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MARCH 2025

Honesty Of US-And-Allied Media Declined Since 2002

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Honesty Of US-And-Allied Media Declined Since 2002

By Eric Zuesse

In 2002, the biggest topic in the news was whether or not Iraq was making and stockpiling weapons of mass destruction (WMD), especially nuclear weapons but also chemical weapons. The U.N.-authorized agency to investigate this in regard to the main issue, which then was nuclear weapons, is and was the IAEA. As I have documented previously, the leaders of America and of UK, George W. Bush and Tony Blair, both said on 7 September 2002 that the IAEA had come out with a “new report” that said Iraq was only six months from having a nuclear weapon; the IAEA then denied three times that it had, but this denial was kept secret in all U.S.-and-allied news-media; and, meanwhile, on 8 September 2007, U.S. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice delivered her famous “we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud” statement, and Bush himself addressed the U.N. General Assembly on 12 September 2007 about the matter, and the buildup to the U.S.-and-UK invasion of Iraq on 20 March 2003 was steady, and the IAEA’s having denied that what Bush and Blair had said on 7 September 2002 was true, remained unknown to the public.

The good matter back then was that the IAEA didn’t confirm the U.S. and UK leaders’ lies then. The bad matter today is that such a fabrication by a U.N. WMD inspection agency, in this case by the one that’s concerned with chemical weapons, which is the OPCW, has now been successfully done in order for top U.S. and UK Government officials, such as Donald Trump and Theresa May, not to be proven to have committed an international war-crime on 14 April 2018 in response to an actually U.S.-and-allied deadly attack against civilians in the town of Douma on 7 April 2018 that was set-up and reported to the public as having been perpetrated instead by Syria’s Government. Though the 20 OPCW employees, all of whom were experts in chemical weaponry, and who were in the inspection team that entered Syria on 12 April 2018 and that participated in the collection of samples and in the interviews with the witnesses there, found only evidence that contradicted the U.S.-and-allied allegations that Syria’s Government instead of its enemies had perpetrated it, their findings were hidden by the OPCW and never reported to the public. Not even the OPCW itself did.

Then, on 27 January 2023, The Gray Zone headlined “Tanks for the memories – live with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate” and Mate explained how the just-issued final report from the OPCW has totally ignored and didn’t even mention what its own employees had found at the site but instead hired outside ‘experts’ whom it had selected and paid to confirm the U.S.-and-allied allegations on the matter. Mate said he’d be presenting details in his future reports on it. I have long followed Mate’s career as an investigative journalist and I have never found him to have asserted anything that the evidence he cited failed to prove to be so. He, like I, is exceedingly careful never to rely upon mere opinion or on any bogus ‘evidence’; but, instead, to expose its being speculative or bogus — as he has been doing throughout his many reports regarding the 7 April 2018 Douma event.

So, this entire matter appears to indicate that, unlike what happened with one U.N.-authorized WMD inspection agency, the IAEA, in 2002, when it exposed the lie by the leaders of U.S. and UK regarding nuclear weapons but the news-media hid that fact from the public, a different U.N.-authorized WMD inspection agency, the OPCW, is, now, itself, actually controlled by the U.S. White House and its many agencies and fronts, of which this U.N.-authorized WMD inspection agency is, now, itself one. The OPCW’s just-released final report on the Douma incident, released on 27 January 2023, titled “OPCW Releases Third Report by Investigation and Identification Team: Reasonable grounds to identify Syrian Arab Air Forces as perpetrators of 2018 Douma chemical attack”, blames Syria’s Government instead of the U.S., UK, and their many fronts. (The full report is to be found here.)

