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History Repeats Itself – Death Squads Re-Emerge In Occupied Ireland

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History Repeats Itself – Death Squads Re-Emerge In Occupied Ireland

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Written by Gavin O’Reilly

From the announcement that Britain had voted to leave the European Union in June 2016, up until London finally departed the bloc in January 2020, the main criticism put forward by the mainstream media over Brexit was that it would result in violence erupting in the occupied north of Ireland, with border infrastructure being placed between the southern EU-member Irish state and the British-ruled north-east inevitably becoming a target for a resurgent Irish Republican movement.

Despite the 1998 Belfast Agreement being lauded worldwide as a ‘peace deal’ that ended 30 years of conflict, the Good Friday Agreement was effectively a surrender agreement between the British government and Provisional IRA, the culmination of years of infiltration at the highest level of the once revolutionary movement by British agents.

In the 24 years since the signing of the GFA however, many Republicans have sought to continue the IRA’s original goal of establishing a 32-County Independent Republic, with more than 40 Irish Republican prisoners currently languishing in British and Free State prisons, and sporadic attacks still taking place against British occupation forces, though not at the level of intensity that had occurred in the 70s and 80s.

This is where the prospect of a ‘hard border’ came into play in the mainstream media’s coverage of Brexit, with customs posts between both jurisdictions in Ireland manned by the 5,000 British troops that still remain in the occupied six counties, inevitably becoming a target for physical force Irish Republicans.

Therefore there is a sense of irony in the fact that two years on from Britain’s departure from the European Union, the most potent threat of violence from Brexit so far, has in fact emanated from pro-British Loyalists, the descendants of English and Scottish colonisers planted in the north Irish province of Ulster in the 17th century.

Downing Street’s Irish Protocol, which effectively keeps the occupied six counties in the EU Customs Union via checks being carried out on goods coming into the region from Britain by sea, has been viewed by Loyalists as undermining the British occupation that they wish to remain under, and also as being a stepping stone towards Irish reunification.

Following the end of the withdrawal agreement last year, and Britain’s official departure from the EU single market, Loyalists would react to this newly-implemented Protocol by rioting across the region, attacking the pro-British colonial police force that they have traditionally supported, and bringing global attention to the occupied north of Ireland not seen in decades.

Indeed, tensions would rear their head again in March of this year when Foreign Minister of the southern 26-County Irish State, Simon Coveney, seen as an instrumental  figure in the implementation of the Protocol by Loyalists, had to be evacuated from an official event in Belfast following a bomb warning from Loyalist terrorist group, the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF).

Though low intensity at present, the current Loyalist campaign bears a grim similarity to the one that began in the mid-60s in response to the call for equal rights for Irish Nationalists living in the occupied six counties, a campaign of petrol bombing Nationalist-owned properties that would eventually escalate into 30 years of ethnic cleansing and atrocities carried out in collusion with British Military Intelligence.

With peaceful civil rights campaigners being batoned and teargassed by a pro-British police force every time they took to the streets of occupied Ireland, support for militant Republicanism was quickly growing.

In order to counter the threat from the emerging Provisional IRA, the Military Reaction Force (MRF) a clandestine British Special Forces unit, was deployed to occupied Ireland with the intention of triggering a civil war between Irish Republicans and Loyalists, thus taking the IRA’s focus away from the British troops that had been deployed to the region in 1969 in order to enforce Downing Street’s rule.

To this end, the MRF would employ the modus operandi of drive-by shootings of unarmed Nationalist civilians in the hope that the IRA would place the blame on Loyalists.

The unit would work directly with Loyalists in December 1971 however, when they allowed a UVF team clear passage to bomb McGurk’s Bar in the staunchly Republican New Lodge area of Belfast – leaving 15 civilians dead and marking the beginning of formal relations between British military intelligence and Loyalist death squads

Indeed, this relationship would rear its ugly head less than three years later when the UVF – under the direction of the MRF’s successor, the Special Reconnaissance Unit (SRU) – would detonate three no-warning car bombs in Dublin and one in the border county of Monaghan, resulting in 34 deaths in what was the largest loss of life in a single day in the 30-year period of conflict.

The bombing of the 26-County State’s capital was seen as a warning to Dublin to not dissent from its traditionally pro-British stance, weakened at the time by atrocities carried out by British troops in the occupied north.

Though no further attacks on the same scale as Dublin and Monaghan would ultimately be carried out in the 26 Counties as a result, Britain’s policy of operating with death squads in the north of Ireland would continue unabated, which, as the 1980s dawned, would also grow to accommodate the Ulster Defence Association (UDA).

