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MARCH 2025

Houthis Hit Saudi F-15 With Ground-To-Air Missile Over Yemen’s Saada Province (Video)

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On March 21, the Yemeni Air Defense Force [allied to the Houthis] hit an F-15 warplane of the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) with an “air defense missile” over the central province of Saada, according to the Yemeni al-Masirah TV.

A video released by the Houthis media wing clearly showed an unidentified warplane being hit by what appears to be a Soviet made R-27T missile. The Saudi-led collation revealed last November that the he Houthis had managed to turn Soviet-made R-27T air-to-air missiles into ground-to-air missiles.

Houthis Hit Saudi F-15 With Ground-To-Air Missile Over Yemen's Saada Province (Video)

Click to see the full-size image

The R-27T is guided by infrared homing, and has the “fire and forget” feature, which makes it easy to convert it into a ground-to-air missile. The R-27T’s range is 70km when it’s launched from air. Nonetheless, the missile will have a shorter range when the missile it is launched from the ground.

The Saudi-led coalition has not commented on the incident yet, likely because the warplane managed to return to its home airbase or crashed in an area under the coalition control.

This was the second time when the Houthis announced they hit an F-15 of the RSAF over Yemen this year. On January 8, the Houthis hit an F-15 over the Yemeni city of Sanaa.

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And the House of Ziosauderica thinks it can take on Russia or Iran? Good one!


House of Ziosauderica…exactly!

Bi Esm


Richard M

Sky Orc got his /$$ lit up! I don’t think he “returned to base”. Hopefully the Houthis are treating him to some local hospitality!




A lot of those KSA pilots are British and American, killing for a dollar, so I have no problem seeing them BBQ’d.


re: “A lot of those KSA pilots are British and American, killing for a dollar, so I have no problem seeing them BBQ’d.”

Can confirm. I know people over there.

British and American pilots are training Saudi’s at Tabuk in Saudi Arabia. From there they fly missions over Jordan, Red Sea and Yemen. They ‘claim’ they are only training’ people but many of them are paid into the several hundred thousand dollars a year for being there through BAE and other U.$. companies. They all ‘see action,’ particularly over Syria because the IsraHellie’s don’t want to endager their own pilots.

Many of the Silk Airways flights had their final destination at Tubuk; offloading their weapons which were then air-dropped into Syria for the ‘Moderate Headchopper’ rebels who burn girls to death in steel cages if they don’t marry a ‘soon to be martyr.’

Michał Hunicz

Another blow for the ZioWahhabis! Stay strong Houthis, you control the most populated areas, while Saudis only Aden (all this desert is de-facto held by AQAP)!

Alberto Cavedoni

It returned home safely,confirmef

Wolfgang Wolf

of course “israhelli media confirmed….” = fake news

Alberto Cavedoni

It’s already the second time they show videos but they di not take down the plane


Dont think that this thing will even fly someday, they have to push money for extra repairs, if so.

Amine Mansouri

well, this F-15 will be repaired the same day and ready to bomb iranian scumbags

j. jaxson

they are gonna repair the f-15?2nd times a chore. they are going to drop bagel bombs made in turkey.

Shuja Pasha

LOL, Amine, I think these wet dreams will kill you.


Except Saudi Arabian air force is hopelessly under staffed with actual ground engineering crews, and have to import US-UK technicians to do such work for them.

Jaime Galarza

Can you post the links or some kind of proof that the F-15 made it back? Otherwise STFU.

Shuja Pasha

No it didn’t you troll. You are probably a Saudi animal. Shoo….

*Picture of a bunch of Saudi trolls. Employed in thousands. Israel taught them how…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f58d099f33775c222b98de069274df413fa68c88f5bb862dfafb74d1102d9a96.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4c7540dfaa78520433dda8cc5a64d61c3d7161dcbffe8d5ea8f12998855baf11.jpg


Well said, during the recent protests in Iran (((twitter))) exploded with Persian messages supporting the protestors. The next day it became apparent that over 70% of those messages were coming from outside of Iran with the vast majority coming from Saudi Arabia, probably from that call center in your picture.

John Whitehot


one year ago i would not had believed it, if there wasn’t proof.

so many signs that things are turning around.


