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Houthis Announce More Attacks As U.S. Strikes Hit Yemen’s Sanaa & Al-Hodeidah

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Houthis Announce More Attacks As U.S. Strikes Hit Yemen’s Sanaa & Al-Hodeidah

Illustrative image.

The Houthis (Ansar Allah) announced on June 7 that they had attacked two commercial vessels in the Red Sea in response to the Israeli war on the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip and as a response to recent American and British strikes on Yemen.

Houthi military spokesman Brigade General Yahya Sarea said in a statement that the attacks targeted vessels belonging to companies that violated the group’s decision to ban entry to Israeli ports. He identified the ships as Elbella and Aal Genoa.

The attacks were “carried out with a number of drones, ballistic and naval missiles, and the hits were accurate,” the spokesman said, warning that the Houthis will launch more such attacks until “Israel stops the war on Gaza.”

The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) said on June 8 that the Houthis launched four anti-ship ballistic missiles from Yemen over the Red Sea over the past 24 hours.

“There were no injuries or damage reported by U.S., coalition, or commercial ships,” the command said in a statement.

In the same statement, the command announced that its forces destroyed four drones and two anti-ship ballistic missiles in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen. A drone launched by the Houthis into the Bab al-Mandab Strait was also intercepted, it added.

CENTCOM also reported that its forces destroyed a Houthi patrol boat in the Red Sea, without providing any additional details.

“It was determined these systems presented an imminent threat to U.S., coalition forces, and merchant vessels in the region,” the command said. “This action was taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S., coalition, and merchant vessels.”

Yemen’s Al-Masirah TV, which is run by the Houthis, said on June 7 that “the U.S.-British coalition launched multiple airstrikes against the capital Sanaa and the port city of Hodeidah.” The news channel didn’t report any casualties, however.

While CENTCOM didn’t mention any losses, both the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations and the British security firm Ambrey reported attacks on merchant vessels in the Red Sea, south and west of the Yemeni port city of Mokha.

Since last November, the Houthis, who are backed by Iran, have attacked dozens of vessels affiliated with Israel or owned by the U.S. and the UK in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea in response to the Israeli war on Gaza.
In addition, the group launched dozens of drones and missiles at the southernmost Israeli city of Eilat and shot down six American-made combat drones over Yemen and nearby waters.

The U.S. and the UK have carried out hundreds of strikes against Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen since January in an attempt to deter the group and degrade its offensive capabilities, but to no avail.


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Western transvestite disorder

when the hammer is your only tool, every problem looks like a nail


😂😂😂😂quit so!


first kill the yankee fleet, so the way to the mediterranean sea is open to send troops to palestine. yemenis are verry smart warriors. with the help from iran, china, n correa and hesbolah you can clean palestine from the zionist parasite. send swarms to the yankee fleet, they never can mannage and the ships will be badley hurt. blub blub blub


go houtis…

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