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MARCH 2025

History’s Deadliest Pandemics: From Antonine Plague To COVID-19

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Based on the infographic released by visualcapitalist.com

This video visualizes some of history’s most deadly pandemics, from the Antonine Plague to the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The Novel Coronavirus outbreak started in China in December 2019. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020. The outbreak was officially declared a pandemic on March 11.

The featured pandemics by death toll:

  • Black Death (Bubonic Plague) – 200 million dead
  • New World Smallpox Outbreak – 56 million dead
  • Spanish Flu – 40-50 million dead
  • Plague of Justinian – 30-50 million dead
  • HIV/AIDS – 25-35 million dead
  • Third Plague – 12 million dead
  • Antonine Plague – 5 million dead
  • 17th Century Great Plagues – 3 million dead
  • Asian Flu – 1.1 million dead
  • Russian Flu – 1 million dead
  • Cholera Pandemics 1-6 – 1 million dead
  • Japanese Smallpox epidemic – 1 million dead
  • Hong Kong Flu – 1 million dead
  • 18th Century Great Plagues – 600 thousand dead
  • Swine Flu – 200 thousand dead
  • Yellow Fever – 100-150 thousand dead
  • Ebola – 11.3 thousand dead
  • COVID-19 – 9,000 (as of March 19)
  • MERS – 850 dead
  • SARS – 770 dead

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AIDS is not a pandemic. AIDS only affects certain people due to their life styles. If anything AIDS is a Godsend.

Guibus Guib

babies are born with AIDS, is it due to their life styles ?


No the sinful actions of their parents.

The Farney Fontenoy

This has been preventable with medication for 20+ years, expectant mothers who take it will have an AIDS/HIV free child.


And you incinerated your last surviving brain cell when you inserted the humble in your handle.


Truth is truth.


Aw toots – did I hurt your feelings?

Go buy a brain – try the local supermarket or something.


You are the one hurt by the truth.


It’s a rite of passage for shills :)


Just shills? – – – Or all recipients of the dumbed-down education?


IMA(rrogant)O fixed it for you

“AIDS and Corona only affects certain people due to their life styles.”


Corona beer maybe.


God has nothing to do with the creation of the aids virus


Maybe, maybe not. You could just blame it on the deviants.

The Farney Fontenoy

It’s presented as a pandemic in the video as that’s how the WHO presented it to the public, in the same way that Ebola is not a pandemic/epidemic either (it is also transferred via bodily fluids).


The Corona virus isn’t much worse than the common flu. More peoplebdie of Cornorary disease every year than the death rate of people dyingnfrom COVID-19.

Corona Virus 101 for Stupid People (Using the basics of Logic & Deductive Reasoning):


“This is only for the stupid people. If you see the ridiculousness of all this fear propaganda, you critically think and think for yourself and this video is not for you.”

More on the Coronavirus: bitchute[]com/hashtag/iccccorona_virus/




The link above is to a 36 minute video going over several dozen news articles reporting variations of the number 400 in a variety of circumstances. Such as British ‘expert’ predicts 400,000 Brits will die of Corona virus (despite lack of data); Virus fears wipe $400 billion off China’s stock market; Stock market live Tuesday: Dow up 400 points, Tesla’s parabolic move, Nasdaq hits record; Korean Air flight attendant with coronavirus reportedly serviced 400-seat aircraft that flew between South Korea and US twice; etc, etc).

The number 4 in numerology indicates building a solid foundation, giving something structure and form.

Cornoary disease. 33 More Reasons Why The Coronavirus Is Bollocks: 153news[]net/watch_video.php?v=O4YN81KSR4DU

50 headlines with the # 33: gab[]com/GrandeFormaggio/posts/103800119614011878

“Ordo ab Chao means Order out of Chaos, and it is the motto for the 33rd degree of Freemasonry and other secret societies. They create chaos, hit hard with their media and then the public demands something be done to solve the problem. This is how they implement their “solutions,” which inevitably give their “order” more power. They wage war by way of deception.”


