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MARCH 2025

Houthi Snipers Join Battle In Western Yemeni Coast, Coalition Sends New Reinforcements

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Houthi Snipers Join Battle In Western Yemeni Coast, Coalition Sends New Reinforcements

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On June 23, the Houthis’ snipers units joined the battle in the western Yemeni coast against the Saudi-led coalition and its Yemeni proxies, according to the Yemeni Saba News Agency (SNA). A source in the Ministry of Defense of Yemen [loyal to the Houthis] told SNA that Houthi snipers killed three personnel of the coalition, so far.

Since last year, Houthi snipers killed hundreds of Saudi-led coalition personnel and Yemeni fighters loyal to Saudi-backed Yemeni president, Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi. The deployment of these lethal units will for sure hinder the mission of the coalition infantry.

Meanwhile, the Sky News TV reported that new reinforcements of Saudi-backed Yemeni forces arrived in the western coast of Yemen. According to the UAE-based TV channel, these new units were trained and armed by the Saudi-led coalition and will join the fight against the Houthis in the upcoming hours.

These recent developments suggest that the western coast of Yemen will witness intense battles between the Saudi-led coalition and the Houthis, once again. These battles will likely take place around the airport of al-Hudaydah and in the area of al-Faza south of it.

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Promitheas Apollonious

chinese 12.7 sniper rifles interesting.


“Houthis” :)…..

Promitheas Apollonious

The Iranians I dont think they need the permission of the Chinese to send army or anything else they decide is needed to the Houthis. I seen a patent in the way Russia offer her help as well a strategy and seem is common in the Chinese strategy as well. They both send armies in other countries, to fight terrorists, but they dont get involved in the local disputes between the countries.

The complete opposite, the western is doing. In my opinion it is the right way to face what is happening to the world right now and avoiding a WW3 that the only ones who benefit if is anything left alive, it be the globalists and their minions.


Sorry I wasn’t direct enough: NOT the PERMISSION, but the TRANSPORT and PROTECTION of vessels under CHINESE FLAG, followed by the CHINESE LOGISTIC ( weapons, ammo, medical and food-assistance on long-terms)

Promitheas Apollonious

The only thing the Iranians need since what ever iran does will directly affect both China and Russia in their global game is to be in agreement with both, as to what need to be done. And I am sure they already have that understanding.

The rest and the timing as to when and where is Iran’s decision to make I think.

Robin Wood

Part of sniper collection made in Yemen by houtis : https://youtu.be/7T9TIKLspyw

William Carrington

Can they improve the Remington Fireball single shot , long barralled pistol ?


Blow your head into a million pieces, and also kill the people standing behind the target.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes if you use it, against humans, that be the out come.


No other reason to use such weapons.

Promitheas Apollonious

12.7 caliber is specially developed to hit light armor personnel vehicles, not to be used as antipersonnel, sniper rifle. This said no one is going to prevent of course the user of such rifler to shoot to what ever it pleases.


What is the difference between native Americans and American migrants. Native Americans are victims while the American migrants are child butchers.

What is the difference between native Palestinians and Israeli migrants. The native Palestinians are victims while Israeli migrants are child butchers.


Jews lived peaceful in Palestine among Palestinians so as they still live in IRAN and long time back IN YEMEN (!!).

ZIONISM isn’t representative for 15 Mil. Jews. Even the Jews say that. ZIONISM is a megalomaniac criminal M@fia-like organization of EXTREMISTS… that happened to please the EGO of the ROTHSCHILD-CLAN ( Israel isn’t a COUNTRY, it’s a PRESTIGE-Object of World’s NR. 1 FINANCE-Criminals in Human History: THE ROTHSCHILD-MEDUSA, so as the Pyramids weren’t a GRAVE of 6the Pharaohs but their PRESTIGE-OBJECTS, showing their Absolute POWER and WILL)

Richard M

Keep pouring those reinforcements in like cheap meat into a grinder! When the cauldron is sealed we will see how eager those mercenaries are to fight to the last man and the last bullet!


Some sharper CUTTERS should be delivered to the Houthis and it will work how you say..

William Carrington

Ah well , l thought the 2 brick method was best ?

Augsta “Augsta”

That’s right you tell them Captain Kirk I captain? kill those m************ Saudi scum bastards UAE bastards and all the bastards who want to fight my sandal Warriors…

Richard M

I plan to beam down some hi-tech weapons to even the tables. Expect to see more Wahhabistani warships blasted out of the water!


