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MARCH 2025

Houthis Kill 140 Saudi-backed Fighters While Repelling New Attack On Al-Durayhimi (Video)

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On August 19, the Houthis repelled a new attack by the Saudi-led coalition and its Yemeni proxies on the district center of al-Durayhimi located near the western coast of Yemen after 48 hours of heavy clashes, according to the Yemeni al-Masirah TV.

A source in the Defense Ministry of Yemen [loyal to the Houthis] told the Yemeni 26 September News blog that Houthi fighters killed 140 Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters and injured 236 others during the clashes around al-Durayhimi. The Houthis also destroyed more than 15 vehicles of the Saudi-led coalition, including several US-made Oshkosh Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicles.

“The forces of invasion and the mercenaries tried to launch an offensive and intensive attacks supported by continuous air cover on the district of al-Durayhimi from three axes, north east, west and north, and they all failed and enemy forces suffered unexpected losses in lives and equipment,” 26 September News quoted the source as saying.

Furthermore, the source claimed that warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition deliberately conducted airstrikes on 40 Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters who attempted to withdraw from the battlefield killing them all.

Earlier this week, the Houthis repelled a similar attack of the Saudi-led coalition on al-Durayhimi after killing 180 Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters and destroying 20 vehicles of the coalition.

Despite of these large loses, the Saudi-led coalition will likely launch another attack on al-Durayhimi in the upcoming days. According to observers, the coalition is desperate to reach the outskirt of the coastal city of al-Hudaydah, which is located 16km north of al-Durayhimi.

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For the past few months we have all seen or heard. This is starting to look like a mindless bloodbath… the Saudi’s have depleted its oil reserve, they went ham on their neighbors for the Duration of this year, a bloodbath, this is what it is.

S Melanson

I do not think mindless, desperate yes, but not without reason. See my post above.


But sadly not a bloodbath of Saudi Royal blood yet. That will come though :)

S Melanson

The Royals may not be physically bleeding but psychological pain is no less and I would say even more tormenting – imagine the Crown Prince sitting in his palace surrounded by scheming yes men, asking himself how his plans could go so wrong and contemplating the price he must now pay. He gambled and lost and the piper is coming for him.


All hail the Piper :)


Give the invaders the sword. Well done Houthis ! :)))

Emily Byron

Sweet jesus…is that saudi arabia….for gods sake there only help…spewin…I hate war…on a 444


Houthis are taking advantage of Saudi’ extended supply lines and attacking with impunity and inflicting heavy losses. The costal approach of coalition forces toward Hudayda is a death march.

S Melanson

These attacks are desperate, but it is not desperation to take Hodeidah. The naval blockade seals off the port so no need to occupy to prevent aid getting through the port. The reason the Coalition wanted Hodeidah was as an advanced staging area for offensive operations into Houthi held territory with the advantage of far more secure supply by sea.

But now that the situation has drastically deteriorated for the Coalition, taking the offensive deep into Houthi territory is a pipe dream. I suspect the Coalition is now more worried the Houthis are going to take their counter offensive deep into Saudi territory. In this context, the attacks to take Al-Durayhimi and the attack in the north on Midi could be seen as diversionary attacks to give the impression of a major multi-pronged Operation to retake the initiative and eventually take the Port of Hodeidah.

Why do this? I believe the Coalition is expecting a major Houthi incursion into Saudi Arabia and the attacks are to tie down sufficient troops such that the Houthis call off the operation. But I think the Houthis see through this and will eventually launch the offensive into KSA. This said, I want to bring attention to the killing of 40 coalition fighters attempting to leave the battlefield. This is very revealing when we consider Coaltion reports of widespread problems of desertion and insubordination. If the Houthi report on seeing this is correct, we now know how the Coalition are dealing with desertion.

Remember the amnesty of all soldiers in Yemen? Well that gave them all a clean slate and Coalition leaders likely announced their policy on desertion going forward – summary execution. This can explain the high casualties – Coalition fighters attempting to retreat will be killed and so a great many continue to fight under withering Houthi fire. And indeed we have the making of a bloodbath but the Coalition seem desperate to keep the Houthis busy as the price of blood is nothing compared to the fall of the Kingdom.

Well I have news for the Coalition – to little to late, the Kingdom will fall, and soon.


Your appraisal of events and possible strategies has great merit,

The Kingdoms oppressed Shia are a powder keg waiting to destroy the Saudi monsters.

S Melanson

You got it. And it is coming.


Great analysis!

Can’t belive how drastically the situation has changed since the start of the offensive on Houdeida, I even thought for some days that the time for the Houthis had arrived. Now they seem stronger than ever, no doubt this is going to be BIG trouble for the Coalition


PS: maybe you have some data about Houthis missile hits in Saudi territory? Im really curious to know how many hit the target, but I guess it might be a Saudi state secret

S Melanson

I do not have as of right now. I will see what I can find.

S Melanson

A bit late replying but I have some info. It is difficult to get any details on strike success and damage/casualties but there is enough to infer a general idea of Houthi missile strike effectiveness. I also will comment on drone strikes as well.

First, the Coalition has most certainly not intercepted all missiles or drones before striking their targets. I cannot give a percentage but quite a few got through and caused damage, fires and casualties. Locals reporting on strikes was quite helpful and contradicted Coalition claims numerous times.

Two recent missile strikes in KSA apparently killed a total of 5 and wounded 14 and caused buildings to catch fire. Overall the physical effects are modest but it is the psychological effects that are more important. One other thing, Patriot missiles are expensive so it all adds up to making KSA bleed cash on Yemen. KSA may not care about people bleeding, but a treasury that is bleeding they care about – good, make them bleed more.

Houthis have claimed high casualties regarding mIssile strikes aimed at troop concentrations and military bases but these claims cannot be verified – no video or eyewitness or even any Coalition acknowledgement.

