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MARCH 2025

Houthis Showcase Devastating Losses Of Saudi-backed Forces In Yemen

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The Houthis’ media wing continues showcasing devastating losses of Saudi-backed forces in the Yemeni conflict.

Houthis Showcase Devastating Losses Of Saudi-backed Forces In Yemen

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Houthis Showcase Devastating Losses Of Saudi-backed Forces In Yemen

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Houthis Showcase Devastating Losses Of Saudi-backed Forces In Yemen

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Houthis Showcase Devastating Losses Of Saudi-backed Forces In Yemen

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Houthis Showcase Devastating Losses Of Saudi-backed Forces In Yemen

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Houthis Showcase Devastating Losses Of Saudi-backed Forces In Yemen

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Houthis Showcase Devastating Losses Of Saudi-backed Forces In Yemen

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Houthis Showcase Devastating Losses Of Saudi-backed Forces In Yemen

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They should show Greta Thunberg these images. These Saudis litter plastic and rubbish like cats and dogs shed hair. Oh wait, she doesn’t care. She only goes REEEEEEEEEEEEE amd HOW DARE YOU about what the West does..


shut up you silly toad!

Ivan Freely

The Houthis don’t even need outside help in getting supplies. It’s all provided by Saudi Arabia and friends. LOL

opet ja

Yes, maybe they can even export the arms, so many of it lol

Zionism = EVIL


Zionism = EVIL

In this battle alone, the Ansarallah destroyed, captured and damaged over 150 vehicles, artillery pieces and armor. The lost battle cost the Saudi morons over $2 billion in one hit.


Assad must stay

i love the houthi chant/battle cry lol

Zionism = EVIL


Damien C

The worrying thing for the Saudi regime aside from their costly unintentional arming of the Houthi is that these were very defenable psitions with all the equipment needed to exactly that.

Yet it appears that their men fled at the first sign of battle, there seems to be no spent shell casings at any of the positions and some guns were still covered up indicating that they had no stomach for a fight and fled instead

Zionism = EVIL

They even gifted brand new ammo laden trucks to the Zaidis. BTW, this was their 8th armored brigade, considered “elite” by Saudi standards.


Ivan Freely

Mercenaries are only loyal to their pay check and most wouldn’t sacrifice their own life for it.


What a useless Saudi Army, the worst of all Arab states. How can you lose those positions with all that equipment? their fighters just run from the battlefield. Next wars in Gaza and Lebanon we will show the Arabs how we Israelis fight, no one will stay alive there.


They Learned from their Zionist buddies how to run.


We don’t run Issam, we IDF soldiers follow orders from the government. The sad fact is that your coward Lebanese government always begs for a ceasefire once we start, but doesn’t do shit to stop Hezbollah. Next war let’s see who’s going to run, I promise you it won’t be us as long as we have our greenlight to advance.


repeating the same lie will not make a reality. “we IDF soldiers follow orders from the government” like a true sheeple. I don’t wont to ruin this tread, we had this conv for like 8 times xD


We did, and I always told you I don’t wanna kill inocent civilians. But Hezbollah and their supporters in Southern Lebanon that help them hide rockets in their houses to kill Israelis, are all a legit targets for me.


I don’t think this was never the case for Hezbollah, the Palestinian resistance are the one who does that, but we both know that those missiles does little damage to none.


and they always lunch rockets as a retaliation, they never initiate.


Israeli intel clearly says 200 villages in SL are hosting rockets for the day they need to be used against Israeli civilians. Hamas and Hezbollah share the same tactic, to hide in civilian houses. Thus, any village that is being used for that will be hit.

Zionism = EVIL

Hiding behind Americunts, living off western charity and then having the gall to tell lies. No wonder the world wants to get rid of you roaches again.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass JEW PUNK, buy a map, all of Lebanon does not have 200 villages. South of Litani there are 25 villages and nothing more than 2,000 people each and Tyre is the only city. I know the area like the back of my hand, you JEW PUNK LIAR WANKER :)



“Israeli intel” if you’ve read what you’r zionists governments have said, you wouldn’t be saying dumb comments like that.




xD proving the point, well smartass, the IDF targeted every house in SL why did the missiles never stopped ?


did you check the map? 85 villages are civilian ones. And we didn’t target all the houses exactly for that reason – we could have killed many more Lebanese if we did it. But as you can see, Hezbollah uses it.

