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MARCH 2025

Holy Cats! Biden Announces United States Will Not Lift Sanctions From Iran

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Holy Cats! Biden Announces United States Will Not Lift Sanctions From Iran


Is somebody surprised?

US President Joe Biden announced that the US will not lift sanctions from Iran as a part ofthe push to restore the deal and get the country back to the negotiating table, according to an interview he gave with CBS News.

Instead, Biden claimed that the Iranian side needs to stop enriching uranium first and return to the nuclear deal. After this, Washington will consider its options.

The move came following a statement by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who said that Iran’s “final and irreversible” decision was to return to compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal only if Washington removes sanctions. Earlier, Iran clearly stated that the return to the nuclear deal is the obligation of the US as Iran was the only side that followed its rules and withdrew from it only after its collapse due to the US actions.

Furthermore, it should be noted that there are no guarantees that the US will really lift any sanctions anytime soon if Iran unilaterally returns to following the rules of the collapsed treaty. Therefore, the de-escalation of the situation in the US-Iranian conditions seem to be unlikely if behind the scene negotiations do not result in some breakthrough.


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Arch Bungle

Wasn’t ever going to happen anyway.


It is quite irrelevant anyway as Iranian nuclear program is very advanced now. The failed “maximum pressure” had the opposite effect of turbo charging it. Iranian economy is also doing very well and with China now the major investor, growth rates will double.


All other participants in the agreement should pressure the US to restore the deal as it was. If Biden seeks some kind of world influence for the usa again he should comply

Jens Holm

After throwing ballistics on Nato soldiers and instructors asked in by the Goverment and wounded many for life – among them man danes – I feel fine Iran is hit randoim too.

Before that we had no relations to Iran. We have now. Are we enemies to Iran because we help public elected shiits in Bagdad??? We even paid in 50 mio dollars Ourself.

By that we even was named as cowards by several here. We are … not in war wsith Iran. Is saving first classs help is hostile ???


Asked in by government? What government are u talking about? Besides, the topic is the nuke deal

Hadi Heidary

your level of hypocrisy never cease to amaze me. the ballistic attack on baghdad was the response to assassination of soleimani. you can’t assassinate someone and expect the other side to do nothing, every action has a reaction!


Why do you even bother responding to a moron?

Jim Allen

That didn’t go too well


the same fuck-up as with trump and kim jong un and the agreement closed and which fatso pompeo blew out of the water before the ink was dry – doing the service of the deep state and mic and so on. when will they ever learn when will they ever learn.

Jim Allen

The twelfth of never….


the nazi speaks … yah

Tings aren’t goving ass planned .. yah

King Cliff

If i was Iran I go fully nuclear,let be honest isreal have them and as long they have them I want mine. if you choose to nuclear me then I could respond in kind and let God all mighty judge who was wrong or right.


You’ll get your life lesson …

Jimmy Jim



pepto bismol


No, Pzyklon B…….like it was administered via showers. You got that?

Ashok Varma

Jews tend to lie a lot so even that gas business is questionable like their made up figures. The racist imperialists have created this Zionist monster and given it a carte blanche to commit horrendous crimes against Arabs. The whole Zionist narrative is a blatant lie.


Ashok, always remember one thing:

Either all of our ancestors were liars…….or the Jews are liars.

You know the answer to this……don’t you?……..lol


Administer this … f/k off


man don’t get upset, come on man……you know yous backed up against the wall. You think we don’t know?…..lol…..EU racists won’t accept you, no matter what you do. That’s why they got rid of you no?…..lol


Carry on … ignorance is bliss


In case you were wondering, you been dumped in the middle east. Unwanted!


Frankly, Iran is a defacto nuclear power with enough enriched uranium for half a dozen low yield weapons, if it chooses the turn key option. The newly installed centrifuges are much more efficient in enrichment and take far less time. So whether the US losers lift the meaningless “sanctions” or not is quite moot. Iranian economy is linked to Eurasian powerhouses and US is bankrupt and deadbeat. These are just impotent US negotiating ploys. Iran will not and has not budged from its original position since 2004.

