Brigadier General Yahya Sari, spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces, brought official documents from the era to back up his claims
A spokesperson for Yemen’s Houthi-supported army, Brigadier Yahya Saree, revealed yesterday details of the links between Israel and former Yemeni President the late Ali Abdullah Saleh. The extensive but mostly clandestine links can be traced back at least to the year 2000.
Speaking at a press conference broadcast live from the capital Sana’a on Sunday evening, Saree highlighted that the Yemeni nation is confronting a Saudi-led military aggression, which seeks to accomplish the desired objectives of the Tel Aviv regime.
During the press conference he showed several documents indicating that Israeli authorities wanted to secure control over the strategic Bab-el-Mandeb strait, which connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden, Yemeni islands and the port of Hudaydah.
He also cited official documents which demonstrated that Saleh’s government had secret relations with Tel Aviv which included visits by officials on both sides.
Indeed, on 30 March 30 2000 the then president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, confirmed that he had met with Israeli President Ezer Weizman after Israeli media revealed the secretive meeting had occurred.
According to Saree, normalisation between the two countries peaked in 2007, when Israeli diplomat Bruce Kashdan arrived in Sanaa to meet Yemeni military and security officials who were relatives of Saleh. The UAE was also revealed in some of the documents as actively facilitating some of the exchanges.
“The Israeli official left Sanaa International Airport on 16 July, 2007,” said Saree. “The visit had been arranged by Yemeni officials, and the UAE played a leading role in it. The Israeli diplomat had earlier visited Yemen on 2 February, 2005.”
During the visit, security in the Red Sea and Bab Al-Mandab was discussed in addition to commercial cooperation and allowing Israeli products to enter the Yemeni market.
Al-Masirah reported that the document also mentioned the signing of an agreement that allowed Israeli civilian flights to use Yemeni air space.
Another document issued by the UAE Embassy in Sanaa, noted that a Jewish delegation visited Yemen and asked officials to naturalise approximately 60,000 Israelis with Yemeni nationality, 15,000 of whom had US citizenship.
The Emirati ambassador in Sanaa, Hamad Saeed Al-Zaabi, in a memorandum to the UAE Foreign Minister in 2004, noted that the “Yemeni-Jewish normalisation” was part of a larger scheme drawn up by the US.
Saree stated that Israel has constantly meddled in Yemeni affairs and continues to do so. “Yemen has long been the main target of US-Israeli plots and the ongoing onslaught clearly proves this. The Armed Forces call upon Yemenis from all walks of life to raise their awareness about the real intentions of foreigners. Our struggle is nothing but a fateful battle for liberation and independence.”
The army spokesperson also claimed that further information about Israel’s involvement in the Yemen war will be disclosed in the future. “We have other evidence of the Israeli military participation in the aggression, and it will be revealed in due course.” LINK
In late August of this year, it was revealed that the UAE occupying forces on the island of Socotra were planning to allow Israel establish intelligence facilities on the strategically located island.
According to the report, a delegation of Israeli and Emirati intelligence officers arrived on the Socotra Island very recently and examined various locations for establishing the planned intelligence bases. The purpose of such a base would be to collect intelligence across the region, particularly from Bab Al-Mandab and south of Yemen, along with the Gulf of Eden and the Horn of Africa. LINK
So what? is it forbidden to have a relations with an Arab country? the Houthis ofcourse hate it because they are an Iranian proxy, but regular Yemenis can only benefit from it.
in 2000 it was forbidden though, arab league and also internal populist opinion. the first normalization attempt was in 2002 by saudis, but didn’t live long
Maybee You should make Israel to a member of the Arabuc League. Many arabs live there.
Despite the popular belief, you are actually very correct. There is a significant minority of arabs in Israel, citizens of Israel, and its not only Druze. But i take you comment on joining arab league as a joke, which i assume it indeed is
Why Ali? why everywhere you come in the ME you bring problems? what is it with you guys? I’m not saying the Sunnis are angels but you have some deluded wish that everyone will bow down to you in region. Can’t you just live at your borders? Why do you come to other countries? are you some kind of a war junkies?
