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MARCH 2025

Houthis Reveal Saudi-led Forces In Yemen Have Links To Al-Qaeda

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On September 28th, the Ansar Allah movement (Yemen’s Houthis) revealed that over the last several months they had carried out the Nasr Min Allah military operation in the south of Saudi Arabia.

During the operation, Houthi forces found evidence that members of the al-Fatah brigade, backed by Saudi Arabia, had documents and other items linking it to Al-Qaeda.

Houthis Reveal Saudi-led Forces In Yemen Have Links To Al-Qaeda

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Spokesman for the Houthis Brigadier General Yahya Saree termed the operation as the biggest ever since Saudi Arabia and the UAE began their intervention in Yemen more than 4 years ago.

“More than 200 were killed in dozens of (missile and drone) strikes while trying to escape or surrender,” Saree said, adding that over 2,000 Saudi-backed mercenaries were also taken prisoner.

The spokesman for the Houthis further said that “three Saudi brigades were destroyed during Operation Nasr Min Allah in the Najran region in the south of Saudi Arabia.”

He stressed that “this operation is continuing for several months and during this time our enemies have suffered a lot of casualties.” Saree explained that “during the Nasr Min Allah operation, thousands of them, most of them traitors, were captured, including hundreds of Saudi commanders, soldiers and officers.”

“In this unique operation, hundreds of kilometers have been liberated in Najran region and a number of Saudi soldiers have been taken captive,” Saree said.

Iranian Mehr News spoke to Abdullah Salam al-Hakimi, a senior diplomat at Yemeni foreign ministry and former Yemeni minister of national dialogue, who is allied to the Houthis.

He said that the Nasr Min Allah operation was a massive operation, which had great success and was proof of the growing military capabilities of Yemen in the fight against the Kingdom. Al-Hakimi said that the September 14 attacks on Saudi Arabian oil infrastructure were part of the operation.

He underlined that the success would “have great military, political and security consequences for the enemy so that it can make changes to the Saudi ruling establishment in the coming days.”

In response to a question regarding the recent missile and drone attack on Aramaco’s oil facilities, al-Hakimi said that Saudi aggression didn’t end, tsince “the Americans are the ones who are controlling the aggression behind the scenes and Saudis are a puppet in their hands.”

“Even if the Saudis reach to the conclusion that the continuation of the aggression will lead to their own destruction, they will not be able to end their aggression. Because whoever relies on the United States and its allies to protect himself and his regime has no independence in decision making,” he went on to note.


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You can call me Al

Turn any AQ and ISIS operatives to fight with you Houthis, then send them back into Saudi Arabia to cause havoc and be true martyrs.

S Melanson

Note purpose is changes to the ruling establishment. Add to this the statement that only overthrow of MbS will bring peace because US dictates KSA foreign policy. This is important as it signals only solution is the downfall of the House of Saud as they are puppets of the US.

This also tells me the peace gestures by the US are seen as insincere (imagine that), and Houthi attacks on strategic infrastructure will have little effect on US position and so for US, KSA is expendable. The message is clear enough – the House of Saud have betrayed their nation as servants to an infidel hegemonic power that dictates the Kingdom engage in bloody wars with their Muslim brothers and care not if it end in ruin for the Kingdom.

This frames the endgame from Yemeni point of view. If insurrection does not take down House of Saud even with Houthis assistance, as last resort, Houthis will take Riyadh to end the wars and US control.

Pave Way IV

“…Add to this the statement that only overthrow of MbS will bring peace because US dictates KSA foreign policy…”

Dual-citizen neocon chickenhawks dictate our foreign policy. The overthrow of MbS would bring about nothing but a new (probably worse) psychopath on the US payroll. MbZ (UAE) has always been eying Saudi Arabia and he’s still the CIA’s little homicidal pal. Maybe he will have MbS whacked and make his move. YOU know… to protect Israel. War criminal Erik Prince (Blackwater) will run the new Saudi military, now that my tax dollars have been siphoned off to equip it for him. I doubt the Saudis actually paid for even a 10th of that gear we shipped over – they’re having trouble paying anyone else.

