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MARCH 2025

Highly Likely Reasonable Grounds: Russian Foreign Ministry Slams OCPW Douma Chemical Attack Report

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Highly Likely Reasonable Grounds: Russian Foreign Ministry Slams OCPW Douma Chemical Attack Report

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On March 5th, the Russian Foreign Ministry released a comment on the publication by the Technical Secretariat of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) of a report following an investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons in the city of Duma, Syria.

“We are concerned that the mission prefers to completely ignore the substantial information provided by the Russian and Syrian parties confirming that this chemical incident had been staged by the pseudo-humanitarian organisation White Helmets”, the ministry statement said.

Another cause of concern is that several Western journalists provided information that the alleged chemical attack in Douma on April 7th, 2018 was staged and it was completely disregarded.

“Russian experts in the field will carefully study the final report of the OPCW [Fact-Finding Mission in Syria] on the incident in the city of Douma and will soon share their assessments and considerations on this matter in detail with the international community”, the ministry added.

Furthermore, the Foreign Ministry statement suggest that the only purpose of the report is to justify the “response” by the US, the UK and France on April 14th, 2018.

“Numerous graphics and photographs, apparently, are designed to demonstrate its objective and comprehensive nature. However, the streamlined conclusions made by experts of the MUFS about the fact that “there are reasons to believe” (reasonable grounds) that chlorine was used as a chemical weapon in the city of Douma unfortunately suggest that the only purpose of the report to justify the act of aggression committed on April 14, 2018 by the United States, Britain and France in violation of the UN Charter against a sovereign state.”

The statement also claimed that the results of the “investigation” would be used to propagate the anti-Damascus government narrative.

“The arguments are the same, namely: at that time, they say, the city of Duma was under the control of the militants, and chlorine cylinders were allegedly dropped from a great height, which only government aviation could do.”

It also should be noted that the algorithm of the investigation was the same as previous OPCW reports, and is entirely based on assumptions with a “high degree of possibility.”

“Such an approach was also guided by the completely discredited former Joint OPCW-UN mechanism to investigate the use of chemical weapons in Syria.”

The statement also reminded that on April 26th, 2018, Russia, together with Syria, held a press conference at the OPCW with the participation of civilians who unwittingly became actors in the play staged by White Helmets. These Syrians then specially visited The Hague to convey to those who are really interested to hear the truth, what actually happened in the city of Duma on April 7th, 2018.

“In the presence of dozens of delegations of the OPCW member countries, they described in detail how the “White Helmets” filmed the notorious video,” which prompted the response by Washington, London and Paris.

The report concludes that Russian experts in the field will carefully study the final report on the incident in the city of Duma and in the near future will share with the international community more detailed assessments and considerations on this matter.

The report itself was released on March 1st, the investigation that led to the conclusions included the Fact-Finding mission visiting on-site to “collect environmental samples, conduct witness interviews and gather data. The FFM further analysed a range of inputs including witness testimonies, environmental and biomedical samples analysis results, toxicological and ballistic analyses, and additional digital information from witnesses.”

These methods of information gathering led to the conclusion that there were “reasonable grounds” that the toxic chemical allegedly used in Douma contained reactive chlorine. “The toxic chemical was likely molecular chlorine.”

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This sudden plethora of reports and articles on chemical attacks in Syria this week, rehashed media articles about earlier alleged chemical attacks and the release of a new book allegedly by an eye witness seems to be a rehash of a strategy used in Iraq to create acceptance for American military engagement.

Washington fluffed it’s scheme to intimidate Venezuela, so it’s propaganda arm is going through the motions on Syria. Haven’t Syrians suffered enough without this rubbish.

Then there is media fear mongering designed to prevent Syrian refugees returning home.

Jim Prendergast

Who paid for that OPCW report? If it was me I want my money back!

Concrete Mike

Im sure some of our tax loonies are in there.

Pave Way IV

The OPCW has a special trust fund set up for the Syrian effort, relying on voluntary contributions from member states. That fund has been supported primarily by donations from the wealthier states of the west (EU), along with large donations from China and Russia.

Starting in Iraq, and then Libya and now Syria, the interests of the US (Israel) with its FUKUS/NATO cabal and ‘other’ friendly vassal states have increasingly dominated OPCW policy. Israel has not ratified the CWC and is not a member state. It doesn’t need to be since the US is it’s little bitch, there. Since these countries also are the main contributors to the Syrian mission, Reports of the Fact Finding Missions in Syria (they paid for) have pretty much been what the US/FUKUS/NATO wanted. They don’t want their money back – the FFM Report said what they wanted it to say.

FUKUS pushed the CWC member states last year to expand the OPCW’s original mandate (basically destroying any hope of its impartiality) to permanent Global Terrorist Chemical Cops and Judge/Jury for assigning blame in their FFMs. Russia, China, Syria, India and Iran (among others) voted against that, while the FUKUS/NATO + vassals voted for that expansion. FUKUS/NATO won, so blame will be assigned according to the interests of FUKUS/NATO. That change in mandate is permanent OPCW funding, not the voluntary ‘extra’ stuff. Obviously, Russia and Syria have little interest in funding activities that will be used against them (Syria – Ghouta, chlorine barrel bombs, etc., Russia – Skripal/Novichock MI6 clown-fest).

The OPCW has already accomplished much of its original mandate, Israel is never going to sign or allow inspections, and the other non-signatory countries can be encouraged via other means. In other words, the OPCW doesn’t need to exist anymore except to be absued as a political tool. Russia, China, Syria and Iran won’t drop out of the CWC, but they have zero reason to continue funding or participating in the newly-weaponized OPCW. It’s just a FUKUS/NATO/Israel tool today.


If I remember right about Duma, sometimes I don’t :) There was a pix of Chlorine canister ( hard to get??) in upper level of building. And white helmets or other made a fake video, rushing into local care center, declaring a chemical attack with a camera in tow. The doctors interviewed said it was all bs.

Lazy Gamer

Those cylinders appear to be used as a kinetic weapon judging it tore through a roof(looks concrete made) and yet the canister is still whole. Lol Other canisters on the other hand show they’ve been torn apart with something sharp.

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