July 29, 2017 photo, a Hezbollah fighter stands at a watchtower in Wadi al-Kheil or al-Kheil Valley in the Lebanon-Syria border. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)
Hezbollah had withdrawn more than 2,500 fighters, commanders and advisers from Syria in the last few weeks, the al-Arabiya TV reported on September 3.
Sources familiar with the matter told the UAE-base channel that the Lebanese group, which is a close ally of Iran, began a gradual withdrawal from Syria. The group’s decision was allegedly motivated by the economic crisis in Lebanon and the aftermath of Beirut’s blast.
Hezbollah intervened in Syria on a large scale in 2013 to aid the Damascus government that was facing a nationwide insurgency.
According to al-Arabiya, Hezbollah fighters, who withdrew from Syria, went back to several group’s military bases in Lebanon.
“Every time a number of Hezbollah fighters return from Syria, after the end of their service [around every 20 days], they get replaced by others … this has not happened for weeks now,” a source told the news channel.
Hezbollah has been under immense internal and international pressure to withdrew from Syria for several years now. In the last two years, the group reduced the number of its troops in the country in a significant manner.
Al-Arabiya’s report is yet to be verified. However, it is possible that recent crisis in Lebanon forced Hezbollah to further reduce its troops in Syria.
Hezbollah has accomplished its mission in Syria and is in the process of rearming and focusing on Lebanese issues, where its heartland is.
Can any one distinguish a Hezbollah operative and a Syrian SAA??
Both are Levantine Arabs. Speak a distinct Arabic dialect. Similar in nature.
Claiming Hezzies left Syria, is either that person smoking good hash. SAA is essentially a extended arms of Hezbollah. Its been like this for last 30 years.
“SAA is essentially a extended arms of Hezbollah.”
Lol! Bullshit.
Typical hasbara troll tactic – pollute the forums with wild illogical claims that have no basis in fact.
Another bullshit assertion you made, you hasbara liar:
Lebanese are not Levantine Arabs. There is really no such thing as an “Arab”
The Lebanese are largely descendants of the Phoenicians.
If you want Arabs, you should look in Arabia.
Good, now it’s Iran’s turn to leave Syria. Their presence triggers IL and pose a security risk, Iran has no business in the region. Mullahs go home ^^
Iran has invested heavily in Syria and that is not on the cards. The Syrian demographics have changed.
Oh are a Greek? You sound like sucking zion dick, and from your name and picture…you don’t like Turkey. The fact you also said “Mullahs go home” which is very “western” thing to say. LMFAO yeah you are NVM.
lol yes sir. That guy is a peice of shit indeed, they come and go though, while WE steadfastly remain.
The little game of stoking religious tensions is getting old, too bad lots of morrons still fall for it.
Your pretty smart for a potato LOL.
We steadfastly remain?
You Arab slugs aren’t in the trenches … lol
In other words, USI forces remain to protect their sadistic operation “Ceasar’s Act”.Tell you what, I would call it “Zionist Act” and stop passing the blame on Ceasar.
Iran will be removed from Syria when Assad is removed. Plain and simple!
Its Russia who is heavily invested in this Assad-Hezbollah-Iran triangle.
Its symbiotic in nature.
Even if Americans leave the region, their presence and influence can be felt. Because its KSA, UAE, Kuwait and Bahrain who are the main beneficiary of US presence. Same with Russia vis-a-vis Iran, Syria and Lebanon.
“Removed” by whom? By you Jews?
Assad will not be removed as long as Russia is there. And Russia will stay for very long time
Russia isn’t invested in Assad … any ‘puppet’ will do … eh?
Assad and Asma and their lovely family are ‘dead men walking’ … their due date has arrived … eh?
Like the Clash sang:
“And lately one or two has fully paid his dues Working for the Clampdown”
Russia never betrays allays.
What kind of relations Assad has right now I am not privy to know and neither are you !
Russia imploded … leaving its allies to start afresh … some have moved on … others still suffer …
Russia is a vampire …
Vlad the Impaler … lol
You’re an idiot. Russia never imploded. You’ve been brainwashed by the American delusion that they won the cold war.
Russia remains a Superpower with enough nuclear capacity to wipe the US and Israel of the map 1000 times over. It has the largest landmass and resources of any country.
The only vampire is the USA and it’s mini-me israel – the one is sucking on Syrian oil,the other is sucking Palestinian blood and land.
Wow … and never the twain shall meet ….
No sensible response?
As expected.
the Arabs … Iran … Assad your team of slugs will continue to be targeted …. eh?
English please. Try form coherent sentences, if not rational ones
You’re unworthy of conversation …
Just keep tuned … your cousins will be crushed …
I could give a sh Xt ..
