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MARCH 2025

Houthis Release Shocking Videos Of Operation Victory From God

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On September 29, the Houthis’ media wing released shocking videos of the first phase of “Operation Victory From God,” which took place south of Saudi Arabia’s Najran earlier in September.

The videos were showcased during a press conference of the Yemen group’s spokesman, Brig. Gen. Yahya Sari, who revealed new details about the operation.

According to Brig. Gen. Sari, the operation was planned for months and involved the Missile Force, the Air Force and the Air-Defense Forces.

The Yemeni Missile Force launched ten Badir-1 rockets at Jizan airport, while the Air Force carried out 21 operations against military targets throughout the Kingdom. These attacks took place over several months before the operation to distract the Saudi-led coalition air forces and hinder their operations.

During the operation, the Yemeni Air Defense Forces targeted the coalition’s attack helicopters, preventing them from provide close air support to trapped Saudi troops south of Najran.

Brig. Gen. Sari summarized the results of Operation Victory from God, as the following:

  • Houthi fighters captured 350 km2 south of Najran, including dozens of key positions.
  • More than 500 Saudi service members and Saudi-backed Yemen fighters were killed.
  • More than 2,000 personnel of the Saudi-led coalition were captured, including Saudi officers.
  • Hundreds of pick-up trucks, armored vehicles, armored personnel carriers (APCs) and engineering vehicles were captured. At least 15 other vehicles were destroyed.

The Houthis’ spokesman also revealed that Saudi warplanes carried out at least 300 airstrikes in a desperate attempt to foil the operation, targeting even its own soldiers and proxies. At least 200 coalition personnel were killed in such “friendly” airstrikes.

“Our forces attempted to provide first aid to the enemy’s personnel who were wounded as a result of the airstrikes, but the continued sorties increased their losses,” Brig. Gen. Sari.

The videos released by the media wing confirmed most of the information revealed by Brig. Gen. Sari, who promised that more videos will be released in the upcoming few days.

The Houthis’ spokesman noted that Operation Victory of God is still ongoing, calling on Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters to leave the front lines and return to their homes.

The Saudi-led coalition has not yet commented on the shocking footage. The heavy losses could force the Kingdom to reassessed its policy in Yemen.

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alejandro casalegno

Yemen…………………………………..Is “Vietnam” in arab……………………

Icarus Tanović

Yes, I always say so.

klove and light

and old blue eyes sang”this is the beginning of the enddddddd”

great Job……fantastic….. the house of saud is facing their collapse


House of Sodom…

Sid Finster

A popular sport in Saudi Barbaria.


Unbelievable! They stepped up to a whole new level! On a side note: I have seen nearly all videos they posted in the last years. But this is the first time i see them driving the vehicles and using them instead of torching each and everyone. Maybe this is another sign that they plan to use those more heavy weapons in offensive operations. Even using the vehicles dug as defense would be very effective i guess! This latest operation combinded with Aramco attack will seal the fate of MBS adventures.. And we may see and end of the Saudi aggression till the end of 2019.

Icarus Tanović

Don’t forget that Wahhabis are stupid, and they will rather be buying some more weaponry in an attempt to get the upper hand again, and to be honest to try to level Yemen to to ground.


They destroy vehicles in raids. Many of their operations were in mountainous region and none of the captured vehicles could help them, if anything it makes them more obvious and easier targets. What they couldn’t use they destroyed as a financial and logistical burden for the enemy to replace them.

The new promised retaliatory offensive to the KSA heartland will require passing through the desert, hundreds of kilometers of flat ground and considering the “warrior blood” in Saudi army’s veins, they need to move quickly, just to be a few steps behind the Saudi rabbits.

Yemen army and Ansarallah so far were true to their word, always delivered what they promised and never lied. So I have no reason to doubt them when they say they will enter Saudi Arabia and perhaps even Riyadh!

Pave Way IV

Hey… those aren’t victorious Houthis at all, they’re IRANIANS! Clever! Almost had me fooled.


CNN will doubtless say the Houthis were heavily supported by Hezbollah I suppose.

An unnamed source etc etc , supported by a UK ‘Highly Likely’ statement and a US howl of ‘ It was Russia’s fault’.

Tiresia Branding

you won’t believe it, but the story of the attack on Abqaiq is on Wikipedia; read that shameful propaganda. Soros sponsored


Wikipedia of course is a Zionist selective-information project.