Trained by the Saudis haha. The only military less capable than the Saudis would be the Israelis.

Hide Behind

The Saudi train no one, their troops have now spent some 6 months under French, US, and Brit Spec Ops including ex US Delta force and Contractors, and by far they are better trained and equipped than Houthi malitia.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/065d97490aadfb50587335891440efe52dce89d6696f86690c5c8e37369f201d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9fed547cc364f9744ca0ad564dbd1ca13f8a7f34df5e375520fa92c0965ee6e1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65e577c70516c1dbd51a43b4018cdff27002e9bc1368758e12b6beb1515567e5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a2d7ca2780cbf7362326c37cde8f78bfa86a8a6ab3778838a1fa5373b22c93ce.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d1e021a6c101c497352ac4eccd70f97c82feea5c95fbb9afc1ec63c8bce6eb68.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f9eb9353a40471a0463f50ed32c1735d1a7e0f31c37a188c53b4cfe5f10e3997.jpg


the mountain tribes always have better conditioning , even since they can walk.. and they are at home with such terrain and punishing temperature difference in the region..

compare it to saudis and gulfies who live in relative luxury.. it is like a expensively equipped kindergarten soccer team against a barefoot high school soccer team.. the kindergarten team will still get rolled

S Melanson

Then based on performance on the ground, we can assume Houthis are natural elite fighters as they continue to hand the Saudi’s their butts on a platter. 6 months training


Their trainer admitting that the Saud Army were untrainable. They can’t even get them to disciplines that were the very core of organized army and that’s their air force officers we’re talking about. We all know that Saud army’s losses were just a fraction of total losses they suffered with the employment of various mercenary bands in the coalition.


this post is so blatantly ignorant on ground reality (with regard to Saudi / Gulfie military capability) , that only a FOOL or a paid TROLL would post such stupid comment.

Better equipped they are , better trained ? see the ground truth on yemen before spouting nonsense

Hide Behind

The term sniper is sure used loosely, a man with a sniper type weapon does not make the man a sniper, and so called Chinese sniper rifles are no more than low quality long range bullet throwers. Find those who know of its limitations, and the limitations of those who squeeze or launch and hope Allah directs the projectile. The Houthi cause is a lost cause, a bravely and righteous cause, but a lost one. Of course all the armchair warriors want them to fight on, vicarious pleasure as mental masterbators; but not to worry The new Eurocentric ME alliance will find another place to spread chaos. Do you actually believe the trained military mercenary men give a flying pig if a few of them die. how many Houthi have died and are now dying of disease and starvation. The more of their buddies that die will only raise their pay scale. The land of Yemen is owned not by dumb as f Yemen people but foreigners, a worldwide group of foreigners many of them Islamics. The self blowfarts of Arabic manhood suprememacy now cries for Russian and Persian saviors. American and European real sniper Rifles are available worldwide, but the teams to man them take time to train and the prime for training is the sniper can only be as good as the trainer. They , sniper, can exceed his trainer, a trainers compliment in how great the shooter becomes. We in US worship our snipers and we have many with over 100 kills, men but grunt marksmen have damn near as many, we worship them as well. I write this crap not to defeat righteous cause but reality of situation. Early days of UAE and Saudi invasion allowed Houthi defenders to hit and run, all while losing real estate and Their maliti a men suffered less casualties by far than did the civilians, and still do. Now real invasion is happening, tacticly precise invasion, and one that will not stop because some Houthi cowboy got a few lucky kills.


Sure they want to exterminate the population of Yemen… like they tried in many other cases some succeeded some failed…there is a Genocide Going on… and the Fake UNHCR is letting it all happen… they don’t care… They only care about their interests…These Houthis will fight till the very last Man… and then they are gone… But they were Brave Man that fought on Flip-Flops against the World, using their environment as Cover like No Western Sniper is Able to Do… they showed their loyalty to their Tribe & their Brothers… I will not forget these Brave Men…..even if the Last of the Houthis is gone…Do or Die right?


Allan Greedspoon

They won’t be defeated. These battles are mainly happening along the Western coast, which is relatively flat. The mountainous interior is another matter altogether. Like Afghanistan, the war will grind on until the world loses interest in another “failed state” and attention drifts elsewhere.

