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MARCH 2025

Houthis Showcase Military Equipment Captured From Saudi-led Forces In Recent Offensive

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The Houthis (Ansar Allah) released a video showing military equipment that they had captured from Saudi-led forces during their recent advance in the northern part of Saadah.

Houthis Showcase Military Equipment Captured From Saudi-led Forces In Recent Offensive

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Kell McBanned

Outstanding! Id love to see a map with the borders on it so I can see whats going on where, looks from that map that it was a Saudi incursion into Yemen that was ambushed not a Yemani attack on Saudi Arabia?


The border is marked on this map. The white line about 1/4 from the top which separates the area with a red (or green in left side) tint in the south (controlled by Saudi coalition/Hadi forces) from the area with no tint to north (KSA proper). So you’re correct, the liberated area (blue) is inside Yemen border in Sa’ada.

Kell McBanned

Yep I thought that was it but was seeing reports all this happened in Saudi – I see Jihadi map has been finally updated and shows the two locations of the ambush and shows all the area up to the border in red.

Kell McBanned


Kell McBanned

Looks like Najaren is within their sights now

Zionism = EVIL

Najran is historically Yemeni land and was ceded by the devious Brits to reward their Wahhabi puppets. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3acf4d1fad9968990a716039f9399762c7f8f3f744b46691e3baf6cc0e530213.jpg


This will be difficult as the Houthi’s advance beyond the mountains into the desert so more exposed to air attacks. Still I read in other articles the Saudi Air Force is barely flying due to lack of maintenance, but expect US / UK engineers to come in and support the Saudi’s on this (at their tax payers expense) to get their Air Force up and bombing again.


‘jihadi map’ ??

Zionism = EVIL



Different area from the prior vids, less mountainous, there are several araes of the battle…en toto it looks well documented that a force in excess of 1000 has been routed, 290 prisoners of Yemeni origin were repatriated yesterday..doubt Houthi can sustain large pows as to food over a long time…there will be others. 20 Toyotas in the vid might relate to a few companies of Saudi forces, when combined with the apcs etc. A demi brigades remains will be spread over multiple battlefields. Houthi claims are gathering decent documentation.

Lena Jones

They released the Yemeni POWs back to their tribes and villages cuz the Houthis, as they advance, need to have these border tribes as allies. Most of the Yemeni POW’s joined the saudi forces not out of ideology, but for economic reasons. What was happening was that the saudi airforce was intentionally bombing factories on the border, rendering workers there unemployed, then stepping in to offer these workers jobs as mercenaries.


Thanks. Main point is that there is enough material from different areas now to support the Houthi claim about the destruction or rout of a large force. There are nay sayers.


It was noticeable that all the released Saudi regime POW’s looked well fed and all were in clean clothing.

I would doubt that Houthi POW’s in Saudi jails are in good health after torture sessions etc.

Uncle Meat

It actually brings me to tears to see how more civilized (anyone is more civilized than the Saud regime, still) gentle, how they care for even their enemy POW’s, ie dressing their wounds, bandaging them up, what you stated, well fed, in clean clothing (despite the embargo, etc). Reading Taxi expressing compassion for the mercs that the Houthi’s rounded up the other day (Platosguns.com), and discussed further in comments, got me emotional to know there are genuine, compassionate humans out there in warfare (aside from what went on with Iraq, ie Abu-Ghraib, and Guantanamo Bay, plenty other instances going back to Vietnam, and the treatment of German POW’s post-WWII.. I believe in general, even common US military grunts also have something of compassion in their hearts for their enemies (maybe with the thick propaganda removed, ie subhuman, untermensch bs even more so).


It just goes to show what complete scumbags Western Leaders are. They are two cowardly to lead from the front, and instead arm and supply sociopaths , psychopaths and common criminals from all over the globe to subdue the citizens of countries that the Western elites covet.


Hard to get out of their embassies in one piece never mind POW camp.

Concrete Mike

Hahaha good one!!


Obvious bit of humor but sad too. They jump on Trump for going after the opposition, in SA they just chop of their heads. Our boys need to go die for them, like how?