Zionism = EVIL



Oh god, you are being dumb right now. ever heard of guerrilla warfare ? : Mountains and bunkers


Hamas style? make us kill many Gazans so the world can sanction us? good tactic I admit.


what ? wtf !? haha…


Issam, we both know we can’t convince each other. But just to make it clear, if they use SL in order to kill Israeli civilians, don’t be surprised if we do the same. Gotta go now, we can discuss about it later.

Zionism = EVIL

Burger King is opening soon, kitchen needs help :)


You don’t discuss, you spew out garbage you stupid animal.


no more arguments huh ? you start spewing nonsense.


2014 you attempted to invade Gaza, and after more then 70 IDF dead you retreated like the little cowardly punks you Israelis are, despite all the civilians your settler shit state killed. Not only is killing civilians like you boast is pathetic and cowardly, its also militarily useless.

Which shows you know nothing of the military despite you bull shit claims. Grade A shit for brains who blocked me because you got nothing to really say idiot and all around big mouthed coward.

Zionism = EVIL

The PUNK lives in California and you are arguing with him :) not too smart.

Zionism = EVIL

ROFLMAO. Hasbara hired a teenage PUNK comedian. This is too much…..

Simon Ndiritu

Your Civilians and Civilian Infrastructure will also be hit, It will be a tit-for-tat thing

Zionism = EVIL

Big talk from a hooked nosed PUNK hiding in slutty Jew mommy’s basement. These hasbara arseholes are a hoot and real desperate now.


isn’t the point of hasbara is to make them look good ?

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, hasbara was created to paint a glowing picture of the Zionist child killers and liars and its intended audience was western. Now they are focusing on Arabs in the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabia. They glorify Jew “achievements” and other fake narrative. Another tactic is to deflect from the exposure of Zionist crimes against Palestinians and Arabs.



In your previous post you have boasted in wanting to kill civilians, women and children, quit worming your way out of your own stupidity idiot.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass JEW PUNK, who are you kidding arsehole :)

Zionism = EVIL



You certainly did run in 2006 and 2014.

Zionism = EVIL


Wayne Nicholson

“How can you lose those positions with all that equipment?”

By hiring mercenaries. Soldiers lay down their lives to defend their land and their people …. not so much for a paycheque.

“Next wars in Gaza and Lebanon we will show the Arabs how we Israelis fight, no one will stay alive there.”

Given the right training, weapons and leadership Arabs will fight just as well as Israeli’s. Assuming there is some Israeli gene that makes them better fighters is good for moral but complete bullshit. Sure the ol’ master race thing worked for the nazi’s back in the day but modern Israeli’s wouldn’t fall for that old chestnut would they? Everyone in every war believes that the enemy is sub human and god is on their side.


The thing about us Israelis Wayne, is that we don’t have the option to lose like the Arabs. Every war we had and will have, is for life or death. That’s why unlike Arabs, we don’t run away from the battlefield, if we do so we betray our families and our own people that trust us. I’d rather die from a bullet than run away cowardly, that is what we are trained for.

Wayne Nicholson

Exactly ….. it’s not the man in the fight but the fight in the man that counts. Which is why intentionally targeting civilians even as an act of revenge is a bad idea. All you are doing is giving them a reason to fight.


Don’t bother flacid zion can’t be talked to reasonably, these troll pond scum from the Israeli special needs mossad employment office can’t be reasoned with. Just made miserable enough until they give up and leave.

Simon Ndiritu

Hezbollah shown you that they are more motivated than you are, have remarkable weapons and quite agile. It is unwise for Israel to attempt any provocation there as it will end in tears.


Just like they did in Lebanon i 2006.. You forgot to mention, the Israeli’s ONLY fight wars they know they can win. Lebanon 2006 was a real shock, they thought they’d win, lol

Concrete Mike

I heard the same quacking before, the best was just before the kurdish referendum in 2017.

There wont be next wars, as the war you desire is not winnable.

We have been through this, put the sword down thats enough of that, it solves nothing, mayter of fact it shows we are but mere apes, busily spending all our times and ressaources killing each other.

You guys are pathetic and you disgust me.

You can call me Al


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