More spam :P

Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China Itself? : strategic-culture[]org/news/2020/03/05/who-made-coronavirus-was-it-us-israel-or-china-itself/

Israeli Scientists Say They Will Have Coronavirus Vaccine “In A Few Weeks”: zerohedge[]com/geopolitical/israeli-scientists-say-they-will-have-coronavirus-vaccine-few-weeks

Rabbi: Coronavirus = ‘Return to Israel for Jews’: bitchute[]com/video/0NaWPYxFtBN8/

Third Temple is Only Cure for Coronavirus, Says Israeli Rabbi: israeltoday[]co.il/read/third-temple-is-only-cure-for-coronavirus-says-israeli-rabbi/

Italy | 3 Months in Jail for Anyone Violating the Quarintine: bitchute[]com/video/Fq-84kl_DVM/

Canada | New “Emergency Measures” Will Come From The Quarantine Act: bitchute[]com/video/CDfn_zJxviE/

The Truth About “Executive Orders” that most American’s are clueless of: bitchute[]com/video/4au2dlHX4to2/

FEMA Is Preparing For Coronavirus “Emergency Declaration”:


“FEMA officials are preparing for an ‘infectious disease emergency declaration’ by the president that would allow the agency to provide disaster relief funding to state and local governments, as well as federal assistance to support the coronavirus response, according to agency planning documents reviewed by NBC News.

The Trump administration would have to use the 1988 Stafford Act to enable FEMA to provide such disaster assistance.


I heard that Wuhan means Raccoon in Mandarin. Resident Evil/Bio Hazard takes place in the fictional Raccoon city.

Wuhan-400 Coronavirus: 1981 Novel Predicts Virus Origin:



Real or hoax?



Hasbara Hunter

Corona is just test-case for a bit of Sheeples-Management by the Global Elites’ Orwellian Totalitarian Dystopia….

Lockdowns everywhere, obedient Sheeples herded into seclusion….willingly obeying the orders of their Masters…





Hasbara Hunter

Hehehe let’s see if they can get away with it…many folks are awake

General Hummus

he was….. dehydrated…… of the TRUTH and MORALITY…..


Lemmings off the cliff indeed



Hasbara Hunter

Yeah that says it all…:)




Hasbara Hunter



Thanks for the link. He makes a very good points.


“The chief fearmonger of the Trump Administration is without a doubt Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Fauci is all over the media, serving up outright falsehoods to stir up even more panic. He testified to Congress that the death rate for the coronavirus is ten times that of the seasonal flu, a claim without any scientific basis. …

Over what? A virus that has thus far killed just over 5,000 worldwide and less than 100 in the United States? By contrast, tuberculosis, an old disease not much discussed these days, killed nearly 1.6 million people in 2017. Where’s the panic over this?”

– The Coronavirus Hoax –

Ron Paul, MD

Hasbara Hunter

It’s indeed one BIG LIE….my friend

Spread this link… https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/opinion/asking-for-your-help-forward-this-letter-to-whoever-you-may-think-will-help/


LMFAO…so the new Kremlin Party Line is that it’s all a big HOAX and no longer the lie that it is an attack by the US on China. You guys are truly funny and loony toon. Well, Igor, that hoax is about to hit you in your tinfoil hat covered heads real hard. But maybe since you are so bombed out by your Vodka ration you won’t feel it too much.

Hasbara Hunter



Go shake some hands, AH. And in two weeks you will be hit in Russia as have so many other countries. Plus you will be closing down already due to your self destructive oil price war. But worry not. When you Russians run out of toilet paper you will still have lots of your worthless Rubles on hand.

Hasbara Hunter

It is so lovely to hear you cry & Moan…does it hurt you boy? I bet it does…you see your whole world crumblin’ right in front of your face…You desperate fuckn AngloZioNazi losers are finally goin’ down….whoop…whoop…Revenge is a dish best served cold boy….better remember that…


Clearly you see how you’re the one of those who are incessantly crying and moaning across the internet, little one. Yes, it’s time to grow up, kiddo. Quoting Star Trek films may get you a play date but accomplishes nothing where it matters in the world of adults.

