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Hilarious And Simultaneously Sad Video Showing Situation Of Refugees In Germany

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Source: Browser Ballett 

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keep Jens homo nazi senile

Ashok Varma

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Narsallah who is the longest serving and wise man of the Middle east has an excellent analysis of western racism and evil at Saker site. BTW, Hezbollah and the Iranians are the only openly blood brothers of Russian in their unwavering support. China can not be trusted.

Sayyed Nasrallah: The war in Ukraine unmasked the racism and hypocrisy of the West

US and the west are hypocrites, warmongers and racists to the core and have no shame. This is the case with Ukraine [the US has no hesitation in sacrificing the Ukrainian and European population in general to advance its interests]. Thus, based on the logic of the representative of the United States, it would have been necessary today, before threatening Russia or other countries with trials, to establish dozens and hundreds of sessions to judge the Americans, the British and the Western and European armies for their crimes in Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Africa, in all corners of the world, in India, Pakistan… It is these files that we must start by examining if we want to base ourselves on these principles.

jens holm

Another one wanting to make me die laughing. ha ha.

His stomach might be his brain.

Jens Assholm

Monkey turd is your brain. Just die already stupid animal.


Whatever it takes to make you die.


Remember, China is next.

mike brown

Translation would be nice


Basically, everyone is welcoming ukranian refugees in Germany becauae they are like “us”, meaning white and similar to europeans unlike Syrians and black people which are not welcome in EU.

The video mocks double standards in racist 🇪🇺. And unfortunately it’s true for most EU countries, not just Germany.

Even in Ukraine, refugees were separated between, what Ukraine and EU consider normal people (read: white) and ukranian refugees who are black or of non european origin.

It’s sad and disgusting at the same time, because it’s true.

And Germany is bragging how they welcomed more than 300k people. That’s cute. Russia took around 1 million refugees from 2014. – 2022. and around 800k since the beginning of the special operation on Feb. 24. And you won’t hear about it in western media.


Codswallop. We’re tired of shtskns, and shtskn culture. Let Russia accomodate them. May God make shtskns as rare as gold.


Africa is the second largest continent on earth. It’s about time that refugees were sent there.


your ignorance astounds me, read a book for fucks sake


Africa is not the second largest continent?


I doubt Ukros want to go to Africa….


But everyone wants to go to Europe. Why is that?


Because Europe still has a majority Europeans in it. Not sure for how long. With the banking parasites in power in the Western world and the push to “abolish the white race” as Noel Ignatief promoted it might not be long until Western Europe becomes a third world zone.


Thanks, but I know all of that and we are allied on that issue. I wanted to see what Victor was going to write.


Germany probably took in more than 600k Ukrainians in these few weeks, its only that around 400k are registered up to now. As there are no border controls of Ukrainians at the Polish-German border and Ukrainian citizens are not required to be registered as the have a 90-day visa automatically.

All Germans are happy to be able to help women and children in need, as they are an entirely different demographic of migrants than the hostile 3rd worlders we had before.


One Correction, there are no border controls at all, not only for Ukrainians, thanks to Schengen and the EU.

jens holm

It is good for us old incels and rejects like this Manfred from video and me to find some desperate Ukras refugees. Boy or girl doesn’t matter.

I only dont know if anyone is that desperate.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens holm
jens holm

Its the same for Denmark even we have only few compared to that.

We do have many vacant low paid jobs. Its very organized. They are helped to that and are educated some for it.

Some has to be removed to thin populated, areas where there are jobs. Housing there is cheeper. So they will get calm night.

Some seemes to be traumatized and need a lot of help. many are firt for fight.

I wish You luck.

Mordor is done

Germany took more than one million of refugees in 2015. It’s funny how Putin and Soros propaganda has common points: blaming europeans for preferring european refugees. And accusing anyone who does not agree with them, of being a Nazi.


European whites are a big part responsible for destroying MENA so they owe them the right to come into EU and live however freely.

jens holm

You are having too much fun making children. We has less fun but we can support our children the next 18 years.

We are not responsible for that. The skincolor would be different.

You keep Yourself as low lifers. So many has oil under their behinds. You cant even produce simple plastic bags. No education. Most incomming muslism here cant even read the holy Choran. You keep vomen more stupid in IQ then men.

Amputating dicks is more important.

And You are more then ever and behaves like lemmings.

jens holm

Amputating dicks is verry important.

CIA amputated by tiny dick and my tiny brain long time ago in Danish orphanage.