“You’re unworthy of conversation …”
Great. Can I expect that means you’ll shut your piehole from now on when I comment?
No … I comment when and wherever
That’s a pity because your comments are always worthless, consisting exclusively of textbook logical fallacies and zionist propaganda.
Worthless … I’m OK with it
Yes. You’re quite clearly ok with being worthless.
“Iran will be removed from Syria when Assad is removed. Plain and simple!”
You are an imbecile of the first order. Iran took control of Iraq once Saddam was gone, it would control Syria completely if it were not for Assad.
Assad keeps Russia in Syria, Russia regulates Iranian presence. Without Assad, Russia leaves and Syria becomes an all Iran game.
You should thank your ‘god’ Assad is in power, without him there would be no moderating force to stop the dozens of militias and military factions from raining down missiles on Tel Aviv.
Iran would have free reign in Syria, like it does now in Iraq.
Syria is not your Dad’s Iraq.
Crazy israelis will take over what’s left of Syrian Golan.
Not really, not at-least in Jordan, KSA and rest of Gulf (except for QATAR).
Jordan is a non-entity – it’s just a big Palestinian refugee camp.
KSA is getting ass-raped by the Houthi, it exists only because Iran has not yet decided to drop the hammer on the House of Saud.
ALL the gulf states are tiny fragile little glass houses that would vanish in a minute if Iran so desired it.
Iran IS the region indeed.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and the rest are either Iran’s allies or of no consequence.
Lebanon, Syria and Iraq = Iran
Saudia Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and Bahrain = US backed Israel
Simple equation. And oh, one more thing, apart from Yemen, you have lost Arabian peninsula.
What is all this irrational nonsense?
Yeah fucken right buddy, if IL and its friends had not sponsored jabhat al nusrah for 8 years iran and hezbollah would never have entered syria.
Way to blame the victims you dumbass.
Watching your idiotic post is a security hazard to independent thinking. You cab live in an echo chamber is you want, but dont drag us down in the catacombs of your intellectual level!
Translation, go fuck yourself stupid troll, stop polluting our conversation with your mindless dribble.
On sais qui signe tes cheque de paye mon ostie!!
Echo chamber alert … lol
So concrete …
wtf would Hezbollah withdraw its troops?
What’s your POV … eh?
Garbage posts. You don’t make any sense – but then you never did.
Like Russia, Iran is invited. There’s also that military alliance thing. Idiot. Iran has business in Syria.
The IDF has business in Syria too apparently … eh?
Killing over 20 Shia slugs last week … blowing up missiles … disrupting IRGC plans … hello?
Hezbollah fleeing Syria is just running home … eh?
The IAF is locked and loaded … eh?
Hitting desert decoys and falling for Syrian information war – nothing was hit. No Shia were harmed in that production.
Yes we will just let the Wahabi Apes take over,aint going to happen asshole. https://media1.giphy.com/media/J2VKYWIpnmhfX3h1RT/giphy-downsized-medium.gif
If everyone just left Syria, along with their foreign jihadis, the war would’ve been over before it started.
Getting ready for a showdown … eh?
Not as much, just a reorientation of priorities. Hezbollah is again riding high in Lebanon as its hands are clean and it has provided massive relief after the port blast, even Macron could not criticize them. Secondly, if there is a true census and general elections not based on sectarian colonial formula, Hezbollah would win the majority of seats hand down.
Hands are clean? lol
No ammonium nitrate on those hands and beards? ROTFL
Of course they will win … the Arabs are fools … ignorant and childlike … hello?
Egypt voted the Muslim Brotherhood … as well … that’s their go to crutch … Islam
Hezbollah represents Jihad/Islamism … no eggs and bread or commerce … lol
Go for it … Lebanon’s destruction is imminent
Let them, we are ready :)
YOU are on the frontline … be healthy be well
Thanks bro.
Love fest? it’s a joo clusterfuck – the human centipede.
Its a Khazar love fest !
He will stay healthy as long as he doesn’t cross that border.
Don’t worry about me Cromwell, I can risk my life for my country and I am not afraid to do it. It all depends on Hezbollah really, if they kill an Israeli soldier then so be it and they will have to deal with the consequences. I remind everyone here, the 2006 conflict started after 3 of our guys were kidnapped, we take it very seriously when someone hurts our soldiers and we will go to a war for it.
The IDF/IAF are not going to wait for missiles to fall …. preemptive strikes are ongoing … in Syria … 3 strikes in the last week! 20+ dead and lots of destruction
There will be no peace up and until the threats to Israel cease … full stop
Preemptive strikes thats Orwellian speak for aggression.
