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MARCH 2025

Houthi Fighters Ambush Unit Of Saudi-led Coalition Around Al-Durayhimi

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Houthi Fighters Ambush Unit Of Saudi-led Coalition Around Al-Durayhimi

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On August 16, Houthis fighters targeted a unit of the Saudi-led coalition and its Yemeni proxies west of the district center of al-Durayhimi, located along the western Yemeni coast with IEDs, according to the Yemeni al-Masirah TV. The pro-Houthis TV channel said that at least 20 Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters were killed in the ambush.

The Houthis’ media wing also reported that Houthi fighters destroyed five vehicles of the Saudi-led coalition during heavy clashes around al-Durayhimi.

A day earlier, the Houthis claimed that they had repelled the Saudi-led coalition attack on al-Durayhimi killing more than 180 personnel of the coalition and destroying 20 vehicles.

The UAE-based Sky News Arabia TV said on August 15 that 16 fighters of the Houthis were killed in Saudi-led coalition airstrikes on al-Durayhimi and several areas around it. The Sky News Arabia report confirms that that the district center is still under the control of the Houthis.

The Saudi-led coalition will likely launch a new ground attack on al-Durayhimi very soon as it is determined to reach the coastal city of al-Hudaydah, 20km north of the district center.

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You can call me Al

The Saudis should panic now, go overboard in strikes and then they will be vulnerable.

God is with you Houthi heroes.


I was chatting to a friend of mine who is a specialist in the UK armed forces the other day. He has been to the area on operations.

I asked him if he and his comrades were fully aware of what was happening in Yemen and the wanton destruction by the UK advised Saudi Coalition.

He was clearly uncomfortable about what he was being ordered to support. When the full reality of the devastation and outright murder that the UK has been party to sinks in I suspect there will be many rather unhappy and damaged UK veterans in the near future.

You can call me Al

Florian – same with me. A year or so go, working for Nato giving it the big mouth BS, now timid, reserved and in 2 minds…… talked to others – a commander = same thing.

PS If you check my posts of past, you will see it is true.

I think they are as lost and frustrated as we are now.


dont miss this guys…black mirror perfectly underlines what you talking about


You can call me Al


Have a look at this as an example -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPrpA4Org9M


Most UK soldiers are very decent people, all of them are indoctrinated and that is the same in all armies BUT when the indoctrination is of an army as a ‘force for good’ when the reality is completely opposite , there are serious morale issues festering .

This good and evil strategy is of course as old as ‘man’ who has picked up a club to attack others. The Crusades being a classic example.

You can call me Al

Forien, I came back to answer, but I saw this in my comment -> “A year or so go, working for Nato giving it the big mouth BS”…… it was not me working for Nato, it was a neighbour – he was in charge of all the Nato helicopter bases, squadrens etc.

The rest of the comment is also factual. Somehow 2/3 words vanished.

It was in the NL, not the UK.

Check this out -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPrpA4Org9M


I signed up for Veterans For peace emails a few months ago Al.

The rumblings of dissent within the populations of European NATO countries are getting louder.

Truth is the most powerful ally to have.

You can call me Al

Nice one.


PS The British force in general are British first, Who TF is Nato !!.

Brother Ma

Sad but still does not excuse the fact that he is involved in the crime. That the crime is state -endorsed makes no difference to me. It is still a crime. Yet, I i understand how you feel for him as a person and as your friend.


He likes to think he was saving lives of the Saudi Coalition and was shocked to see the reports of cholera and deliberate depravation within Yemen caused directly by UK supplied weapons to Saudi Arabia.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Thanks for speaking on all our behalf and the discomfort of that conversation. Does the excuse “I was only following orders” apply to the UK armed forces? Do they not have the right to disobey unlawful orders? I would bet it would be the foot soldiers that would be targeted for any war-crimes trials and not those who have given any unlawful orders, just like in NI. Perhaps, it is time to do some crowdfunding to bring the bloodthirsty politicians and generals to trial. Even if this fails, they must be given some sleepless nights.

Ivan Freely

“Do they not have the right to disobey unlawful orders?”

No, they don’t. Failure to comply results in jail time or death in times of war (depending on nation).

And before people talk about “International law”, understand it’s only a guideline; enforced only by the one with the biggest stick.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

But the UK and Yemen are not at war. There has been no such declaration in the UK parliament. Any special forces operating there do not report to parliament but direct to the PM. It is about time that May, Cameron, Brown and Bliar account for their crimes in a court of law. These bloodthirsty warmongers will hate even the start of such legal proceedings.


I am of an age now when upsetting the perceived ‘quasi religious doctrines’ of others does not bother me.