We do know the anti ship missiles were effective, blowing up a Coalition warship resulting in the aborting of an amphibious assault on Hodeidah.

Lastly, the KSA have made weapon purchases recently of around $250 million for anti-drone warfare which suggests the drones are causing concern for the rulers.


Awsome! I read it the day you posted it but couldnt answer, sorry about that but better late than never ha.

I agree completely on your view, maybe the material loses arent big but its all the pain they are inflicting the important. I remember reading on some comments here that the Patriot has a cost of more than $1M per missile and yet we’ve seem them fail to intercept some Houthi’s misiles.

Thank you for looking information in Saudi social media, its the first time I hear about some hits so I aprecciate it.


Icarus Tanović

I’d like to see Tochka missile slams into that building, hotel thing in Emirates, that large thing in the middle of the sea. As well as to hit that palm island and burn the shit to the ground.


Houthis defend their area effectively because of the terrain features and inside supply and communication lines, something the Hadi and coalition forces do not possess; for Houthis to attack S. Arabia would mean fighting on two fronts and extending their supply lines which are easy pickings for coalition Air Force. Since the Houthis do not have a capable air force, they would do very well to maintain existing positions and bleed coalition forces as much as possible, and slowly advance south, southeast trying to control Bab el Mandeb and Aden Harbour facilities.

S Melanson

I agree but this would not be your typical invasion. The primary objective is to cause KSA to abandon the war in Yemen due to unwillingness to continue the fight as opposed to destroying the military forces in a ground war and then seize the Capitol by military occupation. The best way in my opinion to achieve KSA withdrawal from the war is invasion and seizing and holding a major town. I spoke of this in an earlier post and I provide excerpts of that post below.

Coalition propaganda has largely controlled the narrative despite some cracks in the united front. This propaganda plays an important role in maintaining the will to continue the fight – note that while many are now seeing through the lies, a majority still believe the bs. Salman, the Crown Prince seems to have doubled down and may have no choice but to continue the war since admission of defeat may result in a coup. So the propaganda hiding the truth that the Coalition are being defeated militarily needs to be overturned. The Houthis seizing a major town in KSAand holding it would accomplish this. No amount of propaganda could undo the tremendous blow this would represent. This sets the stage for a coup or regime change or even Salman throwing in the towel.

Note that the Houthis have already been taking the battle into Saudi Arabia but so far these incursions are hit and run or drone/Missile attacks. However, some Houthi incursions in the Najran Region seem reconnaissance in nature in preparation for a larger operation. See below:

Excerpts from a post August 16 ——————— It would seem the Houthis are in firm control of the west coast corridor leading to Hodeidah and it is doubtful the coalition could even fight there way up the 20km of coast to reach the port city let alone take it…

It is noteworthy that the Houthis are holding towns and successfully defending against Coalition attacks. This means the Houthis have moved beyond asymmetric tactics and now are directly engaging and defeating Coalition forces. This development reveals the seriousness of the degradation of the Coalition forces… Houthis can now press their counteroffensive against the Coalition by directly engaging to defeat the Coalition on the field of battle…

Najran has a 4,000 year history as a Yemen town that only became part of the Saudi Kingdom in 1934 when seized by force. The Houthis could leverage resentment of the Saudis among groups such as the Isma’ilis which have been treated as second class citizens resulting in tensions that have flared up numerous times. Importantly, the Houthis have demonstrated they can defeat the Coalition which is a major consideration for factions to decide whether to join with the Houthis to overthrow the hated Saudi occupiers.

As Najran is traditionally a Yemeni town, the townspeople and locals may see the Houthis as liberators rather then invaders. This makes Najran a natural stepping stone into the Saudi Kingdom proper and the fall of a major town to the Houthis will no doubt have an enormous psychological effect. Note that the Houthis have conducted several cross border operations into the Najran region, giving the Houthis important intel on the area and its defences. I believe an operation to take Najran is in the works and will be put into motion in the near future.



I personally see the coalition able to hire mercenaries ad infinitum able to deploy them by sea, even though their cohesion and motivation are minimal. As far as Najran, it is close to the border, Houthis do not have to stretch the supply lines much, they could be successful, however the coalition has the means to deploy troops there, and if the population is sympathetic to the Houthis, Saudi Air Force has not shown any remorse in bombing civilian targets.

Ivan Freely

“Furthermore, the source claimed that warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition deliberately conducted airstrikes on 40 Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters who attempted to withdraw from the battlefield killing them all.”

Or it could be a simple case of friendly fire. It’s common for ground troops to read off their own position instead of the enemy by mistake in the heat of the battle.

S Melanson

Good point. Important to consider all reasonable possibilities such as friendly fire. Note though that fighters deserting the battlefield are unlikely to be talking to anyone let alone giving out their position.

It is intriguing the Houthis say it was deliberate. I will look into this and see what I can come up with.


Well done Yemen. Keep doing this. This is a great stroke to the child butchers the Saudi Royal families.



skin the prisoners…period


OT, heavy flooding downtown Kiev



Perhaps same BUK vehicle veered off course into flood control channel. And is now blocking the drain pipe ? :DDD


The problem is is Saudi needs to lose some of their own troops in this war. They don’t care about losing Yemin proxies.

Rodney Loder

The best way for outsiders to help Yemen is to support Erdogen against the Kurds, them we can all call them darlings no more, where did they go they were heroes yesterday and hard to find tomorrow. Turkey and the Brotherhood are the only rivals to Salman, the new Brotherhood can push UAE out of Libya and lean on Sisi that would be enough to end the blockade and only then is Salman vulnerable, Trump without Sisi wouldn’t dare invade because there would be no side to team.up.with.

J Ramirez

Fuck Yaaaaaa

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