Zionism = EVIL

Wikipedia has 0% veracity as it is indeed a hasbara central and anyone can make totally bogus entries. The Zionist scum have a whole army dedicated to making false entries at Wikipedia and other propaganda sites like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter etc.

Jozef Mak

http://carlbernstein.com/magazine_cia_and_media.php https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2018/05/the-philip-cross-affair/


Suppression of ideas and opinions is of course an age old strategy of all dominant ideologies. Only, today we now can actually see proof of what is being done to distort the opinions of the insouciant masses. This then leads them by the nose to nod their empty heads and to continue to make the chains with which to enslave themselves, in my humble opinion :).

Zionism = EVIL

That is why we have “smart phones” and dumb sheeple.

Zionism = EVIL

The Yemeni military has confirmed that over 2500 assault rifles, mortars, ATGM and other weapons were captured including 25 APC and MRAP with Vulcan cannons. These will come in handy for air defence against helicopters and aircraft. All the captured weapons have now been passed on to the Ansarallah.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7a79b6d5697cf859f745aabfd9a01c3704aadd7700b3f86d191a368440277259.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6f0a6d4387fe4e7d618b80cc77dd0f4ffb95a5d38ca8c2b1980fb78e440bd27e.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/736f6906a46086472ba32f54ba565cde8cf7d95264ee3cf68a066590cb76e3bb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/46d8216f93ea0d679db83e2eaa8c3260fbd1d4df2634f6d0dc23b8818ce14d21.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1427e9867a7411b481c1f76cfe40282a229837c1250f59b350ca5f8b31bd60a4.jpg

Uncle Meat

The whole lot of them are pathetic and childish.


The Western media will never recover the trust that they once had, and that past news era was also frequently flawed.

As the internet has given us all the news in real time from a plethora of sources, including people directly involved in the events, the Western Corporate Media has in fact doubled down on telling falsehoods and opinions dressed up as news.


In the free market of news reporting, the struggle is free but uneven because a media that defends only Western interests is not a reference for anything. The traditional media are in the hands of conservatives who write about the color of the wallpaper but not about the rotten wall behind it. That you must have studied for this is the recent trend break with history. The ‘media power’ is shifting to ordinary citizens who can report on the internet about social abuses that would otherwise be ignored, citizens can steer the political agenda and that is a democratization of the media and that old locomotive is now a fast train. The root of tolerance grows in objective and correct reporting.


Indeed,and effectively , the public are increasingly demanding ‘ Real news’ and NOT ‘Establishment views’.

Zionism = EVIL


Saso Mange

We are to believe that Hezbollah manages to give support to Houtis, despite total blockade of Yemen – media narrative is broken on many levels.

Zionism = EVIL

The Yemenis are natural born warriors and perhaps the toughest in the world and need no lessons or support from anyone. The reality is that the Saudi cowards have alienated the whole population of Yemen now by their atrocities and indiscriminate bombing of civilians. The dumbass Americunts pushed the Saudi cowardly policy of bombing civilians and destroying the infrastructure on the Zionist model, but did not realize that the Yemenis are rural tough people and can live with indefinite hardships. Yemen is a tribal society, that has a code of revenge and every Yemeni death creates more enemies for the hated Saudi scum.


Objectively speaking, the Ansarallah have mastered using US weaponry somewhere. A few months ago they used to torch the captured vehicles now they seem to handle even complex APC like US made M-113 and Abrams tanks very easily. This is a very humiliating defeat for Saudis and no amount of spin can hide their sheer stupidity for falling into a textbook ambush.

Saso Mange

Iranian officials put it nicely by saying how perceived military superiority doesn’t translate in won war. Maybe this will play like it was in Iran Iraq war, first Houtis were on defensive now they go into offensive.


You know, there might be some truth in it. Ever heard of “Wahrez”? We probably have some distant relatives there in Yemen!


Or Venezualans

Zionism = EVIL

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6b3533fa066fc654813742f2f0f17287d3e1deec99b352e549a4622177ad3da6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3d050a544c5a73ce942073e269f4eb98bae83ac20ab2155949c8b5d46be5186c.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

It’s incredibly embarrassing for the Saudis giving how much support they have from not only the UAE but also from the United States, Zionists, the UK and several other NATO countries. If the Houthis and Yemeni military are able to carry out this level of operation so successfully, it poses a significant turn in this war and a glaring failure of the Saudi military and political leadership.