Although not yet responsible for the same high-profile attacks as its counterpart, the UDA dwarfed the UVF in terms of membership, which reached 40,000 at its peak.

Taking this into account, as well as the fact the UDA was engaged in the same bloody ethnic cleansing campaign as the UVF, it was not long before London seen the group’s potential as a proxy, thus the Force Research Unit (FRU) was born.

A covert unit in the same vein as the MRF and SRU, the FRU’s purpose was to turn the UDA into a more ‘professional’ force, one that would target IRA members rather than engage solely in the traditional Loyalist tactic of killing unarmed Nationalist civilians.

To implement this strategy they would recruit Brian Nelson, a senior UDA member, to travel to South Africa in 1985 in order to source arms from the then-Apartheid state’s official defence contractor Armscor, a deal that would lead to a deadly escalation of the group’s genocidal campaign against the Nationalist population, and would ultimately result in the execution of human rights Lawyer, Pat Finucane.

Finucane, from Belfast, would become a thorn in the side of the British establishment throughout the 80s by defending several high-profile Republicans, including hunger striker Bobby Sands.

Placed firmly in London’s crosshairs, the final straw would come in November 1988 when he successfully had charges dropped against an IRA Volunteer in relation to the deaths of two British soldiers.

Three months later, a UDA unit smashed down Finucane’s front door as he had Sunday dinner with his family and shot him 14 times, his execution effectively sanctioned by Downing Street three weeks prior, when Thatcher Cabinet member Douglas Hogg stated in the House of Commons that there were solicitors ‘unduly sympathetic to the cause of the IRA’.

Both the UDA and UVF would continue this campaign of violence against the Nationalist community for a further five years, the official end coming in October 1994 when both organisations declared they would ‘cease all operational hostilities’ in response to the earlier Provisional IRA ceasefire in August of that year.

Though both groups continue to exist, in the years following the ceasefire they mainly turned their guns on each other in bouts of internecine feuding.

If recent mainstream media reports are to be believed that the UVF are preparing to re-arm in the event of the Protocol remaining unchanged however, the current Loyalist campaign may soon escalate to a level not seen in decades – with British military intelligence undoubtedly playing a part once again.


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I believe the PIRA will fight Britain if Russia, Iran or Hezbollah ask. Hezbollah has been helping them, I guess with weapons and guerrilla tactics, I doubt IRA will sit around and watch them if they need help


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

Sadly I have to disagree with you. Anyone who was in the PIRA when it disbanded are most likely hitting pension age. Any other Republican organization is riddled with informants.


So would have Hezbollah trained then? There’s probably a a secret unit ready in the PIRA because there’s youngsters loyal to them

AM Hants

They will do what the Globbies tell them. After all, the same team that created the Maidan, also set up the IRA. Same characters, different faces, but, still using the same script.


“After all, the same team that created the Maidan, also set up the IRA.”

That’s truly deluded…..

AM Hants

Go back to 1917 and who was playing who? What happened during those times, besides there creation of the IRA? What script did they use, besides’ hate and divide’? Remember, what incited the riots? What was the Easter Rising, back in 1916 all about? How often have the same characters, all funded by the City of London, and friends used the same script?

‘…On April 24 their forces seized the Dublin General Post Office and other strategic points in Dublin’s city centre, and Pearse read aloud a proclamation announcing the birth of the Irish republic. British troops soon arrived to put down the rebellion, and for nearly a week Dublin was paralyzed by street fighting. ..’

Just like the Maidan. Funnily enough, two brothers from Dublin, Lord Northcliffe and Lord Rothermere, along with David Rockefeller, back in 1913 set up the Tavistock Institute of Human Behaviour, in order to force ‘mind control’ on the masses, via propaganda and spy-ops. One of the Dublin Brothers ran the Daily Mail and the other the Daily Mirror, taking care of the right leaning voters, together with the left leaning voters. Funny how they are still running the same script, with so few of the masses actually realising they were played, all these years ago and are still being played.

Personally, I do not think I am deluded, at all.


You are not deluded


You are seriously misinformed.

BoJo The Clown

Go on home British Soldiers, go on home

Have you got no fucking homes of your own

For 800 years we’ve fought you without fear

And we will fight you for 800 more!