S Melanson

Exactly, read my edited version. You answered as I was editing to reflect the endgame is end US control. You explain the problem well of why fall of MbS will change little as a new puppet will step in.


I agree that the ideal result would be the fall of the Saudi regime.

Would the US and UK,France be politically able to send their own troops in a hand to hand fighting role to Saudi Arabia though?

Israel will of course stand well behind any US adventures. Israeli lives are priceless :)

S Melanson

I think how this will play out has some variables in play that I can only guess at. The best outcome for the Houthis is insurrection that overthrows the House of Saud much like the 1979 Iranian Revolution – the less assistance from the Houthis the better.

If the overthrow is heavily aided by the Houthis such as taking Riyadh, the locals might question Houthi intent and MSM will spin this as Iran sponsored coup that warrants US and UK intervention with perhaps the UAE with opportunity to advance there own agenda.

This is all building up to the climax of this Shakespeare play which is about ending US dominance in the Middle East. This will be perhaps the most dangerous phase of the transition to a multi-polar world. Direct US intervention in KSA will have high probability of expanding to a wider regional war. I think this eventuality was anticipated and hence the positioning and maneuvering of political, economic and military assets into position – the modern version of the pre-WWI powder keg waiting for the fuse to be lit.

Who would have thought it would be sandal wearing tribesmen to be the ones to light the fuse…


The trouble is US ( or the power behind the scenes) will go to war over oil – it has always been so. This – the potential fall of the house of Saud – may well ignite a regional conflict as there are many claimants for the oil fields currently in saudi possession. The global kleptocracy would love to strip them for all their worth. Local powers will make all sorts of claims, and there are the saudi so-called princes who will join the fray.

S Melanson

Yes, this is very true. How things develop over the next few weeks need to be watched closely.


” Who would have thought it would be sandal wearing tribesmen to be the ones to light the fuse…”

It is that part of the equation that I am certain the Western planners have not considered.

Direct NATO acts of genocide to subdue the Houthis would be a leap into the unknown I suspect.

Zionism = EVIL

Jews are like sewer rats historically, they just want others to die for them and wait to pick up the pieces. This time it will not end that well as the so-called “west” itself is in ruins and power has shifted to the Eurasian block of many nations led by China, Russia, Iran, Indonesia and I would even add Turkey to it as it will not be a NATO morons cannon fodder anymore. The so-called west is imploding and in a financial, demographic and oral mess, thanks to Jew instigated endless wars. The dumbass Americunts have squandered their limited resources at the worst time, with rising China.

It is shocking how much the US government spends on the military, and how much more are weapons prioritized compared to human lives or even basic human services like access to health or education for the average American. According to SIPRI, the US spent over $1.7 trillion on its global wars, homeland security and surveillance state, at time of a declining economy. The consequences of the unsustainable US military spending have now openly manifested in declining life span and some of the lowest quality of life since OECD started keeping records on Human Development Index. US now ranks lower than most of the developing world. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c61925f7bff6de5a38baeafcb09e566770aa9f7976d0411a744393e9121b3c17.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, even a compete heads up the arse moron in the brainwashed west would know that ISIS and all Wahabbi terror groups in the region and the world at large are CIA, MI6 and Zionist scum created terrorists. They have been using these headchopping proxies since the 1950’s under different branding and they proliferated when the Saudis and Pakistanis under CIA command opened up 25,000 Wahhabi madrassas to train and recruit these fuckwits. Even in Yemen yesterday, over 600 Pakistanis were captured by the Ansarallah,most are regular military and the Pakistani government is denying to repatriate them and explain how they ended up in Yemeni captivity.


Roman Empire hired mercenaries before its fall too.

Zionism = EVIL

and we all know how well that worked out :)

Ford Fairlane

Isn’t that the ISIS/ISIL flag?

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