Hide Behind

Unlike Afghanistan where there remain many tribal groups who while not exactly liking Taliban hate Euro invaders even more, and with the Taliban having many safe havens in surrounding Nations in which to rest and rearm the Houthi have nowhere to go.

Icarus Tanović

Yemenis have some such crazy good snipers. From 8x57mm 12.7x101mm 23mm And the craziest price goooeees TO 30x165mm! It’s a cannon, dude! It’s made exclusively for them, and they use it very properly.


They deserve the best stuff…let these Wahhabis go home…it’s very clear which countries are against a peaceful World…and it is getting clearer day by day….


and yet the ignorant americans would label them terrorist .. while praising and worshipping their warcriminal military as heroes


That is the BIG LIE…. and it is about TIME the BIG LIE Becomes known to Humanity…. I myself have believed a lot of the stories they told me on TV & in the Newspaper… More or Less…but it were nothing more than Straight up Lies… Readin’ made me Aware of them Lies…because there is also this Strong Undercurrent going on… Worldwide…


the US govt and their propaganda media play these lies for US audience , known to be the most ignorant and foolish and arrogant people in the world , who still think the world operates from good and bad side and who still believe US is teh ‘good’ guys..

having majority of US citizen in constant ignorance and stupidity is good , the US govt can label any nation as ‘bad’ and invade it with the whole population screaming in support..

the most ‘exceptional’ nation allrite.. exceptionally stupid


There is Good vs. Bad… the U.S. & their Henchmen Being the Bad Part…for they Create Wars…Bloodshed…Massmurder… Oppression with the Help of Puppets… Stealing Land & Resources…Creating Headchopping Terrorists to Execute their Evil Plans… they are the Ones bringing Violence & Death…through Deception & Lies… Enough is Enough…

Wise Gandalf

realistic words

Pave Way IV

“…a man with a sniper type weapon does not make the man a sniper…”

Perfectly true, of course. But it’s all relative – we’re talking about Houthi mountain tribesmen. Grandpa and his 110-year-old Argentine Mauser here can still take a Saudi’s head clean off at 800 yards with iron sights. But he would rather they just sit down for a nice cup of tea… and then get the fuck out of his country. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/19005832ca5eaafbbd524906feb988e5547e8add87a3390ca98843cabc3eb481.png

“…the sniper can only be as good as the trainer…”

That probably explains the limitations of the UAE merc snipers in Yemen https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aceaf250d5e79b4ae47eed844bc0a1270233ffc571e7b1c854ef0f1202ffc6a4.png


please do not equate monkeys with UAE.. that’s a gross insult .. to the monkeys


“We in US worship our snipers”

People who hide and kill their victims like cowards, never daring to face the enemy. Killing alleged looters in New Orleans was another moment of glory for the US military.

And by worshiping them, you expose your own debased morals.


In Asymmetric Warfare confronted with Heavy Firepower…it would be my personal choice…3.000 excellent Marksman fighting from Ambush & Hit and Run Tactics can Demoralise a pretty large Army… Knowing the Terrain from Birth gives you an extra advantage….it is their Home…pop up..do your job and vanish…


I understand the need, but to worship them shows a sickness of the mind. The perverted thought processes of many Americans is an insult to the human species, I would call them animals, but apart from cats I know of no animal that kills for pleasure, like Americans.


Yeah… true….the love & obsession for Red Mist is kinda odd…if you put it like that…that must be the Brainwashing-Element in Disneymovies & Videogames I guess… you must start at an early age to create murdermachines…

Wise Gandalf

People who hide and kill their victims like cowards

And this writes an australian ….


yeah , it is more heroic to fly about 10.000 ft and bomb unarmed people with impunity , like what US pilots did to many nations

Hide Behind

You forget, US has always been morally bankrupt, but let’s not forget US is a landscape of foreigners from all world’s nations. It has always been ruled by greed, most immigrants came for dollar and not so much because of political oppression. To kill outright has been changed to killing each other either by destruction of competitors, politicly stealing, and a mental attitude of can’t find a job join military and go kill foreigners. The real and highest god, even in religious hearts is the almighty dollar, but then it seems that in every nation in World has those who aid in killing and robbing own nations in search of God’s Dollar. Those whose incomes that are more than they need play games of caring about morals, are completely buried in self centered cognitive disonance while into childish hedonistic lives. Morals of convenience.