Last edited 2 years ago by BoJo The Clown
helene matz

good on you



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Last edited 2 years ago by Dr. Tammy Snyder

The last thing most Irish people in Northern Ireland & Scotland want are “The Troubles ” starting up again ,that’s why the Unionist party lost votes to a “middle ground party ” allowing Sinn Fein to get a majority vote .The only “good ” thing to come out of this is that it puts an end to a UK/USA Trade Deal -chlorinated chicken- hormone chickens/meat etc as Biden has relations in Eire.


That hit the nail right on the head. Kudos

helene matz

sin fein is a headless chicken who sold their land for fame feck off gerry


Ireland, Argentina….. there will be plenty of opportunities for modern Russian weapons to be provided to further freedom and protection against British colonialism. It will be the same where the US is involved and indeed any Anglo Saxons. There cannot be a return to business as usual with the western empire of lies. The west chose to pick this fight to try to preserve a western dictatorship, instead of peacefully allowing a pluralist multipolar world. So until the west learns to accommodate and come to terms with a multipolar world, then they will face wars and conflict fanned around their own interests, like they have never seen before. That is not a threat, its a reality of living by the sword!


Argentina is an ex colony of Spain, so who is kidding whom? This is all a distraction to avoid accountability for being a useless UK government; despised and hated by the people of the countries it affects.

Talking about ‘The West’ and ‘Anglo Saxons’ is not understanding the facts. ‘The West’ has never been so divided and Anglo Saxons do not run the west.

There is no British colonialism and freedom is the mantra of terrorists. Russians are not terrorists and they will not stoop so low as to cause civil wars, they end them. Russian government are a lot cleverer and have more integrity than to cuse civilian pain when they know it is not the people who wage wars it is those who control the flow of money.

Donald Moore

I sure did miss the IRA, they did a good job over in Northern Ireland, looks like they need to go back into the family business again!


Wrong! Mi5 created the Ra. Then the demon-crates in Washington took over with the provisionals. The so called Loyalists are controlled by the zionist masonic order and are just loyal servant’s that got shafted after the good Friday agreement, so the normal people on both sides see the writing on the wall and won’t fall for that again. There will be no trouble, just fear mongering. The problem wee face in the North, is the hoards of illegals coming up thru the Republic. So glorifying the made up terriosts just make you look foolish. Labels will not divide us.




They were a criminal gang murdering Irish people all the time, they were Terrorists hated by everyone. English people had a great empathy for Catholic Irish until the IRA created an Irish/English divide. It was deliberate.

Thinking the IRA were freedom fighters is like thinking Murder Inc were a community support program. The IRA lost because some very brave Irish women stood up and told the world what the IRA really are and shamed the USA for supporting them, a few years later on Sept 11th New York learned what living with terrorism feels like and the brain washed Americans woke up. Without civil war, terrorism and crime; the IRA have nothing to do. They don’t want peace because they don’t know what to do with it. Thankfully they are dead or old men now. They did nothing good for Ireland.


The IRA are no criminal gang you tool, come to Kilmichael or Croke Park and say that. Every town and village in Ireland has a commemoration stone to the many brave Irish freedom fighters who fought first English then British imperialist mercenaries for centuries. These are facts, visit Ireland, see for yourself. Go to the many memorials of local boys murdered by Crown forces, cities like Cork, burned by the British army in 1920 as revenge for a battle the British had lost earlier in Crossbarry, go to Kilmainam Jail to see where the British tied James Connolly to a chair as he was too badly wounded to stand, so that they could execute him. The IRA carried on the same fight for freedom from English barbaric rule that the Fenians and United Irishmen before them had done over the centuries. That’s called resistance, and how dare a tool like you call a race of people criminal because they refused to be ruled by English butchers.

You certainly are not the brightest tool in the box when you claim the US ‘woke up’ and stopped supporting them. The US State Dept runs Sinn Fein ffs, haven’t you noticed all the Soros uni people running SF? Are you slow, or what?


The only solution to the EU border problem is a united Ireland. NI is essentially still in the EU for all intents and purposes, NI voted remain in any case. All the current arguments about legislation wrt trade issues are effectively arguments about how the can is going to be kicked down the road. Cut to the chase, a referendum on Irish unification should be held ASAP. Initially, NI is going to need some degree of autonomy from the rest of Ireland in order to placate the Protestants but the old hatreds are dying out over the generations and in due course Ireland will be peacefully unified.

Last edited 2 years ago by MarkU

I guess you’re right in that the old hatred will die out. But it’s sad.

I’d love to see a bunch of Brits die.