Another person present was a retired senior military officer, in fact two were present. He replied to one of my comments and written statements from the Russian MOD with ‘that’s a conspiracy theory’ about the serious Russian warning to the US not to start a NATO ground war in Syria after the faked chemical attack in Douma , I asked the senior officer to debate his reasoning. He struggled to do so :)

These people are not stupid, they are just frightened of being branded Heretics and they realise that their personal worlds will come crashing down if/when ordinary citizens find out what is being done in their name at massive cost to the general well being of the population. Spending billions of pounds on military equipment that will either be sold for scrap eventually , or be used to colonise weaker nations with IMF debt enforced by ‘Democratic Thugs from NATO with Guns’.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Thanks. These people will be found out. I only hope it doesn’t take another crises like the one in Cuba, or worse, to open our eyes. Or our eyes will only open to watch the mushroom clouds followed by the 1000 mph blast winds a few seconds later.


I agree . We live in dangerous times but people have always fought for freedom and against being enslaved by debt of any sort, even National Debt is not an option for a ‘Free Man’.

If the ‘mushroom clouds’ do come ,I will at least be content to imagine the Zio Scum who will exist as prisoners in their bunkers for decades in a ruined world.


They’re still trying to take that one coastal city? Pathetic. Give it up Saudi’s, you’ll never win this war.

Hisham Saber

These Houthi’s are just one hardcore bunch of guys. Wearing beach sandals, and bed sheets, armed with AK-47’s, ATGM, IED’s and sniper rifles they are giving the Saudis and UAE a real bloody time. And the Saudis and UAE are fully supported by the U.S., Israel, Britain, France. The Houthis are blockaded at sea, but still strike naval warships, and their missile forces are terrorizing Saudia Arabias capital on a weekly basis.

My hats off to them, one die-hard group of guys, let me tell ya.

Brother Ma

That is why guerilla warfare will always win.total war and never take them on frontally! Carduchs did it to retreating Xenophon’s Greeks in Persia ,Spanish did it to Napoleon’s troops ,Greeks and Serbs did it to Germans in WWII and bastard Mujahadeen did it to Russians in Afghanistan. Two things are required. Support of everyday people and money and arms from a big power.

Hisham Saber

As the Iraqi’s did to the Americans in Iraq 2.0, and as the Taliban have been wreaking havoc on coalition bases and convoys. As Hezbollah did when they routed 75,000 IDF troops and two armored battalions(400 MBT’s) with about 4500 fighters in 2006. As the U.S., Britain, France and the SDF/Kurds will soon find out in north-eastern Syria.

S Melanson

They certainly are tough and watch as they now take the fight into Saudi Arabia – see my comment above

Val Shadowhawk

Same here!! Much respect to the Houthis and Ansarullah!


Numerous of those Oshkosh M-ATV armored cars from Saudi/UAE stocks have been destroyed in Yemen – the US army design brief for this vehicle was for it to be mine resistant for Afghan operations – but despite the V shaped hull and slat screens they appear to remain susceptible to RPG, ATGM and mines.

Brother Ma

I know ! What is it with that!

S Melanson

Consider it the armoured car version of the crappy Patriot missile system.

S Melanson

I would seem the Houthis are in firm control of the west coast corridor leading to Hodeidah and it is doubtful the coalition could even fight there way up the 20km of coast to reach the port city let alone take it. Obviously the offensive failed to seize the town of Al Durayhimi since the coalition reported bombing the town centre,and surrounding areas, reminiscent of the reporting on Hodeidah Airport.

It is noteworthy that the Houthis are holding towns and successfully defending against Coalition attacks. This means the Houthis have moved beyond asymmetric tactics and now are directly engaging and defeating Coalition forces. This development reveals the seriousness of the degradation of the Coalition forces and this has major implications.

First, Houthis can now press their counteroffensive against the Coalition by directly engaging to defeat the Coalition on the field of battle.

Secondly, the failure of several recent Coalition offensives has revealed serious degradation in Coalition offensive capabilities. The Houthis can safely assume their position in North Yemen is secure enough that the war can now be taken into Coalition territory with the intent to seize and hold strategic objectives and towns.

Thirdly, Houthi victories have decisively reversed the tide of the war against the Coalition. It is now Plausible that the Houthis could defeat the Coalition militarily and take Riyadh – taking Riyadh would likely require a campaign in steps such as first taking the border town of Najran.

Najran has a 4,000 year history as a Yemen town that only became part of the Saudi Kingdom in 1934 when seized by force. The Houthis could leverage resentment of the Saudis among groups such as the Isma’ilis which have been treated as second class citizens resulting in tensions that have flared up numerous times. Importantly, the Houthis have demonstrated they can defeat the Coalition which is a major consideration for factions to decide whether to join with the Houthis to overthrow the hated Saudi occupiers.

