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Houthis Claim They Cut Off Saudi-led Coalition Supply Routes South Of Al-Hudaydah (Video)

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Houthis Claim They Cut Off Saudi-led Coalition Supply Routes South Of Al-Hudaydah (Video)

Military situattion east of al-Hudaydah. Click to see the full-size image

On November 8, Brigadier General Yahya Sari, a spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces [a key ally of the Houthis], announced that the Houthis and other local forces have blocked four supply routes of the Saudi-led coalition near the district center of al-Tuhayat, the village of al-Jah al-Suflah, the area of al-Jabaliyah and the town of al-Faza south of the coastal city of al-Hudaydah.

“The offensive operations blocked all the land supply routes, which led to confusion among [Saudi-led coalition] enemy forces, and the aggressor warplanes failed to support its mercenaries,” Brig. Gen. Sari said in an official statement published by the Yemeni al-Masirah TV.

During these offensive operations, more than 150 Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters were killed and 17 military vehicles of the Saudi-led coalition were destroyed, according to Brig. Gen. Sari.

This move will likely hinder the ongoing offensive of the Saudi-led coalition on al-Hudaydah, which began on November 3. So far, the coalition has reached the southern part of the strategic city. However, the shortage of supplies may force it to withdraw soon.

Video of the Houthis operations south of al-Hudaydah:


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Zionism = EVIL

The Yemeni legendary Shia resistance group’s flag reads as following: “God Is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam”

Concrete Mike

Its what they chant too…i love it!!!

Zionism = EVIL

Yes indeed, after every successful attack the Zaidis and the even Yemeni army chants God is Great, Death to America, Mout al Israel (Death to Israel), Lanat al Yahood (curse on the cursed Jews) and Nasr al Islam (victory to Islam). All their weapons and vehicles are also plastered with Green, Red and White (Yemeni flag colors) slogan posters with same chants. This chant originated from the Iranian revolution, then Hezbollah and all liberation movements adopted it and now even Polisario fighting the Moroccan puppet losers now chant the same slogan as well as all university campuses in the region.


EXCELLENT ! Hopefully the block will hold or make the Saudi coalition troops panic and retreat. The timing here might be perfect. :)

Zionism = EVIL

As this video and others on Yemeni TV show the Saudis and their mercenaries have suffered a humiliating defeat and the Ansarollah have captured a lot of weapons and vehicles. The Sudanese seem to suffered the brunt of the ambush.


Looks like a sandstorm in the video. Could be the Houthis were waiting for this counter attack weather, hopefully it will last a long time. The mercs fight for money, when things turn south they might do the same. :)))

Zionism = EVIL

Yemeni and regional media are posting more videos which will show up soon. The so-called 5 month old pathetic attempt to take over Hodeidah has been a disaster and the Saudis and their mercenaries are too demoralized now to try again for a while. This much touted “offensive” lasted 6 days and a lot of hot air and propaganda that 14,000 mercenaries will attack. Infact, barley 1500 khat chewing lightly armed sandal wearing Zaidi kids and a company of Yemeni special forces beat back the mercenaries. Saudi scum child killers should die of humiliation and shame.


Where do I find the other videos?

Zionism = EVIL

Al-Manar from Lebanon is an excellent source as it posts in Arabic, English and French. The Yemeni Almasirah television posts almost realtime footage. Iranian PRESS TV and IRIB, Fars, and Tasmin are also very good. Russian Sputnik and even RT sometimes post Yemen battlefield videos. The reason the Saudis and Zionists are exposed now is that the western control of media and fake narrative is broken. People are not that gullible anymore. The Zionist lies are exposed in a minute.


Thank you, I already knew this sources. I appreciate.

Zionism = EVIL

The upbeat Almasirah television, the leading media outlet of the Houthi rebels in Yemen quickly uploads direct combat footage to dispel Saudi propaganda and humiliate them. The Ansarollah just posted:

“Our forces fired missiles at a convoy of the invaders and mercenaries,” one report said. “Our forces’ missiles hit and destroyed the mercenaries’ tank. … In a single day, the Yemeni army and – the allied Houthi destroyed 21 vehicles and killed 150 invaders”. armored vehicles and four tanks belonging to the invaders.” The news cast ended on a high note with the ubiquitous Houthi slogan: “God is great, death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews, victory to Islam.”