Iran’s economy showed a robust growth in the quarter to late September despite pressures of the US sanctions and the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, according to new data by the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) and IMF growth forecasts..

CBI figures released on Saturday showed that Iran’s gross domestic products (GDP) had grown by 5.1 percent in the second quarter of the current fiscal year ending September 21.


Iran is a large resourceful country of 84 million people. US could not even break tiny Cuba of 10 million in over half a century merely 90 miles off the Florida coast.


US foreign and now even domestic policies have been hijacked by the Zionist deep state. Biden is a mere senile demented figurehead and AIPAC and Zionist embedded in the government pull his strings. Biden is not able to tell the time of day, let alone negotiate crucial global issue. He is living in a basement in Delaware. Even CNN exposed his whereabouts.


Potato Man

We knew and so did Iran, but the fuking clown show LMFAO. One, ofc like any other old fuking pig in WH he lied – that he would join back to the deal. Two, US leave the deal and put sanctions and Iran left part of the deal. As they should…

But now the fuking old pig can’t remember any of this LOL…in what fuking world would that make sense, it is the most childish shit I have heard. US leave the deal and blame Iran for it…

That made me laugh so hard…old fuking bitch can’t even come up with new lie. That pig was one of those shitheads that yelled and lied to world to start a war with Iraq.


Oops … is that why you’re a potato head?

It’s a rhetorical question … eh?

Jens Holm

I hope for a more destict ans less random way.

The only changes can be done b Iran fx making highlt needed land and water reforms in steas of nukes and threats as machine relflexions.

Iran dont understand the rest of us. Im not for those sanctions, but I do understand them as only possible kind of communication. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oA7eOZ3d8ts


WTF are you writing? Are you a damaged bot?


Are you referring to Jens ? I’m asking since I blocked him long ago and can’t see his name display. If so, then yes, he is some sort of broken zombie robot. Don’t even bother man, that’s coming from someone who regrets wasting countless minutes during the past year actually believing he was a serious, rational person and trying to build arguments to challenge him. Not only his understanding and diction in English are terrible, the little you can gather absolutely proves he is not capable of meaningful conjecture and analysis, this goes even beyond opinion and bias. Simply put, he is plain dumb and limited, yet tries to engage in complex debates. Again, move on and ignore the monkey.


Denial of the truth


I see you’ve been following me around like a cute little lapdog, I could almost be flattered if you weren’t such a retarded imbecile xD No credit for such followers, I admit :D

PS : quit the drugs, you still don’t make any sense.


Iranian slugs will get it before you … eh?

You’re in the diaspora



Looks like I definitly have a new fan !

But man, you’re ‘nexting’ yourself now, seriously ? Ditto above : quit the drugs mate, they inflate your delusions further.


Robots do understand,

Tommy Jensen

Thus showing I and Trump were right….again.

Jens Holm

Trump showed he was only for random populisme in one timers. Thats no good enough and we cant rely.


No, just shows that the jews rule Washington!

Jens Holm

It will remain so. The only change will be the rest of us will be armed better and USA there a little less.


That goes very much fo´r Hormuz too. No more kidnappings by Iran there.

Kenny Jones ™

All those countries can’t stand against Iran, Russia, China, the 3 largest powers in the Axis against the West and pro-western puppets


Laughable … China and Russia ain’t come to your rescue … lol

Why do muslims think anyone will defend them? I thought the persians are proud people … LMAO

Ashok Varma

Why do you whimpering bots think that the mighty mouse of the region Pisrael has done anything but hollow laughable rants against Iran? even the western media now laughs at Zionist cowardice.


You’re illiterate … the Iranians will regret crossing the path of the Jews/Zionists/Israelis … hello?