As Najran is traditionally a Yemeni town, the townspeople and locals may see the Houthis as liberators rather then invaders. This makes Najran a natural stepping stone into the Saudi Kingdom proper and the fall of a major town to the Houthis will no doubt have an enormous psychological effect. Note that he Houthis have conducted already several cross border operations into the Najran region, giving the Houthis important intel on the area and its defences. I believe an operation to take Najran is in the works and will be put into motion in the near future.

Let us send our prayers to the courageous Houthis for victory and bringing to an end this viscous war on the Yemeni people.

I had posted a warning to the Coalition previously and will repeat again here:

Advice to the Coalition. Give the Houthis back their country… before they take yours.


We hope so. Coalition may be rich and powerful but it all comes down to find motivated soldiers to fight for them on the field.This is where the Houthis are superior.

S Melanson

You hit the nail on the head

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Exactly. The Houthies are defending their homeland. Did you know that mankind crossed over from Africa into the rest of the world, successfully, exactly across into the land today called Yemen? That is where the colonisation of all the continents started tens of thousands of years ago.

Brother Ma

I support the Houthis against the Saud Coalition curs. Yet I have no mind to swap Shiite takfiris for sunni tAkfiris a` la Isis/fsa. Once they win ,these ansar al islam houthis better stay in their own country and not declare war on christendom because if they do, they will see me and many others swap their allegiance very very quickly!

S Melanson

The objective of a Houthi offensive into Saudi Arabia is to force an end to the war and the blockade, not the annexation of the Saudi Kingdom.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The Saudi Kingdom needs regime change or they will attack again. Yemen has been bullied and attacked for many decades. No more. This is what the Soviet Union did to the Nazis in WW2 and had to go all the way to Berlin and the bunker. KSA should be re-named Republic of the Holy Lands of Islam. Then, both Yemen and the new republic can join the Arab Federation with its capital in Damascus and Assad as its First President. Around 2020. What do you think?

S Melanson

You are thinking ahead after the wars in Syria and Yemen finally come to there conclusion. There are so many factors at play with a lot of uncertainty that I have to take some time to think about it. I think the idea of the Arab nations acting united is a good goal given it was the exploiting of sectarian divisions by colonial powers that caused so much grief.

Glad you raised this with me as so many do not think much past the day of victory such as happened with Iraq with ‘wonderful‘ results. Thought needs to be put into long term planning to facilitate the emergence of a just post conflict settlement acceptable to the Arabs and not one rammed down their throats like Sykes-Picot.

The west needs to once and for all discard it’s arrogant notions that we know what is best for the people’s of the Middle East. Let the people decide what is best for them. We may have strong disagreement with what they choose and several posts here have certainly revealed strong disagreement with the values and norms of many nations of the ME. But we cannot impose our values lest we be hypocrites given how we strongly we rebuke islamists that promote imposing sharia law on the western nations.

Instead, lead by example. And if they do the same, we could learn from each other rather than hating each other. But for this to happen, the power of the military industrial complex must be broken.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Excellent comments.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Excellent point, Brother Ma. We should all remember that both Iran and KSA represent intolerance all the way up the death penalty for all sorts of medieval “crimes”. However, I still support their right of independent development without outside interference. Both Sunni and Shia countries will be represented as branches of human civilisation in the multi-polar world, as shown by the fact that both Iran and KSA can relate to Russia, China and India. But, Brother Ma, did you know that all the terrorist attacks have been carried out by Wahabist/Takfiri/Salafist inspired by KSA? How many of the 9/11 highjackers were from KSA? All these cities have been attacked by this violent death cult: London, Paris, Moscow, St Petersburg, Volgograd, Nice, Manchester, Mumbai, New Delhi, Nairobi, Bali. The list goes on. It is Israel that has been attacked by Hezbollah, when Lebanon was invaded, and that is why Iran, Hezbollah and Houthis are targeted by the US/EU/NATO/GCC/Israel gang.


Lol, I’m sure they’re quaking in their boots. Whatever will they do without the allegiance of Brother Ma!?

Brother Ma

Wars are not just won by force of arms ,ToughGuy. Wars are won also with the support of the everyday people . Get it??


