Bibi.


Let me think…. Who else do we know on this boards that day and night threats everything and everywhere with civilian massacre and genocide while all he does is furiously typing?

At least Seyyed says “if” the proof of the murdering regime’s involvement found, they will retaliate. If it’s not found, then there’s no retaliation. Simple. And he has always been true to his promises, unlike the lying, thieving Zionists.

Why are you suddenly nervous?

PS. Don’t talk like that about Bibi. Based on the definition by IRHA, you ARE an anti-Semite AND a self-hating Jew, I kid you not. Look it up.


Oh that’s good to know Garga, as far as I care both Bibi and Nasrallah are two liars that hold Israelis and Lebanese hostages. Both of them need to go but for different reasons, and I don’t make any threats I am simply telling you what we are going to do. If you choose to ignore it then that’s up to you, but in a war we will destroy SL and Nasrallah knows it too. P.S it’s true I hate other Jews too, but it’s mostly Bibi’s stupid supporters with less than 50 IQ so he can manipulate them. I mean, everyone hates Idiots. The worst of them are the Orthodox ones, I am a secular Jew and I prefer secular Iranians too rather than religious fanatic mullah supporters like you.


You are not secular, your religion is Zionism and you are as fanatic as a person can be.

I am not religious at all but I love my country. At the moment, keeping my country in one piece means supporting its government no matter how many problems I have with it, which is between me and the Iranian government, none of anybody else’s business. The Islamic Republic with its many flaws, is still better than any other Iranian government in the last 2-3 centuries or any of its contemporary neighbours, I told you before, didn’t I?

PS. Don’t tell what you told me to IHRA, they like to think of themselves as ultimate authority on anything Jewish and will tear you a new one for confessing those things.


I am an honest person Garga, I’m sure you’ve understood it by now. I write what I truely think and believe in, to some it may sound fanatic to others just basic logic. You can support whoever you want as long as it doesn’t threaten my country, but your regime is saying day after day they want us destroyed. Most Iranians don’t even care about Israel or Palestine, it’s just your regime that tries to export its’ internal problems just like Bibi is doing here. We are basically hostages of two manipulative governments who use us as toys, but unlike you atleast we have a true freedom. You couldn’t write what you really think about the mullahs like what I write about Bibi without getting arrested, so don’t kid yourself. Stay at your borders and leave us alone, if you come to fight us then you will die. That’s just the simple truth.


Har har! You should see and read wha I write in Farsi forums and websites and then judge my freedom, not based on the propaganda and indoctrination you hear about freedom in Iran. And in Farsi media I write by my own name, not a nickname.

In any country certain subjects are forbidden to talk about or criticise. You will lose the freedom you think you have if you say certain things.


You are not free, writing is some forum what you think is not freedom. You wanna see true freedom? that is from last night In Jerusalem next to Bibi’s house: https://globalnews.ca/video/7278862/thousands-protest-against-israels-netanyahu-over-economy-corruption-allegations


We have protests about economy and whatnot every week here, is this your first?

I saw your kind of freedom when Gazans started to protest on their side of the fence. I saw your freedom when your thugs beat that Catholic woman who dared to hold Bible in her hands and walk in street. Truly free country!

By the way, damn all of you protestors who don’t let Bibi have a good-night sleep. On second thought, good job. The more he is disoriented, the more damage he causes. Keep up the good work! We. won’t. let. you. bring. him. down.


Seriously Garga are you trolling me or what? Gazans can protest to Hamas who has been ruling them since 2005 not on our border fence where they don’t belong. And what Catholic woman are you talking about? no one beats other people here for just holding a different holy back this is not Iran, we do have extremists but most of them are at the settlements. Secular Israelis like me would never do that. Regarding our protests, we have been doing it for 8 weeks in a row so far, every saturday. Bibi will leave one way or another, right now it’s peaceful protests but it may turn to violent soon.

Peter Jennings

Your border fence has mission creep.


