Houthis Advance In Jizan And Repel Another Coalition Attack In Najran (18+ Videos)

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Houthis Advance In Jizan And Repel Another Coalition Attack In Najran (18+ Videos) 5 out of 5 based on 12 ratings. 12 user reviews.

On June 9, the Houthis strengthened their positions in the Kingdoms southern province of Jizan with a new advance. They also repelled another attack by the Saudi-led coalition and its proxies on their positions in the nearby province of Najran.

The Houthis media wing said that the Yemeni rebels captured several key positions and check points  east of the al-Dud mountain in southern Jizan following heavy clashes with coalition forces, which suffered heavy losses.

At the same time, the Houthis repelled an attack by the Saudi-led coalition on their positions in the Ajashir desert in southern Najran. Houthi fighters destroyed two armored vehicles and a pick-up truck of the coalition and targeted a gathering of Saudi-backed forces during the clashes.

The Houthis’ ability to conduct offensive and defensive operations simultaneously has allowed them to maintain a strong presence in southern Saudi Arabia for more than four years now. In own turn, the coalition continues to rely on its air superiority to prevent the Yemeni movement from further expansion into the Kingdom.

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This is absolutely disgusting. Saudis waisting their manpower on nonsense war. They just fighting for CIA.

Zionism = EVIL

That MBS cowardly bastard is a brat and has no concern for the illiterate and untrained Saudis who are dying for Zionism and their Americunt masters in Yemen. They just send Wahhabi madrassa idiots to die as the tribal national guard is fragmented after MBS coup against his uncles and can not be trusted. The Saudi regular military is totally under strength, ill-trained and unwilling to fight due to loyalty issues. The Saudis are really fucked and need to end this quagmire as the Ansarllah is now getting real deadly weapons.


The Yemen failed president Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi is like Guido the Venezuelan failed president. Is he still alive or he has gone from this world. LOL

Zionism = EVIL

Hadi mostly spends time in a Americunt hospital near Washington DC.


You know after Hadi death he would be straight sent to hell because he has given permission to US and Israel that destroy Yemen and kill every one in Yemen. Oh my God small small children he butchered, smashed during Yemen invasion. He is strange Muslim that does not believe in God I mean Allah and in the day of judgement.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

very nice houthis! but why burn their trucks? cant they use them?

Zionism = EVIL

They only take light land cruisers and hi-lux as they are easy to maintain as the Ansarallah is a mobile force, and secondly using heavy armored vehicles in mountain and desert terrain is insanity to begin with. In any case, as you can see most of the Saudi APC and heavy armor is already damaged and immobile, so carting it off in the deserts is not possible. The Saudis are complete idiots and think that hiding inside armored vehicles can save them, the opposite is true. In the modern battlefield proliferating with ATGM, small hunter killer teams and mobility wins, and the Ansarallah are the masters of mobility and tactical engagements.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

true 100%

Zionism = EVIL

To use the word morons is an insult to retards to describe the Saudis. Last week they pushed a whole armored column without dismounted covering infantry into one of their own border villages in Jizan and the results were a disaster, every tank and APC was destroyed by the Ansarallah waiting to ambush them.


S Melanson

Thank you for posting this. I continue to be amazed that the Coalition do not understand and fail to learn the basics of combined arms tactics using infantry, armour and reconnaissance to prevent ambush. The picture says it all, let the column come on in walled on both sides to constrain mobility and then knock out the lead and trailing armour at bottleneck points predetermined by Ansarullah to block escape either forward or backward.

Zionism = EVIL

Even a shave tail second lieutenant in any half decent army would know this, but the Saudis are completely inbred morons. They have no idea how a modern war is fought. The Ansarallah on the other hand have studied contemporary tactics perfected by Hezbollah in Lebanon on how to isolate and decimate armor in built up areas.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


S Melanson

You may want to check out http://www.yemenpress.org, June 9, 2019 article Ansarullah has closed in to within a few kilometres of the Saudi City of Najran and videos show Ansarullah fighters in position overlooking the city of several hundred thousand. The chief of Ansarullah’s armed forces has personally inspected the front lines with a view of the city only two to three kilometres away – suggests something major is planned and not hard to guess what that is.

I predicted in August last year Ansarullah would take the war into KSA and the first major city to fall would be Najran. I never doubted this eventuality unless alternatively end the war by seizing Aden first. However, something I did not expect is it seems both Aden and Najran are in Ansarullah gunsights although Najran’s fall may be more imminent. Truly impressive.

If the Saudi forces do not push back Ansarullah from recent gains, Najran will be at ever present risk and a humiliating development for the Coalition. If Najran falls and KSA fails to retake the city quickly, hard to see MBS surviving.

Zionism = EVIL

Najran is Yemeni land anyway, ceded to the Al-Saud whores by the Brits in 1930’s. The local tribes hate the Wahabbis and as you can tell from the photos and videos, the Saudis have largely left Shia majority Najran, Jizan and Sa’ada under-developed and neglected.

S Melanson

Yes and I should have mentioned that so thanks for bringing it up. This is why I felt Najran would be targeted by Ansarullah and I suspect there has been communication with local tribes to cooperate when the time comes. This will be something to watch closely and I bet MBS has s__t enough bricks to build a new brick s__thouse.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i hope and pray they do take najran and aden and MBS hangs lol

Zionism = EVIL

Ansarallah media and al-Mayadeen released videos of their fighters taking on regular Saudi military and decimating their armor on the outskirts of Jizan. This is the first time the Saudis (probably mercenaries) used an armored brigade to stem the Ansarallah, but were again lulled in an ambush in desert terrain dotted with bushes that provide cover to the Ansarallah ATGM teams.Not much left of the “elite” Saudi brigade :)


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hahahha they got creamed


Damn, Houtis are badass!


Can’t wait for the fire (Houthi) to finally sweep the House of saudi-pimp … ☕

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