What shia takfiri?????? I never ever heard it before. New invention really dear. Even one single person doesn’t exist on this planet among Shiites population who practice takfeerism. And let me tell u that shias don’t even hate any religion in the world. ۞ لَتَجِدَنَّ أَشَدَّ ٱلنَّاسِ عَدَٲوَةً لِّلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱلۡيَهُودَ وَٱلَّذِينَ أَشۡرَكُواْ‌ ۖ وَلَتَجِدَنَّ أَقۡرَبَهُم مَّوَدَّةً لِّلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱلَّذِينَ قَالُوٓاْ إِنَّا نَصَـٰرَىٰ ۚ ذَٲلِكَ بِأَنَّ مِنۡهُمۡ قِسِّيسِينَ وَرُهۡبَانًا وَأَنَّهُمۡ لَا يَسۡتَڪۡبِرُونَ

Of all men you will find the Jews and those who associate others with Allah in His divinity to be the most hostile to those who believe; and you will surely find that of ail people they who say: ‘We are Christians’, are closest to feeling affection for those who believe. This is because there are worshipful priests and monks among them, and because they are not arrogan

Brother Ma

I am using the words takfiri and jihadi interchangeably. Are n’t Shia meant to declare war on non-Moslems because of the Koran/hadiths/Islamic jurisprudence?


Good question. According to shia laws war can be declared only by the successor of the Holy Prophet PBUH.Now a days The successor of the Holy Prophet PBUH is the Twelfth imam MEHDi (A.S). Who is in Disappearing by God’s will. When He will come He will declare war against all the tyrannic governments of the world.And He will do it with the help of Jesus Christ (A.S).

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

“It is now Plausible that the Houthis could defeat the Coalition militarily and take Riyadh.” The legitimate Houthi government could make this declaration and ask the locals to rebel against the Sauds. At the same time, Syria can threaten to come through from the NE, Iraq from NW and Iran activate from the Eastern Provinces of KSA. This plan should be fully advertised as a direct consequence of a US/EU/NATO/GCC/Israeli attack on Iran. How long will the rotten Sauds stand in the way, even just with the knowledge of this threat? Let them know that their time is up. Thanks for an excellent analysis.

S Melanson

And thank you for providing scenarios that show just how much the game has changed. Gone are the days when small weaker nations were targeted and destroyed with near impunity. Now, the growing capacity for blocs of nations to act together to resist the globalist plans is making itself felt and where is it all heading; for the globalists, the hunter become the hunted and their ‘king’ eventually runs out of places to hide – checkmate.

chris chuba

Riyadh I wish but that is an awful lot of open desert before you get to some mountains and very little water but Narjan itself would be a big blow to the MbS.

If only the Yemenis had purchased a lot more air defense weapons before 2014.

S Melanson

Yes, good observation. Taking Riyadh is possible though should an uprising against the Saudi monarchy unfold as the military situation deteriorates. I do not think it will get to that – once the Houthis start taking and holding towns on Saudi soil, the Coalition will crumble and diplomacy takes over.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

would love to see houthis storming riyadh :))))


U r sooooooo much right but what will happen when Saudis will cry for help from Pakistan Indonesia Egypt like countries.? If not supported by direct military involvement they still could enjoy by thousands of free of cost mercenaries from above mentioned countries. Because sunni majority people throughout world see them as guards of Holy cities.

S Melanson

It will not get to that. Once it has become clear the Houthis are taking the fight into Saudi Arabia (like Greece and Italy in 1941), the House of Saud will fall.


really i hope so


The matters are not so simple. Saudis disguise themselves as protectors of the Holy Cities.

Val Shadowhawk


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hahaha very true :))))))))))))))


Always enjoy reading what you have to say.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Guys. We can stop the UK’s contribution to Yemen and Syrian slaughter. Has anyone started crowdfunding to bring our UK politicians and generals to account? The UK Plebs failed with Bliar, but let them know we are on to their lies and murders. It time to give them some sleepless nights, at least, instead of joyfully banking their dividend cheques from BAE systems and other arms manufacturers. Time for these disgusting perps to have some sweaty nightmares in their sleep, at least. Remember the saying? NOT IN MY NAME!

Ivan Freely

Crowdfunding? As in raising money? Remember the Paypal and credit card companies incident regarding Wikileaks? If so, the attempt will fail as the financial system is controlled by the people who supports these criminals.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

There are ways and means, Ivan. All it requires is the will of the people with conscience. The legal system can be very expensive, but so are the lives of the innocents who are being murdered.


Good sign. British thinking so. I m from sub continent and believe that Britain is so rich now bcz they had looted the entire wealth of subcontinent for 250 years. And now with no moral values they r killing the thousands of innocent people in Yemen.

chris chuba

Too bad they were ‘ 20 Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters’ instead of Saudi soldiers. This war will not end until Saudi Arabia bleeds.

According to Wikipedia, most of the coalition casualties are Saudis (I don’t believe that). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemeni_Civil_War_(2015%E2%80%93present) BTW I don’t blame Wikipdedia here. It is only as good as the publicly available info which is Saudi and western based. It’s inaccurate because the Saudis are keeping a news blackout. The Houthis have more important things to do other than update wikipedia.

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