Yet, The clown prince seams to assume that his rotten army can stand a chance against IRGC

Zionism = EVIL

Even Iranian school girls can whup the Saudi cowards pathetic military. The Wahhabis are only good at fanning terrorism and headchopping women and children. At least the Americunt Senator Lindsey Graham was right for once when said that Saudi Arabia “can’t fight out of a paper bag”


But she can influence the whole world with their madrassas, the Saudi time bomb.

Peter Jennings

Haremeyn Train Station in Jeddah is currently going up in smoke, so it seems the Houthis have destroyed that too. No more high speed rail for MBS and no more hopes of tourism for the headchopping nation of the world.


If it’s Yemeni doing, they would announce it today.

It seems there was no explosion before fire broke out (before noon) and it was just the roof on fire.

Peter Jennings

You burst my bubble, but thanks for the info. I wonder if these roofs have Tesla panels installed?



Tiresia Branding

in Jeddah there’s a US consulate and an American School… maybe it’s a message for “someone” ;-)

Zionism = EVIL

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99H-_4ZqGi4 The humiliation of Mohammed bin Salman: Yemeni army captured over 2000 Saudi troops in Najran

Zionism = EVIL

Here is the latest official Yemeni military video. I counted over 50 APC and same number of Toyota pickup captured intact, more than 15 destroyed and enough weapons captured to arm a mechanized brigade. The Ansarallah are now pretty adept at driving captured Americunt equipment and seem to like the M-113 with 20mm Vulcan cannons.



I believe it, they are on the right side, indigenous people fighting for what little they have. Family, faith. The Saudi’s, Israelis and F.uk.us only want to steal the oil that lies far beneath their bare feet and everything else they might have.

This global conspiracy to steal poor peoples stuff is only working to bring together all the poor. Oh the Empire still has lot’s of dirty tricks but their only motivation is evil. So they will fail.

Saso Mange

Yemen has more of strategical importance because of it’s location, it’s poor country without resources like oil.


Agree on the geo-strategic but read several times now, could not find a link but will attach when found, that Yemen has a major offshore find and onshore as well.

Saso Mange

That’s interesting, if there are close fields Yemen should have it’s fair share, as protected under international law. That site doesn’t have integrity tho, global research – just globalist pawns but thanks for the general reference.


Sorry I love that site. No quick toss off works on me. I like the Saker too so maybe I am completely off base. What site rings your bell? NYTimes

International law protects only F.uk.us and friends these days. Hell the only law protecting Yemen is their own kickass people.

Saso Mange

I said it’s good for reference but that’s it. It really doesn’t matter whom you read as long as you do not blindly follow everything but do your own research instead. Over the years there were many inconsistencies and Zionist scams on ‘global’ hence my reply.


I don’t care what you said, if I want craziness I go to Veterans Today. Offer a better site or STFU.

It’s what dissemblers do. They only criticize they do not complement or add to any conversation they just insult. You sow disunity.

Even a link to one of their bad articles would be evidence but no I have to take your obviously superior knowledge as the final say. Fuck OFF

Saso Mange

Why are you so fucking defensive i did not attack you for fuck’s sake.


Look I am quite open to being wrong. I went and read your stuff and think we agree on many things. I made suggestions as to what you could do to bring me round, you double down.

Saso Mange

It’s simple really, basic geography points out much about Yemen and yeah, sea oil or gas fields could be interesting prospect. I just doubt that Yemen will ever get chance to profit from them. Take Palestine and Lebanon for example, Israel is stealing their off shore resources for decades now and as long as SA is the way it is i doubt that Yemen will manage to take control of their ‘possible’ off shore resources, regardless of the international law being very clear.


So you’ve never noticed how trying to jam your esteemed opinions down others throats might make them feel attacked. It’s come to my attention but my excuse is they need attacked.

After a quick review I realize you created a disagreement out of nothing. My original reply had as the first word agree. You’ve been disagreeing since.

Quibling over details when to me the only thing that matters is Yemen is in the Bullseye, is pointless. For all we know the Yemenis need conquering because their children’s organs are ideal for harvesting.