“Turning around” sez the keyboard warrior who is proud to NEVER suffer the fate of the innocent people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc etc. Yes, if we forget the horrific suffering of millions of people in Yemen, as Putin backs Saudi Arabia to the hilt, then things there are “turning around”.

Of course, Putin fans never ask why he allowed things to get so bad in Syria before intervening so late, Israel had achieved 99% of its demonic goals in that nation. Because, you know, the suffering of millions of people never counts, does it?

Iran only helps the people of Yemen because “Yemen war HOT, Iran war NOT”.

Avoidable war is the worst crime on this planet by an infinite margin. But avoidable wars magically start to happen more and more often when a weak and servile leader of one of the Great Powers arises- as in Putin the zionist.

Putin only ever asks one quesition before acting…”does it please the jews?”. So neither Syria or Iran gets modern air defense systems sold to them by Russia, cos this would not please the jews. And Putin votes to make weapon sales to the Houthis illegal at the UNSC, because this pleases the jews.

So thanks to Putin’s weakness, millions suffer everywhere the jews and the Deep State desire to wage war.

John Whitehot

do you really think you can make mad with this shit?

you don’t even deserve an answer, the only thing you deserve is to be left to rot.

Yet there’s still someone talking to you, no matter the point of view, only out to respect for dialogue and relationships among humans and has at least given A CHANCE, to prove that you aren’t just someone who’s left any trace of humanity and instead chose to bend and serve.

Frankly, I have pity for you, just like all the other people that doesn’t reply to you.

You lost any ability to look at yourself and ask about what dignity and integrity you still have.

Yet like pretty everybody, you too must have had a mother that taught you what’s right and what’s wrong.

You will fail, because even the brightest among your masters, are completely blind.

Co Ragoo

Hey he is speaking the truth, following Putin blindly is the same as not questioning the US actions by the US citizens. Putin has his Chabad-Lubavich Rabbi Berel Lazar in Moscow giving advice to him. Google it before following the theatrics that’s playing out. This is why no S400 for Iran or weapons for the Houthis

Steve Bell

If that were the case, Putin would’ve given Netanyahu free rein to bomb Syria as he wanted.

Co Ragoo

Smoke and mirrors hoss, smoke and mirrors. Do the research I suggested on Rabbi Berel Lazar

John Whitehot

right, don’t put your faith in Putin, put it in his “research” on some rabbi, or better yet, put your faith in this mossad agent using Co Ragoo as a name for today.

Co Ragoo

Hoss you don’t have to do the research you can go to Russia and talk to the Rabbi for all I care. What I’m not going to do is put my faith in any man, they all have failed. You would only realize the endgame when its already too late. Oh and I could care less for those fucking zionist racist jews, the true jews are the semites who are actually the Palestinians. So now you can call me a Palestinian you fucking ignorant cunt. Its frustrating trying to enlighten people with low IQ

John Whitehot

“So now you can call me a Palestinian”

You should know by now how I actually call you.

John Whitehot

“Google it before following the theatrics that’s playing out”

you are the personification of contradiction.

On one side you scorn those that put their faith in Putin.

On the other, you put your faith in Google, which should actually be called Jewgle.

Let’s see how much more stupid you can get without switching username again.

Co Ragoo

Hoss “Google it” is just a term used to convey the message that they should do some research into a topic. If you are so mindless as to think I use Google for my research then you are truly daft. My search engine is Duckduckgo and I have enough sense to determine propaganda from genuine information. I also check, double check and validate information sources. Unlike you who seem to swallow up the main idea as if its fact. This is why you cannot come to terms with Putin taking orders from Israel, you can’t bare to digest that. Instead of attacking the messenger why don’t you ask yourself why has Putin agreed to sell Saudi Arabia, Turkey etc S400 and he has not provided the same for Iran which we all know is next in line to be democratized by the West. I like Putin but I am suspicious of all of them. You on the other hand is like Putin Putin Putin!!! yeahhh!!! LOL

John Whitehot

you really are someone who has to eat a lot of shit everyday, no doubts.

Co Ragoo

Great debating skill you have there

John Whitehot

i don’t debate: I am Free.

You are a hamster running over a wheel.

Co Ragoo

Says the man without a point

John Whitehot

how old do you think i am, jew?