Uncle Meat

Good comment. Just was reading this late last night on a walk (not sleeping well lately) over at Platosguns.com Good site, with good commentary especially. I notice someone from there, Sparrow, comments here. Love how interconnected we all are.

TAXI says: Sparrow,

Saudi military was intentionally bombing factories in Saudi and Yemeni border towns, thus rendering working men there unemployed, then stepping in and offering these men jobs as (untrained) mercenaries on the front line of battles.

Yes, these POWs are victims too.


Essentially the same tactic the US has employed. Offshore industry resulting in mass unemployment, never mind fake statistics. More fodder for the cannons.

Uncle Meat

Yes! That amazed me also, Russia’s diplomatic (exiling) tactics vs outright destruction of everyone incl. civilians ala US vs Raqqa.


Fairly obvious US tactics amount to a racist genocide. They don’t even mind when their allies are slaughtered, just don’t cut the profit flow, oil! As with the near complete quiet about the loss of 3 brigades.


Taxi speaks Arabic so nothing lost in translation to videos or commentary I would otherwise never understand. Great benefit to open western eyes and ears. Freedom of censor is allowed there albeit Taxi’s profound way of analyzing and ‘straightening the arrow’ so to speak…otherwise welcomed to further understanding. Living in Hezb territory you feel you are right there too getting a better knowledge of how the resistance really works.

Zionism = EVIL

Factual statement, at one stage almost 40% of Saudi shitheads military was made up of Yemeni tribals. Now all have turned on the Saudi scum due to their indiscriminate bombing of Yemen’s civilians and infrastructure.


I am guessing some of the videos are from the large Wadi Fara area above the blue area on map. N Yemen probably releases info and maps after the fact, for tactical reasons. From evidence presented, it appears that a Saudi coalition Brigade has been taken out. :))


Not much uproar about all the lost gear and people. Obviously it is recorded as a loss but the right guys profit even more no matter whos gear is lost. Seems the main goal is for brown people to die.

Kell McBanned

Well 90% of the planet is Brown so I guess anywhere anything happens brown people will die.

Zionism = EVIL

Another 10% is Yellow, mostly Americunts and filthy Zionists :)


Good point. Don’t Military Vehicles have driver recognition tech to prevent use by the enemy or even self destruction if none authorised driver tries to use it? My old mobile phone and website logons has more sophisticated user controls than these military vehicles.


Too many things could go wrong seems to me. Have often thought the same. Even booby traps often wind up getting innocents. Liability issues too! Hackable? Oh see now you were probably responding to Rodger.


Thanks good explanation. Yep, you do not want tech going wrong on yourself! Would not be the first time.


Interesting that we think about the same thing though. Maybe it’s because I grew up near an area that used to be called bomb city USA. Car bombs were the preferred MO. Capturing an enemy vehicle I would assume it would either blow up or be totally traceable. I think TV and movies planted these seeds. They portray authorities as omniscient and all seeing, exactly how they want to be portrayed. The US is on a long tear of proving incompetence.


Yeah, the Yemen/Houtis have shown, not only by verbaly claiming virtue, but shown thru acting, an superiour high morale ground, and I agrees with some coments, some Saudi-barbarian forces and the POWs to witch extent is unknown was Yemens, and have been given freedom, since they have been forced into an war, on pure nescsity of survival in an region with little or no way of having an income, since that is been crushed by the enemy of the Yemen people, an scorched earth tactics and this fighting force knows they end up with facing their own, its not an easy choice, but what to do when the options arent there at all, mercy, is an guiding line in the teachings of Islam, and and the Yemens/Houtis have shown by this, to be real Muslims.

What comes next, I sincerly hope the Arab world watches as learns, what you indeed can do, to an so called superious force, even in numbers and gears, and hopefully this will inspire other fractions to see the light, this, Arabs, was due to the inherited wisdom and genuine use of knowledge, and what you can achive with it, and fight the scums of this earth. Its not that important to what the UssA/ISISrael eventually have and what they suposedly is capable off, when the entire region rises, they have nothing, the week dictaorial western bitches will sucomb in an hart beat, we all know that, and they will, the majore problem is the house of the Saudi-barbarians, once removed, the rest will follow, since most are backed by the UssA/Brits/France, and/or be given an offer they simply cant refuse, and the west, witch is already crumbling, in scams after scams will do nothing, and what can the UssA then do, when the risk is total destrction of the terror state Israel.