My Dutch Government has always been in it too…they are Americas Lapdog..Big interests in its Economy…just as guilty…perhaps America is just the Executioner (the One to blame..so that Others keep hidden in the Dark)…working on behalf of Old Money in Europe & Elsewhere


The current furor in the US over illegal immigration is a perfect example of morals of convenience.

All the US has to do to stop the flow, is to start fining the employers who employ illegal immigrants. No job, no reason to go to the USA. But Americans would rather imprison the poor people trying to find work, but allow enough through to keep the slavery racket going.

It’s the same mentality that blames a woman for getting raped.

Hide Behind

Agree with your points and add one more, constant destabilizing and impoverishing of all those nations South of US borders by our Corporate/financials and our installing those nations corrupt politicos.

Allan Greedspoon

The sniper’s ordeal begins when he is captured by the very comrades of the people he has just been killing from longer range. It takes courage either way . .


whats wrong with worshipping US snipers ? i mean the german population during WW2 worship their wermacht and SS snipers who have notorious reputation in killing civilian subhuman on the eastern front ..

whats wrong with US citizen saturated with enourmous militaristic propaganda , so much so that they salute and thank everyone in uniform , and put military on heroic pedestal for doing nothing


You’re full of shit.


Not really…should read the rest… he got a point…

S Melanson

If it is a tactically precise invasion, it is most definitely a strategic blunder. This is the third time major reinforcements have been called up as the advance remains stalled at the airport, and the coalition struggling to maintain supply lines – and that struggle is not going well.

This is Saudi’s Vietnam and will end the same way for the coalition.


Hey Saudi Coalition…Find the Houthi in this picture….


John Mason

Love these trick questions……stimulates the mind. Have to guess that the Houthi is holding the barrel!

Real Anti-Racist Action

I thought the Houthi was the one taking the picture with a camera looking down the scope of his own sniper rifle which is aimed at the French special forces pictured here dead center who is caught off guard with his gun pointed down (wink) lol

John Mason

Great sense of humour embellished with wit.


The French Special Forces Frog got Lost…and was asking the Houthi with the camera the way back to base…..


houthis dont wear gucci gear like the glorified and overrated western spec ops.. they wear sandals flipflops and destroy you all the same


Houthis aren’t afraid to Die….they shoot Birds & Rabbits…the Brush is their Home…. they are Fighting with their Tribe & their Brothers…Relatives…cousins & Friends against a Foreign Modern Army with Brutal Firepower & Blockades to Have the Whole Population Starve to Death…with the latest Gadgets…I Hope the Houthis Will Crush them SO F*CKING HARD…. that they never DARE to leave their COUNTRY AGAIN for Another WAR….

US-Navy Revert Shia

Well said Brother…. Love it when Passion is at play-! At 63-yrs old I still work as a Union NYC Ironworker the Best In The World.. Love My Shia Revert Mind Set I Want A Slot One day At these Cowards, My Number Will Play It All-ways Does

John Mason

Imagine what could be achieved if the Houthis, Syrian, Iraq, Hezbollah (leave Lebanon out due to their association with Saudi) and Iran could achieve if they joined forces. Saudi, Jordan and Israel will stop to exist and the US would be forced out of the Gulf.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Yes, I was told that British SAS have been deployed in an unofficial manor, they will not be wearing British uniforms obviously. They will be backing the French in eliminating the obstacles and calling in air strikes to defeat t the indigenous defenders. http://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-everyone-who-does-not-agree-with-me-is-a-traitor-and-a-scoundrel-george-iii-74-87-14.jpg https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-07378777ed813e1c7b4f8566bd26b6f3


I’m sure both sides has killed many with marksmen, the conflict was one of border raids for a long time. This actually sums up the war in general, whole lot of small scale actions, few major offensives, nothing decisive.


BS, the US/Saudi Arabia have been trying to take over Yemen to get to the oil reserves. The US has pressured the oil companies not to develop the fields until the US has secured them.

The bottom line, is Saudi Arabia is running out of oil, and the US would be cactus without the Saudi petrodollars.


Houthis are so difficult to fight as they are into small groups and to kill one SA forces have to lose 5 . Air force is useless unless in certain cases like arms depots like the Russians able to hit ISIS bases and ISIS trained by US always prefers going around in Armoured cars or Toyotas. That’s why ISIS US trained ones always get decimated.

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