Peter Jennings

The people of the south and the north should work together. After all, they are all Irish. They could be free of a gov’t yoke and can make their own decisions for what’s good for the island. Recent gov’ts of Blighty have been disastrous for its people and economy. There are too many corporate vampires preying on the public. Oh, yeah, and the state should be run by the politicians and not the clergy.


It’s either be shackled to the EU or shackled to the UK. Ireland sold out years ago… Best solution would to become the British Isles again and kick the English back to Normandy.


Once upon a time there was, Irish ways and Irish laws, villages of Irish blood, waking to the morning, waking to the morning.

Then the Vikings came around, turned us up and turned us down, started building boats and towns, they tried to change our living, they tried to change our living.

Cromwell and his b’stards came, started centuries of shame, shot the farmers in their fields, who were working for a living, working for a living.

Today the struggle carries on, I wonder will I live so long, to see the Gates being opened up, to a people and her freedom, a people and her freedom.

Emmet Sweeney

The Irish Republic, like the rest of Europe and North America, is ruled by Angl-Zionist globalist scum.


The governments have been chosen by their pay masters to sew discord among us.


Death squads were Churchill’s specialty (Black&Tans)


LDPR should send IRA a nice pile of weapons to be used against their common enemy.


My thoughts exactly.

helene matz

the alcoholic son of a hoor fascist and eugenicist

AM Hants

All part of the game. the City of London, Vatican and Washington DC have been playing, for decades. 1913, the FED Reserve is created. Same year Rockefeller, with two Dublin brothers, who ran the left wing and right wing media in Great Britain, who got together to create ‘mind mass control, using propaganda’. They needed to change the mindset of the pacifist citizens of Great Britain and the USA, to get them ready for the World War, that was due to be launched, a few years later. Tavistock Institute of Human Behaviour, has a lot to answer for.

1917, creation of the IRA and how did it all start? Same script as all the other protest mobs, whether The Maidan, Hong Kong Protests, ISIS/Al Qaeda/White Helmets/or whatever they are called today, BLM, Antifa, etc, etc, etc. All use the same scripts and the same tactics. All claim to be fighting those that provide their wages. 1917, the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Empire and so much else happened during that period of time. Russia, had to walk away from WWI, owing to the Bolsheviks and the overthrow of the Russian Empire. The fall of WWI and how many Empires came to an end, during those times? Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Prussian Empire. A century later, still playing the same games and now it is time to bring the IRA out of retirement, just in time for a little chaos to keep the masses entertained and BREXIT as an excuse to blame for the actions of the idiots in charge.


I agree with most of what you said but the last bit…. IRA don’t exist, if they did they would be proxys of the demoncrats, seeing as sinn fien is run by the Clinton orcs… We need a new force, one that’s not enforced with religious lables

Central issue

Problem is it takes a lot of money to run a rebellion who’s going to pay it ?

AM Hants

$oro$ and the NED, make a habit of funding all those colour revolutions.


Irrespective of everything else, DO NOT click on the links supplied by the resident sluts. They likely lead back to deep state surveillance ops.


never have–either CIA or NSA lgbt hookers to excite Sawyer and puppet


Who cares? Remainers, being pro-EU, are the biggest evil in Europe. Ireland backs sanctions on Russia, so for sure it’s evil too and Britons are evil by any possible meaning. So I don’t think neither deserves any kind of help from military to economic, from political to human oand even prayers. Even if UK army bombed to ground all cities in the south part of the isle, not a single man in the world should move a finger to help them for at least eight years. Then, sanctions on whoever tries to help those faggots. May they all rot in hell.

Omas Bioladen

Not all Irish. Like Irish MEP Mrs Clare Daly



It’s one and counts nothing


We love her, so much integrity.


Interesting. The people of the Donbass (majority Russian speakers) are heroes because they want freedom from Ukraine, but the people of Ulster (the majority are Protestant) are treacherous scum because they want to remain free from Catholic Ireland?



New light through old windows. Palestine is still Palestine irrespective of how many khaZar squatters can be imported to that unfortunate land. So too Ireland is Ireland irrespective of the translplanted Scotch and English that stole Ulster and ethnically cleansed and slaughtered the “natives”. Histor remains history despite one’s ignorance of that reality. Live with it but bury your hatchet already.

‘Majority rule’

“In this context, the 2011 census was a “demographic watershed”. For the first time, the proportion of the population declaring themselves as Protestant or brought up Protestant fell below 50 per cent: “In a society characterised by debates over ‘majority rule’, where consent by a majority underpins the legitimacy of the state, the absence of a religious majority is an important symbolic marker,” the report states.