So what, Iranians have their ‘own’ rabbies, loyal to Iran…

Co Ragoo

If you read my comment you would see I used the term “Chabad-Lubavich” they are the zionists. Iran has Jews who don’t believe in the Rothschild’s zionist cult. The Chabad-Lubavich is the arrow of the spear. Do you own research and educate yourself. You americans has been drinking the koolaid for too long

John Whitehot

me and most people aren’t inclined to get into you pharisaic bullshit.

besides, you zionist friends spent so much time writing nonsensical garbage on the internet that the local troll must at least put some links to that garbage over a site mostly read by anti-zionists.

this should serve as a warning – don’t trust links being put here in this comment section – most of the times it’s zionists or their slaves trying to get into our minds.

Steve Bell

Better “late” than never, which is what the chosen masters of the West wanted. As for Israel and KSA, no return visits by MBS and no more IDF bombs landing in Syria since Putin’s last phone call with Netanyahu. That the zio-controlled western media has been playing its anti-Putin hymn incessantly lately speaks for itself.


“Putin the Zionist” lol! so why the fuck they hate him so much? https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/putin-maybe-jews-with-russian-citizenship-meddled-in-u-s-elections-1.5888887

John Whitehot

xD this hareetz news blocks my browser because i use an adblocker.

at least my clicks won’t be used for these people to make money.

j. jaxson

nothing like knocking out a 6 million dollar plane with a lo tech and lo price gagdet.

Wolfgang Wolf

6 million?

Amine Mansouri

well, hts and rebel groups in syria downed many russian planes, that’s lot of TECH and lot of PRICE GADGET lost, we are not talking about 6 million aircraft hahahahah


Those were syrian planes made in ussr like 40 years ago…yeah 6 million i think it’s fair.

Igor Dano

Islam speaks.


Many airplanes? How high can you actually count?

John Whitehot

they downed ONE russian plane.

not getting the difference between ONE and MANY is another sign you are on your way out.


The price in 1998 for one was about $31.1 million. I am confident that F-15SAs the KSA has bought, are quite a bit north of there. Each one of these shot down or even hit, is a very serious matter.


If it really landed safetly, then they have to pay extra for the repairs Its costs them even more now.

Pave Way IV

KSA upgraded their F-15s (or bought new F-15SA) with all the latest goodies and new F110-GE-129 engines a few years ago. The TIGER Eyes sensor suite alone probably cost them $4 million a pop. In 2017, Qatar ordered 36 new F-15QAs (similarly equipped) at somewhere around $150M each. It’s probably safe to say the ‘used’ KSA F-15s are ‘worth’ over $100M but would cost $150M to replace.


It is IRANIAN expertise that helps the people of Yemen defend themselves against the invading wahhabi filth of Saudi Arabia. They are experts at repurposing old weapon systems. Putin, on the other hand, backs KSA to the hilt, and recently voted at the UNSC to continue banning weapon sales to the Houthis.

Putin the proud zionist- never ever forget this fact.

John Whitehot

you are the proof that zionists are done for.

It’s always the last card of jews:

“If you can’t beat them, claim they as your own”.

Assad is the only one that has protected Christians in Syria. Assad is the only one that has been helped by Russia.

And your kind is butthurt like never before.


Oh John you daft twat, zionists are the opposite of Jews; don’t let the zionist big lie trick you into antisemitism, it’s what they want.


Zionism is the Jewish version of Nazism. Although most Jews are not Zionists/Nazis, they do rabidly defend Zionists/Nazis. Ukraine is a perfect example, Nazis now rule Ukraine, American Jews put the Nazis into power and Israel is fine with that. Birds of a feather flock together.


No you ignoramus, zionism is a secular, fascist and ANTISEMITE ideology; it has nothing to do with Judaism.

Igor Dano

What has antisiobism to do with judaism? To the hell with all your abraham religions feom middle east! No europe needs none of them.

John Whitehot

the word “zionism” defines Israeli nationalism no more no less.

clearly it has taken a different meaning in these years, encompassing the cabals who are on a world domination quest, which aim is to subdue everyone that is a Goyim to jewry.


No it doesn’t, zionism is a fraud like Wahhabism, they exist only because it suits American Caesar to pump them full of money and guns. Judaism and islam don’t come into it.

John Whitehot

caesar isn’t an american thing.

it’s the american military industrial complex that makes money from wars instigated by zionists.