Go away you are only confirming my lack of admiration for over credentialed bossy people.

Zionism = EVIL

Enjoy the Yemeni victory :) Now the Ansarallah have serious AD weapons like Vulcan cannons

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4a1aad065519dfec172cc4e59cfc66e07c293a41c3787c961699dbffe08e8a5d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b71ee80b0b6bcd14d7c413b26da37484c0e333a60198ba69016144d7c834ff33.jpg

Saso Mange

It was beautiful day, hopefully this might lead to political solution.


After all the carnage the Saudi’s have caused with their Wahhabi nonsense they need the final solution.

Saso Mange

All in all Houtis are really inspiring.


Yemen has lots of oil, but due to embargoes over the last decades no exploration had been done.

Saso Mange

You should check your sources, it’s not resource rich country and is underdeveloped. There is a lot of potential because of it’s high population number.


You speak out of both sides of your mouth.

Saso Mange



Gosh how reassuring you send me to a cia front. I’m sure they are more upfront than global research. Like how could the CIA have an agenda?

Saso Mange

So you just dismiss it without even reading? You have to read from many sources if you want to have good picture and if you dismiss CIA as source then you would still be in dark about many subjects, from coup in Iran over to ”death squads”. CIA had and still has unrestricted access to the region of Yemen, all the way to Sudan, Jordan, Egypt… FYI you do not have to believe in anything, just check the facts. As i pointed about Global Research i read them but everything there has to be taken with reserve and fact checked where possible. It’s because of fact checking that i find them unreliable but that is not a reason to dismiss everything that they publish. You are really funny.


You’re in la-la land bud. When you look at how the CIA dominate MSM it has to rank as everyone’s #1 source of information, everyone on the fucking planet. Reading, TV, film, stage you have it. What organizations haven’t they infiltrated is the short list.

Like I said you talk out of both sides of your mouth.

Subliminal messaging. Consumer protection agency. FDA. FCC. Supreme court. CIA. FBI.

Most of that list are Institutions we used to think protect us. One seemed a very real danger when we first heard about it.

I ask you three times for a link you like, you send me to the CIA and get all mother superior when I balk.

I cut way back on media in the 70’s. Now I will see a movie every 3 or 4 years. Mostly I see mind numbing but lot’s of agenda too.

It alters us. A large chunk of Psychology funding in the last decade has gone to learning how to control us. You look around and see it everywhere. People who don’t conform are a threat.

If I was asking questions at one of your public lectures you would not be smiling. You’d be deflecting and weaving and bobbing to avoid giving a straight answer. If the crowd was half smart I would have you laughed off the stage.

CIA indeed, is that your employer? So yeah I’ve read their stuff.

Icarus Tanović

It does have some oil, coal, some mineral resources, fresh water from everywhere, metals and thermo power plants for electricity.


Actually they have off shore oil/gas.

S Melanson

Good observation. The Houthis are not finished with KSA and this was planned in advance so going mobile warfare. Note how they attenuated the effectiveness of the Saudi Air Force. They must have further surprises to keep the Air Force ineffectual as vulnerable if crossing desert terrain.

Houthi announcement on prisoner treatment and pointing out Coalition aircraft targeting prisoners and indiscriminate bombing of own troops. Purpose is clear enough. Houthis have determined, as had occurred in Aden, the tipping point is at hand for major insurrection and final disintegration of military Coalition as an effective cohesive force.

The road to Riyadh is now open.


You should know something’s very wrong with you when your enemy treats your captured soldiers better than you. But a madman doesn’t care about these pesky things and as a result, we’ll witness mass desertion and surrender of Saudi forces when the push to Riyadh comes.


You been calling this for months.

Zionism = EVIL

A senior Saudi general was killed in “mysterious” circumstances and there are rumbling of an internal coup.

King Salman’s personal bodyguard killed in ‘dispute’ with MBS

The personal bodyguard of Saudi Arabia’s king Salman Bin Abdulaziz AlSaud has been shot dead by a friend in what authorities described as a ‘personal dispute’ among the al-Saud family.Gen Abdel Aziz al-Fagham, also a high-ranking officer in the Royal Guard was known to have clashed with the king’s on and crown prince over many issues, including the losing war in Yemen.