Almasirah is just one of some 25 Houthi-run media outlets, which have helped the Houthis recruit tens of thousands of fighters. Unofficial estimates say they now have more than 120,000 tough motivated young men under arms, up from just 3,000 to 7,000 three and a half years ago.

When Arab intervention in Yemen began in 2015, immediately after Saudi King Salman was crowned, it was expected to be ashort, swift war. Saudi Arabia, armed with the best American weaponry, with pilots trained in America, and America itself providing excellent intelligence and daily aerial refueling, the deluded Saudis promised it could easily overcome the Houthi rebels and restore Yemen to the puppet government of aging and sick Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who had sought refuge in Saudi Arabia.But following an other-worldly Saudi investment of about $5 billion a month – which paid for mercenaries from South America and Africa, among other things – and more than 100,000 sorties, the question now preoccupying Riyadh and its humiliated allies is how to get out of Yemen without this being perceived as an outright Iranian, Hezbollah and Shia victory.

But following an other-worldly Saudi investment of about $5 billion a month – which paid for mercenaries from South America and Africa, among other things – and more than 100,000 sorties, the question now preoccupying Riyadh and its allies is how to get out of Yemen without this being perceived as an Iranian victory.


Just for clarification, the video at the bottom is not of the battles in Hudaydah city or cutting of supply lines, but of the beatdown they put on Saudi Coalition in and around Kilo 16.

So they beat them down in Kilo 16 and cut off supply lines in the Hudaydah city offensive.

Battle is not over yet, May Allah increase the AnsarAllah and true Yemeni people in steadfastness and resolve and grant them more victories. And may the martyrs of the resistance rest in peace, and be rewarded for their actions.

And a curse on the dead mercenaries. They lost this life, and they lost the next. Whereas even if the AnsarAllah were to all die, they would have been victorious in the afterlife. For victory in the afterlife (reaching Heaven) is the only true victory.


Let’s all hope that Mohammed bone Sawin’s puppet mercenary Orcs enjoy as much success escaping the Hudaydah Cauldron as Adolf’s 6th Army enjoyed escaping the Stalingrad Cauldron in 42-43!


History Does Not Repeat Itself, But It Rhymes :)


Definitely, after the stalemate there will be negotiations on the terms of a peace treaty. Good.

Promitheas Apollonious

peace treaty forged by the americans is never a peace treaty, that benefits the ones under attack by them.

Concrete Mike

Agreed…unconditionnal surrender and leave yemen for ever. Thats it.

That Guy

The Saudi led coalition is so freaking incompetent.

Promitheas Apollonious

that is not a bad thing is it?

That Guy

Depends on the point of view actually.

To me, I hate both sides, but I hate the Houthis more. I’m neither on US side, Saudi side, Israeli side, Iranian side, or Russian side, I’m on the side which all of the mentioned sides blame each other for its existence, while it came all on it’s own, I’m on the side of those who wave black flags and are demonized by everyone.

Concrete Mike

Well houthis never did anything to you, nor will they ever do anything to you..so take that hate and shove it. Fucking nonsense…


So you love ISIS and Hillzebub! Typical Alinskyite Sorosite Anarchist.

That Guy

Now I’m a Jew? How funny!


Hahaha! What Conspiracy Theory nonsense. Next you’ll claim Klingons, Sith Lords, Goa’uld and Borg will be joining the Jihad!

Promitheas Apollonious

SO….. your judgment is based on emotion. Kind of unintelligent to judge history as it is written based on what you just said. As been a misfit in today`s world it is not such a bad thing judging by the state of it and the subhumans walking on it.

just make sure you wave your flags where you dont run in danger to be misunderstood and send to the hospital.

That Guy

Thanks for not being hostile in your reply.

Promitheas Apollonious

why should I be hostile?

Brother Ma

I will be hostile to the headchopper rat.

Promitheas Apollonious

from the keyboard whats the use?