Of for fuck’s sake man, the zionists are a Praetorian Guard, not the tail that wags the dog.

John Whitehot

“the zionists are a Praetorian Guard”

you gotta be kidding.


No, it’s obvious when you pay more attention to behaviour than rhetoric.

John Whitehot

I know what you mean.

But don’t be too fast in calling rhetoric certain things.

It would be at least as much naive as the reverse.

Igor Dano

What u say! Antisemitizm is a zionist weapon.

John Whitehot

one one side, i agree.

on the other, if you really believe that God is something that orders you to kill your son, or something that should be feared in general, we ‘d have unsolvable differences.


No-one believes crap like that, it’s an excuse.

John Whitehot

well it’s at the basis of jewish religion anyway. I’m inclined to think that at least the guys with the black hats and the braids believe that.


Zionism isn’t, it’s an obscene parody of historical Judaism. The zionist colony has nothing to do with the Old testament – Jews do not commit genocide, they do not build torture chambers, they do not sent Einsatzgruppen to murder people and hey do not creep up the arse of American Caesar for free money and guns. Clearly the zionists who occupy Palestine make a pantomime of being Jewish but that can’t disguise the bloodstains of their victims.


Jews have no mercy emotion.

John Whitehot

i wouldnt say that, but surely they aren’t encouraged to have any towards other religions by their spiritual leaders.

I’ve already talked about how people like PM Rabin were enlightened, no matter if jew.

On this comment section you find those that murdered him.


They are enemy to humanity. Where Jews went, trouble took there. They are behind many events. Socialism, capitalism, colonism, nationalism, darwinism and other all ideologies… Jew Karl Marx got his ideology from a Jewish religion man.

John Whitehot

until you realize that the connection socialism-jewry is what jews themselves want you to believe there’s no much to say.

It’s so easy:

zionist power is in the money, in the finance, in banks.

all things that don’t matter in socialist systems.

i’m no communist, but i don’t fall for zionist propaganda.




To put into perspective the Saudis have nearly 300 F15’s.

John Whitehot

so far they didn’t seem to have served them much well.

not much has gone in saudi favor in this war.


But Saudi warplane rotation rates are poor – they have lot of military aircraft but far too few trained engineering service and ground crews. They have to out source the majority of the actual service work to US-UK sourced and paid crews.


And US/UK pilots, that’s why the US/UK love the Saudis, they make buckets of money off them.

A guy takes a woman out for dinner, when they get back to her place, he says how about a bit, she says no. He then says I will give you a million if you sleep with me, she says a million, OK. The guy then says how about 20 bucks, she replies I am not that kind of girl. The man replies we have already established what kind of girl you are, we are merely haggling about the price.

That pretty much sums up the US/UK, they are for sale, but you need deep pockets to buy them.

Pave Way IV

RSAF is thought to still have 66 or so active single-seat F-15C and 18 dual-seat F-16D models from the initial Peace Sun and Peace Sun IV deals. Peace Sun = meaningless US mil program designators. Those were all delivered by 1993.

Peace Sun IX added 70 F-15S models – sort of a downgraded F-15E but uses the -E airframe. Aircraft under that program were delivered by 1999.

Peace Sun VII or XI (don’t ask me about wacky sequence) is for the 83 new F-15SA models along with upgrades to the SA specs for their existing 70 F-15S models. That will give them 153 total F-15SA models after final delivery in 2020, plus what should be 84 older C/D models with upgraded engines/avionics.

The Saudis seem to have misplaced some of the C/D models and acquired a few odd ones that don’t seem to have been part of the Peace Sun program. Between Saudi caginess and shady US deals, it’s anyone’s guess about the real RSAF count and what flag(s) those aircraft fly under today.

13 F-15SA models have been delivered to Saudi Arabia, but some are new and some are upgrades. That would put their active F-15 fleet at somewhere around 160 today, eventually to 237 by 2020. Potentially minus one active one that the Houthis put a few holes in.

John Whitehot

that wasn’t even intended to be used like that.

I don’t know how many people grasp how extraordinary is the feat pulled by the houthis, both technically and tactically.

These weapons were not made to be shot from ground, where they have to fight gravity to get to the target. And it’s not even an extended range ET version, it’s a decades old T.