S Melanson

Yes but one thing I did not expect was the extraordinary tenacity of MbS to have held onto power as everything goes to s—t. But the Houthis have done something that will wrench power from MbS and the House of Saud in general.

The Houthis are demonstrating the total collapse of the Coalition as a functional military force – allies abandoned leaving only KSA and mercs. No one wants to fight for MbS. The Air Force is now being neutered and lastly, even the US has been shown unable to protect the regime. The Houthis have set the stage for what comes next.

Now, the House of Saud will fall.


There are reports of internal problems in the shaky house of Saud. Something fishy about a senior general being killed.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, it is very believable as the Ansarallah have evolved into a very efficient and hard hitting military forces, much like the legendary Hezbollah. Over the past 4 years of cowardly Saudi aggression, mostly against civilians, the Yemenis have united and are now hitting back hard. The video and images coming through are actually affirming the veracity of all Ansarallah claims. It’s a pivotal point in this war that now Yemeni are moving on Saudi land. It’s quite interesting to see with all the talk of a so-called grand Saudi coalition fostered with a few pathetic Arab states like Morocco, Bahrain and UAE, goaded on by US, UK and France, all of whom are casualty averse and now it is crystal clear that the incompetent and hated Saudi family run kleptocracy is very much alone in this fight. There internal repercussions of Saudi defeat are coming come as one of their senior generals was murdered by MBS yesterday.

Jozef Mak

a vehicle without air defenses is a pray for helicopters and airplanes.

Zionism = EVIL

You mean these M-113 with Vulcan rapid fire AD weapons. The Ansarallah and Yemeni special forces captured over a dozen of these and have now moved them to Sanaa. What natural justice that the Saudi scum and their Americunt masters will be shot down by dumbass lardass US taxpayers funded captured weaponry :) I posted a recent video in which jubilant Ansarallah love driving around the M-113, wonder where they learnt that ;)



This is a total humiliation for the Saudis and their western overlords and one of the worst defeat in regional history, since the Iranians routed a whole Iraqi corps at Khorramshahr in 1982 taking 20,000 Iraqi prisoners. The Saudis proportionally have done worse by the sheer magnitude of this defeat and scale of weaponry captured intact. They should have never underestimated the Yemenis. The Saudis need to swallow crow and accept defeat and withdraw or the corrupt and inept kingdom will fall.

Icarus Tanović

Shocking videos indeed.


Shocking but nice :)

Alejandro Bonifacio

excellent battle, yemenì army and houties are teaching how to destroy the enemies, a good lesson of strategy and tactics, the march of the prisioners is awesome, Viva Yemen cabrones!


Don’t be surprised if the entire Peninsula changes its name to Houthi Arabia.


Lol. Many a true word is said in jest .

Xoli Xoli

I hope all Saudi and Turkish terrorists stop fighting their brothers for money and turn their gun against their leaders.

Tiresia Branding

hey guys, I was joking in the comment I made in the other post, but maybe there’s a bit of truth in what I hypothesized: is a coup d’état or a revolution in KSA ready?

Saudi Arabia – Another Defeat In Yemen – King’s Bodyguard Killed https://www.moonofalabama.org/2019/09/saudi-arabia-another-defeat-in-yemen-kings-bodyguard-killed.html#more

remember the Houthi’s statement after Abqaiq attack: “This was one of the largest operations which our forces have carried out deep inside Saudi Arabia. It came after careful intelligence and cooperation with honorable and free people inside Saudi Arabia,” he said without elaboration”


Yeah I made a comment about their body guards not and then saw that after. I think the Empire unravelling is picking up speed.

Tiresia Branding

think of how many millions people the “elite” killed, starved, made suffer; they are not humans, they are alien invaders worst than the Klingons


Far worse these guys are real.

Xoli Xoli

Coup in this country’s were their demonised fellow citizens and armed them to kill brotherly arabs and Muslims are unacceptable. Arab and Muslims are my brothers O dont want them.to be killed. Whites and blacks are my people I dont want them to die.


flip flops army strikes again :D


Yeah, this is almost jaw dropping, an entire brigade, nice done, Yemens, really good fighting skils and above all, tactics, hats off. I am more or less speachless, just in awe.