India has gone into business with Israel … building important new missiles et al to ravage the Pakis … eh?

The anti-missile systems Israel can sell India will defend against ANYTHING the Pakis can throw at India … just say thanks


You are living off our tax dollars you little ignorant uneducated Twitz. US has armed Pakistan since the 5O’s under CENTO and then defunct SEATO. India imports 70% of its weaponry from Russia historically and now France is supplying some modern Rafales.


Historically …. don’t mean sh Xt

Modi recognizes Israel …. the leader of the 3rd World stuff is over w/Nehru and Gandhi

Welcome to 2021 …

The Objective

We’ll know when the time comes


Yossi knows … he’s meeting Biden in Washington shortly

Kenny Jones ™

Then why do you think the whole of Europe will come to rescue for the US? Do you think any of those countries will even send one soldier to fight Iran?


Yes … the US came to Europe’s Defence TWICE … and brought Europe out of economic depression after WWII


Please tell us what is in (benefits,money etc) that makes China and Russia are going to fight for iran? For God sake Russia delayed 6-7 years with delivery of S300 to Iran because of consideration for Israel,

Putin Apologist

Because it’s not NOW in Russia’s interest. The world has changed since Moscow delayed the “delivery of S300 to Iran”. Our world is now in a new Cold War, a new version of the Great Game.


Iranian speaker of Majlis (parliament) is going to Moscow on an unannounced visit with a special letter from Khamenei. Qalifaf is old IRGC and close to Khamenei and a possible hardline Presidential candidate for May elections.Iran is moving to a very hard line government soon as Rouhani is less than a lame duck now and there is no point in any “negotiations” with the bankrupt US.

The Objective

Rouhani has no power in Iran. It is the supreme leader making decisions about the U.S. Not even a so-called hardliner would start a war with America. There are hardly any moderates in Iran’s leadership community.


Russia is now US and Zionist target #1

The Objective

You really believe Russia will fight for Iran? I don’t think so. May Allah protect Iranian citizens and destroy those leading them astray.

Putin Apologist

What I “believe”, Russia will do what it needs to do to protect its interests in Iran just as it did in Syria. What form of assistance, direct or indirect, or even if assistance will be required is hard to determine at this point.

The Objective

Yeah, there’ll be some kind of assistance from Russia, for sure. But clashing with the U.S military is something Russia would avoid as much as possible.


Iran is strong enough to stand up for itself, diaper hasbara Dan. Why do think the Zionists cowards have done fuckall but bark for 42 years now :)


Jews are in every orifice of Russia as well and actively trying to destroy it Perhaps real nationalist Russians will wake up now, after the Navalny push by CIA.

Trap Is Not Gay

No, Jews are the USA.

Russia, China and Iran are free countries.

Jimmy Jim


Kenny Jones ™

israel is an exception, because of the million russian jews living there Russia and China won’t allow the West to get a stronghold in west Asia, they’re already in Afghanistan which they will be expelled from soon

Ivan Grozny

“Iran should stop enrichment and return to the deal” ??? Iran NEVER left the deal – the $nakes, under the hair-piece left! The United $hites has NO say anymore, they are no part of the deal – to make some demands or at least have some influence, they would have to return – better yet, yankee stay away!


The United States offers conditions for negotiations that Iran has no option but to refuse; it’s an old negotiation trick to maintain the status quo..

Hadi Heidary

we are not in a hurry, sanctions are taking its toll sure , but in the long run it will definetly pay off. right now we are producing most of what we need indigenously and its increasing a lot faster due to sanctions. as for the nuclear deal we will keep Lowering our obligations and speaking of which the next step could be increasing enrichment till 60% along other steps ofcourse.

Rafik Chauhan

US will and always reamain under israeli zionist feet. So dont expect anyttrust wrthy from Zionist infested US. Iran should give Jcpoa leader only 3 months to comply or we will scrap the deal.


Laughable … what’s special about 3 months?