What are you talking about? we are only responding to your actions in the in ME. Your Quds force doesn’t stop or rest, always active in Sunni countries to provoke more wars between Shias and Sunnis. The funny thing is, the Arabs are falling into your trap and dying for you while you Persians just sit back and relax in Iran. If Nasrallah was smart he would tell you to fuck off from Lebanon, and allow Lebanon to sign a peace deal with us. If Assad was smart he would tell you to fuck off from Syria and won’t risk his throne thanks to your actions. You think you are smart, but Arabs won’t be your tools forever and one day the civil war will come to your streets aswell.
stfu if it wasn’t for iran , Beirut would be another jewish settelment for polish and ucranian jews. You are full of bullshit. Did you forget how your coward army tortured lebanese civilians in south lebanon? What peace you are talking about? There will be no peace with occupiers , because you should not exist and your country is just a smoke that will be desimated
You see my point? Iranians have brainwashed you to hate your Southern neighbour. We are not inside your land anymore, let go of the past. Let’s say you start another war, who will suffer? you or Iran?
Lebanese hate you because of your crimes during the occupation. Because of your constant threats to lebanese CIVILIANS! Because you violate their territory everyday!
Thats why they hate your ass, not because of iranian brainwashing.
Wtf kind of brainwashing was done to you?
You have a point there. Syria could find a compromise with the Jews and live peacefully,but then it’s the Goan question,would you return it to Syria?
I think both people have lost too many men to fight over it again, the best deal would be 50-50 on the Golan which would also secure our water sources. I think it’s fair.
So are you ready to change the name of Israel to palestine and remove jewish from Alquds and hand over to palestine. palestine wont mind if jews from EU stays. but will you allow all palestine to return . if you want peace. are your zionist ready to go back to 1948 UN mandate. the answer is no. so dont talk shit.
You talk alot considering the fact we kill you everyime you mess with us, better be quiet and know your place you rat.
Your place is at the bottom of the sea, after you filthy ZioNazi rats are driven out of Palestine.
Have patinece Mama Boy . i know Truth has hurt you bcuz it has entered from the front door. Regarding mess with zionist scum. 1000 hezbollah have shouwn your place in 2000 and 2006 which is in the sea of gutter. iam happy that i made you angry. and angry man is always a losing man.
Like always – while falsely blaming others – you somehow miss the key point.
Israel HAD a choice to go with Assad and a stable, multi-ethnic Syria.
As even you notorious liar know (yep – it has been widely discussed in Israeli media too), Israel decided to choose the opposite:
Help islamistic mass murderers with everything possible – money, logistics, health care (many wounded terrorists have received treatment in Israel before they were sent back for more terror – maybe you should instead better care for your own people), safe space, intelligence, propaganda, weapons & supplies, and even with AF (..Syrians learnt to spell “IAF” as “ISIS Air Force”) and AD.
And your zionist scum are doing same thing . supporting Terriost against syria iraq and iran and also yemeni . Alqaeda isil etc are all you slave and supported by your master with weopeond and logistic. the diffrence is only you fight to occupy other people resource . and ressitance fight to give diginity and take back stolen land from zionist scum like you. check all the report many people around the world and all type of religiuos people statrted to recoganise the true faith of islam from shia muslim. and they have understood why shia muslim are ressisting zionist scum and US . Sunni even today cal out loud the name of Imam ali and imam hussein. Thats why zonist and whabhi scum of GCC are shaking hands bcuz they know they fall is near. In sha Allah.
We will kill you when the time comes, and we will win you like we always do. The more you maek us mad, the more you will suffer you dog.
Look like you are going through Amnesia go to doctor and revive it . No zionist scum has ever defeated Shia muslim. infact they shia has rise more and more when zionist /Wahbhi scum has attacked them. From Battle of khayber to war in lebnon and iran in 1979 to war in iraq to 2000 and 2006 to syria and yemen. check the history Shia has risen and have reached your border. so its not deafeat its victory. and soon Battale of khayber 2 will be in israel so pack your bag and be ready to run toyour mama land of EU and US.
and one more thing iam always ready to crush your head if you ever decide to confront. and secound zionist women always ready to give themselve for free. we dont nned to spend money on them to buy bcuz they are tired of your zionist master.
Stop your threats, you don’t impress me. I will send you back to your shithole in pieces if you come facing me, understand? don’t bark here, come if you dare. I’ll fucking shoot your head off.
How do you know a ZioNazi is lying? He says or writes anything.
