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How a U.S. Colony Works: The Case of Germany

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How a U.S. Colony Works: The Case of Germany

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Written by Eric Zuesse

On 15 July 2022, Britain’s Reuters news agency headlined “70% of Germans back Ukraine despite high energy prices, survey shows”, and reported that “Some 70% of those polled backed Germany’s support for Ukraine, … found the survey conducted between July 12-14 by broadcaster ZDF.” ZDF is funded by the German Government — German taxpayers. 

Germany’s AfD Party is one of the two Parties in Germany that are less than enthusiastically backing Germany’s anti-Russia position, the other such Party being “Die Linke” or “The Left” Party, which is Germany’s only socialist democratic Party, despite West Germany’s “Social Democratic Party” calling itself “democratic socialist” while being neither.

The AfD Party issued a press release, on 25 August 2022, “Stephan Brandner: Skandalöse „Politische Filter” beeinflussen NDR-Berichterstattung” or “Stephan Brandner: Scandalous ‘political filters’ influence NDR reporting.” It reported that Mr. Brandner, who is an AfD Member of the German Parliament, said that

After the self-service affair about the now hated RBB director Schlesinger, reminiscent of feudal structures, an online magazine now reports that employees on North German radio complain about ‘political filters’ from their superiors. According to the report …, public service broadcasting executives act like ‘ministerial press officers’. … 

As an AfD politician I am not surprised. After all, ARD and ZDF only report on the AfD with a ‘political filter’ and, for example, no longer invite AfD politicians to talk shows. … Compulsory contributions [by taxpayers, to ‘public broadcasting’] should be abolished.

Mr. Brandner provided no evidence for any of his allegations. (That’s the way politics is in a dictatorship. How can the public vote intelligently if they are routinely accepting allegations that are being made without supplying documentation? That’s a dictatorship by lies and liars, and no democracy-capable public would accept it. In science, what is not documented to be true is assumed to be false — not assumed to be true. A democratic country operates on the basis of science, not on the basis of faith.)

However, this doesn’t mean that Mr. Brandner’s allegations there are necessarily false. One reason why they could very well be true is that there are six Parties in Germany, and the current governing coalition consists of the three that take the hardest line against Russia, and for America, and for the post-2014, U.S.coup, anti-Russian, Ukrainian Government. The ruling coalition, those three Parties, are called the “traffic-light coalition”, and include the rabidly neoconservative (or pro-U.S.-empire) anti-Russian Green Party, plus the U.S. Democratic Party-allied so-called “Social Democratic Party,” plus the rabidly libertarian or “neoliberal” (pro-free-market, anti-regulation, and generally U.S.-Republican-Party-allied) Free Democratic Party; and they EXCLUDE (or give the red light to, and prevent from participating in the Government) the three least-anti-Russian Parties, which are The Left Party (the authentic democratic socialists, or progressives, ideologically opposed to any imperialism), the AfD Party (nationalists), and the U.S.-Republican-Party-allied CDU/CSU Christian Democratic and Christian Social Union Party.

Brandner raised an important question, without providing any evidence regarding its solution. But here are some relevant facts, regarding the extent to which Germany’s Government tolerates corruption (which includes corruptness of a Government and of its ‘news’-media):

On 14 December 2021, I did an analysis comparing the anti-corruption laws in three nations, and headlined “Political Corruption in U.S., Germany, and Russia”. I concluded that

Although this is a very incomplete indicator of a country’s corruptness, it does present the U.S. in a very favorable light, and present Germany (11 out of 12 “No”s [meaning no law against corruption]) as being rather astoundingly corrupt. Russia is midway between those two, perhaps because after Yeltsin’s abominable rule, Putin cleaned up Russia’s Government, but a lot of that job still remains undone, even after 21 years.

Germany’s Government was more shaped by Truman than perhaps any in the world except America’s own Government. But, from the present indicator, America’s vassal nations would appear to be even more corrupt than the imperial center, the U.S., itself, is — at least insofar as their political campaign-finance laws (“what’s written in black and white” in the lawbooks) are concerned.

Here was the summary, specifically regarding Germany:

Following here will be answers that are solidly grounded in the written laws of each of these three countries (though not necessarily reflecting how those laws are enforced — or not), regarding the 12 most clearly important questions that were studied. I present those dozen questions in the order that seems to me to provide the clearest sequence in order for the reader to interpret them, not in the order that was employed by the source:


“8. Is there a ban on anonymous donations to candidates?” “There are no explicit provisions regarding donations to candidates.”

