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Houthis Attack Yet Another U.S. Merchant Ship

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Houthis Attack Yet Another U.S. Merchant Ship

Illustrative image.

For the third time in a week, the Iranian-backed Houthis (Ansar Allah) has attacked a United States-owned merchant ship near Yemen.

The ship, M/V Chem Ranger, came under attack late on January 18. Brigade General Yahya Sari, a spokesman for the Houthis, said in a statement, said that the ship was targeted with “naval missiles” and received “direct hits.”

“The Yemeni Armed Forces confirm that a retaliation to the American and British attacks is inevitable, and that any new aggression will not go unpunished,” the statement reads.

The U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed that the Houthis fired two anti-ship ballistic missiles at the M/V Chem Ranger, but denied that the ship was hit.

“The crew observed the missiles impact the water near the ship,” the command said on X, previously known as Twitter. “There were no reported injuries or damage to the ship. The ship has continued underway.”

In an earlier post on X, CENTCOM announced strikes on two Houthi anti-ship missiles that were aimed into the Southern Red Sea and were prepared to launch. This was the fifth wave of U.S. strikes to target the Houthis in a week.

The missiles were “an imminent threat to merchant vessels and U.S. Navy ships in the region,” the command said, adding that “U.S. forces subsequently struck and destroyed the missiles in self-defense.”

The Houthis began attacking merchant ships in November, saying they were responding to the Israeli war on the Palestinian Gaza. Since then, the group has launched dozens of attacks on Israel-affiliated ships passing through the Red Sea, one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes.

The U.S. and its allies, first and foremost the United Kingdom, formed a naval coalition and began launching strikes on Yemen in response. However, the Houthis remain unfettered as evident by their recent attacks, which targeted three U.S.-owned ships.

Speaking after the last wave of U.S. strikes on Yemen, Mr Biden was asked by reporters in Washington DC if the attacks on Houthi targets were working.

“Well, when you say working are they stopping the Houthis? No,” Biden said.

“Are they gonna continue? Yes.”

In a bid to mount more pressure on the Houthis, the U.S. re-designated the group as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity earlier this week.

The recent actions of the U.S. and its allies have clearly failed to deter the Houthis, who have repeatedly vowed that the response to strikes on Yemen is coming.



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No love for 1776!

sooner or later this anglo alliance will escalate tensions even further washington needs war to stay afloat its the only part of the economy that really makes money 💰 not the civilian sector. those fuckers in washington would rather appease illegals then their actual citizens all for this bullshit of an image the best country in the world 🌎


the anglozionazi beast “makes money” by printing worthless scrip and pointing a gun at its va$$als. however, the jig is up and $lumville is being taunted and laughed at as its tranny “army” takes an a$$ kicking in all “theaters” as the mutts at pentacon death inc. call their bouts of genocide.

Palestine No-More! 🚑🌡️😱😶‍🌫️🔥😭😭

i hate 1776, i hate freedom, i love communist china and i love communist north korea! i believe every citizen in he world should live in complete darkness and without food, rules by a corrupt fat leader, that calls himself a god!


i see dead huuties with cooties


you just can’t kill karma and karma is surely coming to collect on centuries of ussan crime. the “specially designated global terrorist entity” of ussa is going down even faster than most had imagined it inevitably would. glug…glug…glug… glug…new coral reef$ for the fishies.


there is no me!

R. J.

iiiiiii newwwww ittttttt


won’t be long now before one of those ww2 pentacon tranny filled rusty tubs goes glug glug glug down into the belly of the red sea. don’t say that you weren’t warned that the fun loving houthi brothers are the afghanis on steroids and we know how that ended for $lumville’s uninformed uniformed “army” as the circus got its a$$ out of kabul before the rump ukrapper dumpster fire got burning. ah karma, a glorious thing indeed. z everywhere the demon is.

Peppe il Sicario

the houthis are waiting for them to finish their onboard missile stock and then….boom!!! saturation attack and they’re swimming with the fishes!!!


originally i was the god of the sabeans. the catholic church designed this new religion they called islam.

that was like the new spring catalog in those times. new religions were invented all the time.

but the catholic church had the money to push islam forward. they did this because they needed an enemy to fight the jews.


they chose the scholar mohammad and teached him their new ideology. and he started the wars against the jews. this secret has been well kept until today. the the black pope and the white poe and all of the ayatollahs know this. this is why the arabic leaders all commit their “sins” in secrecy. they fuck, drink and gamle.

now you go and pray to allah, while your mufti screws his 11 year old wife


i googled it. and i found out about the ‘three daughters of allah the moon god. that is interesting stuff. will continue to research this. this was like a pagan god or s.th.?


and by the way, it is called thought and not teached!


hey, dead beats it is “”tought””

R. J.

taught taught taught


southfront, could you please stop using the term “iranian-backed houthis”, dear to western propaganda. do you use “us backed ukranian” forces? stop copying western propaganda terms. thank you

iranian backed houthi

can’t stand the truth?

Peppe il Sicario

that should tell you a thing or two about the editors.


you people want everything edited that doesn’t fit your narrative. you fu-king woke piece of crap. you are to be cancelled very soon by nature.

Peppe il Sicario

crawl back into that dirty maggot-infested orefice you were pooped out of…


since we are all brothers, just like you i came out of your mothers cont


oh and your mother is a horses whorre

Peppe il Sicario

i know, right? she bends well too. i always test her before i rent her cunnt out to homo-hamas, ballless-hisbolla and the cocck-suckking gayranians

Peppe il Sicario

the angoloids are pooping their depenz at the thought of having to put boots on the ground inside yemen. didn’t end up too well for those 2 navy seals who decided to go for a late night swim in the gulf of aden either.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peppe il Sicario
Peppe il Sicario

oh, and my mother is still taking clients… so, line up your dogs

YAHYA pedomanic sinwar

i did not tell them to fire rockets at american or israeli targets. but these guys down at yemen followed the money trail all the way from the dark iranian empire

Last edited 1 year ago by YAHYA pedomanic sinwar

when the most prolific mass murderers run around designating people terrorists, you know you live in a pathetic cess pit of trash and cowards. what a pathetic pack of ninny losers.

Peppe il Sicario

you fockkin terrorist


gli houthi ci provano . . ma devono aggiustare la mira per cominciare a far male . . attualmente son solo missili sprecati .

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