Now Iam verry happy and serve them verry much like lemmings. Verry love to kiss kiss American behind.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens holm
jens holm

You not even liberated Yourself. Only Saudis and Jews did. We gave Your countries. Did You take over and devellop. Hard to see.

The new made Syria after two years went into war with Israel. Ypu must be bad people. Your own homecountris wont even take You back. We try to pay them to do.

Your systems makes corruption. Just as in Russia one brain is better alone then with the rest of the population. Wel they might put in their behinds towrads Mecca.

So I feel less and less. saddam was a nice guy. Gadaffi was a nice guy. Khomeina was nicer then the Shah. Wababits are nice poeple. All in Yemane are nice people. The Nasser soldiers there was nice guys there too.

I only see Hussein in Jordan as nice guy.


It’s mostly Jews doing it. They run the media, and all the nation wrecking in the middle east is to satisfy the Jews.


this clip has been created with the help of ARD and ZDF, German state sponsored media. That makes it German propaganda.


But you are a Nazi, and also pathetic dumb cunt.


But honest. Nazis are honest and prefer white people over foreigners that don’t belong in Europe. Why can’t refugees be sent to Islamic nations? Or African nations? Why only Europe or other white nations?


Can’t disagree with that. But then France yesterday voted for Macron not for Le Pen, they should only blame themselves.


Because white people destroyed Africa and the Middle East, and because the White People in Charge are happy to have millions upon millions of refugees flooding the formerly developed countries that had advanced welfare states. It’s a lot easier to cry poverty and ram neoliberalism up everyone’s asses if you have masses of economic refugees who require state assistance. The idea is to impoverish everyone. It’s called Capitalism.


Yeah. Europe destroyed all their mud huts. Sure. You mean Libya right? And that was destroyed by Jews and their agents in the US and Europe. As for the middle east, most of those were wrecked because of Jewish influence.

Florian Geyer

” Why only Europe or other white nations? ”

Because white nations, NATO, have all been complicit in destabilising the Middle East to loot oil, and to defend the Apartheid state of Israel as the Israeli’s genocide the Palestinian people.


But why migrate to the very nations that supposedly wrecked their nations? Why migrate to live among the infidels you abhor? The fact is, most of the brown and black run world are shit holes and everyone knows it. Most of these migrants are migrating for the money and freebies, not because their nations were wrecked because of Jews. Lastly, most of these black and brown migrants want to bang white women and avoid their own people and their own cultures. They’re voting with their feet to escape themselves and their own shit cultures.

Empire of LIES? Yep

The West and even Japan agreed that Azov and like groups were Nazis and had committed war crimes, and then they didn’t.

jens holm

Germany took so many Syrian refugees. Sweden did it too. None can handle those and then say yes to more.

Our big problems are most muslims are too far away from everything here. We still wonder why muslims can be taken by other muslim countries. We also know why.

They aree even worse racists then us and most of them are divided into tribe territories.

A Somali from southern Somalia cant stay in northern Somalia. Its a no go even we pay for it. WRONG TRIBE.

So we take Ukrainian tribers and even Russian tribers from Ukraine hardly with no formalities. Half of them are children. They already goes to school. Many hare are NGO helpers for them in almost anything.

Its because it makes sens for all. All are covid vaccinated.


No translation needed. I figured it out 30 seconds into the vid. Germans are racist, gee no kidding.

I just wonder, do they like the guys with swastika tattoos more or less than the chicks.


translation on the youtube channel. Click source: Browser ballet under the video.

And also here is direct link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD3LhdiTp9k


It’s not quite like that. Russia exaggerates the Nazi-spin. There will be some racist rumblings, but that has always been supported by Russia, even here on SF. I remember lots of posts saying how terrible it was that Syrians, Afghans etc. were ‘flooding’ Germany. I always said that wasn’t a problem. Now all of a sudden, after giving millions of refugees a new home (how many went to Russia???), we’re the Nazis, c’mon. This is getting silly. Weapons for Ukraine should be stopped. However, it is bizarre that Russia, a country with a very high percentage of Neo-Nazis is constantly pointing its fingers at others. Especially Germany that has, despite all shortcomings, still one of the most liberal immigration policies. In fact, it’s the other way round. According to Russian propaganda outlets, like SF, Middle Eastern refugees are bad and Ukrainian ones are worse. There are still loads of Afghans, Africans etc. arriving – and they’re all being taken care of.


sad that you actually believe that Russia has a very high percentage of neo-nazis. Proof? Commies, nazis, Puin-versteher, etc, surely there cannot be a good Russian anywhere. Why don’t you say right out what you actually think: that the Russian is the Untermensch.