There are other changes: only two of the North’s six counties, Antrim and Down, now have “significant Protestant majorities”, and only one – Lisburn – of its five official cities.

“Within a decade, Belfast will almost certainly have a Catholic majority,” it states; in effect, a majority Protestant Northern Ireland “is now restricted to the suburban area surrounding Belfast.”


Both Queen’s and Ulster University have a majority of students from a Catholic background; conversely, 63 per cent of students who study in Britain do not return to Northern Ireland, and the report cites other studies which have suggested their numbers are disproportionately Protestant. The report warns about extrapolating too much from these trends. “Translating statistics about religious background into clear consequences for politics and national identitstraightforward.”


The NI protestants were closer to the RC than one may think. They all banned contraception and abortion until into the 80s. Those for abortion are apologists for murder. Contraception destroys marriages. Those who stop using contraception and instead practice NFP, they have better marriages and less than 10% of the divorce rate. Divorce becomes RARE. Both spouses being virgins when they marry and not living together first also lead to better and stronger marriages. At least trying for a child within the first two years of marriage, that also benefits marriage. Women who contracept with hormonal contraceptives have personality changes and they are attracted to completely different kinds of men. Fertility plummets after using the hormonal contraceptions too. It also leads to earlyabortion of conceived babies. It is difficult to know exactly how many babies are conceived and lost.


You can also frame it the other way and say that “Catholic Irish within Northern Ireland are heroes” because they don’t want to be part of UK and wider Empire ;). These things are common within conflicts depending on how you see and spin the story. In current conflict Ukraine portrays itself as the underdog but if we frame it as war between Russia and NATO+ then Russia is the underdog. Before february, DNR and LNR were definitely the underdogs in the conflict considering support from Russia was moderate at most (very reminiscent of relations between Serbia/FR Yugoslavia and Serb Republic and Serb Republic of Krayina) I greatly feared Putin would abandon them (DNR and LNR) “Milošević style” for some concessions,peace and “normalisation” only to be tricked and come to his senses far too late when like Serbia, Russia itself would still be demonised, sanctioned and in the end perhaps even directly attacked anyway. But fortunately fate had other turn.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lazar

Agree with your methodology. I can’t believe there are no visible peacemakers out there bringing that conflict to an end. I know they are ‘somewhere’ yet the MSM seem only willing to talk war from either side. Disagreeing is part of our makeup but killing each other over it is just downright sinful. I speak English but I am not an Englishman……….. No problems there for me. When I learn French should I call myself a Frenchman ? sacra bluer(sorry for the spelling )


Language seems to be an essential tool of empires ? My take on it is, if you are born there , then you are part of that community, whatever language you may end up speaking. Gee, imagine the Chinese stating that any Chinese countryman , whose lives are endangered , will be protected (by force) by mainland China ? every city in the world has a Chinatown so does that mean they are all protected by intervention ? The English,Russians, French etc have used this linguistic/culture excuse to maintain their influences in their previous so called colonies, I imagine this is as old as Babel. Ireland is a good example ? I mean, like the Scots , they mostly speak the English language, Gaelic has all but disappeared.


“Revolutionary Ireland is dead and gone…” To paraphrase Mr Yeats

September 1913

What need you, being come to sense, But fumble in a greasy till And add the halfpence to the pence And prayer to shivering prayer, until You have dried the marrow from the bone; For men were born to pray and save: Romantic Ireland’s dead and gone, It’s with O’Leary in the grave.

To the “smart” phone jabbing tatted and distracted mindless masses, mixed mutants and imports of Ireland who have no idea of the present let alone “their” history, it doesn’t matter a rat’s ass whether they are farmed by the Island Monkeys of Pirate Rock or the angloZionaZi politburo in Natostan capital Brussels, seat of the evil EUSSR. As long as these waddling lumps of protoplasm get their piZZa and Netflix they could care less who holds the cattle prod herding them in their electronic gulag. The writer seems lost in some kind of romantic time warp and never figured out that the “hard men”, the IRA of the 70’s, with the exception of a few real patriots like Bobby Sands, were in it for what they could get for themselves. MaGuiness and Gerry Adams were not Michael Collins nor even that imported USSAN enigma known as DeValera.


you have a way with words lol


Paula Slut…hoes gonna hoe…..