“2. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to candidates?” “There are no explicit provisions regarding donations to candidates.”

“18. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate?” “There are no explicit provisions regarding donations to candidates.”

“10. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to candidates?” “There are no explicit provisions regarding donations to candidates.”

“4. Is there a ban on corporate donations to candidates?” “There are no explicit provisions regarding donations to candidates.”

“6. Is there a ban on donations from Trade Unions to candidates?” “There are no explicit provisions regarding donations to candidates.”

“5. Is there a ban on donations from Trade Unions to political parties?” “There are [is] no explicit … ban on donations from Trade Unions to political parties”

“3. Is there a ban on corporate donations to political parties?” “Ban on donation from corporate bodies, but accepted if it is a business enterprise, of whose shares more than 50 per cent of shares are owned by Germans …”

“9. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to political parties?” “No.”

“14. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during a non-election specific period?” “No.”

“16. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during an election?” “No.”

“27. Are there provisions requiring donations to go through the banking system?” “No.”

Consequently, Brandner’s allegations might be expected to be true, simply because Germany, especially after the U.S. Government blew up the Russian gas pipelines to Germany and yet Germany’s Government continues to be a U.S. vassal-nation, despite that U.S. act of war against both Germany and Russia. This indicates Germany’s Government to be extremely corrupt, willing to ditch its own population in order to please its U.S. masters.


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25% of Germans are p7ssies who want to live with commies or jews.

75% of Germans would rather freeze to death than to live with commies or jews.

Germany is 75% Pure Aryan.


So let them freeze their nazi balls off,last time they went all the way to Stalingrad to freeze,now the nazi bitches can freeze in their homes.

Pope Francis

What is p7ssies my son? You are very confused. Repent your sins and gargle my holy water for forgiveness.


Hail Hitler!

Not Putan!


Oh, and you hard working sf phaggots, gfys you jew symphathisers.


Putanic – commies and kikesis who sell their souls to a f7ckface like putan.


sf is exposed as jew affiliated phagtard faces, I cant even express how f7ckfacetarded they are.

And that asshole in damascus, no comment.

And then those 25% germanic slavics who spuke yiddish then call themselves jewz with their counterfeit gew-wish registery certifying them as gewz.

At least once we have that registry, we can finish them all off, certfying them as imposter frauds with no soul.

Vlad from Romania

Germans were eagger to get mARN shots so I sincerelly doubt there judgement.


Allow me to be more blunt or “specific”… This written in 1947 – https://educate-yourself.org/cn/Gruesome-Harvest-1947-Ralph-Franklin-Keeling-119pages.pdf

Take your pick!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Vlad from Poomania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad from Poomania
Albert Schlageter

Paying a member of Parliament is legal in Germany as long as that MP declares taxes on the payment. That is not necessarily different from a bribe, except that a bribe mostly does not show in the books. Bribing a government worker is strictly illegal.

Another way to influence politicians is by offering them something loke a club membership in pro-US organisations like “Atlantikbrücke” The same goes for the media.


fake survey again


Most Germans understand that “their” nation’s oligarchs are at war with Russia. In fact the occupying Pentacon has prohibited the signing of a formal peace treaty between the remnants of naZi Germany and Russia since 1945. The German regime by actively funding and arming the fascist naZi army of USSA’S proxy idiot in rump Ukropland, is still waging war against Russia. The Great Patriotic War has never been concluded, up to now. However, this coming winter, Germans will finally grasp that they are being attacked not by Russia but indeed by their bankrupt “ally”, USSA. With the dire consequences of the blatant USSAN Nord Stream terror attack, against the entire EUSSR, the wrath of the Euro peon masses is guaranteed to overturn the vassal gubermints of Urupp, co££ap$€ the worthless €urodollah and send the drug-addled, snaggle-toothed Pentacon occupiers scurrying back to Slumville, USSA (just in time for their civil war reloaded) or there will be nothing left in Urupp but a glassed over desert as the Hillybilly Klingon hag USed to threaten Iran. As the evil runt Lenin used to say; “The worse it gets, the better it is.”

Meanwhile in the real world, Odessa awaits liberation. Z

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