Our border fence is inside Israel, we have no connection to Gaza besides the crossings. Hamas rules their lives not us, we left them alone back in 2005 and they still have shitty lives, same like in Lebanon where Hezbollah calls the shots and we left them too back in 2000. Keep ignoring the fact, Iran sponsors both of them to continue the war against Israel.

Traiano Welcome

There is no border with the Gaza strip. Borders have international agreement.

This is just another of your many lies. There is an occupation and a fence. That is all.


bla bla bla.

Traiano Welcome

That’s my line, you thieving copycat.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously Azizam, you are responding to a attention seeking teenage liar whose IQ is that of a pet Chihuahua.

Zionism = EVIL


Peter Jennings

So far you have one supporter for your basic logic! Aay.

Your post did contain some truth and then you spoiled it all by mentioning borders and staying within such. Did you mean for the Iranians to stay within their borders and wait until the isreali apartheid regime shows up? Good effort though.

Traiano Welcome

It’s called “rent a crowd”.

Traiano Welcome

One correction, Garga, Zionism is not a religion. It is a racist ideology.

Ashok Varma

Zionism is a British created extremist ideology, created to plant the seeds of destruction in the heart of the Arab world.


Doesn’t Zionism stem from those masonic gangs.

Traiano Welcome

I think it was created by anglo saxon elites to rid Europe of jews.

Traiano Welcome

When has The Old Man of the Mountain ever lied?

Bibi lies everytime he opens his piehole.

Peter Jennings

Nasrallah has proved himself to anything but a fanatic mullah. Alternatively, Netty the yahoo has proved himself to be a butt.

Do you realise that isreal needs to go back to its original borders. It’s ok saying that getting rid of Netty the yahoo and Nasrallah may fix the problems. However the problem is that isreal hasn’t stayed within its borders and doesn’t seem to want to return the land it has stolen ever since. Can one believe a lifetime burglar when they say ‘just one last job’?

When land is returned and democracy restored then maybe peace will descend on the region. Until then you will have people like Netty the yahoo using the chaos for their own grizzly ends.

Zionism = EVIL

HUSH you stupid TWAT ! LOL

Jens Holm

He is right. Too much noise from mouth and behind and no substance for the future.

Lone Ranger

So basically like your comments…

Fleecing Rabbi

Speakie English tuchus.

Jens Holm

Thats normal english here Rabbit. You name is Rabbit because You are fast or what :)

Your think in a limited language compared to Engleish such as Arabic, Farsi or Turkish.

From there You translate to English. Thats not English but simplified Poor-defect English, whicxh is not what we speak and write a normal avarage Danes in the whole Northern Europe, which is the base area for English.

I also could write in SMS or MMS or almost write the american way 4U.

But I wont go back to, when I was 16 to 18 years old, At that time. At that time I on a scale got 7 and the max was 9. 5 was “just ok”.

Veritas Vincit

– “We ran to the balcony and we saw two aircraft, black planes flying. I screamed to my husband it must be Israel. And then the big explosion happened.”……. she watched them fly out to sea, out on the Mediterranean……” (Planes heard, seen in skies of Beirut before blast, by Alison Tahmizian Meuse, AsiaTimes, August 11, 2020)

There are various reports of witnesses seeing and/or hearing military aviation immediately preceding the Beirut explosion. Similarly, there is video circulating online of a similar explosion recently in Syria (with various analysts stating it was probable Israel conducted the similar strike against Syria [video link in the first referenced report below]).

While conclusive investigation findings are yet to be established, these multiple witnesses and various assessments [for example 1-2] indicate the explosion involved a military strike.

References: 1. Beirut – Accident or “New” Bomb Blast?, by Peter Koenig, Journal New Eastern Outlook, 14/08/2020 https://journal-neo.org/2020/08/14/beirut-accident-or-new-bomb-blast/

2. Who Profits from the Beirut Tragedy, by Pepe Escobar, The Saker, August 08, 2020 http://thesaker.is/who-profits-from-the-beirut-tragedy/

Note: Other unfolding developments are likely to result in more profound situations.