Brother Ma

He is a TURCOHEADCHOPPER who supports murdering women and babies. I can only fight him via the keyboard at present.

Promitheas Apollonious


That Guy

Murdering women and babies? Perhaps you are mistaking them for the US backed Shiite militias who are the ones who raped and murdered women and murdered children from 2003 till now in Iraq, just because they were Sunni, so don’t be surprised that avengers would emerge and behead their soldiers and spies. However, these avengers would never go down to the level of murdering children and women, because these avengers are not Shiite. :)

Brother Ma

You are obviously indoctrinated and full of sh”t . I saw what you did to Christian and other Sunni women and chidren. You are despicable.

That Guy

Where did you see that, on Fox news? Besides, check what the other guys did first in 2003, they did far far much worse than what IS did. Drilling eyes, cutting limbs while alive, putting a child in the oven, peeling people’s skin off while alive. All of that, and the vengeance which the Shia militias get is not even close to what they did in the past, and if you think they feel sorry for what they did in the past, you are wrong, they still do that in GOVERNMENT prisons, and god knows what happens there. On top of that, these same criminals are helping Assad in Syria, and repeated the same crimes they did in Iraq, and yet they are called “the axis of resistance” even when they were backed by the US, and to make the situation even sillier, the “axis of resistance” and the west formed an alliance against IS, more than 70 countries just joined hand, and over demonize the IS even though they didn’t start the war, the other guys started it.

Look, I used to look positively at the “axis of resistance” and Russia (you can ask those who were on south front about that), because I used to be ignorant about what crimes they did in the past, and what is their religious belief system holding against me, once I knew those, I found that they are just as dangerous as Israel is. Then I started see which group is against everyone and strategically threatening everyone, and boom, I found the third faction which I started to look positively at.

Brother Ma

America/Turkey/Israel made ISIS you fool! They are friends.Who cares about 2003! Turco headchoppers go way back before that. How old are you ?Twenty?

Soon ,I will stop speaking to you because I thought you were intelligent but nothing you say is valid.

You conveniently did not answer why Isis butchers other Sunnis.

Hmmm? Why would you do that?

That Guy

They only kill spies and US backed mercenaries. They don’t believe in the Geneva convention or any of the UN nonsense, so they kill any spy their hands land on, just to terrify those who are thinking of joining the army or intelligence agencies.

Besides, tell me which point is invalid ?

Brother Ma

You are a liar,a fool and a butcher! Imagine calling children spies !

You are beyond help. You are like a rabid dog,you must be shot to protect soceity.

That Guy

I never called children or women spies, stop being manipulative, the ones who I called spies are fully grown 20+ years old men. And for the painful stories I told you, Iraqi people who I know told me these stories, I didn’t bring them out of my sleeve.

I never carried a weapon nor am I willing to carry one, thus I can’t be a butcher nor a rabid dog. The one who’s a rabid dog is the one who is fully willing to kill someone because he disagrees with him.


How’s the Weather in Hell Aviv?

That Guy

Good, now winter is on the doors, it will be even better :)

Brother Ma

Go bed your 72 gay,fat,bald,old virgin men ,repulsive headchopper!

That Guy

Yup, you are repeating that lame cliche again.

Brother Ma

Friend ,a truth broadcast a thousand times does not cease being truth. You said you support black-waving headchoppers not I.

That Guy

Lol, I don’t support them. I just started to see things from their point of view, after finding out that the so-called axis of resistance is nothing but a big fraud. But supporting them, nah. In order to be a “supporter” you need to fight for them and fund them from your pocket, I’m not doing that lol, but I’m neither going to believe any media ever neither “axis of resistance” nor cheap western media, they are both full of BS.

Brother Ma

So you don’t like an axis of resistance nor cheap Western media so you think it is great to join a group of cruel malicious head choppers? So let me guess ,you think ISIS just magically appeared of itself and had no help from Turkey,Saudi,Irael or America?

Comeon man ,you are way smarter than that!