Iran may not have 3 months … the Iranian people can’t wait … the elections mean nothing to people starving / suffering / without hope

Sucks to be y’all … f/k YOU


A Jew BOT trying be a southerner, now that is hilarious y’all :)


Brady7 Mahomes 3


No, yous a shyster……get exposed among shitbilly quick, and then they despise you for being a middle easterner. Seen it happen time and again…..lol

Just Me

He is just an attention seeking idiot, posts on various sites different versions to get attention. On RT he posts as a disgruntled American, on Press TV he is a anti-Zionist Jew and praises Iran. A complete moronic shyster as said.


I know a lot of people have drama in their lives. This isn’t something bizarre. I wonder under what nick he’s on Press TV? Cuz I’m there full time!


He’s lying … I don’t post on Press TV or RT


Shush … STFU


man don’t get upset……lol….come on man…..lol


With the regional and global developments favoring Iran, there is no need to alter its original stance on the internationally recognized JCPOA. Iran is now in a very favorable position, domestically, globally and economically.

Jim Allen

Hardly a surprise.

Steve Standley

Color me shocked.


That reminds me of the joke with the 2 jews who were arguing over a sum of money and one said: I’ll give you shit! And the Rabi said: Well, it’s a negotiation start.

Tommy Jensen

I have another. A little fat Jew enter an airplane as the last passenger. He walks down to the front to a seat beside two Arabs and fasten his seat belt and kick his shoes off. The airplane leaves and at the permission to lose seatbelt one of the Arabs ask the Jew to raise up as he wants to buy a Coke. The Jew say he was just going up there and offer to collect the Coke for the Arab. The Arab agree to the offer. While the Jew is away one of the Arab take one of the Jews shoe and spit down in it and put it back. The Jew come back with the Coke and greet the Arab who thank him much for his kindness. When the Jew sits again, the other Arab ask the Jew to raise up, he also want a Coke. The Jew explain he forgot something up front and offer to collect this Coke too. The other Arab thanks the Jew for his kindness. While the Jew is away the second Arab take the Jew’s other shoe and spit down in it and put it back again. The Jew comes back with the Cola and the Arab thanks him very much for his kindness. The Jew explain he is from a town near the border where they always had good relationship with their neighbours, and the Arabs explain they have Jew friends in their home town. The travel goes on and 20 minutes before arrival the pilot ask all to fasten seatbelt and prepare for landing. The Jew put his feet in the shoes and understand immediately what happened. “Ahhh”, cry the Jew, “Will this war between our people for heaven sake never end”. “This eternal pissing in Cokes and spitting in shoes”.


nice insight into semitic lifestyles there Tommy…..lol…..both the shyster and the camel jockey are the same. Both Semites. What disgusts me is the hillbilly groveling to the Shyster, like there ain’t no tomorrow.


Hahahaha thanks man! That was funny. I have heard before it but I forrgot it. Thanks again for making me smile in the morning. It will be a though week as I have to give up one of the jobs, better spend my time here than busting my ass.


It’s good news… Now we can focus on domestic abilities finally.

We boot some inspectors, stop the additional protocol and most importantly, Reformists and Rohani gang lost what little remained of their credibility, we can hope that they’ll be outside of power and decision-making for a long time. This POTUS (puppet) is also an idiot. If he returned to the deal and left the sanctions, he boosted Rohani’s cred sky-high and it was all they needed to get re-elected to inflict more harm to the country.


Full steam ahead Garga. Just do a cold test now and let the fat gorbeh inside the kaftar cage……See what he does…..If he attacks, then so be it.

Ashok Varma

The most logical route for Iran, like DPRK, India and Pakistan is to conduct an open test and let the chips fall where they may. There are not too many options left for the west as it goes for Russia’s jugular to deal with Iran as well.


Well … well … well

Whose gonna blink first?

Khamanei or Biden?