The most Russians are not to blame, they are just brainwashed by their „leader“ the only blame might be that they do not inform them as their young students are doing. But Russian sensor is that elaborated that you need some education to avoid been sensored, so they are poor enough to oppresse them and stupid enough to not be able to notion it. Poor people.


Have you ever been to Russia? I have and I never once saw any nazis


That’s comedy not real.


Comedy would not be funny if it is not based on reality :)

The fact is that Ukrainian refugees are not drowning at sea or don’t have to climb over fences

Mordor is done

And are mostly women with children.

jens holm

In DEnmark they are. More then 50% are children. next many women and the rest is mixted.

We already has Ukrainians working here, where the men has left for Ukraine even they never was in the military.

jens holm

And yes we look for crime. We know things too. Its kept down but not gone.


Because their men are heroes defending them not fleeing and choicing for the easy live and terrorising the people.

jens holm

They are welcommend very much here, but we also only has up to 30.000 new ones.

There has been a few complaints about temporary housing with several malfunctions. .Those people soon will get better and more permanent adresses.

helene matz

a picture is worth 1000 words

jens holm

And loved vomen and men makes too many children.

te qifsha nanen

your inbred animal parents made at least one too many.


Oder auf deutsch: Hier wird der Bogen überspannt. So verliert man in Deutschland nur Sympathien für Russland.


This video has nothing to do with Russia :)

jens holm

Russia too. Germany is not bombarded


wieso, ist doch eine deutsche Produktion (sogar rein deutsch, sollte Dich doch eigentlich glücklich machen). Mal über sich selber lachen können. Aber der Funke Wahrheit, der schmerzt halt. Oder empört. Warum nur…


russische Kritik an der verheerenden deutschen Politik der Massenmigration und der ethnischen Verdrängung der einheimischen Deutschen durch Massen von Arabern und Afrikanern war mir in der Vergangenheit deutlich lieber als diese schwachsinnige Rassismus- und NS-Keule.

jens holm

Its the same for man parts of Europe and Denmark too.

You dont realize You make so many jobs. You dont relalize many are the easy ones, which cant be avoided.

And you dont have Germans for it. You cant even make enough of them. So You have to import and make them to one of You.

Its about behaving as a German and work for it and make many incommers and their children to love it.

here is some story about jesus and a camel or dromedar . I dont think there is no choise.

jens holm



The ad: White > Brown > Black.

jens holm

You are a brownie.

Jacob Wohl

You are a piece of shit.


So my dick is bigger now that you said I’m brown? Call me black bitch and I make sure to make your mother feel good for once in her life.


Just like IQ tests. Whites are above brown people, and blacks are on the bottom.


Ofc, a person like you forget about history and facts and tries to link race to intelligence. Are you calling Asians “while” or have you just forgotten about them? (You most likely going to say, “but you did mention Asians” – shithead I didn’t mention IQ tests as well). The founder of algebra was a white man/woman, no that’s crazy. The first rule of human rights was written in a White country, no that’s crazy. The white people are so smart that they still don’t wash their asses. (I use bidet fuk you, also I should add that is changing, more and more people are thinking for once – Muslims and Indians washed their ass as well but that’s going without saying). (Yet again you might go on and say, “washing your ass doesn’t make you smart or have high morals”).

Intelligence: The ability to collect and apply knowledge and skills. Knowledge: facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

Dumb fuk, a fool (like Jens) never changes and would argue to the end of time. Even when he is wrong, is he a smart person? Do you have any proof that washing your ass after shiting is bad? Do you think wiping your ass cleans your butt? No, not at all. Saying that, would you change and start washing your ass? If you said no, are you a smart person? Intelligence: The ability to collect and apply knowledge.

White people are so smart – just look at these Neo-Nazis in Ukraine – Smartasses think they can fight off Russian (But I think these white Neo-Nazis forgot that Russian are also white) – you are right whites are so smart that they are changing IQ tests so they don’t feel bad about themselves as well. To “include” Gays and trans-whatever the fuk as well. That is White people’s culture. I ask that question again after “white people” start killing each other for god knows what again, gay/trains/zion/etc. White people are so smart they kill themselves for other’s goals (Ukraine war) – Pakistan when to Russia and bought gas and wheat and told the West they aren’t their slaves and yet no one in the West care about themselves/country – so smart. Taking in 5+ million Neo-Nazis is also smart and will not end badly, just like before (but they are white right).

