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JULY 2024

Houthis, Iraqi Resistance Say They Struck Israeli Port Of Haifa With Cruise Missiles (Video)

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Houthis, Iraqi Resistance Say They Struck Israeli Port Of Haifa With Cruise Missiles (Video)

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The Iran-backed Houthis (Ansar Allah) in Yemen said on July 2 that they, along with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI), launched cruise missiles at “a vital target” in the Israeli port city of Haifa.

“The joint military operation targeted a vital target in Haifa with several winged missiles. The operation achieved its goals successfully,” Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea said in a statement.

The spokesman added that the Houthis “will continue to carry out joint military operations with the IRI to back and support the Palestinian people until the [Israeli] aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.”

The IRI, an umbrella of Iran-backed armed factions in Iraq, confirmed that it took part in the attack and released video footage showing the launch of what appears to be a cruise missile.

Hebrew media didn’t report any warnings or interceptions in Haifa. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the attack was a complete failure as the Israeli military has the power to censor all news related to security incidents in the country.

Since last November, the Houthis have attacked dozens of vessels affiliated with Israel or owned by the United States and the United Kingdom in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea in response to the Israeli war and siege on Gaza.

In addition, the group launched dozens of drones and missiles at the southernmost Israeli city of Eilat and shot down six American-made combat drones over Yemen and nearby waters.

The U.S. and the UK have carried out hundreds of strikes against Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen since January in an attempt to deter the group and degrade its offensive capabilities, but to no avail. In fact, the group was able to expand its operations in cooperation with the IRI.


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zdá sa, že nateraz dokážu vzdorovať. otázkou je do kedy? ak by mali podporu od ruska a číny tak by mohli vydržať ešte veľmi dlho. to darebácky štát usa bude len veľmi ťažko niesť. podporovať fašistov na ukrajine a teraz ešte aj židov. takúto záťaž isto dlho nevydržia. a ak sa ešte k tomu pridali aj sýrske vojská v sýrii, tak by to pre usa bola hotová pohroma. uvidíme, svetu mier!!!


there is a haifa refinery and if in general the iraqi groups can reach haifa, the ultimate aim must be the discharge/load facilities of the refinery forcing it to close. no crude in no products out and the entire jewish society will be paralyzed.


mr nasrallah was traditionally fond of threating some ammonia storage tanks in haifa ….


the was before the beirut warehouse ‘incident’


just love those fun loving houthi brothers. nothing can stop them though the forces of the beast of the anlozionazi empire of filth be arrayed against them. ain’t karma peachy indeed.

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