Then why dont we talk about not only the insane Saidi-barbarians, whom obviously leads this, but the forest of underofficers, whom comes from what, Pakistan, huh, etc to what I see is Africans, Sudanes, Janjaweed, etc to poor scmucks, lumbed into an war they never will winn. And also the importance of propaganda is I may use such an word in this senario, regarding the treament of prisoners, again, the Houtis/Yemens have shown humanism they never could expect from the Saudi-barbarian scums, and I know this alone is an good omen, and hopefully, since there is movments regading the Royal scums in RyHad, what comes out of it we dont know, but the Yemen war is lost. Intresting times indeed. And again, why arent the western MSM or the political scums whom whines about humanism etc, not bothering to cover this war, an openly attack on an nation whom for 4 years ago, was unknown, and yet the atrocitys have been on an every day ocurance, from bombing schools to weddings, sanctions etc, and even the hideous rotten UN is siding with the Saudi-scums, and if they had no credibility from before its totaly gone by now, where is that ZioNazi bitch from Portugal, whom is an living ex. on an pervertion of reality, and in countrys as Norway this never isnt even writen about, unless of course if you cant attach the word Iran into it in any way or form, and Norway makes an killing in weapon sales, etc, and I am certain we have some fighter pilots in this to and suports the War crime by any definition since the stone age, sactions aganist the civilians, you can be more rotten that suporting this war.

All in all, my respect is just growing, for the people of Yemen. May the lord continue to bless your people and the just fight agaist the scums of this earth.


PS: boycot the terrorstate UssA

Pave Way IV

Also lots of Hadi loyalist Yemenis in that crowd according to the Houthi. Good to have them removed from the enemy forces – even the Yemenis know better than to fight Yemenis in the mountains.

MeMad Max

Unfortunately, they captured a bunch of worthless conscripts/mercs. However, they did destroy/capture alot of expensive equipment and that should put a dent in the saudi plans for a while.


Every human is inherently worthy. For all you know they joined the Saudis just so they could get a gun and carry it and themselves to the Houthi.

Having said that I would offer this disclaimer. At the top of Empire are a few worthy of only death. All the rest of Empire need a good wakeup call and some time in a cell to smarten up.

MeMad Max

I was more or less referring to saudi army regulars, which are better trained and hold more or less to the south of yemen and in the northern border areas.

Joseph Scott

Better-trained? The Saudis don’t have anyone that warrants being called ‘trained.’ Their senior NCOs lack skills that most countries except from new recruits.

The UAE holds the South, not the Saudis. That’s why it’s stable. Southern Yemenis are culturally distinct from Houthis, and would prefer to going back to being their own country, and the UAE military actually has some standards.


They got a bunch of officers too, including some *foreigners* ??????


Here’s a little prediction for ya. The MSM will bury this story as much as possible as so far, Saudi genocide in Yemen is a non story. The real story is still the Empire oil flow reduction. Dead brown people are irrelevant.


Yup never happened. Those same guys who could not launch a sophisticated missile attack on a refinery could not take out 3 brigades. It was Iran!

The news here is all about the pro-Nazi rallies in Hong Kong. Oh and that poor child who had her childhood stolen by meat eating nationalists. Meanwhile the kids who have their organs harvested by agents of Empire traveling with diplomatic immunity are living the dream. The ones they just kill are the lucky ones.

Boy they got some cool looking equipment in their fake videos, tip of the hat to their computer generated imagery department. Nice clear video, compare that to the quality of US proof, grainy dark.

Which one is the Canadian rig? I am thinking the one rolled over on it’s roof? Chasing the Americans back to fatso land, good job.


Butcher Maduro and his Bolivarian Hizbolla operatives are to blame

Sorna Karbaschi

There is absolutely no thought , than the criminal house of Saudi will be crumbling in the very near future!!


Hell patch em up, give em some food, and send em back to fight for their lives, instead of for Saudi oil profits. Isn’t it obvious, sooner or later the F.uk.us weapons are for killing brown people. No matter what side you think you are on, they smile at your death.


Looks like the coalition rats where trapped on road in rough terrain, with little room to maneuver. Seal both ends, and attack from the higher ground. Great job Hoithis ! :))


The sort of place where patrolling and control of the high ground is a matter of life and death in war :)

During the Afghan wars of the 19th century ,British columns were ambushed in such a way.

The British left :)


Sauds are inept, when it comes to tactics. The fools that they where safe due to their large number of vehicles. Many Saudi airstrikes probably came down on or near this road in the later stages of the battle, after it was trapped.


