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MARCH 2025

Houthis Capture Three New Positions In Sothern Jizan, Destroy Saudi Military Bulldozers With Guided Missiles (Videos)

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The Houthis captured three positions from the Saudi-led coalition and its proxies in the Kingdom’s southern province of Jizan in a surprise attack on May 10.

Houthi fighters can be seen storming the positions, east of the al-Dud mount, in a new video released by the Yemeni group’s media wing. The video also shows loads of weapons and ammunition, which had been left behind by coalition forces.

Moreover, the Houthis destroyed three bulldozers of the Saudi-led coalition with guided anti-tank missiles (ATGMs) in the southern part of Jizan. The group’s media wing said that that the bulldozers were establishing a new position and building fortifications.

In the last two months, the Houthis stepped up their attacks in the southern part of Jizan. The Saudi-led coalition made several attempts to secure the border area. However, it has failed to achieve this goal, so far.

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Houthis know how to fix bulldozers

David Parker

That is NOT how to fix a perfectly good operating cat that is going to be needed to repair what the Saudis have done to Yemen.


They don’t store any machinery that can be hit from the air


Haha those Saudis running away were fearing for their life. Now they know how the people feel, who get massacred by their master bin-Salman.

John Hanson

Looks more like a quarry than a “new position”.

You would think their would have been a cheaper solution than wasting missiles.


That is a quarry, guess you can call it economic warfare. At end of video there is 1 Saudi coalition army bulldozer being blown up. :)


Yes, but this was economic warfare – that quarry will be out of action for months now that they know a Houthi patrol is roaming the countryside.

Xoli Xoli

Jesus is God what is allah

Tom Tom

allah is a fallen watcher angel, one of the 360 fallen watcher angels chiseled in stone in the Kabaa in pre-Islamic Mecca. Mohammed listened to Satan one night, so he picked allah as a “god.” He is a pagan moon god who demanded blood sacrifices. Never changed who he really is.


You are retard.

Tom Tom

Even educated muslims know this.

Ceasar Polar

Dude totally false narrative put out by Catholic/zionist disinformation spies to your churches for you to hate muslims. Allah means literally God in Arabic. The 360 gods that were in mecca pre-islam were technically “sons” of God (Allah) and God’s name even at that time was Allah. When islam came along the prophet Muhammed destroyed the blasphemy and all the other idols, and restored the 1 one God of creation. Till this day is you use google translator the word God in Arabic, you will see Allah. Even Arab christans call God, Allah, because it is Arabic Language!

Tom Tom

sorry, dude, but nope. Allah is not a word for god, it is a name of what some call their god, and was adopted later as “god,” to the point that in pre-Islamic times, some Arab Christians even made pilgrimage to the Kaaba, a pagan temple at that time (but somehow now is not pagan), honoring Allah there as God the Creator.Allah was one of the stone gods, not the big one. Mohammed “destroyed the blasphemy,” haha, that’s a good one. Allah is not Yahweh. Now go worship satan.

Ceasar Polar

I m trying to speak to you as if you were a human. Arabic language is made of words, if you spoke arabic you would understand how stupid you sound in your previous post. Im not going to waste my time, translation is clear, God means Allah in arabic. Go try all the translators you want, it will always give you the same thing.

Tom Tom

sorry, but you’re not a human. your filth is used by the satanists to achieve their means. Then they’ll get rid of you.

David Parker

The Islamic “Allah” is an idol invented by Mohammed. Of course Mohammed would appropriate the word for God. The Pope pretends his circus is Christian, the Mormons throw around the name of Jesus Christ, every faker hawking religion for money uses elements of Christianity. Syncretism is worldwide. But such are false religions. Christianity holds the doctrine of salvation by the grace of God alone through faith alone and no meritorious works. God cannot be bought, fooled, bribed, etc. God is sovereign over all his creation. If it were his purpose he could create another universe with living things as effortlessly as he created this one, but that is not his purpose. Creating self-aware people is God’s purpose and he is not yet finished.


Allah is the word for God in Arabic. Arab Christians use the word Allah as well.

David Parker

Well good for them, but the Islamic “Allah” is NOT God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, creator of the universe and all living things, holding all things together to this day, alone sovereign over all, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, etc. Mohammed, like Joseph Smith and a crowd of frauds after him inventing false religions, had a hedonistic view of heaven. Mohammed’s idea of paradise included having unlimited virgins to rape. How completely carnal and limited. Such bullshit does nothing for women unlike the equal worth accorded women in Christianity, the one true religion. Also, do not assume Roman Catholicism is Christianity either. Christianity alone holds that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone with no meritorious works. God cannot be bought, bribed, fooled, etc., by his creation mankind, Mary never heard a prayer directed to her, etc. Jesus commanded his followers to pray to the Father in the name of the Son and pray that God’s will be done in earth as it is in heaven. That excludes praying for a Mercedes-Benz or a personal jet. Such baubles do not institute the Kingdom of God on earth or feed God’s people. People matter to God.

Ceasar Polar

Jesus was saying when he was among us : im not God, only his Messiah, his messenger. You should read more arameic bibles

David Parker

Jesus said “I and My Father are one”, and “If you have seen me, you have seen The Father”, etc. Jesus did not deny his divinity when Peter recognized him. Jesus accepted worship as opposed to John, Paul, and the Apostles. Messiah means “God with us”. The divinity of Jesus is without question. He is fully God and fully man for the express purpose of being “the Lamb of God” who alone could atone for the sins of God’s elect. God doesn’t let disobedience and dishonor slide – someone is going to pay with their life. That someone was God incarnate in the person of Jesus, the only begotten – born of woman – Son of God.

David Parker

A fiction invented by Mohammed to awe his drugged out army of cutthroats and pretend his fetishes had divine approval.

R PLobo

A war zone and the ksa zionazis sand whores provide no cover for construction workers. It looks like road building – likely all foreign workers like the mercs that are being used as cannon fodder in Yemen.

David Parker

Stupid bastards blowing up the excavator, front loader, and cat. That was some very useful equipment their very own people could have used for construction.

Promitheas Apollonious

thinking and common sense must be something unknown to you.

David Parker

Actually those are unknown to you. Wasting two $5,000 missiles to destroya $150,000 Caterpillar excavator and Caterpillar front loader that have absolutely no military significance is plain barbaric stupidity.

Promitheas Apollonious

only your comment show how limited your thinking is. as for putting cost on missiles and cats i must admit is very jewish of you do do so. and provided you could use your brain you understand how the cat been used and for what purpose.

Ceasar Polar

Only 2 pieces of equipement out of 7 were destroyed, im pretty sure they went to salvage the rest.

David Parker

They are brand new and operating, no “salvage” necessary unless you destroy the cab of the front loader and the engine compartment and rotator of the excavator. Someone should clue these idiots in that equipment is necessary to rebuild what the Sordid Arabians have destroyed.

Ceasar Polar

Im pretty sure those running the bulldozers and the excavators are just indians, pakistanis or suddanis, a real saudi is too pussy and too spoilt to do manual work. Anyone working with the saudis to conduct war on innocent civilians deserve a death with Fire.

David Parker

But roads can be used by anyone. Stupid to destroy construction equipment that could be easily captured without damage.

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