Oh … thanks for that … the aggressor seems to be the IRGC who make no secret of their intentions … eh?
So the Israeli aggression is to counter the IRGC/Hezbollah thugs aggression … eh?
I’m keeping score … eh?
Whose winning?
poor little insecure n amerikan. —“winning”. u fascists are doing just fine in Afghanistan and Ukraine ….LOL
non sequitur
Not you – nobody gets more downvotes than you on these forums. You’re need to bring more of your hasbara pals if you want to do better.
durak—bombing sand dunes is irrelevant
You’re obtuse. He’s right – the iaf is largely bombing decoys in the dunes.
The iaf has been hitting inflatable missile launchers and SAM systems most of the time:
“Mr. Komarov oversees military sales at Rusbal, a hot air balloon company that also provides the Ministry of Defense with one of Russia’s lesser-known military threats: a growing arsenal of inflatable tanks, jets and missile launchers, including the MIG in the field.”
Decoys …. lol
YOUR head is exploding …. lol
Truth hurts doesn’t it? Don’t worry, you’ll get to grips with it … eventually :-)
No he is at home with mummy. No active soldier in any military is allowed to post for security reasons. The IDF is very paranoid after its defeat in 2006 as Hezbollah hacked all their phones.He is a little boy with soldier fantasy.
Aww … you felt the necessity to make your feelings heard?
Finished? Wipe yourself ….
After so many lies on this forum how do you still expect to be taken seriously? You’re a serious forum polluter – you add nothing but noise to the forums here.
In your mother’s basement you are ready for sure :)
Nah Ashok, I’m not a coward and a traitor like you. I bet you have a Paki flag in your home too, the police should arrest you.
north amerikans the most feminized and childish—apparently u have never lived in a civilized nation where cultures actually exist—u fascist racist
See … we can’t get along
cool but what about hezbollah special forces aka radwan.
They will leave a token special forces unit in Syria for future coordination. But the bulk has been withdrawn.
sure … you sound authoritative
More authoritative than you, you perpetual liar.
Keep drinking the lemonade …
Well, Hezbollah could have used another front, but it chose to focus on the home country. I guess they have done enough in Syria and their continued presence there has become unecessary since the Idlib operation is now permanently on hold due to Russian and Turkish ties. Syria now has to make do with its own army. Which presents a question, why were Syrian recruits less effective than Syrian terrorists? OR why were Alliance special forces and advisers better than Resistance special forces/advisers? lol
My dear Ali, you’re welcomed to bring all of your fighters to our border with Syria or Lebanon. I’d rather not to talk so much, just bring them and let’s see how it ends for you.
Hezbollah fighters are NOT regular Arab fake armies….IDF know it and thats why they fear Hezbollah and avoid a war vs them!..one of the reason of the israeli support to ISIS and Al Qaeda when both were deployed in Qnueitra and Dara was to keep away Hezbollah from Golan Heights.
The only one avoiding war right now is them, let them respond.
They’re not avoiding war either, just a year ago they fried some kosher bacon:
They missed idiot, if they had hit that vehicle then we would have flattened their villages in SL.
Tell that bullshit to someone gullible enough to believe it, liar.
Even in India’s case I pray to God our enemies fire the first bullet.We are a defensive army,but when we defend our enemies have always suffered.Our enemies are lucky because of this.
I know Paul, I wish you well and goodluck against your enemies. Love and respect from all Israelis.
Stop sucking dick in public. Get a room.
Abay chutehya tu bhout jhuta hai and a clown. Buss kar madar chod maskheray :)
Chilla aur acha laga tere abbu China ko maar padi hai aur kar bhi Kya sakta hai tu communist ki najaid aulad ;)
A plague on your house …
Your house is a plague.
mazel tov.
My dear chit of boy, you are liar and have nothing to do with any army, just your fertile teenage imagination. Why do you even bother posting sheer nonsense.
Is real and allies have been eliminating Syrian Intel Officers.
amerikan/ISIs/hts/turkey/SDF fascists kill each other—apparently u believe fake news
And in “Russian and Turkish ties” there is of course no Iranian tie? like Iran has no clue what is happening and why?! Of course they do know and they have accepted it !! For Iran is much more important now to kick US out of Iraq than out of Syria !
You had immediately Sunni pro-TURK up-voting you bullshit propaganda
And WHY you do not even mention Iran when you throw your sleazy accusations?!? Why don’t you even ask where are they?!!
So it is perfectly OK for Hezbollah to leave and Iran to be on Golan border and in Deir ez Zor and not in Idlib !?!
Than who the fuck is suppose to fight in Idlib you NATO genius?! SAA alone?!! HOW can they build big offensive now, if they never could do it before only by themselves?!