You, fiendish ZioNazi, are a liar, a fraud and a murderer. Nobody is provoking war except ZioNazi Israel and it’s best friend, Saudi Barbaria. Make no mistake, the world is on to your lies and war crimes, and you will pay the price.
you have a problem with the shia’s because they have the balls to stand up for your theivery. What borders you are talking about? You live in a stolen land , you have no borders. We dont negotiate with murderes or theives , we send them to oblivium or we die trying. And before questioning others why they come to other contries you hypocrate go to your mother country you stinky theives
I am at my country, and you can sign a peace deal us or start a war. But it won’t end well for you.
You are a pestilence, a plague, parasites squatting in Palestine….but not for much longer, the US is going down the toilet and you won’t last a month without their protection 1
They are promoting Wahhabis as true Muslims only covertly.
By ‘Sunnis’ you mean Wahhabis, don’t you?
No I don’t.
Yes, you do. And biggest supporter of Al Nusra and Isis came from Zionists. Period.
By ‘Sunnis’ the filth is referring as to Wahhabis. Not a word about Muslims. Old trick.
“Be the chosen ones” – that crack me up, thanks.
Never happen, the ZioNazi Jewish crimes against humanity are enabled by their constant and malicious lies. They know if the truth came out, their long plan to have a Zionist regime in Israel (annihilating all non-Jews per their satanic “bible”, 20 Deut. 16-18, and Communism everywhere else (i.e. to enslave the rest of the world, annihilating all nations which refuse to submit to Jewish totalitarian tyranny, 20 Deut. 10-15) will be defeated, so they keep up their constant stream of lies.
Were You there or had a video camera there.
How could anyone benefit by getting into bed with the devil ?….and I mean that literally !
Noone should enable the vicious, savage ZioNazis – instead they should be totally destroyed.
The supremacists with the big nose are now transparent, they can no longer carry out their vile crimes without ending up in the spotlight, the good times are over when they managed to act hidden in the shadows, their malfeasance is known to all, their allegeded intelligence is shown to all as greed and lack of morals.
Wow … powerful stuff there Lydon … lol
Feeling good … hyped up?
hondred procent true and confirmed
So what.
Zionist terrorists have their hands dirty en every conflict around the globe. From armenia, to syria , yemen, sudan etc .. their will be a day the gas canisters should be open again .. but this time nobody will sypatithize with you filthy dogs
‘This time’ ?
Come on Man ….
You see this? You see what corrupted Zionist regime does to Jews? Nobody’s gonna sympathize with you, he said. That is because of Zionists, sad.
Sympathize with the Jewish People?
Come on Man …
When did ANYONE sympathize with the Jews except for ‘a brief moment in time’ … November 1947
The Jews/Zionists/Israelis are SOVEREIGN and have outfitted a capable Armed Force … eh?
YOU wanna piece? YOU’RE gonna have to fight for it!
In fact, yes I do I really sympathize with Jewish horrendous sufferings. Yes I do. But I don’t sympathize with psychopathic Zionists, and their regime, and above all of that the way they think. I guess you wanna battles. Be shame on you.
If YOU sympathized / empathized with the Jewish People’s sufferings … you’d know the Great Powers recognized that as well and after WWI granted the Jewish People a Homeland in Palestine …
Yes, but it wasn’t fair, and given by who? Brits. Do they have right to give someone else someone elses land. No they don’t. As I said it wasn’t fair, and if Israel do not withdraw to the boundaries of 1967 won’t be working this way. By force, for sure no.
“It wasn’t fair’? The Jewish People were given the lands of their forebears … they’ve remained in place by force of arms … the Trump Plan is what’s available as starting points … autonomy on part of the WB … Major Jewish Settlement Blocs and Jordan Valley inside Israel … NO Jerusalem … Demilitarized Entity … economically viable … offsets offered
What would happen if we all would ask for lands of our ancestors? So for how long is your great nanny nanny out of Palestine? And who are actually “forebears” of that land? Why UK, they weren’t quite nice on you haven’t gave you part of, say Scotland, or say uninhabited Australia? Why Poland didn’t gave you lands or who ever did Holocaust. Palestinians haven’t done you wrong. Those weren’t Muslims. You’re talking and gonna bite your tail. Some Zionists even asked for Madagascar, or some lands in South America, those are not lands of your “forebears”. Balfour declaration. Enough said. Too much. Etc.