Unfiy, Arabia, and you have won, the force of man, the scums fear, is an unifyed Arab world. Or your grand children will have to continue in an never ending spiral, this time, the tide can be turned. Time has come, Arabs, to take an stand. Fight for freedom or be an slave. May the Lord whom is merciful and benelovent, continue to bless the Yemen people and enlighten them further in their fight for their people and land, this, Arabs, is our/your duty, if you want to claim you are an True Muslim (and also to others). Never give in and never give up.


Zionism = EVIL

Saudi shitheads have lost half a billion dollars worth of equipment in one defeat. Imagine their fate against Iran :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5ee5081030d63a21485dd0cbe81fe083d24aa8296fa5fc22ba91fe0587a43c15.jpg


{dreams of a Houthi march on Riaad}

Imagine the shock to the system if the Houthis were to take the Saudi capital and depose the house of Saud. Ushering in a Shia regime for Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia now part of the Shia crescent would be an earth shattering event. It would end the petro dollar and bring down the Western economy. Bad for us too who live in the West. Still, you can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs.


Saudi Arabia is majority Sunni, so I don’t think that would happen. Some decent Sunni brothers being in charge who aren’t Wahabbi will be just fine!

Zionism = EVIL

There is growing internal unrest in the family run Saudi pimpdom and the best thing would be a non-sectarian overthrow of the regime. Only a real democracy and secular reform can save the Saudis, or we will end up with an Iran style mullah theocracy which is sectarian and destabilizing by nature. Imagine where Iran would have been today, if the mullahs had not hijacked the popular Iranian revolution in 1979. Some the best brains left Iran. The Saudis have no real civil society so if the Iranian mullahs were smart, they should support the exile dissident Saudi groups who are now increasingly being supported by western intelligence agencies who want to cover all bets.


Iraq was predominantly Shia and that didn’t stop Saddam Hussein and his Sunni clan to rule the country for decades, until the US deposed him. Similarly it didn’t stop the Shia Fatimids from controlling Sunni North Africa including Egypt for 3 centuries. Including Mecca and Medina for a while. And Bahrain is also in majority Shia, being ruled by a Sunni leader.

As long as a Shia ruler of Saudi Arabia rules wisely, and makes sure everyone shares in the oil wealth, I think he will be accepted by most in Saudi Arabia. Except for the diehard Wahabbists of course. But whether the Saudi secret police oppresses diehard Wahabbists or the Shia population around the Persian Gulf is basically just a matter of changing some jumper settings on the system.

Kell McBanned

They should take their old provinces back Najaren, Asir and jizan and take the coast all the way to Mecca/Medina. Leave Riyad dustbowl to the Wahabis. As Saudi collapses the Shia will take the Oilfields on the Gulf.

Michael Dwyer

I am from the United States I am sorry for what the government here is doing in Yemen.


Me too


Better check those things for GPS-trackers very very thoroughly.

Zionism = EVIL

I am more concerned about bone saws, the Saudi shitheads could not even see a swarm of drones coming :) let alone install GPS on land cruisers….



How can the Houthi’s just drive away these captured Military Vehicles? Do they not have any user recongnition tech like finger print, facial recognition that is available on all mobile phones these days, to prevent use in case of capture? With tech were it is today, military vehicles should have self destruct functionality in case of capture by the enemy? Bizarre the enemy can just drive them away.


Much of the equipment is just a deterrent and was never intended to be used by the Saudi’s undermanned and disorganised joker army.

It was all for a superficial show of strength and now that the Houthis have shown the Saudis abject weakness for the world to see, Iran’s armed forces and diplomats must be laughing at the comedy.

I hope Trump lets them loose and dumps the petro dollar deals that ties them to the US…but that is just a hope.


Thanks good point. Yep Toyota pickups not exactly power military equipment, but will certainly be useful to the Houthis to get around.

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