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Houthis Attack Pro-Hadi Forces In Sana’a and Al-Jawf

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Houthis Attack Pro-Hadi Forces In Sana'a and Al-Jawf

Newly recruited Houthi fighters ride on the back of a pick-up truck as they parade before heading to the frontline to fight against government forces, in Sanaa, Yemen January 12, 2017. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah – RTX2YMO3

Several fighters loyal to the Saudi-backed Mansur Hadi government were killed and wounded in two attacks of -the Houthis in Sana’a and Al-Jawf provinces, according to Yemeni sources.

The Houthis repotedly attacked Al-Safina position southwest of Nahm in Sana’a province and Al-Sallan camp in Al-Maslob in Al-Jawf province. Furthermore, Houthi fighters damaged two vehicles of pro-Hadi forces in Sorouh in Marib, according to the Houthi media wing.

Meanwhile, the Houthi artillery targeted gatherings of Saudi soldiers in Al-Makhroq al-Kabir, Al-Shabaka and Tabbat al-Khashba in Najran at the Yemeni-Saudi border. Yemeni sources also claimed that Houthi snipers killed a Saudi soldier in Slatah in Najran, and another soldier at Qais position in Jizan near the Yemeni-Saudi border.

In another development, the Ministry of Transport and the General Authority for Aviation declared at a news conference that the continued closure of the Sana’a International Airport without any justification is a violation of the international treaties and humanitarian laws.

The Ministry of Transport revealed that 95 thousand patients need to travel abroad for treatment, and also revealed that 13194 Yemenis died due to the inability to transfer them for proper treatment abroad. It’s worth to mention that the Saudi Alliance has imposed a No-Fly zone over the Yemeni capital Sana’a since the start of its military intervention in 2015, although the Yemeni Air Force has been destroyed since the first month of the war.

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Arabs are the only people on Earth that kill themselfs. XD.

Balázs Jávorszky

You are completely right. They are the ONLY ones. The most prominent example of Arab-on-Arab killing was the 2nd World War. Those Arab motherf.ckers killed “themselfs” in the millions. The 1st World War is also famous as something inconceivable for a normal European (or American). That must’ve had something to do with the Arabic culture. How lucky we are ‘cos we never ever do things like that to “ourselfs”! Not to mention other peoples. The Arabs nuked Hiroshima. And then Nagasaki. They apparently have a tendency to kill other people beside “themselfs”.


You are comparing Arabs with Europeans. It’s not the same thing. In Europe, you have diffrent languages. Arabs speak the same language but they keep fighting each other. Even in Syria, they are fighting themselfs. Even in Lebanon !!!!


Guess you never heard of wars in Yugoslavia, or in Ukraine, or of wars in Africa… Nope. civil wars are only possible in Arab lands, nowhere else. -.-


In Yougoslavia, there are many people with different languages. It’s not the same thing. We are talking about people who speak the same language that are killing themselfs for foreign countries interests !!!

Balázs Jávorszky

“In Yougoslavia, there are many people with different languages.” Oops, you’re right! They speak Chinese in Serbia and Swahili in Croatia, so it’s okay then, they can kill each other without your disapproval. Thanks for the correction!

Daniel Castro

Stop man, it’s getting ugly… The problem is not sunni arabs, but takfiri ideology.


You are a troll, a very poorly educated one at that (or maybe you think that we are all stupid as fuck here so you can say whatever you want and no one will notice it’s wrong). We speak the same language here in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia, there are minor differences, yes but we can understand each other in 98% of the cases, and if we don’t know one word from one another, we can easily explain to each other what we are talking about using a variety of other words. And also not all Arabic dialects are the same, Arabs from for example, Morocco, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria, don’t speak the exact same dialect, just as Slavic countries have their own dialect as well (but yeah as mentioned before, they can understand each other in most cases).

Balázs Jávorszky

The Irish and the English speak the same language, consequently they’ve been fighting each other up to very recently. Even in the tiny Northern Ireland!!!! The Yugoslavs speak the same language, so no wonder they fought each other for 10 years. I reckon the English and Serbo-Croatian are just Arabic dialects.


In Saudi Arabia, A town od 3000 or 30000 shias have been completly destroyed. So WTF. Saudi Arabia is killing his own people. As if Germany was completly destroying a german town. XD.

Justin Ryan

Sunni’s hate Shia’s! They excited their highest ranking Shia cleric abut a year a go! They would prefer to eradicate them all!

Sunni’s are the worst of Muslims!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Saudis are Wahabbi , Turkey has Salifi of which are both the same ideology as Telmudic Judaism.

Justin Ryan

Yes Wahaabi’s who believe in Sharia law in which KSA is a nation that has this ideology! But Sunni’s in general are against Shia’s!

Yes I notice the Talmud is equally as bad as the Koran, perhaps worse!

Infidels or gentiles….. its the same thing, they wanna kill us all according to their God and beliefs!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

We are caught between 2 murderous ideologies which both want to kill everybody and see us only good enough to be taxed for their pleasure, before we die.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is a Jahili thing don’t expect you to understand Saudi behavior even the YPG Kurds follow this same mentality.


Very good :))) I hope soon all of Yemen is restored and Saudis leave forever

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