This also means, that if the launching platform is a fighter jet, traveling at 500 knots and 30000 feet, the bad news for the receiving end increase exponentially.

And credit where is due: SF had described the “system” devised by the houthis in a specific article – I must admit, that although I thought it a possible thing, I had more than one doubt that it would work, for many reasons.


I would like to see many more Saudi Coalition planes as heaps of junk on the ground and if a few ex NATO pilots are flying them its just deserts for them.


Nah, they are “peanuts” for them


Necessity is the Mother of Invention.

j. jaxson

good job!

Papo Machete

did he said “fck amerika” ? lol


He recited one of the same verse of holly Coran until the jet got hit. Then he chanted the kniwn resistance slogan

Papo Machete




Bi Esm

Houthis chant: Allah is great Death to murica Death to israhell Curse on the jews Victory to islam

j. jaxson

jews and muslims share the same DNA. they are brothers. that is a fact. so are they jewslums or jewhadi’s? does anyone know?

j. jaxson

i hope Houthis win though.

Bi Esm

you mean arabs and ”real” jews


Jews share more DNA with Russians than with Arabs

j. jaxson

it doesn’t look like it or sound like it at all. i don’t remember any russians when i was hanging out with abraham and moses. i’ll ask around though.

Bi Esm

Khazarian (european) fake jews do share more DNA with Russians than with Arabs


I don’t remember you being there either

j. jaxson

the scientific studies show inherent characteristics that only jews and muslims share. not talking about general DNA characteristics specific ones.


All human beings share the same DNA.

j. jaxson

we share DNA with all living creatures. i am talking about facial DNA direct relationship. interconnected. it seems they are one and the same.

Joe Dirt

no victory for islam

Bi Esm


Amine Mansouri

i wonder how many millions did iran give to the houthis. they could use that money to feed themselves


How do you propose they do that – should they eat Iranian cash – they sure as shit can’t buy and ship in food thanks to Saudi naval blockade…


Zionist scumbag crying because even tho the jews ordered Putin to refuse to help the Houthis, Iran ignores Russia and does so anyway.


If the zionists can order Putin around as you assert – why dont they tell him to get out of Syria. Hell why didnt they order him not to get involved in the first place. Your ramblings are misguided


I wonder how many billions the Saudi’s have spent on militant mercenaries in Syria, they could better use that money to initiate a sustainable Saudi economy.


And the Saudi regime must also stop persecuting the Shia followers in Saudi Arabia.


The blockade is starving Yemen.


I have a lot of respect for the Houthis. They are tough as nails. I pray for their victory and for the complete liberation of Yemen from the Anglo-Zio-Wahhabi Axis.


Oddly enough, the houthis once used Poetry to fight battles.


Their chance of victory is exactly the same as the kurds- ie., none. Putin has agreed to jewish demands (on behalf of their wahhabi blood-brothers) and thrown the kurds and houthis to the wolves.

j. jaxson

there are so many factions that its impossible to get anything done.


This idea that Russia is all powerful and can militarily dominate any part of the Middle East (including Syria) is as ridiculous as the myth of American invincibility.

Steve Bell

The Saudis are no Turks and the Houthis are no Kurds, different situation with different environment. If Military assets alone were the deciding factor, the U.S. wouldn’t have a problem in Afghanistan.


I disagree. They stand a better chance than North Vietnam did against America. The Kurds have no actual friends and legitimacy is unlikely no matter how many battles they win. The Houthis have a real country already – Yemen. They hold the capital, they just need to outlast the international arrogance that is denying them legitimacy as the defacto government of Yemen.

The Americans spent 25 years pretending that Taiwan is the government of China. I suspect the Houthis will not have to wait half as long to finally be recognised as the government of Yemen.


I only understood a few words of what guy was saying, anyone speak the language?


Basically he was praying for the missile to hit it’s target and when it did he obviously said the houthis slogan “god is great, death to America, death to Israel, curse on jews (Zionists), victory for Islam” nothing out of the norm

j. jaxson

yeah, no discounts yet.


The same Houthis that Putin BANNED weapons sales to at his recent UNSC vote, joining with his British, American and Israeli fellow zionists.

After ensuring the defenders of Yemen were denied the proper means of self-defense, Putin rushed to sell even more weapons to the Saudi invaders. They, of course, despite being the aggressors, are never banned from receiving wepon supplies.