After WWI … the lands of the Ottoman Empire were divided up … the lands between the River and the Sea was to become a Jewish Homeland … that was the years 1920-1922 …. Treaty of Sevres … it’s international law …
After WWI many monarchies have collapsed and divided. Who have spoken on behalf of Zionists back then? Brits? No such term in international law as Occupied land. Holocaust happened after that. As I told you, you’re gonna bite your tail.
Who spoke in 1920-1922 for the Zionists?
The Great Powers (France / Britain / USA) spoke and assigned Mandate Palestine to Britain to establish a Jewish Homeland between the River and the Sea … AFTER consulting with the Arabs … eh?
The Holocaust happened in Europe just as the Palestine Mandate COULD HAVE been a place of refuge for the Jewish People … hello? Instead the Arabs made immigration impossible … sealing the fate of Europe’s Jews
Who gave them rights to do so? They should’ve gave Zionist part of Britain/USA/France. They have right to do so. And there’s no such thing as “occupied lands” in International public law. There was actually, but if land is grabbed but not by force or someone else. But there is Rei vindicatio to get land back. So Holocaust happened after that.
Huh? Keep studying English it will help …
Who gives fuck what you didn’t understand? Read my comment from above.
Right, then by your logic, you must move out because your on algonquin land.
See how your argument is stupid?
Logic betrays you concrete mind …
Don’t worry, the ZioNazis’ time will come.
Time is relentless …. lol
I live in the MOMENT … eh?
Whose winning so far?
I’m keeping score … eh?
You’re right, there wasn’t a “last time”, intelligent people know the Holohoax is a fairy tail spun by ZioNazi Jews and their ZioNazi “goy” dogs to obfuscate/justify their massive ongoing crimes against humanity.
The Intrnational Red Cross stared catagorically that 271,301 people died in the concentration camps, a mixture of Jews, Gypsies etc and that the 6,000,000 figure was pure fiction. The Jews have been using that 6,000,000 figure repeatedly from around 1850. If they keep on with their Satanic genocidal policies the may well get what they seem to wish for !
Holocaust denial? lol
Only anti-Judaism Haters believe you’re bs …
The Jews/Zionists/Israelis wished for a sovereign state … 72 + Years already … a military superpower … able to inflict pain and suffering on their enemies … sounds about right to me … eh?
I refuse to submit to the same zionists that nuked america on 9 11.
Your lies will catch up to you, once american folks learn it was zionists that perpetrated that ghastly crime.
Deny that asshole!
‘The Twilight Zone’ fringe characters believe that bs …
Come on Man … YOU’RE still trying to pitch that story? Really?
Wrong, only morrons like you buy the “official” story.
Your a gatekeeper, your lame ass pathetic job is to protect your masters.
I built and demo enough building to know, that little plans will not knock down skyscrapers.
The notion of aluminium planes peircing the steel skin of the WTC is laughable.
Rockwell hardness anyone?
The notion of the central.concrete.core getting.vaporized like it did, no rebar no concrete left, just because of a fire is laughable.
You know nothing of construction materials buddy.
Your a terrible gatekeeper.
I do have 1 question for you, how does chrystia freeland’s breast taste?
Enjoy your lockdown, we will be joining you soon!
Conspiracies abound in your CONCRETE head … eh?
YOUR special knowledge makes you feel real important … eh?
You can deny the truth as much as you like but back-copies of newspapers including the NYT have Jews screaming about 6.000,000 dead since 1845. The Internation Red Cross is respected worldwide and unlike the whinging Jews, have no reason to tell lies. The Holohoax was one massive deception and one thing Jews really fear is the truth….you can’t accept it yourself ! Yes, as a Satanic conglomeration of evil, you can and you have inflicted great pain and suffering….but that’s all you can do, promote pain and evil, nothing good or honourable ! Because you’ve acquired nuclear weapons doesn’t make you a superpower, Hezbollah, who only comprised of around 200 men in the 1970’s, made you run crying back to Palestine. You hide behind America’s shirt to shoot women and children….because you’re afraid to face men. Kissinger, the great Jew , guilty of multiple war-crimes, realised himself that the game was up and said Israel woudn’t exist past 2022…..time’s up……because the world has awakened to your satanic duplicity !
Holocaust Denial?
That’s what you’re selling? Failed bs from ‘white supremacists’ ‘neo-nazis’ ‘muslim slugs’?
YOU sound like a muslim slug … I like that … eh? The pain you feel won’t abate … you and your ilk will continue to suffer ‘ALL the days of your life’ …. I’m comforted by that .. eh?
