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The media wing of the Houthis (Ansar Allah) has released a video and photos showing their recently revealed drones in action. The video highlights the Qasef-2K loitering munition, the Samad-1 reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and the Rasid-1 light reconnaissance UAV.

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Another group of photos also showed the Samad-1 UAV during a reconnaissance mission over the Saudi region of Jizan:

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Very loud but damn were these Houti drones effective so far! Good job! Actually it’s fantastic job under those circumstances.
Very impressive. Well done Yemen.
Ansar Allah, the Houthi’s went from the Flinstones to the Jetson’s in a few short years. Who would have estimated that they would have an indigenous ballistic missile industrial capacity and ingenuity.
And now they have effective drones and cruise missiles too. They actually have an Aerospace industry.
Brave Houthi’s. Continue on, its a matter of time before you are fighting in Saudi Arabia’s capital.
The Houthis showed an alternative, fully local model of manufacturing sophisticated tech- and aerospace products. As the capitalistic mantra goes, effective economic activity is only seen in a chain of global split of labor by producing key components in low-cost environments. Despite being not able to use this model of manufacturing, (because of indiscriminate bombing and fierce sanctions) their grass-root industry competes with the fully globalized military industrial complex.
Competes is an understatement.
Its not all about how mant you produce, there is also quality and cost of production and cost of engineering.
Yemen has most of these in place for much cheaper than the west, an amazing acheivement, with the sanctions and blockades.
The real savings for the yemenis is in the engineering and production costs, engineers are expensive a fuck in the west, not even close.
Pity they have to send in a symphony orchestra o cover up the sound . Wonder if that would be an indicator that a drone is coming. Nah the SA troops would just sit down and listen too the orchestra for some cultural improvement. The Houthi’s would deliver that with their drones, War , the greatest motivator of weapon and tactics improvement,
It makes me think of JU-87 German planes that used sirens to panic the infantry
And the noise of the Stuka as they dived was apparently really unnerving. But with these I would have thought some sense of stealth would be an advantage. Anyway they are doing a great job even though the saudi government is not worried about the body bags coming back.
Those fighting in Yemen are not Saudis, they are Yemeni poor people, so no body bags
Oh you mean the Saudis didn’t invade Yemen and not fighting the Houthis there. So all those Houthi videos where they blow up and kill Saudis is all fake news.. I think the bacon is fried.
99% of those you see there are not Saudis, they are Yemeni or Sudanese people hired by KSA and UAE to fight against the Houthis. Btw have you ever heard the word ‘mercenary’?
Btw have you ever heard the word ‘mercenary’? :-)) Well seeing as I was one in Africa for 5 years I guess there is a strong probability. Seeing as most of friends/ associates were from many countries doing the same from a Hungarian whose first action as a kid was throwing rocks at Russian tanks in Budapest in 56 to others who had been in the Congo and others who left to go for the big money in Lebanon as snipers only to have the whole building flattened as soon as they fired none collected.So go and check the bacon , I think it is burning.
You know why I like to spend my time here? Because this place is full of interesting people. We have a Vietnam veteran, a GPS scientist, a luxury golf yard owner, lots of military specialists, even someone who claims he entered some rooms where very few persons had access to… now a Safari Mercenary with a friend that was throwing rocks at tanks when he was a child and that has sniper friends, please tell me, should I be afraid?
You asked if I knew the word mercenary and I answered that , nothing about needing to be scared , just that yes I VERY well know the word mercenary. If you wish too concoct whatever meaning you like to that then that is your problem. Safari mercenary :-)) that is a good one probably quite apt though. Whilst hunting humans real wild animals were sometimes also on the prowl. In fact at night I was more afraid of some of them than the human ones.. Have a stiff drink and calm down ,
It was a rhetoric question, dumb ass. Rhetoric questions are not supposed to be answered. But if I gave you the opportunity to introduce yourself as a safari cowboy that was in Africa for “hunting humans” brrr now I need to change my diapers – I’m glad that I was the first. Cuz I’m sure you would let us know you “VERY well know the word mercenary” – but you literary have no idea what are you talking about. But I will explain to you what are you talking about: You are talking about your PC games. I was talking about real world. In short, those taking a beat from Houthis are not the Saudis, are their Yemeni mercenaries. Maybe for the next time you prepare a fun story on how you got Ebola or AIDS in your expedition.
Whatever . You seem to take delight in abusing people because it makes you tough. Well Mr all piss and wind I have seen real tough guys and you are not one of those so go back to sucking on your dildo that you shove up your ars , Tried having a normal conversation but should have known you can’t with a school boy who thinks he is big enough for the real world but knows sh it. Proved that when you had no comprehension to what it was like to be facing Soviet Tanks with nothing but rocks . Go and stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself how tough you are but I know you would drop like a stone and cry for your momma just like the piss and wind dipstick you are.
” Proved that when you had no comprehension to what it was like to be facing Soviet Tanks with nothing but rocks . ” – granny, I think you got Alzheimer from Africa, but okay tell us how you fought the tanks with nothing but rocks.
I didn’t say I fought tanks with rocks which again shows you are more interested in denigrating than comprehending. I am not Hungarian and barely out of nappies in 56 . .. ” a Hungarian whose first action as a kid was throwing rocks at Russian tanks in Budapest in 56 “” Obviously don’t know so google it . I fought alongside , British , Canadian , ex US Viet Nan vets , Australian , Kiwi , Canadians , Hungarian German and Czechs and not one of them talked to me with the disrespect you have to me out of total ignorance. So you are nothing but a piece of shit that I would without hesitation flush down the toilet. You have no idea so Fuk you.
Where did you fight, CS GO, Medal of Honor, Call of Duty?
Hahaha. You want my cum back you will have to scrape it off your mothers teeth but it is probably mixed up with yours.Unbelievable how stupid you really are. Games hadn’t even been invented then so go fuk yourself or your mother who loves it up the arse as you well know. Twit.
C’mon Hero, give this kids an example of how a vet arrange a prick like me, you keep lowering standards you’ll smash your teeth
Was pretty obvious you were a kid by ignorance and lack of English ability so go try and learn something at school because there is nothing I can teach you . Bye little boy and do give me a call when you grow up . Thinking you are a man doesn’t make you one..
You you want to show that you’re not a little bitch, stay on topic and prove your knowledge, ohh you don’t have any cuz all you do is playing games all day long and dream to be a real soldier.
Don’t you understand I don’t have to prove a thing to you , nothing , zilch because I don’t give flying F what you believe or think. All that matters is that I know the truth and those I was with know the truth . I have the scars and medals to prove it but you haven’t earned the right to be told anything so believe whatever you like , I don’t need anything from you..
“I have the scars and medals to prove it” that sounds so genuine, I believe you now.
Well you will never get to see so I am sooo happy you believe me. Ha who gives a rats arse what you believe. You wouldn’t know the truth if it was rammed up your arse and you choked on it. Have a nice day dipstick
If you were such superman you pretend to be you would have focused on the topic of the article instead of your medals and scars ;)
Nuke Saudi in addition to israel. Problem solved.
Accroding to your recent report this is Rasid-1 not Samad-1.