Putin’s zionism isn’t just ‘in your face’, Putin and Lavrov BOAST about it at every second press conference.

Southfront is a kremlin mouthpiece, which is why it never covers the case of Palestinian hero, Ahed Tamimi, or the child’s recent imprisonment and torture by the jewish filth of Israel. She has just been sentenced to 8 months in a jewish CONCENTRATION CAMP, while the jew filth who butchered a helpless prisoner has had his sentence reduced to about the same. Her ‘crime’? ‘Slapping a member of a jewish death squad that had just invaded her home and shot her relative full in the head.

Putin’s support of the palestinian victims of jewish neo-nazi atrocities is exactly ZERO- but Putin gives every support to the jewish neo-nazis themselves.

Joe Dirt

What’s a Palestinian?

Steve Bell

Better than being a parasite about to lose its host.


Denying the existence of the sun, won’t stop you getting sunburned. One of these days they will take their revenge, and just before your lights go out, you will learn what a Palestinian is.

Joe Dirt

OH! I get it, Palestinians are little kids who throw rocks. Kids pose no threat to anyone. :D :D


Strange that you believe that Putin alone should right the worlds wrongs & injustices. Israels behaviour is a failure of the entire UN not just one country


The US just loves this war, nearly 50 years of Saudi investments in the USA is being converted into weapons. The US is bleeding KSA out, pretty soon they will be out of oil and money, and the USA will find another victim to bleed. The Yemenis and the Saudis are just collateral damage to Uncle Samuel, they are not Jewish, and so their lives have no value.

Icarus Tanović

Mashallah, destroy wahhabi vermin!

Icarus Tanović

Seem that this one didnt returned to the wahhabi shithole base…

Nigel Maund

This is what needs to happen on almost daily basis to bring the KSA air war to a standstill and weaken their ground offensive. The loss of trained pilots will also seriously weakan be the KSAAF as aircraft are easier to replace than trained and experienced pilots.



Someone sure was asleep at the wheel!


Doesn’t have to be. F15s have no stealth capacity and no systems for reducing heat signatures. It was probably not equipped with any counter measures as the Yemenis are not expected to be able to retaliate. It doesn’t have to be a bad pilot, he was just thrown into an unexpected situation.


When ur in a war zone, ur expected to have ur game face on right?

The dude was asleep…


he was probably just sight-seeing…


The world is asleep when it allows wars to happen in the first place


all aircrafts have at least minimum self defence and early warning systems…..i consider this just plain luck of training….


The people who use this site are vile and dull of mind. To say that the U.S. and Israeli militaries are morally, strategically, and tactically superior is not propaganda.. it’s simple fact. We’ve spent a lot of money and lives making the world better for anyone who loves peace and democracy, and we ask nothing in return. I hope each of you gets the nerve to wrap a rag around your head and pick up a weapon. You’ll get a quick lesson on truth from Mr. 5.56.


Hey ZioYank! I’m a Real American with a message for you. Let my people go and leave the rest of the world to their own business or else traitors like you and Real Americans like me are gonna go round for round here on our own soil.


Real Americans don’t spit on the flag and troops of this nation. What “Real Amerika” are you trying to create? The one preached to you on CNN? Communist Amerika? Real America, as outlined by Washington and our forefathers is founded in Christianity, period dot. No translation or opinion can change that. If there’s another Amerika you’re intent on creating through use of force, I would remind you that our Republic is still 80% Christian and Capitalist. CNN and other nutjob conspiracy sources have duped you. If you come out from under your rock and try to cause trouble, you’ll meet the might of a nation under God. Use your head.


Never go full retard


Stop talking shit – The US spreads chaos & destruction not peace. Tell your baloney to the families of 1 million Iraqis who died for your regime change war


I was there and never personally witnessed a civilian casualty caused by American forces. I did, however, watch your people decapitate someone in the street for stealing a pepper shaker from a hotel. I saw a woman get sold into sexual slavery because her husband thought she looked at another man. I saw a pile of dead children who were killed by soldiers of their own country because they ate American chocolate. You’ve been watching too many movies. The U.S. Military are the good guys.. whatever else you want to think so you can be “unique and intellectually superior” is just fantasy.