Whereas in 2002, the U.S. White House controlled only its news-media and not the U.N., it now apparently controls both. Consequently: U.S.-and-allied news-media have the cooperation of an agency authorized by the U.N., so as to hide international war-crimes perpetrated by and on behalf of the U.S. White House, and are thus internationally ‘authorized’ to participate in covering-up that guilt, only the press were doing that back in 2002. International ‘news’ reported in The West was exceedingly untrustworthy in 2002 but has since become even worse — even less reliable or trustworthy — than that. The only way that this can now become even worse than it already is, is by increasing the censorship (such as by everything from the New York Times and CNN to Google and Facebook to NewsGuard — and by the U.S.-and-allied Governments themselves) in The West — which is constantly happening. Only by censoring-out truth (such as has happened in this Douma matter) can The West’s news-media continue to draw paying subscribers.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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It was Bill Clinton, who introduced “Telecommunications Act of 1996”. Since that time ppl like Rupert Murdoch have de-facto monopoly for (dis)informations on the West. The problem is that they don’t seek profit as they benefit from Rotschilds control of central banking so they can say waht they want and how long they want and they don’t need to be afraid of competition. It is something that Russia/Putin never understand as they declared sociology a pseudoscience and never developed it on industrial scale. And even if Russia catches up 50 years gap, Russia lacks enough money for paying millions of presstitutes, politics, NGO and universities for spreading propaganda. Funny part is, that Snowden warned us about the scale of deep state control but nobody listened to him. Even now when all his relevations turned out to be true noody listens him. Unfortunatelly power of brainwashing on sociology framework works perfectly. And Russia uses Facebbok, Twitter and so on…

Tommy Jensen

Not true. In a graph on Internet we can see we are in the middle of the graph, meaning other nations are worse than us and this is the truth.


A for as US deep state, the indoctriantion is comparable with the North Korea.The only difference is the form of the indoctrination. In North Korea people are scared of the regime so they obey the rules. In the USA people are greedy and obey for profit. Special case is Europe, which is officially not scared of goverment but in reality people are afraid not shooting own legs by anti Russia sanctions, because they were being told they are “better people” if they obey US rules. So typical German will tell you he/she is not happy with antiRussia hysteria, sanctions and full scale NATO war against Russia BUT majority of their “friends” (aka brainwashed mobs or virtual identities on social media) would be “insulted” if they would speak up. So they keep silent, embarassed of their “inferiority” . It is the same totality just the form is a little bit different then in NK. It is more sophisticated and harder to fight against it.

Boba Lazarević

The Europeans are snobs. Their vanity is their weakness. Thats’s how Europe is being controlled.


An elderly person who had sercved in the British army in Korea claimed that he had been tortured. His son actually tortured raped women and underage girls, tortured people’s animals, rabbits puppies, small children babies and pregnant women, KILLED their friends, people they contacted and spoke to and gave so many electric shocks that they had no memory of him, he killed Charlene Downes, used someone to blackmail a priest with contrived evidence, disposes of bodies in caustic soda and the police are not interested. I wish that man had died in Korea and never had his evil son.

Chris Gr

People like Aaron Mate, Benjamin Norton and Rania Khalek are still left-wing progressives but they are better than people like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. The new multipolar world should be built with conservative values and not with progressive ones.


The UN is a big giant bureaucratic crap that has long since outlived its usefulness, and tries to assert unelected governance over people that dont want it or need it. Nuclear power and weapons are just one more example of their chronic ineffectual ongoing failure and really, there are better uses for the money or just dont take people’s money from them to pay for this garbage to begin with, and maybe Congress will stop giving them any money at all and they will go beg someplace else, or find honest work.

Isser Harel

This is what happens when the federal government no longer employs most of the intelligence people but instead relies on private companies to “contract” the work. Effectively there is no unbiased method to analyze critical information because money has no nationality or loyalty to the country. That’s why they could commit treason against a sitting president in 2020 and get away with it.


It was Bill Clinton, who introduced “Telecommunications Act of 1996”. Funny part is, that Snowden warned us about the scale of deep state control in it but nobody listened to him. Even now when all his relevations turned out to be true noody listens to the warnings. Unfortunatelly power of brainwashing on sociology framework using internet and media works perfectly. Americans know it so they banned Chinese Tik-Tok on their soil, but Tik-Tok is quite innocent app compared to Facebook, Twitter and other Big Brother’s channels which are spreading US fake news worldwide.

Boba Lazarević

I find it hilarious how the US was scaremongering about Huawei, as in “Huawei will spy on you”. Oh, right, but Apple is all kosher. You couldn’t make it up.

Boba Lazarević

And even their integrity before the 2002 was nothing to write home about.

Just find and watch on the YouTube the “morning shows” aired in the morning of 9/11. CNN, NBC, CBS, doesn’t matter, they were all the same. Whichever one you watch, you’ll notice it took them barely an hour since the first plane hit to come up with Osama Bin Laden’s name as a possible, and then the only, suspect. They were spoonfed by the CIA every step of the way.

Boba Lazarević

For something to decline it has to exist first.

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