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Horrifying Photos Document Recent ISIS Ambush In Northeastern Nigeria

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ISIS terrorists ambushed a large special forces unit of the Nigerian Armed Forces in the northeastern state of Borno.

The unit fell into the terrorist ambush while it was moving on Mngliaiduguri-Damboa road on July 7. According to ISIS news agency, Amaq, the unit was targeted with “all sorts of weapons.”

ISIS claimed that up to 40 service members of the Nigerian Armed Forces were killed in the brutal ambush. However, local Nigerian media reported that only 19 were killed. Photos released by the terrorist group on July 9, confirmed local media reports.

During the ambush, ISIS terrorists seized five pick-up trucks as well as loads of weapons, including dozens of assault rifles and heavy machine guns. The terrorists also burned a Chinese-made CS-VP3 armored vehicle.

Horrifying Photos Document Recent ISIS Ambush In Northeastern Nigeria

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Horrifying Photos Document Recent ISIS Ambush In Northeastern Nigeria

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Horrifying Photos Document Recent ISIS Ambush In Northeastern Nigeria

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Horrifying Photos Document Recent ISIS Ambush In Northeastern Nigeria

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Horrifying Photos Document Recent ISIS Ambush In Northeastern Nigeria

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Horrifying Photos Document Recent ISIS Ambush In Northeastern Nigeria

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ISIS cells are highly-active in Borno, especially in the area bordering Lake Chad. Last month, the terrorists killed more than 20 soldiers and 40 civilians in a brutal attack on the towns of Monguno and Nganzai.

The Nigerian military and security forces are intensifying their operations in Borno to address the ever growing threat of ISIS. However, more efforts need to be done. Better coordination with other countries neighboring Lake Chad is also needed.


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Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

What’s happening on the African continent is mainly U.S. , UK and French funded. They run isis. They want to create chaos and keep countries down. Why? Because China is building these countries up faster than the west can destroy them. Chinese offer a fair deal, we take your resources and return we build roads, schools, hospitals, powerplants, telecommunication networks. West on the other hand only takes, gives nothing back in return. They don’t like the Chinese because they can’t compete with fair trade.

Tommy Jensen

True. In the 70s and 80s there were some NGO’s working independently in Africa making schools, water wells and health cliniques. When the African governments began to praise these groups for doing a good job, the NGO’s became hunted and banned in Europe and US. China is doing the same here just on a larger scale, and we see same reaction: The Empire getting pissed.

James Adams

How did China get into this. However, you are sorely mistaken. China’s involvement can be categorised as colonialism. They buy up everything and leave you subjugated. China has more soldiers than the US in Africa so I find it hard to believe that its the US at fault.

Lone Ranger

They trade, thats how. Its sad when a communistic country does free trade better than the U.S. or the UK… Ever heard of problem-reaction-solution? Hagelian dialectic… China is getting the resources in Africa… Why? Because they trade more fair than the west. So what to do if you cant compete? Open war would be bad for the PR. So… But running isis and al-cia-da under the table doing the dirty work is a different story. You wait and wait till they destroy everything than you offer your help defeating your own creation and in the meantime you push out the Chinese. Will it work? Not sure. It didnt work in Syria and Iraq. And Lybia is still an open case. I know its hard to process that you are on the wrong side, but just accept it.

Lone Ranger

Looking at how the U.S. treats its colonies and subjects I would be rather subjucated by China than the U.S.

Lone Ranger

And Im a conservative…

Peter Moy

“China has more soldiers in Africa than the US?” I don’t think so. The US has approximately 30 military bases on the continent. China has just one small logistics base in Djibouti that supports it’s anti-piracy operation in the Gulf of Aden. Do get informed. Since 2003, China has invested and given finance to African countries equivalent to $200 BILLION. What has the US done since 2003. Well they overthrew a stable country called Libya (with the help of their usual lapdogs) and continue so-called anti-terrorist drone attacks in Kenya and Somalia. That is US-style investment.

Tommy Jensen

Only an American knows how to fight ISIS as we cleaned out all the terrorists in Syria. Therefore Nigeria will have to call an American before they can get rid of that scum!


I wouldn’t put my bigfoot encounter in the ambush catagory because it didn’t escalate to hostilities as some violent and lethal encounters reportedly due. But if it had I wasn’t well equipped for it.

The two essential counter measures that I now have are heavier weapons for lifeforms in that category. And thermal imaging for better threat detection and management.


This pixelating irritates the £#(k out of me. Who is doing it and why??!!!

Peter Moy

The Nigerian armed forces definitely need better training and leadership. I don’t think they lack the motivation but their military has been taking a real beating and more than 20,000 Nigerian military personnel and civilians have been killed since 2009.

Tommy Jensen

Maybe they dont need better training. Maybe they just need to get rid of certain countries giving modern high tech intelligence to ISIS.

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