As an aside, I’m more than willing to teach you how and where to use commas.

Hasbara Hunter

Well hello there Roman Catholic Irish German descendant: Baron Aaron von Totenfeld zu Arschloch IV Sr how are you doin’? Got Corona yet? How do you feel about all those Italian deaths? Aren’t you afraid your Devilworshipping Pope might die?


You’re doubling down on acting out the part of a adolescent. That’s downright strange, little one.

Commas, kiddo. More people will take you seriously if you can master the simple art of grammar. I’m willing to teach you.

Hasbara Hunter

You are just another Psychopathic Schyzophrenic Paedophile Kidkilling AngloZioNazi Parasite…you will die soon motherfucker…crawling and beggin’ for mercy like the little maggot you are…may you die slow & in agony…


You’re ranting like a petulant child and it’s unbecoming.

Punctuation, kid. I promise you more people will take you seriously if you learn to write and express yourself past the 5th grade.

Hasbara Hunter

You are cursed motherfucker…you haven’t got the slightest idea who you are fuckin’ with…. hahaha…May you burn in Hell motherfucker…


You continue ranting like a petulant child. It’s truly strange, little one.

Hasbara Hunter

Just die…very simple…


Stop your nonsense, Little One. Threats over the internet is for children.

Hasbara Hunter

I just cursed your Family…that the Parasites that produced Vermin like you may die like crawling Maggots


Time to grow up, little one. You’re not the lead in a Star Trek film.

Hasbara Hunter



Would you like me to teach you proper grammar?

Hasbara Hunter

Just watch & wait boy…..


More nonsense? You are one very odd duck, little one.

Hasbara Hunter

I am….


There’s a good girl. Run along now.


Yes, the letter makes a lot of sense. I’ve been saying similar things for weeks. The question is why is this being done, and why now?

Is it the Jew world order’s Sampson plan? They’re losing on the battlefield so did they roll out a bio weapons attack and media fear mongering to deliberately collapse the economy to create order out of chaos?

Alex Jones is saying that it’s a Chinese, globalist, many of whom are disproportionately Jews like the Russian revolution, joint venture to roll out a totalitarian one world government to rule the planet with AI and robots. And kill off most of humanity in the process.

There is evidence of this being the objective. But I question if the Chinese are willing partners in this. Because it would be out of character for them to engage in this type of behavior. Whereas Jews and Zionists have a long history of it.

Jones is a Zionist and I suspect that he’s engaged in blame shifting to run cover for the Jews. There is globalist rot at the top that needs to be done away with. Most of which is Jews and Zionists.

There are ques of Chinese and other ships parked off of the US west coast waiting for permission to unload while ports are shutting down as terminals are closing for a lack of work that is sitting only miles away waiting to be unloaded.

The truth is coming out that the whole crisis is a manufactured scam. 97% of the coronavirus deaths are comorbidity cases from the numbers that I’ve seen. Where the dead were already dying of other serious diseases. As a stand alone disease the virus is almost never fatal unless comorbidity is present. Probably 95% of the deaths are people over 60 with comorbidity.

“I want to stress that they have died having coronavirus, not because of it”, the head of the country’s Civil Protection Department, Angelo Borrelli said at a briefing.”

– Italy’s COVID-19 Death Toll Surges by 627 to 4,032 Over Past 24 Hours – Health Official –



LMFAO…you’re such a looney toon they will kick you out of the tinfoil hat club. Do remember to shake the hands of the few customers you still have. Especially those on the way to the emergency room.


“Rep. Mark Green, a former Army Flight Surgeon, that the combination of Chloroquine with Azithromycin cleared the virus in 3 days in 100% of the patients in the study.

That is THREE international studies now that show the success of the Chloroquine treatment.

Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) : The old reliable Malaria drug chloroquine, the newer version hydroxychloroquine has shown really good, three studies, one in Australia, one in China and now one in France mixed with azithromycin, just the old Z-Pac that we take for bronchitis, has had 100%. It cleared the virus, in some cases in three days, that cocktail in every one of the patients in that study… It’s very promising, 100% of the virus gone in six days!”

– HUGE DEVELOPMENT! … Now 3 International Studies Find Chloroquine with Azithromycin Shows 100% Success Rate in Treating Coronavirus in 6 Days! –



LOL…he’s as looney toon as you. Do note less than a week ago you said this was insignificant giving as your prime example Italy. You said the proof was that they had only had 400 deaths in total compared to 1,500 a month from the seasonal flu. Well, you likely very underemployed rideshare driver Einstein, the daily deaths in just the last day in Italy were 627. The day before they were about 425 and the day before that they were about 475. So in the last 3 days they have had more deaths from the Pandemic than from a month of seasonal flu. With it still in an accelerating trend. Go shake a lot of hands, AH.


What is it about the Italians are lying that you don’t understand. How is life under house arrest and martial law in California?

“I want to stress that they have died having coronavirus, not because of it”, the head of the country’s Civil Protection Department, Angelo Borrelli said at a briefing.”

– Italy’s COVID-19 Death Toll Surges by 627 to 4,032 Over Past 24 Hours – Health Official –



LMFAO…Putz Putin the Poisoner’s very own Sputnik News? You get more reticular by the day. And you didn’t say the Italians were lying less than a week ago. Now that you have been proven dead wrong by reality, you say they are lying. You say all the epidemiologists are lying. You say must every expert on this in the world is lying. Only you, the underemployed rideshare driver Einstein, knows the truth. Too bad you don’t have more business so you can shake even more hands, AH.


The death rate is falling fast in the US. If you use the mathematical model that the CDC uses for the flu they’re much lower than this.

How are Newsom’s poll numbers doing?

“4.06% March 8 (22 deaths of 541 cases) 3.69% March 9 (26 of 704) 3.01% March 10 (30 of 994) 2.95% March 11 (38 of 1,295) 2.52% March 12 (42 of 1,695) 2.27% March 13 (49 of 2,247) 1.93% March 14 (57 of 2,954) 1.84% March 15 (68 of 3,680) 1.6% March 17 (116 of 7,301) 1.4% March 19 (161 of 11,329) 1.25% March 20 (237 of 18,845)

The mortality rate for the coronavirus in the US continues to fall as more and more Americans are able to be tested. 12 days ago the US coronavirus mortality rate was 4.06 Today the mortality rate is down to 1.25%!”

– Mortality Rate of Coronavirus in US Slips to 1.25% in KNOWN CASES – Far Below Fraudulent Number by WHO –


The Farney Fontenoy

Covid-19 is one of the greatest scams ever pulled, made possible by (jewish controlled) media, it’s been used as an excuse to basically turn the governorates of the EU into Soviet police states, France, Ireland, UK, Denmark, etc.have rushed through legislation that would never get passed otherwise, & the people haven’t made a whimper. This hoax serves 2 purposes: 1. a dry run for the real big one 2. get tyrannical laws pushed through that will make it easy to transition to the one-world government when the dust settles.


Still much less than socialism or religion

cechas vodobenikov

the only pandemic ignored–amerikanism—far worse than any virus, described by Heidigger as “putrefaction”…Koestler compared amerikans to 5th century Romans as Rome was collapsing, “a similarly contactless society populated by automatons …a similarly soulless, politically corrupt, everybody for themselves society”…and the stupefied automatons are not aware—as Postman wrote “the problem w amerikans is not Orwellian–it is huxleyan: amerikans love their oppression”. Huxley used the phrase “loving your servitude”….a nation of freedom hating puritanical slaves, too passive to do any thing but cheer on their obesity and pretend that they can speak their own language…they cannot


I think for comparison reasons it would be better to have the death toll numbers in percentages of the world population rather than absolute numbers. Some of the numbers from the distant past would eclipse more recent numbers such as the Spanish Flu.

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