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MARCH 2025

Houthis Storm Fortified Saudi Border Post With Ladders (Video)

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On March 10, Houthi fighters conducted a hit and run attack against a border post of the Saudi Army in the al-Dabiea area at the Yemeni-Saudi border in the Saudi province of Najran, according to the Yemeni al-Masirah TV. Several Saudi Army soldiers were reportedly killed and injured in the attack. Moreover, the Houthis burned down the border post after storming it.

Al-Masirah released a video of the attack. The video shows how the Houthis had stormed the fortified al-Dabiea border post with ladders. The Houthis used the same approach to storm the same position on January 10.

During the Houthis attack, Apache attack helicopters of the Saudi Army targeted Houthi fighters around al-Dabiea. However, the Saudi attack helicopters failed to repel the attack or even to cover the Saudi soldiers withdrawing from the area, according to al-Masirah.

The Saudi-led coalition claimed on March 10 that it had killed 30 Houthi fighters and had cleared wide areas in the Yemeni province of Saada, south of the Saudi province of Najran. However, the recent attack on al-Dabiea shows that most of these claims were just propaganda.

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Promitheas Apollonious

I think by now SArabians realize the error in their actions. On the other hand, what worries me, is that all Middle eastern people and not only becoming veterans of a very dirty war and that make them extremely dangerous, especially the ones who found `refuge` in europe and now, all it takes is the green light and europe becomes worst than middle east.

This will end as a very bloody war, and there is no need for nuclear weapons when all killing each other in towns and villages.


Nonsense. The one who went to europe obviously aren’t the one’s fighting the war in ME, so they can’t be veterans.

Promitheas Apollonious

the ones who went to europe are part of the recruiting groups of Isis or how ever you want to name them. In syria mostly left behind the mercenaries and local native armies, as is the case of SAA.

If you think in europe just passed just civilians, running away form war, then you have no idea what is happening in europe. And 90% that come across was and are of military age.


ISIS is USA. Sunnis can do shit without west government support. The so-called “terrorist attacks” in the west are only justifications to invade Syria. If they don’t do these false flags, they have no justification to “fight” ISIS in Iraq and Syria.


Also, Europe can say “No, we don’t want these so called refugees”. But, if they don’t enter, the west can’t make false flags. And like Europe gov are in bed with USA, they let them enter and the circle is complete.

The dots are connected.


Promitheas Apollonious

bla bla. The refugees in europe as they call them have not come to europe on their own have a lot of assistance form the turks and Soros funding and his MKO or activist or……….. and they been imported in europe as part of the bigger plan of NWO.

Your mentality is a little above a 5 year old, so go play with your toys or something.


It’s very strange to say what I say but don’t understand it. XD.

The question is why European gov let them in ??? So stop blaming the refugees and start blaming your gov who are obviously terrorist organizations.

Promitheas Apollonious

I blame none dinky bell.

Blaming and bull shitting from the keyboard, is for people like you, with low mentality. SO…… blame someone.

Seen what is happening and understanding it and getting ready is another thing. is not the time yet. I am not from the people who believe in dialog or want to prevent war. The only thing that can clean this planet is a total war either them or us.

So we watch and wait.


“We or us”. Like Bush. XD.


Yup…..bring it on….them want us to start for an excuse….. let them start…..

Igor Dano

because the governments are blackmailed and bribed.


Seems that way to me also.

Promitheas Apollonious

if you are in europe and are from the idiots who been market for change of their demographics, then watch them how they are organized, all have 3-4 mobiles each from the most expensive brand and also dont seem to be hard in cash, then are the soldiers of them who work the streets.

They work in groups and take over the streets every where they go. lets see who will prevail, when the moment of truth has the green light. Where we are we are fully organized and ready for any eventuality.


We should not worry about Europe after all they reap what they sowed by supporting sanctions against Syria all these years and as part of coalition.

Of these Terrorist friends of theirs are to go to Europe to cause trouble they deserve it.

Who cares for hypocrites

Igor Dano

seems you are from Israel’s vassal colony in North America.


The ones that went back to Europe….came mostly from Europe…when Assad started winning because the Russian jumped in 2015 (what a coincidence, a Big Mass of Refugees) they blended in with the refugees. It was also a nice moment to send in some Sleeper Cells for Future Operations. The AngloZioNazis like to plan things ahead….sometimes Generations Ahead….

Igor Dano

nonsense, what you say. those are the same people. They are a tribal people, organized other way, then our society in Europe. They will kill us all, and replace white race by mohameds only.

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Igor Dano

do you have your weapon at home? no? then go out and buy AK47. To talk only is not good enough.


Are “refugees” going to Russia ??? No.

But, the west, with all their hypocritical behaviour say “Come on refugees, come to the free world. We are so nice you are welcome. While they are bombing and make conspiracies agaisnt them”. XD



Yeah well that’s the Elite’s plan for Globalisation isn’t it? Undermine their own peasants so they get a cheaper and more compliant slave workforce. But….there have been a few hiccups in their plans and they may end up creating problems for themselves.


Yes. Corporations want people who work for nothing. Germany made refugge job for 1 euro an hour.

Google “Germany puts refugees to work … for one euro”. Basically, the man in the article make 160 euros a month !!!! XD These refugees are so stupid. It’s called KARMA. They have NO FUTURE there.

But, I don’t see the hiccups you are talking about. Everything is doing fine for the globalists. Their plan is developped in due time.


The hiccup is their plans have been exposed by wikileaks, the US lost Syria, the TPP was scrapped, Russia has demonstrated a ferocious defence capability, US LNG is a fail as Europe still depends on Russian gas, the US dollar is fast losing relevance, NATO countries are buying Russian weapons to edge away from the US, etc. etc. etc.


Water is flowing through the hole, blame the water from flowing to the hole, not those who made the hole. XD.

I want A and not A at the same. I’m stuck. I don’t understand contradictions. XD.


Hypocrits get butthurt. it’s called KARMA.


“Come on refugees, come to the free world. Here, we are free. We have free speech and freedom. Not like dictartoships you live in. Oh, leave Assad. He is such an awful dictator and come to daddies Bush, Blair, Obama, Madeleine Albright, Clinton, Hollande, …. real heros to world. Albright won the Medal of freedom, Hollande, the best president of the world price and Obama the nobel price.” XD.



And you are wondering if KARMA is bad. No, KARMA is good. KARMA is balancing the world so that bad people and bad behaviour get burtthurt. If there is no KARMA, the world became unbalanced. For example, USA doing 9/11 and don’t get burthurt. That’s lead to dictatorship and sky is the limit of lies, conspiracies, murders and destruction. But, the KARMA is never far away. Americans are paying 9/11 and other conspiracies by letting their freedom go away.

KARMA si like impartiality. KARMA is with nobody.


“Come on refugees. We have jobs for you. 1 euro an hour.” XD.

Refugees Paid One Euro an Hour by German Employment Program


Instead of being engineers in their country and help their country some stupid people prefer to be dustmen or cut potatoes for 1 euro an hour in the west. XD.


So, tell me if their leaders are stupid or if they are stupids !!!


Also. Most immigrants want to go to Germany, on of the most competitive country in the world. As if you will compete with Germans !!! XD. An immigrant stand no chance agaisnt a German. Americans struggle to compete with Germans. So, refugees will have only the low wage jobs.


An escalade bigod,

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