The vile Mullah Police State is talking tough as if it has options? The ONLY option it has is to go for a Nuke while it still can … eh? Are the Mullah / IRGC stupid enough to do it? Know full well they’ll be attacked mercilessly … their county’s infrastructure destroyed? their ambitions ended? the Ayatollah Khamanei killed along with Salami and co?

The braggarts have made their play …. can’t wait to see the ending … eh?


Emad Irani

nice dream idiot haha you also dreamed about Assad in 2011 Hasbara?


Huh? Assad is the head of a Crime Family in 2021 … he’s a warlord … his future precarious

Emad Irani

cry me a riverrrr

Putin Apologist

Assad is a Lincolnesque leader in that he held his country together. Sure he could still end-up dead like Lincoln but he will be remembered fondly, and forever, by the grateful people of Syria.


Cool …

he was a thug / is a thug / will forever be a thug

‘All he believes are his eyes And his eyes, they just tell him lies’

Bob Dylan

Putin Apologist

He stood up to and defeated the forces of evil; Imperialism, Wahabism, Zionism and even that Neo-Ottoman wanna be, Erdoğan, He got the Iranians, the Russians and Hezbollah to come to the aid of his country in its most desperate hour.

What more could any people ask of their leader?


Torture … Corruption … 500,000 Dead Syrians … 7 million Syrian refugees or internally displaced

He’s YOUR hero … having received the job from his father who became leader in a coup?


Putin Apologist

Oh please, you don’t really care about the “corruption”, “torture”, “death” and “refugees”. The Jews have been behind their share of the same. What really troubles you, Assad and Syria are still there… along with the Iranians and Hezbollah.


I could give a sh Xt about y’all … eh?

ver geharget

Putin Apologist

Let’s see if your eyes “lie” to you.

Who has the better looking wife, Assad or Netanyahu?

Is it Asma al-Assad (aka the beautiful Rose of the desert) or Sara Netanyahu (aka the ugly pig of Tel Aviv)?




She’s a cancer victim … her husband is a slug


IGNORE hasbara BOTS!

Kenny Jones ™

That’s it, that seals the deal, a nuclear Iran is definite, and the US will be expelled from Iraq


And Syria too Kenny……you know it!

Emad Irani

Good news, traitor reformists will lose 2021 elections for sure

Just Me

Iran needs another Ahmadinejad.


Qalibaf as PM under SL Raesi bro!!!!! This is the future


what sort of goes unnoticed in general is that at the heart of the problem is the jews in palestine, over and over again, and that is something that needs to be addressed in a most severe way which means the jews must be neutralized in a final way, buried at least at 6 feet, unless they have managed to flee before the patience of the world is running out. the world can’t and shan’t accept a small group of thieves and murderers and liars to set the agenda for the entire middle east – Iran was there long before the friggin’ parasitic scum, the jews, and thus, they must be the ones that is either forced out of buried at minimum 6 feet.

think about it – a group of 8 million jews that has copied hitler to the last T – with concentration camp, with land theft, with outright murder of women and children and ethnic cleansing and not only that, the jews have terrorized the entire middle east and killed and stolen and lied with impunity for the last 100 years. they need to go, I shan’t go into the ongoing theft of the natural gas under the palestinian seabed the jews are in a process of stealing.

netanyahu needs to meet his gadaffi-moment together with the other criminals running the illegal part of palestine. they deserve nothing better than the world offered Gadaffi and then they can be quartered and lamp-posted in all their parts


Freaking out … exposing your innermost thoughts … I like that

What you mean is the Jews/ Zionists/ Israelis are SOVEREIGN … for the first time in 2000 YEARS … they’re a military superpower … they have nuclear weapons at their disposal … they have leadership that is willing and able to wield Power

The Future is About to Land ….

ya f/kn nazi …


He got a right to be a Nazi, just like you got one to be a shyster. Got that?