Lazy Gamer

There should be more witnesses


that the jews are behind the ammonium nitrate blow out is a certainty, since the jews are desperate to get a war going before Iran, Turkey, Hezbollah, Syria, Iraq’s pmu:s have finalized their plan how to evict the illegal occupiers from palestine – this plan needs some serious planning and to get all the parties on to the same page will take time. it will be done however and the jews will be evicted once and for all. good riddance.

the jews agreement with uae is of little long term importance and is probably the plotting by serious slime kushner with empty promises typical of the disjointed states of A and once the jews are on their way out, the uae will kowtow to the new situation in the middle east. after all, iran can mash the uae to pulp if it wanted to and might do so just to get rid of that poisonous little statelet.

Traiano Welcome

It’s tempting to conclude that but still, more concrete evidence is needed. There’s still a missing smoking gun …


I don’t think that these groups you talk about will have a chance of defeating isreal.


of course they can and of course they will. the jews will be nothing more than pulp when they’re finished. what 150 million against a few shit-scared jews and when egypt turn up as well, the outcome is a certainty. the jews know it and are desperate to have the deluded yankee-twats start something big against iran but even washington dc’s cadre of morons know iran is a non-starter.

Traiano Welcome

nine crusades have come and gone. israel is the tenth crusade. Like the nine before it, it too shall pass.


The trouble is the Muslim leadership is just as corrupt as the Catholic church. They only care about their own survival.

Peter Jennings

IMO, the best to be done after all this time is to default the isreali apartheid regime back to its original borders and create a gov’t who is respectful for both peoples.

It’s probably best to keep the zionists where they are instead of dispersing millions of them around the globe to infect and cause more trouble. Once the zionist orgy has been ended, full state resources should be made available to keep them in line and educate them, and especially their children, in the error of their ways. That way the racism and fascism isn’t passed on.

However, not all isreali’s are zionists and some went there with good intentions.


Come and remove us, maggot.

Peter Jennings

What’s up? don’t like my idea of a gov’t respectful of both peoples?

I’m British, we gave you the place on a platter, have more respect.

Traiano Welcome

You guys!


the gross disregard of human values the jews are guilty of is enough to see that they have forfeited the right toremain in palestine. it’s possible to list their heinous crimes against the palestinians and the middle east to an extent that forfeiture of the rights they, the jews, feel entitled to is the sole reasonable outcome.

a) theft of land from the indigenous population, the palestinians, to an extent similar to what hitler had planned.

b) genocide of the palestinian people by murder, humiliation and incarceration.

c) operating conentation camp Gaza, where the sad remnants of the palestinians are kept in squalid circumstances.

d) thievery of palestinian properties, like the palestinian gas the jews now try to sell to europe via pipeline (ludicrous pipedream)-

e) theft of the Golan heights from Syria.

f) sniping and killing children whose future has been ruined by the jews.

what else is there to say – move them out and where they go should be of little concern to honest people around the world. suggest the white house morons offer them the desert in far southeast.

Peter Jennings

Can’t argue with that.

Traiano Welcome

Hate to say this but ((( whoever ))) engineered the port blast just did Hezbollah the biggest favour.

No matter how many hits Hezbollah takes from this, the western backed sockpuppet government is broken for good.

Not even the protesters burning down government buildings are going to make any difference now.

The best Nasrallah can do is watch and wait …

Ashok Varma

Iran and Hezbollah are the biggest beneficiaries of the Beirut blast. US has the midas touch of excrement. Even BBC now laughs at US after the UNSC vote.

Fog of War

Lets all assume Hezbollah retaliates. Wont it have to be in a similiar, equitable manner ?

chris chuba

Don’t worry, the U.S. FBI and France is investigating the blast. Even if there were missile fragments with Hebrew letters on it saying, ‘From Bibi’ they would say it was an accident or say it was caused by a Sarin gas attack by Assad.

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