S Melanson

I see it this way, and perhaps it will bring more hope into your heart. Both sides may be faulted for crimes and bad intent towards each other but that is not what is important. The resistance to hegemonic power is what matters. Hegemonic power corrupts everything including itself. I support the resistance for this reason primarily. If the resistance tried to simply replace as the new hegemon, I would oppose them.

But the resistance is reestablishing a multipolar world with many centres of power and this brings balance. No one power can behave as it pleases as there is a check on its power. This world is very conflicted but that is now, not tomorrow and balance allows for a better tomorrow. Hegemonic power has only one destination which has no tomorrow.


You would wish the Jewish House of Saud were a bit more Competent Right? Then you would have had accomplished your Greater IsraHell by now….but the Wahhabis Fucked up… and USraHell too…


The zionist rats are no match for the brave Houtis, they will be destroyed one way or the other,better leave now while they can.

S Melanson

The entire coalition force cut off at Hodeidah will now be systematically destroyed just as the June Coalition force was destroyed. I posted for an earlier article a qualified prediction of Houthi victory before this latest news and my post predicted counterattack to interdict supply lines. Now I have few doubts that the Houthis planned this as Coalition announced intentions loudly, and did exactly what they said and attacked Hodeidah – their incompetence never fails to amaze me.

The Houthis prepared and they planned carefully. They drew the Coalition in as they did in June but they withdrew further, giving impression they were really in trouble but then stopped Coalition in their tracks at edges of city. The coalition forces went all in and are engaged along contact line complicating any withdrawal as supply shortages will begin to be a problem.

This battle is over. There is an outside chance of a miracle, but incompetence will ensure there will be no miracle. The attacking force will start disintegrating by desertion and a second general amnesty for deserters like last time will do dick all like last time. Coalition wins Nobel Prize for Incompetence slam dunk. Also a strong contender for the Nobel Prize for Atrocities – formerly known as the Nobel Peace Prize.


We shall see new maps tomorrow. Could be Von Paulis was leading the advance, I hope so. :)

S Melanson

The maps are out, and are very pretty. Well not so much for the Coalition. The maps show the effects of the ‘unexpected’ Houthi supply interdiction at multiple points, just like in June. And the Coalition attack same as June attack???

at Coalition Central Command (Ronald McDonald’s Playhouse), Clueles Commander “reports show advance towards port having spectacular progress, the Houthis are running, order forces to press with all speed to keep the Houthi off balance then seize the port.

Mossad advisor: your glorious excellency, it looks very much like a trap, like the last time.

Clueless Commander: Ahhh! The Houthis would never think we are so stupid to repeat our mistake and rush into a trap, so I outsmart them by doing exactly what they do not expect. Now we have them.

Mossad advisor: you are aware that you have made this mistake several times this past year.

Clueless Commander: What, we have?…. well even better, they would certainly assume we must have learned by now, don’t you agree… we must have learned

Mossad Advisor: One would think.


It’s the counter attack that does the real damage. It’s the same thing that happened the last time they tried to take the city. They got cut off, surrounded in isolated pockets and chewed to pieces. Apparently somebody is not learning anything.


Good Job Houthis!!!

Concrete Mike

Every day im amazed at these guys…litterally all the money in the world is against them, yet somehow they find a way everytime to prevail.

Yemen is great! Nasr al Houthi!!!


I just hope they have enough ATGMs and keep the supply lines cut off as long as possible.


Russia & Iran give these Brave Houthis whatever they ask for (they are very good with ATGMs)…. they are Fighting a War for you too….Help them Destroy these Evil Talmudic-Wahhabi-Jewish-House-Of-Saudis


I am on the side of Houthis , however, it is still ordinary Human Beings being slaughtered, on all sides while the RICH and POWERFUL Psychopaths who create these wars, are sipping Champagne and filling their bank accounts.

THEY are the ones who should be slaughtered, not ordinary common people, who are brainwashed to hate and fight each other,in order to support their families

Wake up people, of ALL NATIONS, at WAR against innocent Women and Children and take out the/your RULERS

I include stupid American Military who believe in WARMONGER, HATE-filled TRUMP

YOU are all dying for Zionist RACIST fake SUPREMACIST Jews

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