It seams that everybody except you knows that they are not capable of doing it !
And why you all Western (NATO countries) assholes sing always same propaganda anti-Russian song?!! Officially Iran is military allay of Syria not Russia! Russia only came to HELP against terrorism not to start the war against Turks or US.
What the fuck was that false accusation against Russia for?!?? When you have literally nothing to say you will accuse Russia ! Simply because there will be always some idiot to up vote such bullshit comment, huh?
Training Complete.
So … any minute now … the final push is gonna start?
Yes. Haven’t you noticed?
Hezbollah senses whats coming and is consoldating its forces.
I thought of you and our tete-a-tete when I saw the headline and read the article.
Clever … pull back so that the IAF doesn’t have to waste their bombs … eh?
Shalom friendly Khazar.
The IAF is already wasting bombs on decoys in Syria. American taxpayer money down the toilet.
That’s great … Bleed the US empire dry …
Yes they could be expecting another Israeli invasion if they have the balls.
Israel will take over Syria.
durak—israel will never challenge Russian military in Syria
So what?
Russia won’t challenge Israeli military in Syria … it’s about deconfliction
Russia will not be needed. The IDF has no capability to hold ground in Syria.
Besides, Hezbollah would love the IDF to attack Syria, for then it can engage israel without risking strikes on Lebanon.
It could not even hold Lebanon. The IDF does not have the ability to hold Syria.
A single shadow militia is enough to push Israel back.
Wouldn’t believe too much that comes from a UAE-base channel;UAE and israel are now operating in collusion.
Guess somebody on the other side of the hood is in for a spanking…
doubtful—if true Hizbollah is preparing a repeat of 2006
Agreed with the smiling clown Rouhani: US kill Soleimani, Rouhani withdraw Hezbollah from Syria, and secure a CIA puppet in Iraq for peace. As a dessert the smiling clown Rouhani got several sites bombed in Iran and four oil tankers captured.
Good deal Rouhani, you got rid of your rival, thats the most important.
lol, if they’d timed that number by ten or twenty I might have believed them, but 2,500 is laughable, 25,000 or 50,000 is much more believable. Isis has grown to such an extent that Russia has to go into Iranian held Deir ez Zor and Homs for the first time in 2 years to help get rid of them, and now they’re telling us Iran has only had 2,500 Hezbollah fighters leave their total 150,000+ fighting force in Syria. Then how did a few hundred Isis fighters become such a big threat that Russia has to go in to help clean up the mess that Iran let get out of hand, no I don’t find that believable at all, I think the Iranian militias and Hezbollah have been pulling out for a while now, and in greater numbers than they want to admit.
Hezbollah don’t have those numbers … where’s your proof?
150,000 ? WTF are you talking about? lol
“I think the Iranian militias and Hezbollah have been pulling out for a while now, and in greater numbers than they want to admit.”
“and now they’re telling us Iran has only had 2,500 Hezbollah fighters leave their total 150,000+ fighting force in Syria.”
I didn’t say Hezbollah had 150,000 fighters in Syria, I said Iran had 150,000 fighters in Syria. These are the forces fighting under Iran’s command in Syria.
Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps 10,000 soldiers.
90,000 NDF fighters salaries are paid for by Iran and even though a very small number of them are Sunni units and not Shia units, they’re still bought and paid for by Iran and follow Iran’s orders, 90,000 local NDF fighters.
Lebanese Hezbollah has about 8,000 fighters in Syria possibly more,
Liwa Fatemiyoun or Hezbollah Afghanistan has at least 10 to as many as 15,000 fighters,
Iraqi PMU 10,000 fighters,
Iranian Liwa Mukhtar Al Thaqf 5,000 fighters,
Iraqi Abu Fadl Al Abbas Brigade 4,500 fighters,
Syrian Imam al Baqer Brigade 2,000 fighters,
Iraqi Kata’ib Hezbollah, 1500 fighters,
Shia Pakistanis Liwa Zainebiyoun 1,000 fighters,
That comes to a grand total of 148,000 but I’m sure I’ve left some of the Iranian funded and backed militias out of the total.
Cool …. they’re getting smacked and not responding … a ‘paper tiger’ … eh?
They’re smacking ISIS terrorists, Turks and pissrael’s terrorists badly. The IAF is striking decoys under the delusion they’re hitting Iranians. Delusional.
Little jihadi … right handed? lol
English please. Try form coherent sentences, if not rational ones.
Since the death of general soleimani Iran has been and will continue to send out thousands of deep cover special forces to all their allies especially Syria to attack USSA slave soldiers all over the middle east .