You’re not very intelligent, are you?, my name….I don’t hide behind a pseudonym or alias, should tell you exactly where I’m from. but irrespective of that, I deal only in the truth, I’ve nothing to hide….everything I’ve stated here is easily factually checked on the internet. I’m not attacking you personally but stating facts about the Khazars/Zionists squatting on stolen land in Palestine and their ultimate demise….and that is imminent !
Your name? lol
You really are an ignoramus. At least I come from my own country, I’m not squatting on someone else’s land, I’m not despised worldwide, but that doesn’t really matter because you’ll be moving again shortly….you, after all, are from a nomadic band of thieves, renowned for lying, cheating and stealing.
What are y’all known for?
I spent 2 weeks golfing in Ireland a few short years ago … lol
Green and rural … the people were/are nice enough
They DEFINITELY have a ‘hard on’ for the Jewish State … though
Is that Catholic preaching or picking the ‘underdog’ ?
Yes, I deny lies are true. You say lies are true – so you are, what, a lie enabler? Malicious liar? Fraud?
Only anti-Judaism Haters believe you’re bs …
Nah, only cheek-spreading Jew worshipers believe the Holohoax fable.
But, now that you mention it, yes, Judaism is a perversely evil, savage, barbaric religion. The Jewish beast-got, Yahweh, death be upon it, orders Jews to commit genocide in Greater Israel (today, it’s called Zionism) and Jews to enslave the rest of the planet (today, it’s called Communism). It’s all in 20 Deut. 10-18. Read it. And of course there is vastly more barbarity in that shit religion, the most evil religion on the planet.
So sure, I hate Judaism, because it is profoundly evil, just like I hate it’s offspring, Communism. And you love it, because you are profoundly evil. I’m glad we understand each other.
Holocaust fake news? Not according to Icarus Tanovic …
You see what Zionist have achieved? People are questioning Holocaust. Isn’t that really bad? I think it is.
Speak YOUR truth to NWOD
Washington, DC/east coast recon op non CCW jurisdiction security system build.
TSA Transport Case
I think that DC and NYC are the only places that I know of in the 48 states that require firearms registration for long guns. But a number of east coast states restrict handguns and more advanced long guns. So something simpler like a folding shotgun works in those areas.
“Possession of firearms
In District of Columbia, all firearms, except some black powder firearms, must be registered with the police, by the terms of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975.
The same law also prohibited the possession of handguns, even in private citizens’ own homes, unless they were registered before 1976. However, the handgun ban was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller. The Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment acknowledges and guarantees the right of the individual to possess and carry firearms, and therefore D.C.’s ban on handguns was unconstitutional.[7]
Following the Heller decision, the Council of the District of Columbia enacted a set of rules regulating the possession of handguns and long guns in citizens’ homes. Reductions were made to the DC laws in 2012 and 2015 under threat of lawsuits from gun owners and prospective gun owners.[8] On September 18, 2015, a federal appeals court struck down some parts of the District’s gun registration law as unconstitutional, while upholding other parts of the law.[9][10]
In addition to each firearm being registered with the police, the rules require that applicants undergo an NCIC background check and submit to fingerprinting. The firearms registry photographs the applicant. Applicants must take an online gun safety course. Applicants must also declare at what address it will be kept. Each firearm is registered to an individual only, meaning couples who wish to own firearms must purchase two separate firearms. Handgun registrants must be at least 21 years old. Long gun registration is allowed for persons 18–21 years of age with a NCIC qualified adult co-registering. Handgun models are limited to any handgun appearing on any one of the California, Massachusetts, Maryland or DC Police “approved rosters” by make/model. Long guns are controlled by an allowed/not-allowed attributes list. Non residents, with a place of business or employment in DC may register a firearm to be maintained at that place of business or employment.[11][12][13]
There is a 10-day waiting period from purchase of firearm to possession.”
– Gun laws in the District of Columbia –
This is the current reciprocity on my Utah CCW permit.
“Jonathan Clingerman, a D.C. police detective and member of Northern Virginia Archers, says you can transport your bow in the city “with no issues.””
– What are the rules about archery in D.C.? Is there anywhere in the District you can legally go to shoot a bow and arrow? –
I think there are laws that state that citizens of any state can be considered a resident of DC! There’s a guy talking about that on YT, sovereignty something, sorry can’t remember exactly.