Blas de Lezo

Biden is not going to go to war with Iran. So I guess Khamenei will have to reverse the fatwa on nuclear weapons, expel the IAEA and enrich until either the sanctions are lifted or Iran gets a nuke.


Yossi knows and Israel will attack

klove and light

Therefore, the de-escalation of the situation in the US-Iranian conditions seem to be unlikely if behind the scene negotiations do …………..

LOLOL only a braindead can come to any other conclusion other that war between iran and zionists amd theri helpers is inevitable!

just take a look at the United States of america administration 2021 folks…….never have there been so many israelis/zionists in an official us adminitration….

war is coming…..very fast….and nobody can stop it or even slow the progress down.period. it will include dozens of nuclear hits on iranian soil……………

ps. biden also made jerusalm ..capital bs of satanic israel permanent……

jerusalem will be the new capital of the whole of planet earth in a one world government which will evolve after the total “created” destruction through total fake non existing covid virus, of the monetary system…..the controlled nuclear war……..

stay away from cities…..be sure you can grow your own food…have your own water………. the transition period…….will be ugly…very ugly…….

not that whatever comes thereafter is a sunshine world!


Of course, Washington’s Iranian policy will always be identical to Tel Aviv’s.

John Mason

That statement from Biden should be taken up by the UN; US violated and breached the JCPOA which is under the UN jurisdiction, US needs to be sanctioned by the UN and force them into complying. Trouble is that China/Russia being members of the UNSC are gutless to confront the other members.

Fog of War

And Whats the UN going to do ? Exactly, absolutely nothing because ” international law ” is a lie. The world runs on power and strength not Utopian wishful thinking.


you wanna go down that road, where people jump the borders to murder disrespecting civilization? You wanna go down there? stupid bastard.

Ivan Freely

FoW is correct. Throughout history “Might makes Right” and “Possession is nine-tenths of the law”. You may not like it but that’s how it is. Besides, the UN is not suppose to be a governing body. It’s a political forum to allow discussions to avoid war.


This type of rhetoric will lead to a nuclear war. No international law, no accountability, no respect for civilization is a dead end.


How does it feel? To be on your own With no direction home Like the a rolling stone



man yous a heenb……you……ain’t got no home……lol…..come on brah. Facing eviction soon. Don’t you see it coming? Where would you go? hillbilly don’t want you. And neither will the EU racists. Go back to Morocco no?……lol

Ivan Freely

This is not rhetoric. It’s the cold hard truth of reality. Understand that “International” law is only valid as long all members agree to it. Self-determination, as the UN likes to talk about, also includes the ability to rescind laws that no longer meets the interests of the people in question. I don’t want to go into some long-winded debate on legal matters but FoW is right in calling “International” law as a lie. It will remain as such until the concept of nation-state no longer exists. And a one World government is a bad, bad idea.


The Iranian Mullahs/IRGC know something about ‘power and strength’ … but playing with the ‘big boys’ one needs more than braggadocio

The paper tiger forgot … eh?

I hope they trip and fall and like ‘humpty dumpty’ won’t be put back together again

The Future is About to Land …


The UN ? lol

John Wallace

Ever watched a Security Council meeting ? . What a fucking joke. The US , UK and sometimes France abusing Russia or China or both and then vice versa and the rest making condescending platitudinous neutral statements wishing that the situation will improve too scared to upset one or the other party. Then a vote where 1 veto vote from one of the top 5 cancels everything. No wonder nothing ever happens. As for the General Assembly . I have seen speeches being made with all but a few of the delegates gone. Whatever they agree on when they get around to that means shit . How many resolutions have they made against Israel for instance and not one abided by or enforced. Might as well bulldoze it into the East River


Of course he won’t,the zionists won’t allow it.


Let’s face it US is now a Zionists colony. Jews are now in every orifice. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0ddb7f5c27a4d8a7f5d28497387c547bab3f430f08f031ece62723d6d2c053ac.jpg

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