no shane one would disagree about superiority in numbers ,training, quality of personnel and material……efficiency is the question…..Us army is engaged in pilitics a lot. I mean they are said to be fighting ISIS in SYria for 5 years now?costed billions to US economy. result?almost 0. They got started only after ISIS went out of control and started to rape, kill, women and children especially Kurds, Yazidi. Until then chaos in SYria was the right thing for US politics. Then came the RUssian involvement….another boost for US to state that it has a role there…created SDF and started to ‘fight’ ISIS again…..on the other hand…Russia with minimum personnel helped SAA to turn around the tide of war. This is what we call ‘results’…recently…..Kurds were eliminated in just 2 months by Turkey and mercs……results my friend results……want to talk about Afganistan, Iraq, Libya…everywhere the US army interveans leaves chaos behind just because its fighting for political reasons….


You don’t love peace and democracy. Your democracy is a facade to hide the role of big corporations, and Israel is a totalitarian police-state. Both have been at war more than any other country in the world. You love peace? Bull. And you equating 5.56 with truth is sickening. You Daesh? You still have a little time to learn about the truth if you go at it hard. If you don’t you’ll wake up one day on the wrong side of history with your country in the hands of foreigners who don’t care about it at all. Good luck to you.


You’re too far gone for me to explain how you are incorrect. I’ll just refer you to my reply to Chris Chuba. I will say this; bring it on. Despite what the news may tell you, the U.S. Military is mostly Christian, and mostly so much more capable than you would believe that I’m not even going to try and explain it to you. If you and your ilk ever arrive on our soil, you’ll find out what tenacity and ferocity really mean. You’ve seen our resolve when trying to protect people of other nations against evil.. wait until it’s our own soil and our own people. Hope to see you there.


Sorry, I won’t be there, and I doubt anyone will bother to invade. No, it’s a civil war you are going to get against the monied-up corporation forces and ordinary Americans who can’t take it anymore. But you don’t get it do you? You have already been taken over by the zionists, including the Christian zionists who read their corrupted Schofield bible and behave politically like the wahhabi muslims. Your Congress is a corrupt joke, your president is a puppet, the think-tanks full of chicken-hawks will drag you from one useless conflict to another. They always have. They are most afraid of peace breaking out. I pity the good American normal Christians (and any faith) who have to live with all that 24/7. It’s not too late to turn away from the destruction, but I don’t suppose you will. Israel have you by the balls and by the nose-ring.

chris chuba

The U.S. and Israel can fly over any third world country and bomb it. If that is tactical and moral superiority, okay. The U.S. endlessly moans when Russia / China escorts spy planes operating near their air space.

Does the U.S. make the world a better place? From 1910 to 1992, on balance I would say that was true but since then I don’t see how you can make that argument. Since then most of our foreign aid is for military, not humanitarian assistance. We are helping the Saudis commit war crimes in Yemen, we destroyed Libya, supported Jihadist aligned rebels to overthrow the govt of Syria, and destroyed the Iraqi central govt that unleashed ISIS. What good have we done to counter-balance that.


Do you speak from experience? I was in the U.S. Military and witnessed the attempted genocide of Kurds and Jews by the people you speak so highly of. We go out of our way to preserve civilian life. For instance, we spend $1mil per munition to prevent civilian casualties.. the people you support use civilians as munitions. We pay to rebuild the inevitable destruction that war causes.. our enemies do as much damage as possible, even to their own lands and people. The men I served with would take a bullet for a child of any nationality… I saw a pile of child corpses that their own soldiers created because we gave them chocolate a few days before. I can understand that you want to be different. You want to think that you aren’t being “duped by big brother”. That’s fine, but in your quest to have a unique outlook, you’re dishonoring good people who do good things. I personally arrived in the middle east in 1991. I saw explicit orders that we were to risk our lives rather than fire on someone who wasn’t a combatant. I personally saw orders that we were to take nothing from the local people, to include oil or gasoline, even to save our own lives. I personally arrived in a land where women cast their eyes down and people were whipped in the streets. I left with women driving and young girls going to school for the first time. I left with new schools, roads, water treatment plants, and civilian infrastructure created to ease the burden of the local nationals. I personally know without a shadow of a doubt that all of that was paid for by the American Taxpayer. If we weren’t the good guys, trust me, after where I’ve been and what I’ve experienced, I would know it. We didn’t unleash ISIS by going into the Middle East.. we unleashed it by leaving the Middle East. The infrastructure and social progress that I saw erected (and bled to support) over a long period of time has been reversed and dismantled. I didn’t vote for Barrack Obama, so I share no blame. The good news is that we’re back, and this time the hunt is more fruitful. Evil cannot stand before a force that is well equipped, well trained, and 90% Christian.

chris chuba

“I personally arrived in the middle east in 1991.” – I said that between 1910 to 1992, on balance we were a force for good. Expelling Iraq from Kuwait was consistent with all international norms.