It appears that the many Western advisers and military trainers to the Saudi regime are either asleep on the job or useless themselves :)


The last video is a joy watch. Notice the Houthis are loading up the captured Toyota pickups with captured supplies, and driving away to the south. :D

Zionism = EVIL

No Americunt lardass coward is going to die for the Saudis.



Have you seen this type of panhandler. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/38bf854e1bd7a34eae755a5e46cd48b728bc5c1ab2244f4783f180f4e57f5a30.jpg I did and laughed out loud.

S Melanson

The advisors are making things worse at this point. Houthi Intel is clearly superior and this is because the locals, even in KSA, are giving intel that reflect hard facts on the ground. Hence allowing for execution of a highly sophisticated combined arms operation in an enveloping attack – this is very difficult to do, let alone do well – Coalition incapable of this as attempts were disastrous.

About the prisoners – this is what happens when you are so incompetent, arrogant and high handed, no one wants to fight for you so what you see are people pressed into service against their will. The Saudi equipped them well to give the appearance of strength but the Houthis see through this knowing they will dissolve rapidly in a fluid battle – and they did.

What terrifies Coalition commanders is the realization that better equipment translates to better equipment for the Houthis.

At this stage, the US should sell as much as possible, the Houthis can make good use of it on the final approach to Riyadh.


I agree with you completely.

Discipline is important of course in any organised group, yet the Saudi’s and by extension, the Western advisers attitude is ‘Do as I say and not as I do’.

Brutality in the ranks has never encouraged loyalty to any organisation. Only leading, and ‘dying’ collectively can achieve genuine loyalty.

This does not mean that leaders should recklessly endanger their personal lives, just as they should not to to the rank and file either.

What it does mean , is the willingness of leaders in, as in this scenario, is a spirited and swift attempt to break out of encirclement by leading from the front.

Fortunately this did not happen and the Houthis won :)


The Donbass “cauldrons” were the same.

Sorna Karbaschi

I Just like to see expression on BS sultan now.

Kell McBanned

Outstanding! Hopefully this death and destruction will be brought to an end very shortly.


Those Saudis are a bunch of surrender monkeys. Their far superior equipment is all intact and they surrender? lol, love to see them try a land invasion against Iran.


Some clown Saudi prince said they could defeat Iran in 8 hours lol

Pave Way IV

Houthi sneak attack from behind. The brain-dead retired Pakistani general leading the elite Saudi forces never saw this coming. “What flanks?” Idiot. That’s what happens when you send your sand troops into the Houthi’s mountains. Dotted lines on a map are meaningless to them.


Pave Way IV

From the same twitter account:


That explains a lot. Bad time for the Saudis to stiff their army. They haven’t paid their mercs in months, either. Are the al Sauds really that broke or are they just stupid and disorganized?


Interesting map. Zooming in, you can see a long road in light brown through rough terrain, running parallel to the border.


Looks like one of Hannibal’s victories against Romans

Alberto Garza

attack is the best defense.

Peter Jennings

Time to send in the elephants?


Hell patch em up, give em some food, and send em back to fight for their lives, instead of for Saudi oil profits. Isn’t it obvious, sooner or later the F.uk.us weapons are for killing brown people. No matter what side you think you are on, they smile at your death.

Raptar Driver

I wonder how I could get a land line in my cave?


It blew my mind to watch this! A light division of the Saudi army collapsing before AnsarAllah’s attacks. I wish they were Saudi regulars. Then the Saudis tried to bomb them! What a bunch of snakes.

paul ( original )

You are right the soldiers did not look like regulars. But I am unsure exactly who these people were. They looked untrained. Any idea who they might be?




[“More than 500 Saudi service members and Saudi-backed Yemen fighters were killed.”] [“The Houthis’ spokesman noted that Operation Victory of God is still ongoing, calling on Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters to leave the front lines and return to their homes.”]

Xoli Xoli

Really Saudis were given in Huthis hand by God.Saudi air support also failed.Captured terrorists were treated with humanity and respect.


Saudis have the latest US toys & a modern airforce & are outwitted by tribesmen.


Top video has already been removed by Youtube, which showed Saudi coalition vehicles stacked up and trapped on the road. Any other pix or videos of this out there on the web?



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