The Irish don’t have to worry about anything. With the aggressive multicultural policies that the stooges in their government are implementing with massive numbers of third world immigrants imported into a country of 5 million, soon enough there will be no Irish people to speak of. The ones left will be too busy defending their right to exist and apologising for their micro-aggressions against the all deserving newcomers. Their children will learn to be ashamed of their ancestors and the more emaciated ones will be toppling statues of Yates for being a nationalist who loved the Irish people. That is racist and the indoctrinated Irish imbeciles are welcoming their own genocide in an attempt to prove to the world how not racist they are. These days if you belong to any Western nation and you don’t hate your own people you are a racist. All while Israel is a homeland for the Jews exclusively.


Some immigration is a good thing but MASS immigration tends to be very problematic. The invasion of Ireland, the EU and Britian shows that we have not been having sufficient numbers of children. Financial policies which sent housing costs through the roof and the tax benefit system are to blame. It was deliberate. The contraceptions and abandonment of morality and restraint for empty hedonism have also contributed to the demise of the family and the absence of sufficient children to sustain the elderly.


“The invasion of Ireland, the EU and Britian shows that we have not been having sufficient numbers of children.”

What precisely are “sufficient numbers of children”? (sic).


Northern Ireland is British land, end of story.

FK south front. I bet they are all crying that Ukraine is kicking some Russian ass


“Northern Ireland is British land…..”

I suppose this poor soul also imagines that Argentina’s Islas Malvinas are also “British land” and Gibraltar is also “British land”. Geographic dissonance is even more lethal than cognitive dissonance and like the current rout of Pirate Rock’s mercenaries in rump Ukropland a sure way to get yourself vaporiZed when the angloZionaZi empire of shit strays over those very clear red lines of national and cultural identity. The majority in the 6 counties of Ireland will decide their own future just as the Scots will decide theirs. Little Britland is going down the toilet fast and so too must its memories of the “good old days” of Pirate Rock’s global rape, pillage and plunder. Ask those idiots Pinner and Aslin now awaiting a firing squad in Donbas. They get it already albeit a tad too late. Carry on.


You should tell that to the biggest party in Stormont, Sinn Fein.

And it is good of you to highlight the Ukrainian abuse of captured Russian troops, but soon there will be no more Ukraine thankfully.

helene matz

get out there boys and give the proddies a hiding then get out of the butchers apron blood soaked talons an unite ireland as socialist republic tiocfaigh ar la up the ra




In Christ there should be no angst between brothers . These acts of violence are done not by Christians of any type but anti Christs, some even masking themselves as Christian. Ireland can only ever unite in peace for it to be lasting.

helene matz

remember bobby sands


To be sure, the man had a terrible hunger….


He died for his beliefs.

You know of him, while you are nothing.


I served in Northern Ireland during the troubles as it was known there. The local civilian police RUC/PSNI are and aways had a reputation for corruption working with protestant paramilitary groups. And targeting Catholic civilians in sectarian murders. Unfortunately the British Army were placed in the middle of this tribal war .The IRA had been infiltrated from the top down and most of the information the military got was passed onto the local Police who then passed the same information to protestant paramilitary.Anyway the IRA are far from being freedom fighters I class them as No different than the likes of the Ukrainian nationalist groups. Thugs criminal’s and gangsters.


So you travelled to a foreign country armed to the teeth, but call the locals terrorists and thugs?

Some say the Devil is dead, the Devil is dead, the Devil is dead, Some say the Devil is dead, and buried in Killarney, More say he rose again, more say he rose again, more say he rose again to join the British Army.

Emmet Sweeney

The whole of Ireland is now occupied territory – by the Anglozionist globalists. The Irish government and political class are scum, who are currently destroying the country. They’re no better than the Loyalists. Sunny Fein too are traitors.


If the Brits were so gung ho about cleansing ethnic Russians going back hundreds of years out of Ukraine, I suppose if the Irish do it to the Brits, they should have nothing to say about it.

The Brits have been cruisin’ for a bruisin’ for decades now. If it’s the Russians or the Irish, makes no difference to me.


This time you WICKED BRITISH INVADER/OCCUPIER merchants of death, you will feel a FURY from my IRA brethren which you have never felt before. We will make no deals this time. My GRAND taught me all he knew and I am sure you know of what I speak.We will show the Palestinians HOW it should and WILL be done. As the UNIVERSE, or the God (of my IRISH Catholic Brothers and Sisters), is my WITNESS, YOU, and your Zionist/Freemason partners, the SCUM of this earth, will LEAVE or DIE terrible deaths (on) IRISH soil.


How are your JEWISH OWNERS?

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