“We spend $1mil per munition to prevent civilian casualties.” – Not anymore, 10,000 civilians died in Mosul with the new rules of engagement and perhaps 3,000 of them were killed by ISIS. We used $1M bombs to carefully target 3 snipers in a building which then killed whatever civilians we couldn’t see inside the building. You can say it was a necessary evil but don’t claim we took extraordinary measures to avoid civilian deaths. We did not.

“We didn’t unleash ISIS by going into the Middle East.. we unleashed it by leaving the Middle East.” – But we did. By destroying Saddam’s military and disbanding his army we gave Al Qaeda in Iraq thousands of new recruits. We also caused 3M Iraqi refugees to flood Syria which gave them safe haven over their. The surge just drove them underground for a few years. By destroying the central govt it was only a matter of time before that cancer consumed the corrupt Maliki govt.

This is my biggest problem with people like you. You are not willing to see the consequences of our actions. We will never learn from our mistakes because we rationalize our old ones.

Reagan argued that Eastern Europe had a right to self determination, I’m totally fine with that. Bush Sr. argued that Kuwait had a right to sovereignty and self determination, again fine with that. But then the children took over starting with Clinton, GWB made things worse by letting the Neocons run amok and got us into nation building and fighting evildoers. Obama made similar mistakes although he was marginally better on some issues.


To bad for Sauron, another dead Usa citizen maybe xD


Unlikely on two counts. If as above the plane crashed or landed in Saudi controlled territory, then the pilot likely survived, possibly ejected. Secondly, the pilot was likely a Saudi, a gulfi, or a mercenary, so probably not an American citizen.


Lets hope then brother, they all same shit in the end ….


Saudi jets are flown by all sorts of pilots – including Israelis, Pakistanis, RAF, probably Americans occasionally.

Don't read butthurt replies

It would be fun to watch some Israelis plane get hit with one of these.


I’m an American that’s been lurking everyday on this site for years….

It’s been enjoyable reading truth and perspective for a change…

Keep up the good work!




@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus .https://twitter.com/abdullahciftcib/status/760151907587481600


Nutuk kitabından “Efendiler, bütün insanlığın görgü, bilgi ve düşüncede yükselip olgunlaşması, Hristiyanlığı, Müslümanlığı, Budizmi bir yana bırakarak basitleştirilmiş ve herkes için anlaşılacak duruma getirilmiş saf ve lekesiz bir dünya dininin kurulması ve insanların, şimdiye kadar kavgalar, çirkeflikler, kaba istek ve iştahlar arasında bir sefalethanede yaşamakta olduklarını kabul ederek, bütün vücutları ve zekâları zehirleyen zararlı tohumları yok etmeye karar vermesi gibi şartların gerçekleşmesini gerektiren «birleşik bir dünya devleti» kurma hayalinin tatlı olduğunu inkâr edecek değiliz.”[1] http://belgelerlegercektarih.com/tag/yeni-dunya-duzeni/


@@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus abi


@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus neredesin gel biraz konuşalım https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2042727989311843&id=1632907043627275


@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi42V2kDYs8


@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus abi neredesin? ramazan ayını tebrik ederim. eğer aklına takılan şey varsa sana anlatabilirim.

Barbaros Hayreddin

@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus nerdesin abi

Barbaros Hayreddin

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Barbaros Hayreddin

@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus neredesin özlüyorum seni dostum

Barbaros Hayreddin

@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus aylardır yoksun

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@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus buradan cevap verebilirsin

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@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus benim bir hatam olmamıştır umarım

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@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus abi

Barbaros Hayreddin

@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus abiiiiiii

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@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus ?

Barbaros Hayreddin

@disqus_aGqpKL9BPK:disqus ??

Barbaros Hayreddin


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