Sounds like a color of law issue. I’ve driven 2 million miles over the past 46 years and had hundreds of encounters with law enforcement. My class A CDL has been clean for the entire 20 years that I’ve had it.
I’m not interested in arguing sovereign citizen claims in court. Or even going to court if I can avoid it. I’ve also had a number of non violent gun interactions with LE. Including confiscations, of which involved being cited for anything or going to court. They run a records check or do a ballistics test to see if it’s clean, and then I’m cleared to recover the item.
Of course, I just thought you’d be interested, or at least curious.
The form that you have to fill out requires an address. If there is a law like that. Citing it wouldn’t result in the permit being approved. And would just lead to controversy and a law suit if you wanted to try to get it approved on that basis. The chances of winning it and getting the permit approved are extremely remote at best. For what you’d pay in legal fees you could rent an apartment. And how the existing law defines part time vs primary residence I don’t know. But yes, it is an interesting concept. Though I don’t know what practical applications it would have. If such a law even exists.
On some of these sovereign citizen claims. They misrepresent what they’re using as the basis for their claims. Or if the law does basically say what they say that it does. It’s conflicted by other laws that say something different. And courts have ruled against it. Most of these people are nutty.
none of which
Yeah, since we are having visits from Jews and their freinds of ISISrael, I have rolled out the cannons.
Listen, what I am going to link this time may fry some brains, and even worse, make havoc on the truth about the Torrah/ the Old Testament belivers and about thos that claim they are Jews, and ignores the truth, but when thats said, I agrees with this link regarding Christianity and the issue about whom is the so called Israelits, because whatever you think it is, most of it is flatout forgerys, and lies, historical distortions and so on, but when you open this link the other problem is that this is be large written by an Afro-American basket case, and have an perspetion regarding the rest of world history so far out I find it directly hillariously insane, and like White people are an natural abdomination because we are by this man, an result of Lepracy witch turned people white and also because of an curse, and whites are by His defention bleeched blacks, and so on, and this man have the f…. nerves to drool something about historical forgerys and lies, but apart from those issues, the rest is good, and I belive its the truth, and it also are about Yemen, and Etiophia the homeland of the Torrah, because everything about the Levante is what is he lie, and whom is the real Jews.
Its sad that we have to endure bullshitting in such an large scale, not only from europeans but also from blacks them self, etc, also coming from this that attacks the present when they them self serve nonsense, the North African region, like the Mediterain sea, was never Blacks, and people like the Berbers are genuine euopeans by that witch even I am linked to, going back to time immemorial, but the African Horn is something else, and so on. And I dont belive in this nonsense about 10-12 whatever Israeli tribe nonsense at all, not for an second, its pure bullshit, period, but Africans and Blacks have been in and among europeans since the dawn of man, and also in the South of America, and so on, I belive that is true, by sea faring and trade, globalism isnt something invented in the 70s, it dates back to time immemorial, since you also find white peoples traces in Africa to, incl central Africa. I could find so much wrong on this writing but thats not why I link to it, because its about the Bible, if you read that, I am 100% with this man, the rest is pure black racism, over the top lonacy and bullshitting. Like the “Swedish” that eh…. think Vikings where Blacks. If you get what I mean. And some more eh… history, about the truth, the present uh…. Jews are by large an babylonian cult, and they have the Talmud as their guiding rule, they are the ones whom created the fake Torrah perseption you think is true, witch it is not.
And while we are at documents, the real deal, most people like to have opinions on things and issues, what most of them have in comon, is that they never have read whatever they are claiming or debating, infact most dont even know, but what if you one day read the issue, would that change everything, with all the pre.consepts already in place, would it, huh. The Protocols of the learned elders of Zion. http://www.whale.to/b/protocols.html#INTRODUCTION_
Have an nice day.
The saudi admin are in a panic. Their pipeline port wish list isn’t going according to plan. Those at the top are used to getting what they want and will start to fight amongst themselves when they can’t.
Heads will roll, as usual.
it’s been obvious for some time that the jews are meddling in Yemen on the saudi side. truly shameful. just one issue remains to be settled in the ME, a one state palestine alternative with palestine as the one state reacquiring the land the brits and the disunited states of A allowed the jews to steal. the jews have in every respect forfeited the right to remain in palestine and the middle east! either diaspora 2.0 or 6 feet under for the lot of them!