P.S. I going to end with this, is Jens a smart person? LMFAO.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345

its from a satiric channel

Last edited 2 years ago by Selbstdenker
jens holm

But its true as well.

I am a bad person. When so many are refugees, why should we not take the ones semilar to us.

hans raus

You are both a faggot and a closet Nazi, like all Danish cunts.


What a BS…

Actually a lot of women helped in the US orchestrated migration of young Syrian males to Europe (Sweden, Germany, Netherlands…). They could not get enough male into the countries.

It will be interesting to see, how they now react to real refugees which are mostly women and children and maybe elderly…

That film made the German men look bad and the money seekers that had to cross up to 12 secure countries to arrive in Germoney look like nice people…

And we had a class system for refugees in 2015. Syrian refugees got a much better treatment than Afghanistan refugees. There were different queues and different rules for those.

Because the Afghan were not send by US campaigns to rob Syria of fighting men, but came with the money of their villages to make their fortune in Germoney and send back cash.

They even opened western union cash transfer in areas that never knew such existed to have the Syrians and Afghan send back their price money to their relatives and pay back the journey fees.


and it is exactly that class system that is being highlighted here. New refugee, new class, pushed to the top of the class right away.

jens holm

I have compared above this. If You after 10 years here with free education not even has a job – it is NO CLASS.

Here Afghanis, Somalis, Pakistanis and Gazaones are in the bad end. It goes for Syrians too. Its exact the same among most muslims.


exactly this libtard propaganda is getting out of control

jens holm

Thats no propaganda. Its free speech. You have a right to that here even many might be offended.

Discrimination is forbidden, but You have it for gender and fx LGTPs as well.

We also can makes changes, if there is more then one oppinon. Changes might be made if You are told like that.

jens holm

Actually a lot of women helped in the US orchestrated migration of young Syrian males to Europe (Sweden, Germany, Netherlands…). They could not get enough male into the countries.

Is highly incorrect. If anything women is much better. They are learners and dont look down at us.

Where did You get that crap from????

And Yes, we hoped for we got the educated Syrians. But we did not.

The main problem was not gender at all. It was too many too fast. And too many.


Unfortunately, the vast majority of Ukrainian woman were global prostitutes and most men including gay Zelensky a pimp. Now the whole of Ukraine is a hooker for EU and US.

jens holm

Ypu are running the pedals in some marslander?

Joe Biden

I’m running pedals on your ass




But, but, but…. We were winning!!! Cnn said so!


Have you seen Ukraine yet? Oh, wait that’s right not much left – the Neo-Nazis are in hell as well…


You seem to know such a lot about it, perhaps you are keeping the profits rolling into the porn industries. A lot of RAPE victims are unwllingly making porn, when they are raped they have to smile and pretend they are enjoying it or their kids get raped too. Carry on watching the porn and see the fake smiles as the filth take another shot that is more convincing and the tears are dried in between the shots. Knowing that the poor wenches in these are being tortured and have to act may even make watching it all more enjoyable for you. And remember a bit of frustration in this life, a bit of control over one’s compulsions, it is nowhere as bad as eternity in hell. Eternity is longer than ten years, longer than a century or a millenium, it is FOREVER.


Alnanians will fight for the last prostitute and organ.


goodness, a lot of Germans here feeling sour. wonder why…

jens holm

Thats because Germans mainly not are that or just a little. We see the agressive ones better.


refugees from the near east come to europe exclusively to receive social benefits and to pursue their organized crime without risk. ukrainian women and children, on the other hand, are ostensibly “real” refugees who receive temporary protection. the reaction of the receiving countries is therefore quite normal and understandable. everyone knows that africans and arabs are not real refugees and are brought to europe for completely different reasons. the video is also meant to be sarcastic and was produced by an asylum NGO.

jens holm

You have to seperate in more then two groups. Many arrived muslims has taken any job. Where they came form, there was none.

And yes. The ukras are here by temporary decidings by EU. They are welcome pr definition with no limitations.


Haven’t watched this, but as others said: This is not a real report: It’s a German comedy show (so it’s likely to be bad…).

jens holm

I see it as commercial and free speech.


when refugee women from Ukraine first arrived in Germany, it became painfully clear rather quickly that they were targeted by predators. Men showed up at the railway stations where the refugee trains arrived offering shelter to single women who mistakenly thought this was legit and that they would be taken care off. That is the reality. Women in a strange land, alone, not speaking the language, tired, confused, hoping to be helped quickly found themselves in a living nightmare. It was such a massive problem that the media reported it. In the beginning but then quickly fell silent about it. What they should have done was report about it and put out warnings in Russian and Ukrainian. That never happened.

jens holm

Thats a very biased version. Many refugees comming here already has a relative working here. Those meet them at the stations.

But You also is right. The police is there too and try to avoid incidents like You descriebe them.


I remember when you could write in English – what the fuk happened to you? “But You also is right. ” Ah yea. “86% of Danes speak English as a second language.” Ahhhh I see…


This is ridiculous. Of course Ukrainian women and children are more welcome than (overwhelmingly fighting age male) Arabs or Africans. Germans in particular has numerous incidents of heinous crimes (recall New Year’s eve in Cologne most notable) and straight up terrorism. Just look at France or the frequent riots in Sweden lately, to see that 3rd world migration is a disaster and enormously threatening for the host society.

Ukrainians will return and if not will integrate perfectly into German society as most fellow Eastern Europeans (Poles, Russians) did before them.

jens holm

Thats not nice. You partly is correct. Its very much about the ones, whcih already is here – Thank You.


I love rtded people like you, have even question why most of them are women and children? Maybe just maybe it is because most men are banned from leaving Ukraine… maybe that’s why. You fuking rtded fuk. I for one stand with Ukrainian men that want to leave and not die for yanquis/Zion/old pigs that get money from weapons sales.

Ukrainians will return and if not will integrate perfectly into German society as most fellow Eastern Europeans (Poles, Russians) did before them.

“will integrate perfectly into German society” 90% of them are women and kids fuk head, not men. Ofc they will integrate perfectly into German society both are Nazis fuks.

“Ukrainians will return” SO WILL MIDDLE EASTERN IF THE FUKING WEST STOP SUPPORTING terrorists and Zion. But that Zion said it kiddo, Ukraine can fight Russian for 10 years…NO they aren’t returning in the future it seems.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345

Ukrainians displaced by commie-jew-loving special olympics invader horde, are welcome in any Country (due to Universal Humanitarian Law of Love They Neighbor, and never invade a Mans home).


whoever uses sources like these makes himself untrustworthy, regime propaganda at its best


that clip is sponsored by the ARD and ZDF, which are both German state sponsored media. Look to the end of the video, you will see their logos, then google ‘browser ballett’, which is a satire production that is part of these outlets.

That makes it German regime propaganda.

jens holm

If You dont take it as it is it is.

jens holm

Nice video showing one of the dilemmas well.

My own oppinion: Ukras integrate well here. The 10.000 we had before this ALL HAD JOBS. Even today only 55% of the incomming muslims for 10 years takes available jobs.

Why should I feed those. WE even give them free education so they can do all common jobs. BUT OH NO.

Today there are about 50 mio refugees. Why should i take the ones, which deny to fit in and work and pay tax. Many of those muslim men pretend they also are much clever then us. So many of the vomen are forbidden to work. Others prefare to go home, but they both are on wellfare.

Its very sad I not always see the 45% muslims doing well. I would like to.

jens holm

Germany is full. They should bill Putin. I seemes he has to much money for himself.


She’s going to look great on a stripper stage!

jens holm

I prefer blonde men.


You did have to say that, we all know what you like in your ass.


Ukrain refugees are real ones: women with proud men who defend their families and country, their values and norms not some coward men, opportunists , loking for an easy live who are also not interested to live in, and be also not welcome in undemocratic Russia or Belarus. We have experience with the scum of humanity, the cowards who leave childern and women to have an easy live.


Russia has been hosting millions of Ukrainian refugees for years and is taking in more constantly.

Jens Borg

You are the scum of humanity. Actually, you are not a human being at all, just a stupid, filthy, mutated insect.


If they’re such proud men, wouldn’t it be smarter to make peace with Russia so you’re still alive to impregnate your Ukrainian woman instead of her shipping her off to Europe to fuck niggers?


I from Germany. The Niggers all scrounger. They come Not from war countrys. and aß black students they try to Mix in its all only sorrosoid Propaganda. Think Soros should pay for the Niggers.


Revealing glimpse into the mind of America’s hero. He’s not called ‘Cokehead of Kiev’ without reason……. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAEhD7YlYe0


Like that dude from Ireland who volunteered to host Ukrainian refugees but instead they sent him bunch of Africans “from Kiev”. He almost started crying lol 🤣😀


Than keep Yanks out of Germany.

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